Russ Warwick Update

Living cells can now be tracked using magnetic beacons

A fragment of HIV has been used to create minuscule magnetic beacons for tracking living success as they mover thought the body. The technique could be crucial tools for developing and improving stem cell therapies. The cores of the beacons are specks of easily magnetized iron oxide just 45 nanometers across. These are coated with a glucose polymer called dextrin to make them compatible with living tissue. There have been attempts to use such nanoparticles to track cells before, but researchers found them ineffective because most cells would not take them up. But this month, scientists led by Ralph Weissleder at a Harvard Medical School hospital in Charlestown, Massachusetts, revealed a solution. The group adds a snippet of a HIV protein known as ‘Tat’ to the particles. Tat helps to get HIV into cells unnoticed and confers thee same ability of the nanoparticles, allowing them to invade a cell so that it can be tracked.

Using the nanoparticles, the researchers already track cells in mice and rats. They tag cells by placing them in a solution of nanoparticles, many of which end up in each cell. They act like one big magnet, says Weissleder

These magnets can be tracked using magnetic resonance imaging. In the first experiments, the particles could only be followed for about seven days before they disintegrated. But resent improvements in the coating have bumped their lifespan to three weeks, says Weissleder. The team has tagged both haematopoietic progenitor cells, which from blood cells and neural progenitor cells. Progenitor cells are descended from stem cells, which have the potential to develop into any tissue, and are the earliest level of specialization. Blood stem cells are already given to patients with damaged immune systems. They lodge in bone marrow and produce new blood and immune cells (New Scientist 14, August 1999, p. 6. Exactly how the cells home in on bone marrow is not yet understood, but researchers know that only a small percentage make it. The new beacons offer the first chance to follow the homing of haematopoietic cells in a living animal and gauge how many cells make it to the marrow. That would be quite useful to be able to follow what happens, says Loren Field, a biologist at Indiana University, in Indianapolis, who works with the stem cells. Because the beacons are magnetic, researchers can retrieve the cells after an experiment. That will give them the chance to analyze cells that do make it to bone marrow and find ways to increase the number that reach the target. Researchers also hope to find better ways of getting neural and other stem cells to damaged areas, where they can generate new cells. Weissleder says he group is aiming to carry out trials in Humans within the next three years.

Source, Nature biotechnology, vol 18,page 410


This technology is used by the intelligence service to turn a target into a walking beacon almost immediately. It is spiked in food and drink...I have had this done to me at least six times in Indonesia and Malaysia and was introduced to it by the Australian Military in Jakarta.

sincerely russ warwick


Saturday, December 19, 2000

E-mail address russellwarwick@hotmail was hacked and is invalid.

New e-mail address is

You may also contact me at

I am still the target of Electromagnetic, microwave and electronic emitters. If you have received the below twice, pls accept my apologies. E-mails are tampered with both outgoing and receiving. I have informed Canadian Authorities many times about the on going electromagnetic harassment and torture for many months now. Amazingly, the torture in Canada continues and investigations not forthcoming and the wife and babies remain stranded.

Hello, My name is Russ. I hope this will outrage you. If this can happen to my family, it can happen to yours. I fully understand the information may be sensitive in some circles, but








Updated December 11.

Last year, on November 10th at 11:30 am, I was with my wife and 3 babies in Kuta Beach, Bali. I was touching my 6-week-old baby’s head saying good morning to him when 5 men grabbed me from behind and dragged me away to a room to be locked behind a steel door. I was then tied to bedposts and was injected with a drug so powerful that it put me into cardiac and respiratory arrest. There was an attempted male rape.

I was repeatedly drugged after that with my heart and breathing stopping and starting. I spent almost 3 weeks, at the mercy of a Foreign Affairs abduction and subsequent detention with no outside contact with family, friends or Embassy. A Malaysian friend called the Canadian High commission in Kuala Lumper to demand that my family and I are evacuated. The Indonesian military had been pointing guns at our direction. He was told that commission staff physically incapacitated me! It was on the day that I was locked behind steel doors, drugged and tied to bed posts while my family was taken away. All calls were blocked in or out while in detention.

I struggled to keep my heart going from the repeated subsequent drugging. I have not seen my wife or babies since.

