Ken D. Webber


Ken D. Webber's Strange Life

Anyone out there like a good mystery? How many people out there are sick of searching for answers and riddles in the dark concerning all this mind control stuff? Well I don't claim to know all the answers but I do believe in a God in Heaven named Jehovah who "is a revealer of secrets" and when I asked, He gave me a lot of answers. Perhaps my first hand experience with mind rape can help open your eyes a little.

About six years ago I had just gotten out of the Marines on an honorable discharge and had enrolled in an Art College. While there I met this absolutely beautiful woman whose heart of gold had captured my attention. I hate to say this but at this point in my life I didn't know too much about what women wanted from men. She seemed to talk a lot about money and so stupid me I thought she wanted someone who was rich. (Turns out she just wanted to talk about and share her personal dreams with me) So thinking, I embarked on a quest for knowledge about financial matters so I could impress her. Of course, I ended up losing the girl ( money can't compete with matters of the heart) but in the process I gained a ton of knowledge.

I started out by learning everything I could about the stock market. From there I went on to learn the options market and then future's. About this time I wanted to learn just how monetary systems are formed and their history. (Ooh those Romans and their coin clipping!) And when I learned this I discovered that our whole society has been corrupted from the top down by an evil monetary system that steals from the poor, gives to the rich, stages wars for profit and turns wholesale murder into a very profitable sport for elite. For those research hounds out there I found out what a Usury, Fiat, debt- based, fractional reserve banking policy is and how it works. (I found out how dangerous a monopoly on the money supply is). Basically what happens is that the central banks loan nonexistant money to governments and charge interest on the loan. One heck of a way to get money isn't it! Provide no service nor commodity and yet get paid billions of dollars of interest on nonexistant money. And where does the money to pay back the interest come from? Why, You! Your hard work and taxes keep these freeloader politicians and bankers in limos and mansions. Working for the most part through secret societies (evil usually prefers to work in darkness for obvious reasons) our current monetary system was taken over in 1913. Upon gaining a monopoly on the monetary system they used the huge sums of money generated from fiat and usury to buy out politicians on both sides of the political fence and put their own people in power. The good ole' boys club. After this they bought major stock ownership in the major media companies and in so doing could propagandize the masses to control votes and power. Whereas the public sees two parties, there is really only one hidden government that controls both democrats and republicans. The definition of communism is,"A system of government in which political and economic power is concentrated in one party or ruling class." That power in America and any country that has a central bank is the bankers and the secret societies that control them. Your so called democracy is an illusion for those who don't know how monetary systems operate. Remove the power of usury, fiat, a fractional reserve banking system, and debt-based money and their power falls. Switching to a gold based system would also be a disaster since they own the gold and in order to switch back to gold you'd have to buy the gold from them. Anyway, I learned all this amazing stuff. I also learned that they plan wars for profit. "Any nation at war will bankrupt itself in order to survive." Where do they get their money to buy war supplies? From those who have control of the money supply. So the bankers have a vested interest in a continuing war. And it helps to also own stock in ammunitions companies.

Another thing the central banks do for fun is manipulate the economy. Inflate the money supply and the value of money weakens. When this happens people put their money in the stock market to hedge against inflation. So the market goes up and people take out tons of loans to get in on all this booming business. When enough people have gone out on a limb with loans the banks switch and deflate the economy. All those loans have to be paid back somehow don't they? Of course when the economy deflates and runs into recession people lose their jobs, and when people lose their jobs they can't pay back those loans so the bank gets the collateral. Since the bankers know when the market will go up or down they have it made in the market. They have a lock on the money supply, a monopoly they'll kill to keep.

From there you can follow the dominoes. Use the money to buy the politicians and the media. Use the politicians to corrupt the law in favor of the elite. Dumb down the public by controlling what agenda is set for public schooling. Pervert the medical community so that malnutrition and diseases are a business. Create diseases to spread plague so you can sell the cure. Isn't it strange that most people know nothing of "toxemia" or the fact that refined sugar is toxic to the human body. Did you know this? Stranger still how the AMA is made up of people who run major pharmaceutical companies. A huge conflict of interest! How come this isn't common knowledge? Well who controls the schooling?

In addition to all of the above I began learning more about how secret societies operate. They claim to be so religious and Godly on the outside but are really ravenous wolves on the inside. I began uncovering many things about what was going on. When I was in the Marine Corps I worked on classified advanced avionics gear. I used this background and began uncovering many things that the average person is totally ignorant about.

It was about this time that I was fed up and decided to do a spoken word cassette and reveal what I knew. In the process of doing this I inadvertantly got placed on someone's list for mind control harrasement.

Since the government is controlled from the top down, rarely if ever will actual evidence be allowed to be released. But if one knows how to put various seemingly unrelated bits of evidence together then a picture begins to form. "Just because you can't see proof of the enemy doesn't mean that he doesn't have his sites lined up on your back." When I was in the Marines I learned this technique of information gathering. The following is my opinion of how they enemy operates concerning mind control.

