January 23, 2009

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Obama's sister, Maya said,

"There was always a joke
between my mom and
Barack that he would be
the first black president."


Now the joke's on us.







Victory? A victory for the hysterical Oprah Winfrey, the mad racist preacher Jeremiah Wright, the mainstream media who abandoned any sense of objectivity long ago, Europeans who despise America largely because they depend on her, comics who claim to be dangerous and fearless but would not dare attack genuinely powerful special interest groups.

A victory for Obama-worshippers everywhere.  A victory for the cult of the cult.  A man who has done little with his life but has written about his achievements as if he had found the cure for cancer in between winning a marathon and building a nuclear reactor with his teeth.

Victory for style over substance, hyperbole over history, rabble-raising over reality.

A victory for Hollywood , the most dysfunctional community in the world.  Victory for Streisand, Spielberg, Soros and Sarandon.

Victory for those who prefer welfare to will and interference to independence.  For those who settle for group think and herd mentality rather than those who fight for individual initiative and the right to be out of step with meager political fashion.

Victory for a man who is no friend of freedom.  He and his people have already stated that media has to be controlled so as to be balanced, without realizing the extraordinary irony within that statement.  Like most liberal zealots, the Obama worshippers constantly speak of Fox and Limbaugh, when the vast bulk of television stations and newspapers are drastically liberal and anti -conservative.  Senior Democrat Chuck Schumer said that just as pornography should be censored, so should talk radio.  In other words, one of the few free and open means of popular expression may well be cornered and beaten by bullies who even in triumph cannot tolerate any criticism and opposition.

A victory for those who believe the state is better qualified to raise children than the family, for those who prefer teachers' unions to teaching and for those who are naively convinced that if the West is sufficiently weak towards its enemies, war and terror will dissolve as quickly as the tears on the face of a leftist celebrity.

A victory for social democracy even after most of Europe has come to the painful conclusion that social democracy leads to mediocrity, failure, unemployment, inflation, higher taxes and economic stagnation.  A victory for intrusive lawyers, banal sentimentalists, social extremists and urban snobs.
Talk radio’s Rush Limbaugh and Democratic firebrand Rahm Emanuel agree on one thing: Barack Obama’s presidency could alter America for decades.

Emanuel, the new White House chief of staff, recently told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that the financial meltdown provides an opportunity "to do things that Americans have pushed off for years."

Limbaugh offered the contrary view, with this warning: "We're about to see an encroachment by the left that will take a generation to roll back."

Here are the "dirty dozen" changes Team Obama is most likely to enact:

1. Allow Anyone to Vote
2. Ban Offshore Drilling
3. Close Guantanamo
4. Curtail Gun Owners’ Rights
5. Enact Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants
6. End Faith-Based Initiatives
7. Give Driver’s Licenses to Illegal Immigrants
8. Hike Taxes
9. Implement ‘Card Check’ in the Workplace
10. Impose Greenhouse Restrictions
11. Silence Talk Radio
12. Promote Islamic Education

Click here for details, probability, impact and misery index.
2009-2010 will rank with 1913-14, 1933-36, 1964-65 and 1981-82 as years that will permanently change our government, politics and lives.  Just as the stars were aligned for Wilson, Roosevelt, Johnson and Reagan, they are aligned for Obama.

Simply put, we enter his administration as free-enterprise, market-dominated, laissez-faire America.  We will shortly become like Germany, France, the United Kingdom, or Sweden -- a socialist democracy in which the government dominates the economy, determines private-sector priorities and offers a vastly expanded range of services to many more people at much higher taxes.

Much more . . .
Shortly after being sworn in on Tuesday, Obama ordered all federal agencies and departments to halt pending regulations until they can be reviewed by incoming staff.

An Interior official said the department is waiting for clarification from the White House on whether a proposed draft of a five-year plan to lease areas in the Atlantic and Pacific waters for oil and natural gas drilling can go forward.

The preliminary plan would authorize 31 energy exploration lease sales between 2010 and 2015 for tracts along the east coast and off the coasts of Alaska and California.

Both presidential and congressional bans on drilling in most U.S. waters ended last year.