Meanwhile my pensioned mother was being asked to send over huge amounts of her retirement money in secret. She was told not to tell me about the transfers.

I am being harassed daily by electromagnetic radiation, far in above normal background radiation. I have repeatedly complained to the government at all levels about the harassment with absolutely no relief. The Dept. of the Environment has yet to investigate the radiation source even though there are elderly and young children in the area.

I have been so badly radiated that my body sets off metal scanners. We received the same radiation as a family in Indonesia while my babies were in fetal development. The babies developing bio-electrics were altered since conception by around the clock huge electromagnetic and microwave radiation attacks. They were born paranormal and demonstrated their mystic abilities in front of dozens of foreign intelligence staff. On November 10, 2000 they were forcefully abandoned as their father was grabbed from behind under collusion of corrupt CIA, Australian and Canadian Foreign Affairs staff based in Indonesia in a clear murder attempt. I have not seen my wife or babies since. Foreign Affairs continue to do all that they can to keep the family separated. The evidence against them is compelling and I am shocked that no prosecutions or even an investigation has been carried out.

I believe that the crimes against my family and myself were done in such a brazen and sloppy way, as the perpetuators did not expect me to live long enough to protest or effect the rescue of my family. Intelligence agencies from America, Briton, Australia, New Zealand and the United Nations were heavily involved in harassment prior to my abduction. There have been 4 well-organized attempts on my life during the time that I began to expose the radiation experiments on my babies. I had managed to slip out each time. The Canadian government, by there own admission had me deported out of Indonesia, via their hired agent dr. Made, forcefully leaving my young family abandoned. My youngest baby being only six weeks old.

I was escorted to Canada by the man hired by Canada whom oversaw an attempted murder. He carried drugs, and informed Ottawa about this. Ottawa did not alert me of the danger nor explain why anyone would want to drug me or the man was on the same aircraft as me.

Upon return of my passport, I flew my way back to Malaysia to see my 3 Malaysian children and continue rescue efforts of my Indonesian family. While in Malaysia under almost identical circumstance I was again drugged, abducted and detained through the actions of foreign affairs staff colluding with the CIA based at the Pondok Inn, Kuala Lumper. Peter Girling (consular) and staff working for the Canadian High commission refused to answer any further questions to my lawyer indicating he would have to refer to his lawyers when queried about falsified documents.

Mr. Girling and Canadian government staff had been caught in corruption, collusion with the CIA and breached numerous laws including laws under the privacy act, international law, human rights law, oath of office and local federal Malaysian laws.

All indications are the babies are being groomed and set up for an international sale. They have been radiated since conception and are extremely paranormal, high IQ, photogenic and Eurasian.

Just prior to the Bali outrage, drugging, tie-up and torture, I had been abducted under orders of Canadian and Australian Government Foreign affairs staff in Indonesia just after applying for the babies emergency passports during a dangerous revolution where Embassies were evacuated. Ottawa does not dispute the abduction but refuses to name the Foreign Affairs staff that ordered it.

Shortly after the torture and during the drugging, James Gavin (CIA), Krakatoa Business Center, No 56, Jalan Seminyak, Kuta Bali, maneuvered my family to a CIA house for a week. I would have to question if it was for further processing both experimentally and sale.

After the tie-up and drugging, I awoke to find people wearing brand new CIA embossed dress and my wife and children gone. I have not seen my wife or babies since and have lost all contact. The Canadian government refused for weeks to forward any possible address citing Canadian privacy laws. They have since capitulated and forwarded an address. I have received over CD 90,000 in bills by the Canadian government without a single original document to date or explantaion.

The message from Ottawa seems to be clear! Keep quiet about the radiation treatment that my babies, wife and I have received at the hands of foreign affairs and intelligence or you will not see your wife or babies again. If I continue to demand an enquiry and prosecutions, life can get dangerous and expensive. I wonder where the outrage in Ottawa is to allow criminal activity to happen and continue without a thorough international investigation. Where, in Ottawa are the orders coming from to destroy a young and beautiful family? Is it an individual, department, ministry or is it the entire administration? Does it fall completely under Canadian Intelligence and if so, where are the mechanisms for redress? Derrick Patry continues to state that there is not a single shred of evidence of any laws broken even though he is very familiar with the case and is privy to classified information.

