april 1, 2009

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Obama once dressed as
a Somali elder.  Now he has
to kill Somali pirates.








Taliban Say U.S. Reconciliation Offer Is Lunatic Taliban insurgents rejected on Wednesday a U.S. offer of "honorable reconciliation" as a "lunatic idea" and said the withdrawal of foreign troops was the only way to end the war in Afghanistan.

Obama is redoubling U.S. efforts with more troops, more diplomatic effort and more economic assistance, but he has also already spoken of the need for an "exit strategy."

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told an international conference on Afghanistan on Tuesday that those members of the Taliban who abandoned extremism must be granted an "honorable form of reconciliation."

"This matter was also raised in the past," said Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, referring to comments by Obama last month who spoke of reaching out to moderate Taliban.

"They have to go and find the moderate Taliban, their leader and speak to them.  This is a lunatic idea," Mujahid said by telephone from an unknown location.

All those Ivy League alums have less sense than some goat-herder with an AK-74.

Just wait until Mahmoud Ahmadinejad goes eyeball to eyeball with Obama.  If all Mahmoud does is eat his lunch, Obama will be lucky.
Citizen Grand Jury Indicts Obama Obama has been named in dozens of civil lawsuits alleging he is not eligible to be president, with one man even filing a criminal complaint alleging the commander-in-chief is a fraud, and now a citizen grand jury in Georgia has indicted the sitting president.

The indictment delivered to state and federal prosecutors yesterday is one of the developments in the dispute over Obama's eligibility to be president under the U.S. Constitution's requirement that presidents be "natural born" citizens.

Orly Taitz, a California attorney working on several of the civil actions, also announced she has filed another Quo Warranto case in the District of Columbia, where, she told WND, the statutes acknowledge that procedure.

The Quo Warranto claim essentially calls on Obama to explain by what authority he has assumed the power of the presidency.

Over the weekend the jurors took sworn testimony from several sources, including Taitz, and then generated an indictment that later was forwarded to the U.S. attorney, the state attorney general and others in law enforcement across the state.

Georgia resident Carl Swensson cites on his website as authority for the grand jury the Magna Carta, the bill of rights that formed the foundation of British common law on which U.S. law is based.

He said the members were chosen, sworn in and observed all of the rules of procedure.  Swensson declined to elaborate on the specific allegations about Obama, saying that remains confidential at this point because of the possibility of a prosecution.

However, the website explanation of the procedure includes some intimidating language.

"If the government does not amend the error within 40 days after being shown the error, then the four members shall refer the matter to the remainder of the grand jury," it says.  "The grand jury may distrain and oppress the government in every way in their power, namely, by taking the homes, lands, possessions, and any way else they can until amends shall have been made according to the sole judgment of the grand jury."

Swensson said the indictments were delivered to the U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Georgia, state officials and leaders of the Georgia Senate and House.
Obama’s First 70 Days In just the first 70 days of the new administration, a number of Obama supporters have expressed some dismay at their new president.  Some find his ethically challenged appointments at odds with his soaring moral rhetoric.

Others lament his apparent inability to stir up supporters in impromptu speeches, at least in the manner he did with set oratory on the campaign trail.  And they worry about his occasionally insensitive remark.

Many cannot quite figure out why, after lambasting George W. Bush for running a $500-billion deficit, Obama has outlined eight years of budgetary red ink that would nearly match the debt run up by all previous U.S. presidents combined.

But such disappointments should be tempered.  Not only is Obama simply drawing on his past 30 years of education, writing, work, and associations, but he is also properly reflecting the worldview of many of those working for him.

What, then, is the mindset behind America’s new approach to domestic policy and foreign affairs?

Victor Davis Hanson -- read it all . . .
Obama's Judicial Prototype True to his campaign promises, Obama has picked a rabid judicial activist as his first federal court pick.  Judge David Hamilton has been chosen by Obama to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit.

Hamilton is precisely what Obama wants in a judge: Someone who ignores the Constitution and imposes his own liberal ideas on each case.  Hamilton will have what Obama calls "empathy" for the poor, child molesters, abortionists, murderers, etc.

Hamilton has ideal liberal credentials.  He is a former ACLU lawyer and was a fundraiser for the corrupt group known as ACORN.  This organization engages in fraudulent voter registration campaigns and is deeply involved in housing and poverty issues.  Obama was a trainer for ACORN when he was an attorney in Chicago.  ACORN will be gathering data for the 2010 Census.

This lawyer is so radical that the liberal ABA rated him as "not qualified" when Bill Clinton nominated him for a district court post in 1994.

As a judge, Hamilton was a friend of abortionists, criminals, drug pushers and child sex offenders.  He made is easier for child sex offenders to move around Indiana by invalidating a law designed to protect children.  He helps criminals by suppressing evidence and warrants.  He has ruled against waiting periods for those women seeking abortions.

Hamilton is also an enemy of the First Amendment and religious freedom.  Interestingly enough, Hamilton has ruled that prayers in Jesus Name at the Indiana House of Representatives was unconstitutional, but prayers to Allah were not.

