April 27, 2009

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Obama once dressed as
a Somali elder.  Now he has
to kill Somali pirates.








Ten Ways Obama Is Destroying America I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that Barack Obama is damaging America more than any other president in its history.  Here are ten of the biggest ways Obama is destroying America.

1.  He's running up crushing federal debt at a level unprecedented in American history.  We are talking trillions upon trillions of dollars in debt.  This ensures the the future will bring ruinous taxes, runaway inflation, or eventual financial collapse.

2.  He has endorsed and benefitted from systematic violation of election and campaign funding laws.  His election saw widespread voter registration fraud from his allies at ACORN and systematic acceptance of dubious campaign donations by disabling normal credit card verification procedures for online donations, allowing donations to be made from foreign donors and from donors using fictitious names.  This in turn allowed donors to skirt donation limits if they wished, simply by using bogus names.  In the "stimulus" bill, Obama has funded ACORN and similar groups to the tune of billions.

3.  Obama has endorsed, and will continue to foster, the entitlement mentality, playing the victim, and mob rule.  A typical moment was his warning to bank executives that it was only his administration standing between executives and the mobs with pitchforks.  Not mentioned was the fact that Obama's pals at ACORN were the number one wielders of the pitchforks.  Obama is also ushering in socialism at a breathtaking pace.  Soon, no major expense in a normal human life will be paid for by the individual.  Every major expense, from housing to advanced education to medical care, will be paid for by Big Brother.  Incentives to work will be destroyed for both the "rich" and the "poor."  We will all soon be poorer as a result.

4.  Obama is gearing up to politicize and manipulate the Census to an unprecedented degree.  Given the Obama campaign's and Obama administration's other manipulations, I believe it is extremely unlikely that Obama will not end up overcounting "homeless," illegal aliens, and other Democratic Party interest groups.  The result will be to unlawfully shift power to blue states, cementing control of the nation in the hands of statists.

5.  Obama is trampling, penalizing, micromanaging, and destroying American business to an unprecedented degree, and he's just getting started.  Already we see major automakers about to fail (of course, this is primarily the result of the power labor unions have wielded in the auto industry), we see banks failing and being taken over, and we see restaurants, retailers, and companies in the construction business struggling and failing.  To reiterate: Obama is just getting started.  It is a terrible time to own a business in America.

6.  Obama is lending aid, money, and support to tyrannies and terrorists.  From getting chummy with Hugo Chavez to releasing dangerous GITMO terrorists to handing almost a billion dollars to Palestinian terrorists, Obama has yet to meet a terrorist or tyrant he doesn't seem to like.

7.  Obama is discounting and attempting to undermine America's Christian and Judeo-Christian culture.  By constantly treating Christianity as the moral equivalent of atheism and Islam in his public pronouncements -- and by proclaiming that America is no longer a Christian nation (even though about 80% of Americans identify as Christians), Obama is turning his back on America's great strength.

8.  Obama is retroactively criminalizing innocent behavior and excusing unlawful behavior.  He appoints tax cheats to his administration and then treats AIG executives as criminals, retroactively imposing 90% taxes on bonuses.  He frees GITMO terrorists who tried to kill Americans, and then threatens to prosecute lawyers who gave legal opinions on torture -- and broke no laws in doing so.

9.  He is rapidly ceding the Middle East back to terrorists and tyrants.  He is trying to cozy up to Iran but, more importantly, he is withdrawing troops from Iraq even as violence escalates, risking the loss of that country in the infancy of its democracy.  He is moving too slowly and ineffectually in Afghanistan as dangers grow in Pakistan.  He is letting the Taliban gain strength to the point where it now threatens to take over Pakistan and its nuclear arsenal.

10.  I've saved the worst for last.  Obama has already reduced funding for missile defense and threatens to eliminate the program entirely.  Yet missile defense is the only potential defense against nuclear missile threats from a growing number of terrorists and tyrants around the world.  This dereliction of duty on Obama's part could result in the deaths of millions.

Barack Obama is destroying America.  It is up to Americans to realize the danger and rise up against this destruction before it is too late.
What If It's Osama Bin Laden Michael Scheuer paints a scenario, where, in surprisingly good English, the captive quietly answers: "Yes, all thanks to God, I do know when the mujaheddin will, with God's permission, detonate a nuclear weapon in the United States, and I also know how many and in which cities."  Startled, the CIA interrogators quickly demand more detail.  Smiling his trademark shy smile, the captive says nothing.  Reporting the interrogation's results to the White House, the CIA director can only shrug when the president asks: "What can we do to make Osama bin Laden talk?"

Americans should keep this worst-case scenario in mind as they watch the tragicomic spectacle taking place in the wake of the publication of the Justice Department's interrogation memos.  It will help them recognize this episode of political theater as another major step in the bipartisan dismantling of America's defenses based on the requirements of presidential ideology.  George W. Bush's democracy-spreading philosophy yielded the invasion of Iraq and set the United States at war with much of the Muslim world.  Bush's worldview thereby produced an enemy that quickly outpaced the limited but proven threat-containing capacities of the major U.S. counterterrorism programs -- rendition, interrogation and unmanned aerial vehicle attacks.