Falsified documents from Canada and Australia foreign affairs Indonesia has made its way from Indonesia to Malaysia to Canada and used to perpetuate crimes. Foreign Affairs Canada has repeatedly capitulated or has been silent on just about all facts and events including privacy and mail fraud laws.

Once foreign affairs realize that yet another law has been broken their explanation changes completely or simple explanations for criminal behavior are stonewalled. For example, I have been waiting for 13 months for original documents of qualification on the foreign affairs agent that was hired to drug me repeatedly to the point of near death and then escort me to Canada. There are at least 30 witness’s to the above.

I was targeted once again by electromagnetic radiation torture in Kuala Lumper in a CIA run hotel called the Pondok Inn. The manager of the Hotel, a CIA front financed by 4 Singaporeans, colluded with Foreign Affairs consular staff based at the Canadian High Commission in Kuala Lumper for about one hour prior to my second abduction and lock-up. Again falsified documents originating from Indonesia surfaced and were presented to Malaysian Federal employees. This case has many witnesses as well. Ottawa refuses to investigate or prosecute.

The third incidence of abduction and drugging took place shortly after arriving in Canada. Once again, CIA and other intelligence agents were in town from Asia and the more falsified documents showed up. I was forcefully drugged and detained for 29 days. This case has many witnesses but again, Ottawa refuses to investigate. I have repeatedly offered my services to Ottawa to aid in investigations take a polygraph on all points and offer all assistance necessary to bring prosecutions and re-unite my family.

As of December 11, 2000, there has been no response or indication of outrage from the police, MPs, Prime Minister, Foreign Affairs Minister, Premiers, Legislature, lawyers or press. This would imply a top-level cover-up. Over 100 laws have been broken including local, provincial, federal, international and foreign federal laws. Clearly the Canadian constitution and oath of office of foreign federal employees has been breached. International treaties have been breached.

International human rights laws have been broken, my babies have been radiated, the family victimized and Ottawa does not investigate. Radiation devices emit radiation and scanners can easily detect the source and catch the criminals. To date the Canadian Government refuses to scan the area around my present location to catch the criminals. Foreign western intelligence uses these devices with impunity in Malaysia and Indonesia and my family has been targeted for experiments. A government that allows this to continue after being alerted many times are in total breach of dozens of laws including the Environment protection act. The case should be front-page international news, but to date not a paragraph in the local paper.

I have warned foreign governments about the radiation devices being used by western intelligence including the Special Paranormal Unit known as ‘English Teachers’ who operate out of S.E. Asia, train in Tokyo and have a main base in Jakarta. This group use and train with electromagnetic and microwave radiation weapons. They are a special top secret paranormal unit with worldwide connections that attempted to recruit me for operations in Moscow and Irian Jaya. It was the ‘English Teacher’ unit, under the United Nations and the CIA that initiated my Indonesian problems in Jakarta during the revolution. Australian consular staff socializes with these people at the Santa Fe Bar, Kuta Bali. Ottawa wants me to prove the allegations of criminal activity, so in the hope that counter intelligence in Malaysia and Indonesia, International journalists or human rights groups will assist, I am supplying these details globally to as an international alert and to pre-empt a possible babies sale. I have many more details to point to dozens of witness’s at every step of the points presented.

I know many of the English Teachers, paranormal unit personally and have actually levitated with one of the female agents many times during training operations while in Jakarta. I had attracted a huge amount of international attention from the UN and other western security forces in Jakarta and Bali. At one point, I identified a machine gun held by a woman and grabbed it from her. The Indonesian army returned the weapon to her. She immediately pointed it at us, the paranormal unit, with her finger on the trigger.

Intelligence radiation emitters effected my own electromagnetic field causing it to extend multifold. This interfered with very sensitive intelligence communications systems and was a contributing factor in my forced returned to Canada from Asia, abandoning all 6 of my children. My Indonesian babies attracted a great deal of attention demonstrating paranormal gifts by moving ice cubes without touching them, appearing to disappear or walk out of their body and sadly, pointing out hidden sniper positions. These were mainly Indonesian army personal, dressed in black hoods. They had repeatedly pointed guns at us from buildings and cars. My babies, as I, could would sense their positions and point them out to the UN and others. Now the babies and their mother are gone and I believe that a huge cash offer has been made for them. (The babies) There could be no other plausible explanation.

