[Eavesdropping - the Basics]

[the B4ckCh4tter]





This file's not intended as a how-to guide; it's merely a general, introductory discussion about various methods employed today by the amateur and proffesional eavesdropper. All of this comes from various sources in the public domain; all I've done is collected the most interesting and relevant information and textualised it. Enjoy





RF Transmitter Wiretaps




The radio frequency (RF) transmitter tap technique involves attaching a small RF transmitter to the telephone line, or within the telephone instrument. The audio fluctuations from the telephone conversation modulate the transmitter carrier, transmitting the conversation into free air space. A series RF tap or leach is powered by the telephone line and therefore does not require frequent battery replacement, which enables indefinite operation.


A popular RF series wiretap known as a drop-in can be installed in seconds. This device is built onto the back of a carbon microphone, which is typically found in most telephone instrument handsets. The eavesdropper simply opens the handset and replaces the standard receiver with this modified version.


RF transmitter taps offer several advantages over the other types of wire taps. Because the listening post (LP) is a receiver requiring no wire lines' run to it, the LP can be located anywhere within transmission range.


The Infinity Transmitter



An infinity transmitter is a device which is installed in the target area utilizing a telephone line to transmit the room audio out. Called from a remote telephone, and activated with a tone signal. This type of device operates independent of the telephone instrument and typically requires its own telephone line. As it is not connected to any telephones within the target area, it would not ring and alert the target. This device could be hidden in any location, for connection to the additional telephone line. Unlike the conventional infinity transmitter, this method of attack will function on ELECTRONIC SWITCHING SYSTEMS (ESS), without requiring procedures to work around the ESS system.


Infinity transmitters are available as common electronic devices which are sold as house monitors. Electronic detection of this type of attack requires equipment capable of activation and detection of remote devices.


Slave Parallel Wiretaps



One of the most popular wiretap devices used by the law enforcement community, and many professional eavesdroppers, is a slave parallel wiretap. This device is similar in operation to an infinity transmitter and combines these features with a parallel wiretap. The slave is attached anywhere along the target telephone line. The eavesdropper requires a standard working telephone line (leased line) which is located in the same cable, cross-connect or closet as the target line. Once both lines are connected to the slave, the eavesdropper can call his leased telephone line and activate the slave. Upon activation, the slave automatically connects the eavesdroppers telephone line to the target telephone line. This attack allows eavesdropping on the target telephone line to be performed from any telephone in the world.


Inductive Wiretap



An inductive tap is accomplished by bringing a coil into the electro-magnetic field created by the current fluctuations during a telephone conversation.


Current fluctuations similar to the target conversation are induced into the coil windings caused by this electro-magnetic field. These current fluctuations are amplified in order to recover the target conversations. Inductive taps are not particularly effective. However, a split/resplit inductive wiretap, using a highly sophisticated method, which is relatively unknown, produces excellent audio recovery.


Of all the known methods of wiretapping, this little known method is probably the safest from accidental detection or location by the telephone company and is therefore often used by professional eavesdroppers. This technique exploits the inductive properties of wire pairs within the same cable. The split/resplit wiretap is accomplished by rewiring the target telephone line to induce conversational audio into the eavesdroppers telephone line.


An inductive split/resplit wiretap can not be detected by any piece of equipment, other than time domain reflectometer (TDR). A TDR is the only instrument that will enable the TSCM technician to reliably detect all wire irregularities, including split/resplit and bridge taps.







The eavesdropper has at his disposal microphones that are smaller than the head of a pin which will pick up a whisper at up to twenty feet. There are several different types of common microphones, such as the carbon, condenser, magnetic and electret microphones. The professional eavesdropper also has a virtually unlimited selection of others to choose from, including tube microphones, piezo film, hydrophones and even electrical switches, which are sometimes microphonic.


Spike Microphone



Of all the microphones utilized by the eavesdropper, the contact and spike microphones are perhaps the only ones specifically designed for this purpose. These microphones contain a special crystal which, when slightly compressed, will produce a very small electrical signal. If placed against a vibrating wall or attached to a rigid probe which is touching one of the vibrating surfaces, the crystal will produce small electrical signals which correspond to the vibrations. If these vibrations are caused by room conversations, the electrical signal will correspond to those conversations.


Pneumatic Cavity



The pneumatic cavity microphone is an electronic version of a glass tumbler against the wall, historically recognized as one method of monitoring adjacent room conversations. This electronic version is substantially superior, as it is highly responsive to surface vibrations at audio frequencies found in human speech. Several manufacturers offer these microphones as electronic stethoscopes.





