February 03, 2009

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"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal"

Barack Hussein Obama








Submission Obama was working with Arab intermediaries to establish an unofficial dialogue with Al Qaida long before the election, according to a report in the Feb. 4th edition of Geostrategy-Direct.com.

Al Qaida has offered what has been described as a truce (hudna) in exchange for a U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan, according to the report.

Obama has deemed the U.S. reconciliation with the Muslim world, including Iran, as his main foreign policy goal, sources quoted in the report said.  Obama has been aided by several Persian Gulf Arab Muslims with ties to Al Qaida's leadership in Pakistan.

On his first day in office, Obama ordered the shutdown of the U.S. Navy prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where 245 Al Qaida members are detained, saying, "Can we guarantee that they're not going to try to participate in another attack?  No."  But he'll let them free nonetheless.

Obama spoke about his own ties to the Muslim world:

"Now, my job is to communicate the fact that the United States has a stake in the well-being of the Muslim world, that the language we use has to be a language of respect," Obama said.  "I have Muslim members of my family.  I have lived in Muslim countries."

"My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy -- we sometimes make mistakes -- we have not been perfect." 

Whose job is it to communicate to this fool that al Qaeda is OUR enemy?

Trained as a Muslim, Obama knows that in Islam, the world is divided into two parts -- Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb.

Dar al-Islam literally means the "House of Peace" which is all the lands conquered and subjugated by Islam.

Dar al-Harb literally means the "House of War" which is all the lands currently not conquered by Islam.

Islam's chief goal is to eventually conquer and subjugate all the lands of Dar al-Harb into one territory called Dar al-Islam.  Only after all people and all lands of the world have been conquered and have submitted to Islam is there to be "peace" in the world.

Update:  Ayman al-Zawahri, Al Qaeda's deputy leader, said Washington remains a main enemy of Muslims.

"I remind our mujahideen brothers that our enemy in Gaza is not only Israel but the Zionist-crusader coalition, with America, the leader of evil ... at its head."

"The Zionist-crusader (Israeli-Western) campaign against Islam and the Muslims cannot be defeated without warfare," Zawahri said, calling the devout to join a jihad.

Looks like al-Zawahiri didn't get Obama's memo.
Foxes In The Hen House It is now clearly apparent to any one willing to make an objective assessment of those chosen by Obama to comprise his cabinet that never before has there been a more immoral group of criminals nominated to such lofty posts in our history.

Contrary to all of the claims heralding the dawn of an age of responsibility those whom the liberal messiah has chosen to surround himself with represents the typical elitist who dominate the so called progressive movement.  This sort double standard is typical operating procedure for this group of scandalous do-nothings whose only pursuit in life would appear to be contriving ways to siphon wealth away from the producers so that they can distribute it amongst the dregs of society in order to garner themselves just one more vote. 

As they sit ensconced in the robes of authority and influence they imagine that the very laws with which they burden the creator of wealth simply have no meaning for those who occupy such lofty positions.  The very people who Obama, in his blind obstinacy, has chosen to enforce the laws of the land are themselves guilty of their most egregious violations, violations which if committed by the average citizen would be met with financial devastation at the hands of the IRS and the sting of the jailers lash.

There's more . . .
Obama World Economists and pundits are beginning to sound alarms that the U.S. economy is perilously close to a "tipping point," where so many voters will be on the public payroll it will be politically impossible to reign in entitlement programs.

The trillion dollar-plus Obama stimulus program, they warn, could push the economy over the brink.

Already, 40 percent of Americans don’t pay taxes.  Obama’s stimulus gives non-taxpayers up to $1,600 -- money they did not pay -- in the form of a tax credit -- that's actually a payoff for voting "Obama." 

Putting millions more workers on the entitlement roles, either through universal health insurance or the expanded SCHIP health program, will further diminish support for future free-market reforms to make the U.S., economy more competitive, conservative economists warn.

Free-market economists point to failed welfare-state experiments in England, France, and Germany, and now openly say America could be headed down the same rocky road.
Glorious Leader StopTheACLU observes that liberals are certainly getting our money’s worth out of taxpayer-subsidized PBS affiliate KCET in Los Angeles.  Check out this completely over the top video to Chairman Zero in which John Ridley says:

"Obama is the more perfect union.  He is a house united.  Obama is the New Generation and the hot light of a dawn that goes way beyond clever talk of morning in America."

"Quite simply, quite plainly, just by virtue his being, Obama is America.  The first true American to lead our nation."

Even Kim Jong-Il would blush if his media got this carried away.

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