Much military study has been done showing that the physical body is surrounded by a mantle of electromagnetic (EM) energy. The eyes pick up this photonic and cosmic emission, though 90 per cent of this information is filtered out in the energy fields in and around the thalamus.

The remainder is the visual part of what we see as our main reality. Once the very tight electromagnetic energy fields are weakened or de filtered or realigned around the 10% visual-mental arena, our perception expands as our photonic and cosmic exchanges become ever greater and our auras progressively stronger.

Auras are plasma, the fourth dimension of matter and the golden key to the paranormal window. The larger the aura, the greater the attraction to and the exchange of cosmic energy which intern increases plasma production. With this, ESP, clairvoyance, remote viewing and profound insight become possible. Western intelligence is in overdrive on the study of this and its implementation. They, however raise hell to achieve their objective. They are not angels on a spiritual high. They are hell bent on world domination.

My experimental babies, aside from genetics, were born paranormal...the electromagnetic protective barrier around the thalamus had been electromagneticly and micro waved by western intelligence during fetal stage and early infant development thus altering normal bio-electric and neuro-electrical development. It seems that a huge cash offer could have been made for them.

Those who practice a Hindu type of meditation, de filter the energy meridians from the inside with various internal exercises resulting in paranormal/spiritual insight and other dimension phenomenon. Western intelligence brutally accomplishes this from the outside in with intense and tortuous electromagnetic and microwave radiation. Baby experiments, from my own observations are rampant. I personally know 3 babies born to intelligence agents and local prostitutes that show all of the symptoms of electromagnetic over stimulation and disorientation. The poor babies constantly receive an overload of stimuli as their own developing bioelectrical systems were over ridden by the constant radiation they have received since the day they were conceived. The CIA and other western intelligence agencies have wired the babies bio-electrics since conception.

Of course, as far as western intelligence is concerned, human baby experiments are vital to gain a complete understanding of how their machines work in the control of minds, whether that is to influence foreign parliaments or stock exchanges or perceived enemies in Russia or China or influence the outcome of parliamentary elections in Indonesia and Malaysia.

I accomplished the electromagnetic de-filtering process from the inside out, very quickly, by a self-taught technique to do exactly that. In addition, I have practiced gentle mediation and mind control for over 20 years. The western military and secret service learned of my paranormal gifts about 4 years ago and decided to use my entire family for further experiments, primarily for further paranormal research.

If one radiates a fetus since conception, from the observations of my own offspring and that of radiated offspring of western agents in Indonesia, paranormal babies seem to be the result as their energy meridians of the thalamus and the bio-electrics throughout the body is completely altered for life.

They will forever be sensitive to electromagnetic fields and microwave and cosmic radiation, as they have never had the opportunity to develop their own bio-electrics normally. Normal bioelectric meridians protect humans, their brain, thinking process’s and protects against profound sensitivity to all manner of radiation, electromagnetic and cosmic.

To rob babies the chance to develop normally is one of the grossest human radiation experiments ever.

We are talking about developing fetus and newborns with their tiny energy meridians and circuits developing in their tiny brains and body subjected to huge overriding fields of electromagnetic and microwave radiation. They are sacrificed to make way for the ever-developing Haaarp and Echelon global ease dropping and intelligence operations.

Much of the electromagnetic and microwave radiation weapons presently being installed in Malaysia, Canada and Indonesia are routinely used to recruit natural paranormals that are able to generate huge amounts of plasma on their own. This plasma is then drawn and channeled to aid in remote viewing and all sorts of paranormal tricks including soul travel and Phycokinesis etc. During secret military or intelligence operations, the true paranormal operators are able to communicate both psychically and act as radio beacons, both receiving and transmitting ultrasound and other transmissions confusing counter intelligence.

It is difficult to make sense of the communications or pinpoint their location. Many transmissions can only detected by other psychics or with supersensitive computerized receivers. Microwaves and electromagnetic devices are used to create communication corridors. The best paranormals radiate themselves and train to develop these techniques. Paranormal operatives of the ’English Teachers’ unit practice intensely for 3 hours a day.