One of the most frequently used microphones is a simple speaker usually found in a radio. T.V. or intercom. Additionally, numerous ceiling speakers, typically used for background music, are commonly found throughout most office areas.


Most speakers are structurally similar to a magnetic microphone with a coil of wire positioned in a magnetic field. When used as a simple speaker, electrical current is passed through the coil which vibrates the speaker to provide sound. Most speakers show varying degrees of reciprocal performance and can therefore be used as a microphone. When acoustical energy impinges on an unused speaker cone and vibrates the coil of wire in the permanent magnetic field, small amounts of electrical energy are produced which can be transmitted by a radio frequency transmitter or over wires to a listening post.


Hardwired Audio Transmission



Regardless of which type of microphone that is used by the eavesdropper, intelligence must be transmitted out of the target premise. With the exception of a radio transmitter with a built-in microphone, the eavesdropper will normally connect the microphone to an amplifier, transmitter or tape recorder by conductive paint or extremely small wires. Wires thinner than a human hair, and as flexible, can be purchased at most local electronic shops. These wires can be sewn in the carpet or hidden in a variety of different ways. Once outside the target area, the conductive paint or tiny wires are usually connected to unused wires in a ceiling or wall, and then carry the signal to the listening post or to a radio transmitter.




Size and Range



As in other categories of electronic eavesdropping, recent technology has been utilized to build miniaturized RF transmitters the size of a pencil eraser. These devices will transmit radio signals anywhere from 100 feet to five miles and with the use of repeaters, reception range is even further. The availability of these small devices is rather astonishing with several manufacturers offering pre-concealed transmitters already packaged into such objects as smoke detectors, picture frames, clocks and ashtrays.


One of the smaller commercially manufactured transmitters is the size of an aspirin tablet, including microphone and battery, with a transmitting range of 1,000 feet. Several radio transmitters are available in prepackaged electrical lamps, power receptacles and clocks. These types have the advantage of a continuous power source, supplied directly to the transmitter, which permits a permanent installation.





All radio transmitters must modulate their basic operating frequency (carrier) to convey information to the eavesdropper's radio receiver. The eavesdropper has at his disposal a host of different modulation techniques to choose from. In addition to amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency modulation (FM), and eavesdropper could employ various other sophisticated modulation techniques including sub-carrier, pulse amplitude modulated (PAM), pulse width modulated (PWM) and pulse position modulated (PPM). Sophisticated transmission techniques could also be employed to make the signal virtually undetectable such as snuggling, frequency hopping, spread spectrum and burst transmissions.





Sub-carrier modulation is one of the most popular and attractive to the eavesdropper. These devices operate by combining intercepted audio with one low frequency signal and then recombining this resulting signal with a higher frequency (carrier) signal. The resulting radio signal is very complex, and is not detectable by conventional radio receivers.





A popular procedure among eavesdroppers is the practice of snuggling. This is a relatively simple method of hiding a transmitter's signal. Regardless of the radio device power, frequency or modulation, an additional guard against detection can be provided by carefully setting the frequency adjacent to that of a large, high-powered radio or T.V. station. By setting the transmitter frequency in this manner, the signal cannot be detected by a field strength meter or broadband radio receiver.


Carrier Current



Another popular radio transmitting method is by carrier current. Below the A.M. commercial portion of the radio frequency spectrum is a region identified as very low frequency (VLF). A different type of audio surveillance transmitter is manufactured which operates in this region but uses the electric power lines for transmission of the signals. These F.M. modulated devices operate between 50 Khz and 300 Khz. At these frequencies, very little radio energy is radiated into free air space. What these signals will do, however, is to move along almost any wire path, including regular electric power lines and telephone lines. These transmissions are known as carrier current transmissions because of this characteristic. This is the same method of communications used by many of the wireless intercoms sold commercially.


Eavesdropping devices which use carrier currents offer two principle advantages over those which transmit through space. The signal can't typically be received anywhere along the wire between the eavesdropping device and the power source. Also, these devices are not detectable by radio receivers R.F. sensing or other debugging equipment, since they radiate little energy into free air space.


Remote Controlled



A switch receiver or remote radio controlled device can be used advantageously with any eavesdropping radio transmitter. Sophisticated remote radio units are sold through many electronic suppliers for a multitude of purposes. This device provides the eavesdropper with the ability to control the operating time of room monitoring equipment and achieve two distinct advantages. The eavesdropper can conserve battery power and reduce chances of detection by turning the transmitter on only during the time of interest.


