The Ice Hooter: One hit shit! by phlux Well i've never seen plans for an ice hooter anywhere, which is unfortunate. They are pretty fucking rude. Blade hits are very effective, and combined with the ice hooter, your weed can last quite some time. As the title suggests, even some jag off weed can be turned into some one hit shit. First make some ice cubes, use a tray that makes the larger cubes. Clean a 2 litre plastic pop bottle, and cut the bottom off where the sucky ASCII art depicts; ---- <-neck ____ ' ' / \ | | <-indentation, where label begins | | | | | | | | | __ |<-bottom indentation, cut here \_/ \_/ Now punch a decent sized hole in each of the nipples Put the ice cubes in the upturned top portion of the bottle, and use the bottom to hold them in place, wrapping flexible middle plastic of the bottle back, holding it all together.. like so; ---- <-weed smoke comes out here ____ 'cCcC' / ____ \ c is the cubes |/ \| * * <-plastic rolled back If you spend abit of time wrapping back the plastic, you should get a good seal, some pliers may help. If you want to take it up a notch, score the area with some sand paper or whatever, and use hot glue. Dont make too big of a hooter, otherwise you will be inhaling unnecessary air. With a good seal you can fill the hooter with a little water. You can serve up some big hot knife hits, and as you're inhaling, you will wonder if it is just air, as the smoke will be hidden within the fogged plastic. It goes down nice and easy. Keep inhaling, and don't exhale till you can't hold it in any longer. When you exhale, you should cough and hack, gasping for air half way through exhaling. This is a good sign of a good toke. The ice hooter is good for hypoxia tokes, idealy with some good hash or oil. Take a little toke, but hold it in till you pass out. Holding your breath till you pass out is not a danger if you are healthy, with a lung full of weed smoke it is just fun.(according to my grade 9 science teacher, minus the weed bit) However, if you don't wake up after doing this, I will not be held liable. Therefore, I would save this toke for special occasions. Your lungs can't be too happy about taking in an entire toke either.. I have never had such an intense body high as my first hypoxia toke. It is fucking wild. Bury your chin in your chest to hold the toke, do not hold your breath with your throat muscles, this is not good. Only do this in a safe place like on a couch or bed, when you pass out, your muscles will breifly spasm much to the delight of the audience. Expect to experience a short period of amnesia after doing this.. for me it was maybe 2 minutes, but I couldn't even remember who I was or where I was, or who the people were that were laughing at me once I remembered I had ears! Rather then running around and then having someone bear hug you into never never land, this is a better way of embedding sigils. If you have trouble holding your breath, have a friend press the side of his hands tightly around your neck, including, and only the pinkies, constricting blood flow to the brain, but with no pressure on the throat. Naturally this should be easier when your are already a little intoxicated. A japanese strangle(sleeper) hold would work well, ensuring the person has safe arrival to the floor. I have also heard such tokes beind called wall tokes, as the recipient can alternatively stand against the wall, and the assistant(s) can lull the person onto the floor, ensuring s/he does not fall backwards. During a dry spell(if your ice hooter has seen alot of use) you could try melting the ice cubes and drinking the water. Let me know how that goes eh If you have power lungs, the ice hooter is also good for doing nostril tokes. Enjoy! 06/08/03