The Motorola Manual Scanner By Magma *Intro* What this file is going to explain is how to take your old motorola cell phone and turn it into a scanner. Basicly the main use will be to listen in on other peoples conversations. Its fun listening to couples arguing and such. Well first find an older motorola cell phone, make sure that its anolog Most cities have stores that sell new/used cell phones and pagers Stores like these have fairly low prices so i'd check there first. *How To* First off, locate the FCC label(it should have one or two bar codes on it, there may be two or three). If the fouth digit in any of those numbers is the letter "D" you will not be able to program that phone without the proper cables. When you first get your new cell phone take off the battery and you will find that there are three metal slits that i will call "prongs". There are also three prongs located on the same area of the battery (all of this is on the bottom right of the phone). Now all you need to do is to somehow connect the two middle prongs (middle on the phone to middle on the battery), most would use solider but i prefer not to use this method because it can damage the phone. I suggest using something like a little piece of copper wire to make the connection, it's fast and harmless to the phone itself. Here is a diagram of the above idea: () || || || || || || ||------------------\ /--------------------\ | | | | | | | Back Of Phone | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1 2 3 | | | | | | \ / \------------------/ /------------------\ /--------------------\ | | | | | | | Battery | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1 2 3 | | | | | | \ / \------------------/ So, as you can see all that you need to do is make a solid connection between number 2 on the cell phone and number 2 on the battery. When you have a connection made attach the battery back on the phone. Turn it on and you should enter Testmode. *TestMode* When you turn on the phone and don't see a bunch of flashing numbers running in sequence (numbers vary from phone to phone) then that means that you have not made a solid connection so go back and try again. If you do see a bunch of flashing numbers then you are indeed in test mode. To listen in on most cordless and some cellular conversations you need to hit between 04# - 09# (in my area 08# and 06# work best). These are channels, there are others but i'm just foucing between 800MzH and 920MzH because this is where cordless/cellular traffic flows. After you you enter the channel number you will be able to enter frequenies. Now anywhere between 111111 - 999999 will work. it's up to you to find the one that works best in your area. Don't worry, finding a conversation will be fairly easy. Also try changing the lenght of the antenna depending on how far it is pulled out. I find that this makes some of the conversations a lot more crisp. Well that is all. Now you can listen in on all the gossip going around in your area. Good Luck.