Spectrum analyzers are sometimes used to detect the IF signal emissions radiated from the remote control receiver, as the clandestine transmitter could possibly be switched off and not transmitting. This detection method is unreliable, as the IF signal radiated from the receiver is very weak. The spectrum analyzer's antenna must be in close proximity of the clandestine receiver to detect these emissions and with hundreds of RF signals to resolve, it would be very easy to overlook a weak signal hidden within the noise. The only reliable method to detect these types of devices is with a Non-Linear Junction Detector (NLJD).




RF Flooding



A resonant cavity device consists of a small cylindrical can with a flexible diaphragm at one end, forming a cavity, the volume of which varies slightly as the diaphragm vibrates as a result of sound in its vicinity. An antenna extends from inside the cavity. The device operates by resonating at a frequency established by its physical cavity dimensions and frequency modulating its resonant cavity when flooded with a powerful carrier transmitted from the listening post or other nearby hidden area.





Windows are particularly vulnerable to eavesdropping attack from outside the building by various methods. The loss of information, through visual acquisition, from documents and wall charts, as well as lip reading, is a hazard. Visual eavesdropping attacks are easily prevented, but frequently overlooked.





A laser can be used for eavesdropping at a substantial distance away from the target's building. Outside offices with windows are highly susceptible to compromise. Conversational sound waves within an area impinge upon all objects within that area, causing them to vibrate. These objects vibrate relative to the sound waves impinging upon them, or the conversations within that area. These vibrations from room conversation could be remotely detected.


The most commonly used method for this form of attack employs a beam of light, laser or possibly infrared which strikes the surface of the window at an angle and reflects off of the surface. The reflected beam varies in relation to the movement of the window, which is received and converted back into audible conversations. Window vibrators are typically utilized to reduce the risk of exposure from this attack.


A beam of light could also be directed through the window, aimed at an object within the area and reflected back out of the window. The received beam of light is then converted back into the target's conversation. This method of attack would render window vibrators ineffective, which are intended to mask the room's conversational window vibrations. An infrared transmitter could also be planted within the target area, transmitting room audio out of the area to be received and converted back into room conversation. The clandestine beam must be detected to reveal an attack in progress, and if the beam is temporarily turned off, it will not be detected. Various countermeasures are available to reduce the risk of eavesdropping by these methods, depending on specific requirements.


Electro-Magnetic Radiation



Computers, CRT monitors, fax machines and other electronic equipment radiate electro-magnetic signals (EMR/EMP). These inherent emissions can be surreptitiously received to recover intelligence. This is referred to, in government circles, as TEMPEST. The signal strength of these emissions, which determines the effective reception range, varies between equipment. However, the computer monitor (CRT) operates on high voltage to fire the electron beam, which produces the images on the screen. As these high voltage on and off pulses sweep across the CRT screen, strong electro-magnetic signals are produced which radiate away from the CRT. A knowledgeable perpetrator could intercept and decode these emissions, thereby obtaining all of the intelligence presently being displayed on the CRT screen.


This type of attack is real and does exist. Plans are readily available to build this equipment, and the required components are relatively inexpensive.




Perhaps the most insidious and least recognized method of eavesdropping on room conversations is by telephone bugging or a hookswitch bypass.


The hookswitch bypass is a technique for room bugging which enables a telephone instrument to transmit room audio while the handset is in the on-hook position. This attack includes various methods by which the telephone instrument is modified or rewired to convert it to a continual listening device, even when it is hung up.


This simple technique usually allows the eavesdropper to intercept both telephone and room conversations without having to be concerned about hiding devices, running wires, or changing batteries within the target area.


There are several reasons why the telephone, as a listening device, is preferable to other bugging techniques:


-----> The telephone, with up to three possible microphones or transducers (the transmitter, typically a carbon or electret microphone, the magnetic earphone receiver, and the ringer circuit), is usually at an optimum location to accomplish eavesdropping in a target area. An additional microphone could also be installed within the telephone instrument by an eavesdropper.


-----> The telephone system provides conductors to carry the acquired audio to a listening post. Because the microphones and conductors are inherent to the telephone, there are no concealment requirements.


-----> No power is required in the target area, since the power used is either telephone system power or provided from the listening post. Therefore, battery replacement is not necessary.