Mind Control

Upon talking over the phone or computer your communications are monitored for "terrorist" reasons. They don't listen to all the conversations of everyone but rather set a computer to listen for "key" words. Say a few key words and you attract the attention of the higher ups and your name goes on a list to investigate to see if you're going to be a threat. Threats can be taken out by murder but then they'd just have to go and get someone else to test their mind control equipment on and besides, murder leaves traces whereas mind control equipment usually doesn't. Someone has to be used to test their mind control devices because you just can't use a rabbit. It's got to be a person and you're as good as anyone else.

Here are a few facts to consider before talking about mind control.

[If you're older browser doesn't display the following table properly click here.]

The human brain's operating frequency in hertz

   00-04       DELTA       coma, deep sleep   
   04-07       THETA       regular sleep R.E.M.   
   07-08       ALPHA       normal waking consciousness   
   08-13       BETA       very aware   
   13-30              manic phase sets in   
   30-60 and above              approaching psychosis   

There are five neurotransmitters that are very important to mind control research: acetylcholine, dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and phenylethylamine. Manipulate these neurotransmitters through bad diet, drugs, or brain entrainment caused by mind control and you're playing with dynamite. The brain has two main systems. The aminergic and the cholinergic. While dreaming the cholinergic secretes a high level of acetylcholine. At the same time, levels of serotonin and norepinephrine in the aminergic system drop to zero. Both sytems are not supposed to be "on" at the same time.

The Difference Effect

There is a curious fact in music that when ever two notes are played simultaneously a third tone is produced which is the difference between the two. For example a 200,440 hertz tone plus a 200,000 hertz tone will produce a tone of 440 hertz which is the difference. A 200,000 hertz tone plus a 200,004 hertz tone will produce a 4 hertz difference tone. Notice that the frequencies I used for my examples are all in the ultrasound range. Why is 4 hertz. so significant? Because that is the frequency of the brain when it's in deep sleep and easily open to suggestion. Remember that.

Finally there is an electromagnetic field around every living thing. Our brains operate electromagnetically and store information holographically which means non-locally. Our bodies operate somewhat like a wet cell battery. We all seem to have our own particular frequency. Considering today's technology it isn't all that far fetched to conceive of a device which would tune in, and lock on just like dialing in a radio frequency. After all the brain is both a receiver and a transmitter. I'm quite sure our goverment isn't sitting on their thumbs all day playing cards. Those government scientist are busy creating cute little weapons of mass destruction. Cute little devices that lock on, pick up the analog wave patterns from the brain, and convert them to digital to be shown on a computer screen. Since the brain records visual information in the form of holograms, they'd pick up your analog signals, convert to digital and voila! Everything you see, they see by using your own eyes and brain as a camera and a walking microphone. People usually think in "words" so every thought you have in your head would be open for inspection. Doesn't that just make your day!

Keeping the above bits of mind control trivia firmly planted in your mind consider this scenario. Joe American finds out that his government is a bunch of backstabbing vampiric leaches and decides to do something about it. Unknown to Joe, he's been under tabs for years because he said the wrong words on the phone, or bought the wrong books or spoke to the wrong people. He's being watched. Not through a camera but they see Joe's life as Joe does and they've been learning all about Joe. They've also been conditioning Joe in his sleep to accept their hypnotic commands. It was done slowly over a period of years. Joe's neural net is being reeled in just like a fish. They've learned all of Joe's particular quirks and weird thoughts. All his fears have been noted. All his secret shames, sins, and obsessions are known. The secret societies have been looking for weaknesses to destroy Joe's life. Joe's medical background and his financial background are in the hands of his enemies. And then one day... they attack. Joe's brain is bombarded with ELF (extremely low frequency electromagnetic waves). By brainwave entrainment they push Joe's brain frequency up or down. They can push him up into the manic phase until his neurotransmitters are depleted, keeping him awake for days at a time. Or the opposite, entrain him into that 4 hertz area while he's supposed to be awake. Remember, the human brain's aminergic and cholinergic systems are not supposed to be conflicting each other. Joe doesn't know what's wrong but with all the acetylcholine his body is secreting he's close to a heart attack. The enemy have recorded a digital sound track that plays off of key words. Joe hears these screaming voices twenty four hours a day as they are transmitted by ultrasound at Joe's particular frequency. Joe's friends hear nothing because it's ultrasound and on Joe's own frequency. When Joe sleeps he's being ordered to give in and the torture will stop. Joe is mostly unaware of this because it takes place in deep sleep. Hologram's are being transmitted into Joe's brain and he has dreams that are designed to weaken and kill him. In addition to all this when the mind sleeps and dreams, we project dream people and dream voices. This is due mainly to the bodies polarity when asleep and the secretion of acetylcholine. Now Joe has a huge ton of this stuff when he's awake and those dream people who used to shut up and go away when he awoke are still there. So Joe is stressed out, afraid of what's going on, can't concentrate at anything and what happens? Joe loses his job, his girl leaves him, his health deteriorates and Joe is considering suicide. Also, unknown to Joe all of his friends have also been involved although they don't know it. While they are asleep they are given post hypnotic commands to start being uncomfortable around Joe to the point of hating him. Joe's friends don't know what's going on but they get this strange feeling of loathing whenever Joe comes around. They can't explain it. Eventually they stop being Joe's friend and try to forget Joe. And this is only part one.