The Senate Judiciary Committee should soundly reject him as an out-of-control radical who has no respect for the Constitution or the rule of law.  With a liberal majority on this committee, however, it is likely that Hamilton will be easily approved and his nomination will then go to the full Senate for confirmation.  With a liberal majority in the Senate, his confirmation is virtually assured.

Hamilton’s confirmation will be one more nail in the coffin of freedom in America -- and Obama will have been the hammer.
Introducing Obama Motors Inc. The good news is that the Obama administration's task force charged with revamping the auto industry has concluded what many suggested last year before massive taxpayer bailouts.  The task force is now saying the best chance for success for both GM and Chrysler "may well require utilizing the bankruptcy code in a quick and surgical way." 

Now they tell us -- after $22 billion in taxpayer subsidies have been poured into the two companies.

The bad news is that the Obama White House is now clearly deep into industrial policy by forcing out General Motors chief Rick Wagoner and most of his board.  Wagoner, who joined GM in 1977, agreed to leave as one of the White House's conditions for more federal aid.  The moves give Obama political cover as he contemplates just how much taxpayer money to pour into the auto industry.

But the moves also represent another step on the road to the dystopia that Ayn Rand depicted in her novel "Atlas Shrugged."  Rand envisioned an America in which bureaucrats dictated terms to both management and labor as it allocated state favors.  As Michael Vadum of the Capital Research Center notes, such state managerialism is a peculiarly foreign concept to America.  He quotes the Italian dictator Mussolini as saying: "Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power."  That merger is now underway here, at least until Obama and his Democrats get through the next couple of elections with the help of a grateful UAW.
Obama Orders Chevrolet and Dodge Out Of NASCAR With their racing budgets deemed "unnecessary expenditures," GM and Chrysler were ordered by Obama to cease racing operations at the end of the season.

In a move sure to spark outrage, the White House announced today that GM and Chrysler must cease participation in NASCAR at the end of the 2009 season if they hope to receive any additional financial aid from the government.

"Automakers used to operate on the principle of 'win on Sunday, sell on Monday,' but the Auto Task Force’s research just doesn’t validate that as true," said the statement from Obama.

The statement goes on further to say the same demand will be made of Ford if it asks for government assistance.  "In order to receive this money, corporations must demonstrate they will spend it wisely.  Racing has been said to improve on-road technology, but frankly, NASCAR almost flaunts its standing among the lowest-tech forms of motorsport.  NASCAR is not proven to drive advancements that transfer from the racetrack to the road, and this nation’s way forward does not hinge on decades-old technology.

Obama realizes this will be an unpopular call, but stands behind the decision, saying, "This is an obvious cut to make, but it is not an easy one.  This administration is not ignoring the tremendous sentimental value and emotional appeal NASCAR holds for so many Americans.  But now is not the time for sentiment and nostalgia; now is a time for decisive financial action.  If our automotive industry is to emerge from this recession intact, then these difficult decisions must be made."

Reports that Obama was overheard saying, "that'll teach those peckerwoods" remain unconfirmed.

Note:  This is most likely an April Fool's joke, but it's going viral.  Autospies and now Drudge have picked it up.

What's great about this joke is -- considering the previous actions of the usurper -- it is highly believable.
A Policy Of Obsequiousness Yesterday in Geneva, Obama unveiled the new look of America’s foreign policy -- obsequiousness.  It was Day One for his emissaries to the U.N. planning committee of the Durban II conference.  This is the racist "anti-racism" bash to be held in Geneva in April.  The U.S. and Israel walked out of the first go-round in Durban, South Africa in September 2001.  Ever since, the U.S. government has refused to lend any credibility to the Declaration adopted after they left.  That is, until yesterday.

U.S. representatives were addressing a human-rights negotiating committee with an executive consisting of a Libyan chair, an Iranian vice-chair, and a Cuban rapporteur.  Russian Yuri Boychenko was presiding over Monday’s "human rights" get-together.  Before them was a draft document which participants plan to adopt in finished form at the conference itself.  The draft now contains mountains of offensive references to limits on free speech, anti-Israel and anti-Jewish provisions, and incendiary allegations of the victimization of Muslims at the hands of counter-terrorism racists.

Here is how the American delegates responded to a proposal they understood was incompatible with U.S. interests ("Brackets" denote withholding approval at any given moment in time.): "I hate to be the cause of unhappiness in the room . . . I have to suggest this phrase remains in brackets and I offer my sincere apologies."

Having watched U.N. meetings for the past 25 years, I can’t remember a U.S. representative in a public session so openly obsequious, particularly in the presence of such specious human rights authorities.  And yet the U.S. delegates appear happy to be there and convey the marching orders of their new boss.

Overall, on Day One, U.N. members were delighted by the new administration’s timidity.  And they know exactly how to ensure those promises of change continue.  In an entire day of a four-day meeting, they reviewed only 11 of the 140 paragraphs.  The next set of meetings will be in April right before the conference itself.  By the time somebody begins to suspect it might not change, it will all be over, in more ways than one.

More from Anne Bayefsky here . . .

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