Eavesdropping on telephone conversations is indeed a threat; however, far more critical information is frequently uttered after the telephone call has ended. this is particularly true in an office with the telephone on the desk or credenza, which is typically the center of most conversations.


A hookswitch bypass is the perfect eavesdropping method for gathering the maximum amount of intelligence.


Telephone Instrument Hookswitch Bypass



There are several variations of hookswitch bypass types. The three general categories of hookswitch bypass types are: Passive, Active, and Ringer. Application variations include online, whereby the connection between the telephone and the exchange is maintained, and offline, whereby the connection to the exchange is automatically or manually broken.





Passive bypassing techniques are characterized as requiring no active devices in the telephone instrument. This technique provides for monitoring all on-going telephone conversations, as well as room conversations.


-----> Resistance/capacitance bypass

-----> Capacitance bypass

-----> Third wire bypass

-----> Ground return bypass

-----> Spare pair bypass





Active bypassing techniques are characterized by the application of some external activation, without which the device will not function. Consequently, active devices can be turned on and off at will to monitor select room conversations.


-----> Reverse biased diode

-----> Neon tube

-----> Four layer device

-----> Infinity Transmitter





This threat is one which is inherent in U.S. telephones and involves the fact that the telephone ringer, in some instruments, is a dynamic transducer. The ringer coil, loosely mounted on its core, is contiguous to a permanent magnet. As with a dynamic microphone, vibrations cause the coil to move in the flux field of the magnet and a voltage similar to room audio is transmitted down the telephone line. Normally, the audio quality is poor; however, occasionally a ringer is encountered which provides excellent audio. It should be noted that the ringer is on the out-going side of the hookswitch and, consequently, is always available to the eavesdropper without access to the telephone instrument.


Keep Alive



Another type of active hookswitch bypass is known as a keep alive. This attack requires the eavesdropper to call the target's telephone instrument. The device activates when the target answers the telephone call. After the target hangs up the telephone, the circuit remains closed, as if the telephone is still off-hook. From this point, conversations in the room are monitored by the eavesdropper at his telephone. After the eavesdropper hangs up, the telephone company's supervisory circuits will return the target's telephone line to an on-hook condition.




A new threat, which is often overlooked by conventional TSCM techniques, exploits the programming features available on computer-based telephone systems. All modern telephone systems are computer-based and software driven, with preprogrammed instructions to connect calls to the proper lines and extensions. This makes them highly flexible for any changes required in the telephone system configuration, as only the program needs altering. This also exposes the system to various eavesdropping attacks.


Most software eavesdropping attacks exploit the features of the telephone system. These techniques provide for monitoring all on-going telephone conversations, as well as room conversations. Reprogramming the privacy or access feature could allow passive eavesdropping of a target from another extension.


Even more alarming than the possibility of an eavesdropping attack, which could be perpetrated on-site, is one that could be performed remotely. The remote maintenance feature provides an eavesdropper the opportunity to remotely attack a telephone system.


The purpose of this feature is to allow remote off-site access, through the remote maintenance port, for system diagnosis or to reprogram the telephone system configuration. Remote access to the telephone system presents a unique threat as physical access to the telephone system wiring for surreptitious purposes is no longer necessary, therefore creating the opportunity for remote eavesdropping attacks.


A perpetrator could gain access into the telephone system program, through the remote maintenance feature, and camp onto a selected line or extension of the system, thereby enabling remote monitoring of any desired conversation. The system program could also be modified for clandestine purposes, possibly creating a software bridge tap, so that a target line or extension would also be automatically connected to another line or extension without a physical (hardwired) wire tap ever being performed.


This presents a unique threat as access to the target's telephone system wiring or instruments is not required, allowing eavesdropping attacks to be performed remotely. Software attacks are very difficult to detect, as they could occur at any time, remotely. Equally vulnerable to remote software attacks are voice mail, modems, or any convenience options which allow remote access capabilities.


Typical protection features securing most computer-based systems are easily compromised. These security features, such as callback and access codes, only offer a moderate level of protection.


The telephone system, instruments and lines are exposed to numerous methods of attack, which are difficult to detect. Most telephone instruments are centrally located to sensitive room conversations. Telephone conversations are carried along exposed and unprotected lines. The telephone system control is easily accessed, offering complete and total control, virtually undetectable. Because of these reasons, as well as others, it is understandable why eavesdropping attacks are predominantly discovered on the telephone system.



the B4ckCh4tter, 2002

