April 20, 2009

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Obama once dressed as
a Somali elder.  Now he has
to kill Somali pirates.








Tone Deaf On Terror If nothing else, Obama's decision to overrule his own intelligence officials and release Bush-era legal memos justifying what The New York Times sanctimoniously described as the CIA's "brutal" interrogation techniques proves what a bunch of pushovers we Americans are.

Al Qaeda kidnaps Americans, tortures them, then decapitates them on TV.

We deprive captives of sleep, push them into walls and put harmless caterpillars that we say are poisonous in their cells.

Then we're the ones who are condemned as the worst human-rights violators on the planet.

Obama did promise that no one who undertook such practices would be prosecuted -- though he pointedly refused to make such guarantees for those who authorized the work.

It took literally minutes before Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Pat Leahy (D-Vt.) was demanding a South Africa-style "truth commission" to probe such techniques.  And the ACLU, whose lawsuit provoked the memos' release, wants a special prosecutor appointed.
Obama Breaks Secrecy Promise Despite a pledge to open government, the Obama administration has endorsed a Bush-era decision to keep secret key details of an FBI computer database that allows agents and analysts to search a billion documents with a wealth of personal information about Americans and foreigners.

Obama's Justice Department quietly told a federal court in Washington last week that it would not second-guess the previous administration's decisions to withhold some information about the bureau's Investigative Data Warehouse.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a digital rights advocacy group, had sued under the Freedom of Information Act to get records showing how the FBI protects the privacy of Americans whose personal information winds up in the vast database.

As a result, there is no public list of all the databases the FBI sucks into this computer warehouse; no information on how individuals can correct errors about them in this FBI database; and no public access to assessments the bureau did of the warehouse's impact on Americans' privacy.

"In light of all the fanfare at the highest levels of the administration about a new transparency policy, it's remarkable that not one word of additional material has been released as a result of that new policy," said David Sobel, the foundation's lawyer in the case.

More here . . .
Obama's Gun Lies The "liar, liar pants on fire" argument usually isn't the most effective.  But when it comes to guns, Obama is lying through his teeth.

On Thursday, while on a visit to Mexico, Obama continued his Blame America First tour.  "This war is being waged with guns purchased not here but in the United States," he said, referring to the drug wars that are tearing apart our neighbor to the south.  "More than 90 percent of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the United States, many from gun shops that lay in our shared border."

It is completely untrue that 90 percent of guns recovered in Mexico are from America.  The Mexican government separates guns it confiscates that were made in the United States and sends them here to be traced. U.S. weapons are easy to identify because of clear markings.

Of the ones sent here to be traced, 90 percent turn out to be from America, but most guns recovered in Mexico are not sent here so are not included in the count.  Fox News reported that 17 percent is a more accurate number.

The New York Times, CNN and numerous networks continue to repeat the 90 percent figure with no reporting to back it up.  The hysteria is used to create the notion that a major problem exists with American guns -- and Obama is anxious to step in to solve that problem with a $400 million program to stop U.S. guns from going to Mexico.  That initiative would include clampdowns on U.S. gun shops.

It is ridiculous for Mr. Obama to blame Mexico's lawlessness on Americans as if the longstanding corruption of Mexican elected officials, judges and law-enforcement officers has nothing to do with it.
A Forged Long-Form Birth Certificate DC sources say that an Administration team is working on perfecting a forgery of the long-form birth certificate.  They plan on presenting it in a a month or so.  The source is an FBI agent who has drinking buddy from University of Illinois now in the Administration.  It's second hand, but the source is supposed to be solid.

They have already prepared the forgery with special paper and ink.  The document was printed on a fully functional 1960 Heidelberger printing press located at a print museum in Toronto.  Access was arranged by a trustee of the museum who is connected to a large Canadian banking/investment firm with major US interests.

The blanks in the forged form were filled in with an old Underwood Manual typewriter bought at an estate sale in Skokie, IL.  The raised seal was the easiest piece to fake, since you can by a special order corporate seal from just about any online office supply store.

The only reason they haven't rolled out the forgery yet is that it is "seasoning" under mild UV light and a back and forth rotation between between a humidifier and a sauna.  Get ready....one to two months tops.

I personally don't put a lot of stock into this report.  I have included it here in the off-chance that a couple of months down the road Obama suddenly releases his long-form birth certificate after his long and expensive battle to keep it from the American People.  If that happens, this report will immediately gain a great deal of credibility.
Official Obama Administration Scandals List The Conservative American website contains a list of 200 Obama-related scandals, mistakes, blunders, broken promises, flip flops, gaffes, lies, etc.  They call it the Scandals List because the above is too long of a name.  Okay?

The list in chronological order and spans five linked pages.  Here's page one.
FBI Spied On TEA Parties Even as average Americans were planning to get out in towns and cities to demonstrate against Big Government and Big Taxes, Federal Bureau of Intelligence Investigation (FBI) surveillance was being unleashed upon them.  In fact, unsuspecting Tax Day TEA Party participants were being closely watched during the demonstration planning stages in a covert operation that began on or about March 23, 2009.

According to this unimpeachable source, a single-page confidential directive issued by the FBI headquarters in Washington, DC (FBIHQ) was sent to each of the 56 field offices located across the United States on or about March 23, 2009, instructing the Special Agents in Charge (SACs) of those offices to verify the date, time and location of each TEA Party within their region and supply that information to FBI headquarters in Washington.  The source stated this correspondence termed the TEA parties "political demonstrations," and added that the dissemination of the directive was very tightly controlled.  "Not all agents were privy to this correspondence," stated the source, who compared the dissemination to an older "Do Not File" classification.

In addition to obtaining or confirming the location and time of each "demonstration," each field office was instructed to obtain or confirm the identity of the individual(s) involved in the actual planning and coordination of the event in each specific region, and include the local or regional Internet web site address, if any.  The information collected by region was then reportedly sent to FBI Headquarters.

There's more details here . . .
Obama’s Revenue Plans Hits Resistance Obama is running into stiff Congressional resistance to his plans to raise money for his ambitious agenda, and the resulting hole in the budget is threatening a major health care overhaul and other policy initiatives.

The administration’s central revenue proposal -- limiting the value of affluent Americans’ itemized deductions, including the one for charitable giving -- fell flat in Congress, leaving the White House, at least for now, without $318 billion that it wants to set aside to help cover uninsured Americans. At the same time, lawmakers of both parties have warned against moving too quickly on a plan to auction carbon emission permits to produce more than $600 billion.

The unwillingness to embrace some of the major White House tax and revenue proposals has frustrated administration officials.

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