January 21, 2009

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Obama's sister, Maya said,

"There was always a joke
between my mom and
Barack that he would be
the first black president."


Now the joke's on us.







Stumbles Both Chief Justice John Roberts and Obama stumbled slightly over wording of the presidential oath of office on Tuesday, providing a brief, awkward moment in the inauguration ceremony.

Initially, Obama interrupted Roberts midway through the opening line, in which the president repeats his name and solemnly swears.

Next in the oath, which is enshrined in the Constitution, is the phrase "... that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States."  But, Roberts rearranged the order of the words, not saying "faithfully" until after "president of the United States."

That appeared to throw Obama off.  He stopped abruptly at the word "execute."

Recognizing something was off, Roberts then repeated the phrase, putting "faithfully" in the right place but without repeating "execute."

Obama then repeated Roberts' original, incorrect version: "... the office of president of the United States faithfully."
Weirdness Inauguration day brings to mind the reason I don't read science fiction.  It's never weird enough. 

Yesterday, America placed more power than any president in almost has wielded into the hands of a man nobody knows.  He has convinced more incompatible constituencies that he takes their side than any politician in American history.  And through no fault or merit of his own, he has stumbled into more power than the White House has had since World War II.

He will make resonant speeches, hold frequent press conferences, consult friend and foe alike, and tread water while America's economy and strategic position continue to deteriorate.  His entourage of one-trick wizards, as I called them in a recent commentary, will pick over the broken American economy for trophies to put into private equity funds.  (See Obama's one-trick wizards, Asia Times Online, November 25, 2008).  Without casting aspersions on anyone involved, the opportunity for self-dealing in a multi-trillion-dollar bailout-cum-recapitalization of the financial system exceeds the grandest dreams of Third World kleptocrats.

At a certain point he will have to take a decisive stand on something.  And then we will learn who Obama is, and what he wants.

I predict that there will be nights when Obama will wish he were still in Springfield.

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