Separately, the Interior official said the department's plan to develop oil shale fields in the western United States may also be stopped by Obama's order.

Obama’s nominee for CIA Director, Leon Panetta, draws many of his intellectual positions from the progressive wing of the Democratic Party -- most notably in the case of torture, of which he is a strong opponent.  It is for this reason that many in the CIA hesitate to embrace Panetta, who is seen as representing "the left flank of the Democratic Party."  Panetta’s stance on the practice of extraordinary rendition might be a case in point.


A few days ago, The Washington Times revealed that Republican lawmakers on the Hill are preparing to quiz Leo Panetta about his role in that controversial practice, which was institutionalized in the mid-1990s under former US President Bill Clinton.  The practice involves extrajudicial kidnappings of wanted terrorism suspects by CIA or FBI paramilitaries, often abroad, followed by extrajudicial transfers of same suspects to third countries, such as Egypt or Syria, where they are usually tortured.  The extracted information is then utilized by US law enforcement and intelligence agencies in their pursuit of the War on Terrorism.

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Obama's choice for Director of National Intelligence, America's top spy, said on January 21st, "I agree with the president that the detention center at Guantanamo has become a damaging symbol to the world and that it must be closed. There must be clear standards for humane treatment that apply to all agencies of U.S. government, including the intelligence community." He added, "There will be no waterboarding on my watch. There will be no torture on my watch."

Blair also said that U.S. intelligence agencies should seek ways of working with Iran on issues of mutual interest, underscoring the new administration's interest in engagement with elements in the Islamic state.

While Blair was recommending that the United States should make nice with Iran, The U.S. Navy was intercepting and searching an Iranian-owned ship that officials feared was carrying arms to the militant group Hamas. The two-day search turned up ammunition that included artillery shells.
Pajama's Media reports that in the 1990s, the extremist Muslim Brotherhood government of Sudan, led by President Omar al-Bashir, was continuing a genocidal jihad against the Christian and animist populations inhabiting the south of the country that killed nearly two million people and forced another four million from their homes.  In July 2008, Bashir was indicted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes related to the regime’s subsequent genocide in Darfur.

As Bashir was waging his holocaust against the Christians during the 1990s, one of his closest advisors and top aides was Abubaker Ahmed al-Shingieti, who from 1993 to 1995 served as spokesman for Bashir’s government (as he was identified in a 1994
New York Times
article).  According to al-Shingieti’s own published résumé, he later served Bashir as director of public affairs for the presidency from 1995 to 1998, as the genocidal jihad against the Christians was at its height and Sudan was the hub of the international Islamic terror network.  As reported by the New York Times, eight individuals charged in the New York landmarks bombing plot in 1993 were traveling on Sudanese passports.

As a result of those arrests, Sudan was added to the U.S. State Department
list of state sponsors of terrorism in August 1993.  That was not long after al-Shingieti’s boss began sheltering Osama bin Laden, who lived in Khartoum from 1992 to 1996.  With the close advisory role that bin Laden had with the Sudanese president and other high-ranking officials, it is highly likely that al-Shingieti would have had regular direct contact with bin Laden, as well as a host of other terrorist leaders who regularly visited Khartoum during al-Shingieti’s tenure.

This is particularly relevant as al-Shingieti will be heading the U.S. Muslim outreach to the Obama administration as the president of
American Muslims for Constructive Engagement (AMCE), a collaborative effort by U.S.-based Muslim Brotherhood front organizations to infiltrate our federal government.   A recent open letter signed by al-Shingieti identifies him as AMCE’s president.  The group states its vision as:

The United States Muslim community and the United States government working together constructively in enhancing national security and national interests of the United States of America.

The lead organization in AMCE, the International Institute for Islamic Thought (IIIT), which al-Shingieti serves as regional director, is the current focus of a federal grand jury probe into terrorist financing.  At least two other AMCE groups, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), were named by federal prosecutors as unindicted co-conspirators in the recent Holy Land Foundation terrorism finance trial, which resulted in convictions on all 108 counts.  And the Muslim American Society (MAS) was identified in federal court briefs by the Department of Justice as "the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America."

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