/* The Lawnmower Man Effect moontug, 2002 */ public class Student { private int school, hospital, homework, suffering, legalizedNarcotics; public Student() { /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I was a poor student, afraid to death of the teachers and the coffee on their breath. Homework was torture - I got it done, but it never felt good. I never read ahead, I didn't feel any of it was applicable or worthwhile... school felt like a hospital without the legalized narcotics. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ hospital = 1; suffering = hospital; legalizedNarcotics = hospital; school = hospital - legalizedNarcotics; homework = school + 1; study(); } public void study() { while (homework == suffering) escape("mathematics"); } private void selfEsteem() { /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I started strong each year with that glow you get when you begin something new. But my marks inevitably plummeted, and I began to wonder what was wrong. Was I too stupid, lazy, unmotivated? What started as my strongest subject ended up as my worst. With 38% before the final exam in junior high math, I doomed myself to two consecutive summers of schooling. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ System.out.println("what's wrong with me?"); } private void escape(String lesson) { /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I took up an art - a dedication - that ultimately pulled me out of the abyss. It did push me deeper at one point, like that huff of breath you need to take before you can blow someone's house down, but its long-term effects were such that I won't be going back. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ selfEsteem(); System.out.println(translate(lesson)); } private String translate(String lesson) { /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- It was the synchrony of electronics, the element of You that persists in an environment that's all your own; it was code, a creative outlet for every lesson they threw at me, however bland. I made my slow recovery over the course of high school. I would translate physics or math lessons into the environment I was comfortable in, and every once in a while I would be better than everyone else. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ homework -= 1; return lesson.substring(2,6); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I've fallen in love with the scientific method, broken away from a fear of theorizing; I'm no longer afraid to be wrong because no-one's defiling my mind with bold red ink. I believe I was the victim of a severe problem with formal education: lessons are presented in such a way that neglects creativity. You are thrown a recipe and told to follow through again and again. Moreover, if you are wrong, you are punished; the lesson and the experience you gain is forgotten for the greater sorrow. No doubt there are people out there in the position I was. My advice to you is to keep strong and embrace your creativity. It will pay off in the long run. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ }