'Lynx 2.7.1 www-form buffer overflow' While scrolling down my 'Online site manager/builder' form on my web-site account, I encountered an error which crashed my Lynx 2.7.1 browser. The error occurs with all types of submission forms which have excessive amounts of text in the buffer. You know you encountered the problem when you get the following message before your browser crashes; A Fatal error has occurred in Lynx Ver. 2.7.1 Please notify your system administrator to confirm a bug, and if confirmed, to notify the lynx-dev list. Bug reports should have concise descriptions of the command and/or URL which causes the problem, the operating system name with version number, the TCPIP implementation, and any other relevant information. Do NOT mail the core file if one was generated. Lynx now exiting with signal: 11 This sort of problem seems to occur with Lynx versions 2.7.1 and earlier. * Newer versions of Lynx are not subject to this type of problem. When testing it with Lynx/2.8rel.2 on the same forms, I got a warning on the text entry field saying: "form field value exceeds buffer length! Trim the tail." This statement means that newer versions of Lynx have a much better filtering system in comparison to earlier versions. -The Clone -Friday July 23, 1999 -- contact info: URL: Nettwerked - http://nettwerk.hypermart.net E-mail: webmaster@nettwerk.hypermart.net