Part two is where the real fun starts. Joe is told in sleep one night that the "angels of the dreamworld" are waiting to play if he'll just open the front door. And dopey Joe, he gets up and sleepwalks to the front door and let's the scumbags in. The enemy walks right in, shoots him full of drugs to keep him out of it. Poisons his food, rapes him, takes pictures of him doing weird sex acts to young children. Children that the government have kidnapped and are using as gimps. These children eventually will become twisted and warped. Perhaps the next generation of trained assassins or illuminati. While Joe is under the drugs, he is implanted with a device that improves reception and transmission. Joe is then commanded to forget the whole incident. Joe wakes up the next day from a nightmare. He doesn' t remember exactly what went on but his post hypnotic commands kick in and tell Joe what to remember. Joe could just about swear that aliens abducted him and took him for a ride in their big bright spaceship. The aliens want Joe to be silent about what he knows because it would blow their undercover operation to save the world. They tell him to settle down and read the "Catcher in the Rye" or something. This lasts on Joe for awhile until his post hypnotic commands start to collapse. About that time part three kicks in and Joe gets a bright yellow envelope in the mail. It contains some very revealing pictures of Joe and some little children and a note telling Joe to shut up or else.

Part three of Joe's torture is Joe's harassment on the street. The alien story washed out so Joe's torturers decide to make Joe even crazier than he is now. They deploy teams to surround Joe twenty four hours a day. They have plenty of cash with control of the fiat / usury money. Joe thinks a bad or incriminating thought and it's picked up by the headquarters crew. They use a beeper to alert a field agent on the street and this agent goes and harasses Joe about his thoughts. Once or twice and you'd think," well maybe it's a coincidence." Joe has strangers coming up to him about 30-40 times a day telling him his own private thoughts. Joe is told through direct computer to brain transmission all kinds of lies. He's told that his friends are all in on it. He's told that if he doesn't comply the illuminati will burn down his house. He's told that if he doesn't comply then his girlfriend will be executed. Joe's bank account is broken into. Not every banker is a secret society member but unfortunately for Joe his was so Joe loses.

So where does Joe turn to for help? He goes to the police and his reports become "missing." He calls his political representatives but they don't listen because they're already in on it as well. Joe goes to the Doctor and finds out that in addition to having a hunk of metal in his brain, (which will cost a ton of money to remove) he has a neat one inch depression in the back of his brain because the constant ELF bombardment has begun to destroy major portions of his brain. Joe is dying and in hell.

Joe decides to go public with his story on the internet. The illuminati don't seem to really care, they tell Joe that no one really cares about this stuff. Joe already has the reputation in his neighborhood as a crazy man who hears voices. Unless Joe gets some serious help soon then Joe is dead.

Stop and think about that for a moment. If they can get Joe then they can get you. Who is going to help Joe. The answer is the person who is reading this message right this very moment. You!!! Do you remember Cambodia, how about Nazi Germany? Oh, I know, you're thinking that you are special. That this can't happen to you. Yes my friend, it can! This won't stop until we force it to stop.

With a few exceptions, the above is my story (I thank God that I never had the gimp children / yellow envelope scenario but I've heard from others that this is going on.) The enemy is the secret societies. Their power is concentrated in a phoney monetary system, secrets, lies, immorality, murder, and blackmail. They are evil at the core but surround themselves with ignorant people who actually believe that they're in a God fearing organization. The Bible says in Matthew 5:33-37 not to take oaths and any oath so taken is to the "evil one." Jesus said that He did nothing in secret so if He is the example of how to live one's life then how could any Christian join such an organizatian. In Revelation's it tells of the beast and the whore who rides the beast who has the Name "Mystery" stamped on her forehead. What is it that always surrounds and rides secrets? It's "Mystery"! Who's keeping secrets? Who is the society that has secrets? What organization requires an oath? Do their members really know that they are perverting the Word with their oath?

I have one more thing to say here about these people. If you can, forgive them because for the most part they are innocent. Most of them have no idea what's going on at the inner levels. They are kept in the dark. And Jesus did say that if  "you are innocent of sin, then how can you be guilty, but now that you claim you can see, you're guilt remains." I would take that to mean that if you didn't know then you'd be innocent of sin but now that you know all the above then you have a decision to make. Will you stay in and condemn your soul or will you take your chances with Jesus and get out and turn to Him and ask for forgiveness. I also ask you to forgive these people because some are blackmailed or corrupted at a young age (remember the gimp children). Why, If I encountered an eight year old child who was raped, and broken down by torture at age six and forced to take the mark of the beast at age seven I'd tell that little child, "Hey, you were innocent and raped, change your sixes into eights and turn back to God and maybe He'll forgive you as I can." And some of the people involved in the attack may be your friends or family members who've been turned against you because of lies or blackmail themselves.

That is my story and my "hell" is ongoing. I still have the voices, the dreams, holographic illusions. The harrassment on the street by people has pretty much died down now that I live out in the country. As of this writing I am preparing my own website which should be out shortly. May God Bless all out there who care.

Ken D. Webber

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