`` Motorola Pager Codes - To Know. Now. `` - Friday, October 8, 1999 ~ 0000000 - Bronx cheer 0-0 - Ruh-Roh. 0001000 - I'm feeling mighty alone right now. 0007 - I've got a secret. 099 - I've got something stupid to tell you. 05-05 - Margaritas, dude! (Cinco de Mayo) 020202 - Just thinking of you. 04-04-04 - Happy Holidays. (Read upside down.) 080808 - Kisses and hugs. 1 - You're the one; you da man. 10 - You're perfect. 11 - You're perfect-er. 1-1 - Thank you. 13 - I'm having a bad day. 1-8 - I ate. 101 - I've got an easy question. 10-4 - Is everything OK? 121 - I need to talk to you alone. 141 - I'm with you. 143 - I love you. 10-20 - Where are you? 10-2-1 - It's possible; there's a chance. 1040 - You owe me big-time. 13-30 - I'm having a bad day and it's getting old. 1492 - Let's go sailing. 1701 - Live long and prosper. 1776 - You're revolting. 100-2-1 - The odds are against you. 13579 - This is odd. 121212 - Happy Birthday. 10000001 - Miss you. 11111111 - Congratulations! -2 - Used as a suffix to convey "I second that" or "me, too." 21 - Let's have a drink. 2-2 - Now we dance; shall we dance? 222 - Pick me up after school. 2001 - You're way out there. 2468 - You're terrific. 30 - This is getting old. 360 - I love you back. 4 - Let's play golf. 411 - I need some information. 5 - Hi. 5-0 - Are you booked? (Or, let's go to Hawaii.) 55 - Let's cruise. 50-50 - It doesn't matter to me; what do you want to do? 54321 - I'm ready to explode. 66 - Let's hit the road. 710 - I'm out of gas. (Read upside down.) 747 - Let's fly. 86 - You're finished. 87 - You're late; I'm late. (Read upside down.) 8642 - I'm gonna get even with you. 9-5 - It's quitting time. 99 - Good morning. 911 - This is big; this is an emergency. Call me now. 98-6 - Hope you're feeling better. 90210 - I'm feeling kinda witchy. 99-44-100 - I'm almost totally completely bored. 0000 - I'm worried about Y2K. 0001 - I was worried about Y2K. 31336 - That's almost elite. 31337 - That's elite. 31338 - That's beyond elite. ~ -- The Clone contact; http://nettwerk.hypermart.net - Nettwerked theclone@code.penguinpowered.com A N E T T W E R K E D P R O D U C T