snowhack.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hacking in the Snow phlux - Just in time for Christmas! HEIL MABELLE -------------------------------------------------------------------- For Canadian Hackers, winter is the time to overclock your computer, and a time to carry on the age old tradition of igloo hacking. The inuit originally built shelters in the white plains so they could hack in stealth. Here are the basics to have with you: - Laptops with overclocked CPUs - A good length of insulated phone line for a remote shelter - 2 White duvets (possibly more) - Blow torch & extra tanks ($10~ from Canadian Tire) - Bottled oxygen (needed for mountain hacking, else just some tubing) - Duffle Bag to put it all in, plus a pillow. - Duct Tape - A good knife - Fishing line, hooks, and bait if ice fishing - Small shovels(spade) Food: - Beer (bottled) - Packets of Cup 'o Noodle - Hot cocoa - Skillet (if ice fishing) - Kettle - Condements Clothing(white): Mittens+gloves Ninja stye ski-masks, also a good tuque with pom-pom removed. Snowshoes(where applicable) Prep: You will want to wear layers, and keep your laptop duct taped to your torso so the LCD doesn't freeze. You will need a friend to drop you off at the site, and you will need a partner in crime to cuddle for warmth. You may want to bring heat packs filled with soup for the hike. The ideal site will be rural, where the shelter can be erected around a telephone can, RSU, etc. For security you may want to scope for a can near a lake so you can ice fish. The lock/hinges on the cabinet may easily be compromised with the shovel depending on the temperature. Now if your taking effective measures, you should be safe to hack right from the telephone bridging can, otherwise run a length of wire buried in the snow to a tree or something. Conceal your tap, and jack in. Ideally the setup should be done while it is snowing. Cut-Away view of the partial igloo snow hacking cabinet bridge shelter: * * * * * * *<-Snow Flakes * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -----==============--- <-duvet * * * Snow ### / | | \ ### * * * Wall->### /fookin| | \ ### * * * ## / eh! | | \ ## * * * * * ## / ' | Cabinet |.*. \ ## * * * * ## / (^)| |( ) \ ## * * * * * ## / \__`-| | | |-, / \ ## * * * * __###_/ ._/ \_| |____________| |_==__. \_###_________________ ###### =================================<-duvet ############## ############################################################### ########################Snow################################### This set up can be built around a remote pay telephone for one hacker. You do not want to build a roof for the igloo; this takes too long and unless you're an inuit, it is fucking hard! The white blanket serves for an easy exit, and still conceals you from black helicopters. This set up leaves just enough room for each hacker to sit against the cabinet, using the dufflebag/pillow/duvet as insulation from the ground, also allowing for bedding. Each hacker should always have their blow torch on low to medium flame to prevent LCD freezing. This will burn all the air in the shelter, so you must puncture a hole in the duvet for the air tube, which is duct taped to your laptop where the fan exhaust is. You may need to drill small holes in the casing of your laptop for the oxygen feed. Before rations can be prepared, a six pack must be consumed. The duvet is pulled back so the bottles can be setted into the snow, and a hole dug in the middle of the arangement for the torch, effecively forming a stove as shown; (NOTE: melted snow = water) (B) <-Bottle (B) (B) X <-Torch (B) (B) (B) The bottles can also be used as urinals so the heat seal is not broken. While the cabinet shelter allows for a tepee setup using the blanket, and easy access to lines, it is harder to hotbox. For ice fishing, the setup is the same - except the hackers use one anothers backs to lean against. For a remote set up, ideally you should find a nice pine tree with plenty of snow around it. Here is how the pine tree dug out looks: __ ______ ______ * * * * * _==_ * * * * * * __+__ * ** * _====_ * ** * * * ( ___ ) * * * * * _======_ come out with- \___/* * * _========_ * j00r hands up!/ \ * * * * _==========_ * * * * * * * * _====pine====_* * * * * * * * * * *_=====tree=====_ * * * * * * *_================_ * * * * * * * * * _==================_ * * * * * * * _====================_ * * * * * * ____ ========_________=====,its the feds!#@___________ ####\duvet-->/ || \\\()__ /######################## #####\ / || / /###Snow################## ......\ / || / /.......................... ..soil.| / || /_. |.....soil.................. -------| / || /()|---Permafrost-ends-here---- .......|/ __/|| /___|........................... .soil..| || | |........................... .......| \ || / \ |........soil............... ........\_==_____||_/ \__/........................... ....................................................... ....................................................... Despite the depiction, the dug out is by far the safest, and warmest shelter compared to the effort needed. NOTE: sizing ratios may vary! The pine tree dug out is best suited for a longterm stay, whereby it can hold more people, and is very space efficient if laptops and blowtorches are duct taped to the trunk of the tree. Conclusion: I hope this file accurately portrays canadian style field phreaking. If you visit canada, this file should prove invaluable! You may want to visit the following websites for more canadian hacking text files: