The Lineman’s Handset By Magma Ok, this is fairly simple stuff but not everyone knows this so here it goes. To create a lineman’s handset all you need is an old phone, and a pair of wire clippers. Take the phone slice off the modular plug, strip the red (ring)and green (tip) wires apply the alligator clips and your set. It should look like this: _______ / green wire (tip) | / Phone |========>----< - alligator clips attached to the 2 wires ______| \ \ Red wire (ring) How to use it: To use your new little toy all you need to do is find a Telco box or even the little gray box on the side of someone’s House. Open it up, and attach the alligator clips to the respective prongs. (Other Telco boxes are explained in another textfile on GHU.) The uses for the lineman’s handset are too many to write down. A lot of people use them for find the ANI of a number, placing long distance calls, setting up conferences etc. Depending on the area staying on the line and having a long conversation is not a smart thing to do. When you do leave the box make sure that you leave it as you found it. You do not want the local Telco knowing that you were there.