As an adult, practicing the slower de-filtering techniques of say Hindu meditation, we have the opportunity to open to the other world with a sound understanding of this world and are able to make sound comparisons. The poor radiated children are born seeing and hearing things that most normal people could only imagine. Who knows what the long-term prognosis is for my babies and countless others that are victims of the grids or intense experimentation.

My radiated children walk out of their bodies, move ice cubes with out touching them, point out hidden sniper positions, go into spells of talking like an adult with facial contortions while they are vocalizing and appear to disappear and reappear. You can’t get much more paranormal than that. It is not hard to imagine how much radiation they received in the fetal stage while we were being targeted by western intelligence. The bastards that did this to my family, one way or the other will pay. I have already exposed foreign intelligence operations to the respective governments for human rights causes. Hopefully millions of dollars of intelligence set-ups will be abandoned. My babies are becoming very expensive experiments and the sooner Ottawa investigates and facilitates my families rescue, the better. I am making sure that the international community is aware and watching every move. The babies must have thorough medical checks for excessive electromagnetic radiation as soon as possible. Ottawa ignores their plight.

I have ingested microscopic magnets, coated in a polymer, and spiked with a snippet of virus designed to get millions of magnets into the cells and past the blood brain barrier. This is the modus operandi to quickly magnetize a target. It is place in food and drink. I have experienced this on about 6 occasions being introduced to it by an Australian intelligence officer in Jakarta during special operations. The ‘drug’ has a slight iridescence to it and the effects are profound. It stays in the system for about a year, as cells die and are replaced. I suspect that this method is widespread and is certainly being used by the CIA in Malaysia and Indonesia from first hand experience and observation. A target will experience a slight fever 2 to 3 days after inoculation.

I have worked on my own mind control for over 20 years and developed an extremly rapid technique to ESP. The CIA and Australian intellegence has taken particular interest in me as have foreign affairs Canada. I was followed everywhere until Canadian Intellengence induced immigration at the Johor Baru checkpoint to bar me from the country. My 3 Malaysian children came down in tears to kiss me good-bye. The bastard’s name is on the Malaysian immigration computer anda the immigration officer has been identified and forward to the Malaysian capital.

At the CIA controlled Pondok Inn, in Kuala Lumper, the manager refered to me as the CIA golden boy! He oversees the radiation and drugging of unsuspecting guest to sensitize them, and establish a head to head contact as quickly as possible. His job is to identify enemies of state, drug dealers, phychics, do research and tap any other individual that may have information that would aid the west. He also recruits.

I have been a victim of torture, radiation experiments, druggings, lock-ups, broken bones, murder attempts and jailing during the past year while trying to rescue my family. Poinantly it was during this period that I was formulating and teaching the contents of a book that intellegence does not want out called Fast Track ESP-Remote View and describes techniques involved and how they are applied by intellegence.


The radiation and the techniques used on populations are the grossest human rights violations ever. They are weapons of mass destrution; CELLULAR DESTRUCTION> RADIATION KILLS. Pure and simple.


I have been so severly radiated in Canada that papers from my pockets set off metal scanners. Why I am being targetted and tortured in Canada is anyones guess. Is it a message to keep quiet? Too bad for the spooks because this radiated father is screaming loud and clear when he dosen‘t cry for his children. Crimes have been commited in my babies’ case and God willing there will be jail time for the people involved and the electromagnetic and microwave weapons shut down for good. These are weapons of war to be used in war, not on families, the elderly and babies. We are not lab monkeys to be radiated at the whim of an operative that pulls a switch or turns a dial on machines that were paid for by tax dollars.

My family remains the target of biological weapons and experiments and this is going to stop! My mother and 88year old grandmother are being targeted as I type. Seems to be a multi generation experiment and Ottawa is totally aware of this. Where is the Outrage!

I have been desparetly trying to locate and reunite with my wife and babies for 13 months and would appreciate if you could take the time to copy and paste to any politician, police department, M.P. P.Ms., the world media, human rights groups, medical authorities, victims groups or anywhere in the world that may bring about greater awarness. We need help and fast. If you cannot help, would you please, for the babies, copy and post to someone who is in a position to assist? Warm Regards, Russ Warwick, and God Bless.


The below was written by a friend in Hamilton who is an electronics engineer and has been badly radiated as well in on going Canadian human radiation experements.

