[Intro] As I've watched CTV's Canada AM for the past two years, I've heard nothing but good news coming out of the realm of Bell Canada. I've read about Bell not caring about telephone fraud (that was the case in the early 90's they've since changed their tune) which took me by surprise but the following is something a bit more serious and I thought I'd make light of this situation. - Magma Bell Canada and Crimes in the Communications December 6, 1999 URGENT RESPONSE IS REQUIRED The Secretary General Keyvan Nourhaghighi Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Toronto On 608-456 College Street Ottawa Ontario M6G 4A3 K1A 0N2 Via Facsimile: (819) 994 0218 transmission confirmed at 2:26:29 PM on Dec 6, 1999 Dear Sir: References: Director’s response dated Nov 15, 1993, May 9, 1994 Lawsuit 96-CU-113026 Nourhaghighi v. Bell Canada, CRTTC et al This is a serious complain against the Bell Canada for abuse of services to my telephone line (416) 515 7263, by committing the Criminal Offences of the interference, interception, wiretapping, pursuant to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Act, and Section 28(c) of the Federal Court Act. Since October 1993, I have filed numerous complaints against the Criminal Offences committed by the Bell Canada against my telephone services, and never my grievances were ended to the proper Criminal Charges against Bell, nor a professional course of investigations by this office. Therefore, the nature of the complaints have remained same as it was before, only with advance technology has given the opportunity to perform wider Criminal Offences. This complain, is related to the recent harassing calls that commenced on or about September 28, 1999, that I have received during days and midnight, when the Bell Canada’s Operators were telling me that: "You have a Long Distance Call from ...". But, soon the lines were disconnected. These, calls were serious concerns to me and my children as we felt that our relatives or friends are in difficult condition and trying to get the assistance from us. On September 30, 1999, I made complain to the Bell’s Repair Services, Officer "Judy-6333" has got series of information from me and was satisfy that the line was tapped; after I explained for her that I could hear her voice very loud and clear[ Five for Loud, and Five for Clear: 5/5 ], while, in all other calls, the callers’ voices are very weak with background noises[One for Loud and three for Clear: 1/3]. On the same day, again, I had the same harassing call. Therefore, I call Metro Toronto Police, 14 Division; Officer Johnson-3962, provide me with some guides for proper steps, as soon as, if I got the harassing calls again, such as pressing certain stars’ numbers. The Bell Canada did not send anyone to check the line on Sept 30, or in Sept 31. On Sept 31, at about 4 PM I called 611. This time the Bell’s Operator was rude "Forith!" and did not give her name and number clearly, and tried for the discovery of my conversation with the police, and got all details of our conversation and the police instruction. Although, since than the Bell’s harassing calls were ceased! When I asked, why you did not send for Technician; she maliciously said: "On Sunday!", and soon disconnected the communications. The Bell did not explain why I have to wait 96 Hours for the Wiretapping Inspection, which is required an urgent response when the complain is the criminal offence in nature! On Sunday, October 3, at about 10:30 AM I called 611, the Operator who was very rude said that I have to wait from 9 AM to 5 PM till a repair staff attend for inspection. Her reply to all my questions was: "I don’t know!"; she did not give her name and her number and suddenly disconnected the communications. I called again 611, this time I wait for a long time till an operator replied. I asked to speak with the supervisor; when I wait again over twenty minutes till SUSAN-302 replied; I complained against misconduct of the operator at 10:30 AM. The Supervisor Susan, said that she would investigate and clearly stated: " The Repair Man is working outside of your building, You Can See Him from Window, and up to half an hour he would attend in your home. I called against at about 0:45 PM, after waiting fifteen minutes on hold, Susan-302, again fraudulently, stated that the Repair Man is working out side and will be soon in my Home to continue his job. As I find Susan was dishonest, and I told her that I would hold the Bell Canada’s nuisances as the intentional disturbances and interference with my private life, rest and enjoyment in Sunday. At or about 5:30 PM, on Sunday October 3rd , the Bell Technician-Reaz, attended to my property for checking the lines. Mr. Reza said he was working in other place when he got 10 minutes ago a massage; he did not had any information about the complain and wiretapping, and said for inspection he need to have access to the Telephone Compartment of the Building, which was locked and the key was with the Superintendent, who was not working on Sunday! This is not the first time that the Bell Canada had malicious and fraudulent misconduct for inspection process. All my private and business communications are under illegal and disturbing interceptions and for unlawful proposes; that includes continuous interference with transmissions of my facsimiles to the courts and judges. On December 3rd, 1999, I called twice MBNA Canada 1-888-876-6262, when the Bell Canada ‘s recorder, fraudulently, stated: "The number that You are trying to reach is NOT in the service!". It was not the first time that I was hearing the said FALSE massage, I am familiar with this fraud for a long time, as the system will send a signal to a record to operate, than the connection will be possible. Therefore, I tried again, this time, the voice was dropped rapidly and MBNA operator answered to my inquires and asked for my account numbers, date of birth and my mother’s name, to allow me to have access to my account. The Bell Canada by stealing my communications has caused me serious injuries and damages to all my interests, including my businesses with several banks and credit companies, by theft of my passwords and accounts numbers that have caused continuous errors in my accounts. As the results, the Bank of Nova Scotia and the Canadian Bank of Commerce were charged by the Ontario Courts for damages to me for said wrongs; when the said banks defendants, did not had a valid defence for continuous errors in my accounts. Several other banks will be charged for same cause of action. The Bell Canada misconduct has caused serious difficulties in all my communications, particularly, my legal communications with the courts; which is the obstruction of justice in nature. This Office was named defendant in two actions for refusing to enforce the Law against Bell Canada. If, I do not get proper answers to these grievances, I will move before the court for the Mandamus Order against this Office. Sincerely, Keyvan Nourhaghighi