Now, in a single week, President Obama has eliminated two-thirds of that successful-but-not-sufficient national defense troika because his personal ideology -- a fair gist of which is "If the world likes us more we are more secure" -- cannot tolerate harsh interrogation techniques, torture or coercive interviews, call them what you will.  Surprisingly, Obama now stands alongside Bush as a genuine American Jacobin, both of them seeing the world as they want it to be, not as it is.  Whereas Bush saw a world of Muslims yearning to betray their God for Western secularism, Obama gazes upon a globe that he regards as largely carnivore-free and believes that remaining threats can be defused by semantic warfare; just stop saying "War on Terror" and give talks in Turkey and on al-Arabiyah television, for example.

Americans should be clear on what Obama has done.  In a breathtaking display of self-righteousness and intellectual arrogance, Obama told Americans that his personal beliefs are more important than protecting their country, their homes and their families.

Continue reading here . . .
Obama Outsources Capitalism To European Socialists Most Americans are probably unaware that Obama has agreed to place America's free enterprise system under the control of a world financial government to be ruled from Brussels, Belgium.

Obama quietly agreed to this system while attending the G-20 Summit in England earlier this month.  During the recent meetings of the G-20, the nations issued a proposal for a "Financial Stability Board" and an "International Economic Union" that would control all financial institutions around the globe.  This includes the U.S.

This was done under the radar and will create an economic union that will put American businesses under the control of European bankers.  They will be making the rules for our nation, not Congress or independent businesses.  Obama has just turned our monetary system over to a group of unaccountable European socialists!

This decision effectively repeals the Declaration of Independence and abrogates national sovereignty.  The creation of a Financial Stability Board will have power to examine all banks, brokerage firms, and corporations.  Obama has not just nationalized many of our businesses, he has just internationalized them under a European-run Board where America only has one vote.  The communiqué setting up this Financial Stability Board has no appeal procedure.  Any decision by the Financial Stability Board is final.

Obama's efforts to give away our free enterprise system is a long-time goal of atheist billionaire George Soros, the man who helped get socialist Obama elected.  The G-20 agreement will permit the nations of the world to bilk American taxpayers out of trillions of dollars over the next decades.

This new economic union will give the International Monetary Fund power to conduct surveillance of the U.S. economy.  Obama also endorsed the use of a global currency called "Special Drawing Rights," a new global warming treaty, and the U.N. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which will result in more than $1 trillion in new taxes for Americans.  Obama has laid the groundwork for the death of U.S. national sovereignty and the U.S. dollar as the world's dominant currency.

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has hailed this U.N. plan as evidence that the nations of the world are creating a New World Order (NWO) -- code for world government where nations surrender their sovereignty to international organizations such as the United Nations.

Congress can still act to block many of these Obama-endorsed programs, but will it?
Obama Hides The Whole Story Set aside for now the troubling changes in the Obama administration’s position on whether former Bush officials should be prosecuted for suggesting tough interrogation tactics against terrorists.  Set aside the manifest unfairness of prosecuting lawyers merely for doing their job of giving legal advice.  Set aside the raft of other reasonable objections to the proposed prosecutions, including a justifiable aversion to witch-hunts.

Instead, consider how flagrantly President Barack Obama violated his repeated promises that he would run a transparent and honorable administration.  His administration’s selective and highly prejudicial release of only partial information about CIA interrogations clearly was designed to gin up outrage against former Bush officials.  The release of the information was a pure political hit job masquerading as an act of openness.

Obama ignored near-uniform pleadings by respected intelligence professionals to keep the interrogation descriptions classified, yet refused to declassify the evidence that the interrogations saved countless American lives.  Obama highlighted the alleged sins while withholding (often directly redacting) the context, the justifications, and the practical benefits gained.  Then his administration went even farther.  Not only did it refuse to declassify the exculpatory intelligence, but also it selectively and misleadingly edited a memo by its own national intelligence director about the program.

As reported by the New York Times’ Peter Baker, intelligence director Dennis Blair wrote a memo that included these lines: "High value information came from interrogations in which those methods were used and provided a deeper understanding of the al Qa’ida organization that was attacking this country."  Baker then reported: "Admiral Blair’s assessment that the interrogation methods did produce important information was deleted from a condensed version of his memo released to the media last Thursday.  Also deleted was a line in which he empathized with his predecessors who originally approved some of the harsh tactics after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001."

That last deleted line read as follows: "I like to think I would not have approved those methods in the past," he wrote, "but I do not fault those who made the decisions at that time…."

Without Baker’s reporting, those highly important judgments by Obama’s own appointee would have been buried from public view, thus stacking the deck against those whom Blair would absolve.  Such dishonesty from a White House borders on the Nixonian -- and violates every reasonable American’s innate sense of justice.

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