Dear Sir or Madam: - As a reference, as far back as 1994 U.S. Senator John Glenn's publicly-expressed outrage that his government has (once again) been found to be engaging in brutal forms of involuntary human experimentation, and his demand, in effect, that any and all forms of this type of experimentation be exposed was heartening.

- A large and growing number of people hoped that the U.S. Senator's expressed outrage was sincere, and that any investigations are not simply a means of diverting attention from complaints centering on the Government's long-term role in involuntary human experiments with non-ionizing forms of radiation.

- For some time now, the U.S. Departments of Defense, Energy and Justice have openly admitted that directed-energy weapons systems do indeed exist, complaints of experimentation with these systems can no longer be ignored. It would seem that this technology has now enjoyed a large-scale horizontal and vertical multi-National proliferation.

- This Letter is focused on complaints concerning experiments with non- ionizing, so-called "non-lethal," directed-energy weapons, surveillance and psychotronics systems. In bringing this to your attention, I am forwarding the interests, currently, of many citizens, who are the subjects of both vicious forms of overt harassment and concurrent directed-energy harassment. - Documents detailing Microwave, Acoustic, Psycho-Acoustic Harassment and Mind-Control Experimentation are widely available, as well as Testimonials from many hundreds of known and documented victims.

- Just as a matter of interest--Defense sponsored "hype" in the media, make claims as to the non-lethal nature of these technologies or in a stunning reversal, deny their existence out right. Many of these claims would appear to be made by those who share a vested, if not economic interest in the proliferation of these "Products".

- They are not gentle systems, as this government would like for the public to believe. Questions, which need to be asked as a preliminary, are as follows:

- 1. By what formal means are Canadian Government agencies prevented from testing "non-lethal", directed-energy weapons, surveillance and psychotronics systems on Canadian citizens under involuntary circumstances?

- 2. By what formal means are Government Contractors and Sub-Contractors prevented from testing "non-lethal", directed-energy weapons, surveillance and psychotronics systems on Canadian Citizens under involuntary circumstances?

- 3. By what formal means are non-Government Agencies, Private Corporations, Private Groups, Educational Institutions, Organized Crime or even well positioned individuals prevented from using "non-lethal", directed-energy devices, surveillance and psychotronics systems on Canadian Citizens?

- 4. Why do Canadian Policies fail to prohibit involuntary human experimentation with non-ionizing forms of radiation?

- 5. How many Members of Parliament and of the Administration have invested in firms, which are engaged in the development and testing of directed-energy systems?

- 6. Why are Firms from the U.S. and other Countries engaged in the business of promoting "non-lethal" systems as tools for Law Enforcement in Canada, many of them being used under the Community Policing initiative.

- 7. Why are these "non-lethal" systems being kept classified, while at the same time enjoying large-scale proliferation at the greater Community level? A point can be made that initiatives and operations that are being conducted at the greater Community level can hardly be considered classified.

- 8. Where is the test data on the efficacy of these directed-energy weapons, surveillance and psychotronics systems being obtained, and who in the Canadian Government specifically, is overseeing these experiments?

- 9. Why are complaints by Canadian Citizens dealing with directed-energy harassment and experimentation being ignored, while at the same time detailed reports have already been presented to various European and U.S. Governments in an attempt to address legitimate concerns surrounding the proliferation of these Technologies.

- In ending, this is a problem, which the Government of Canada can ill afford to ignore. There are many angry people in this country that have been violated with these experiments. It may do well to remind ourselves that not all experimentees have been kept effectively isolated. A number of experimentees recognize the rapidly burgeoning numbers of new experimentees.

Many have also become well seasoned to the mental illness ploy incorporated as a cover-up for this experimentation. At present they must use their own resources and efforts to guide and aid newly targeted individuals in the right direction. We can only hope that others who are also concerned may be prompted to do the same so that this issue can be brought to some level of open inquiry.

It is important to keep the babies and their mother in the International spotlight. They have been manipulated badly and may be still the target of radiation experiments. There have been 5 agencies involved. All it takes is a single determined operatior to continue the irridation from a neighbouring house.

162 Kensington Ave. N.

Hamilton, Ontario,


Tel: 905 5446959

I have hundreds of pages of clarifications on most points mentioned for further inquiry, news item or court case.

Sincerely Russ Warwick.

Mind Control Forum