July 2, 2009

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The Press Is Beginning To get It


Reporters Grill Gibbels Over Prepackaged Questions for Obama (04:19)
"The point is the control from here.  We have never had that in the White House.  And we have had some control but not this control.  I mean I'm amazed, I'm amazed at you people who call for openness and transparency and have controlled..." veteran White House reporter Helen Thomas said Wednesday.

CNSNews.com reports that not even Nixon tried to control the press the way Obama is trying to control the press.

"Nixon didn’t try to do that," Thomas said.  "They couldn’t control (the media).  They didn’t try.

"What the hell do they think we are, puppets?"  Thomas said.  "They’re supposed to stay out of our business.  They are our public servants.  We pay them."

Thomas said she was especially concerned about the arrangement between the Obama Administration and a writer from the liberal Huffington Post Web site.  The writer was invited by the White House to Obama’s press conference last week on the understanding that he would ask Obama a question about Iran from among questions that had been sent to him by people in Iran.

"When you call the reporter the night before you know damn well what they are going to ask to control you," Thomas said.

"I’m not saying there has never been managed news before, but this is carried to fare-thee-well--for the town halls, for the press conferences," she said.  "It’s blatant.  They don’t give a damn if you know it or not.  They ought to be hanging their heads in shame."

The questioning of Obama by reporters or citizens has to be managed.  He's an absolute, uh, uh, uh, uh, disaster, when left to respond to questions on his own

How can Obama answer extemporaneous questions?  He's still the same never-done-nothin', no-experience poseur he was on January 19th -- and he's been on television, or partying or jet-setting all over the world to have learned anything since that date.
Obama Stands With Tyrants The Washington Times says dictators and demagogues can rest easy on Obama's watch.  When thousands of Iranians flooded the streets of Tehran protesting a rigged election and were beaten and shot down by pro-regime thugs, Obama bided his time before making a series of noncommittal statements.  He seemed to hope it would all just go away.  However, when a socialist demagogue was ejected unceremoniously from Honduras on Sunday by his own government for trying to establish a presidency for life, Obama instantly sprang to his defense.

What happened in Honduras was not a military coup.  Honduras has a civilian president, Roberto Micheletti, a member of the former president's own Liberal Party, who was elevated to the post after Zelaya was removed.  The army did not seize power, but acted as the elected government's instrument in ousting Zelaya, who was well on his way to subverting the Honduran constitution and erecting a dictatorship. 

Obama lied when he described these events as a "military coup."

The crisis followed an intense week of political drama over a planned referendum seeking to convene an assembly to rewrite the 1982 constitution to allow Zelaya to serve in office beyond the mandated one-term limit, which would have ended in January 2010.  The Honduran National Congress opposed the referendum, and the Supreme Court declared it illegal.  The plan was denounced by majority and opposition political parties, the Catholic Church and the Honduran Human Rights Commission.

The military impounded the illegal ballots, and Zelaya fired military chief Gen. Romeo Vasquez for refusing to distribute them.  This prompted resignations from Defense Minister Edmundo Orellana and all the service chiefs.  The Supreme Court quickly ruled the firing was illegal.  Meanwhile, Zelaya led a band of followers to air force headquarters and seized the illegal ballots, seeking to hold the referendum regardless.  The Honduran Congress then acted to remove this renegade ruler and defend the Honduran constitution.

In throwing its unqualified support to Mr. Zelaya, the Obama administration is enabling America's strategic foes.  This shortsightedness is truly breathtaking and underscores the incoherence of the administration's foreign policy.  Smart power?  We think not.

Now Zelaya has secured the backing of numerous Latin American leaders, the United Nations and the United States.  He had planned to return to Tegucigalpa on Thursday, but the Organization of American States has given Honduras three days to reinstate him. Honduran Attorney General Luis Alberto Rubi has issued an arrest warrant for Mr. Zelaya on 18 charges, including abuse of power and treason.

Whatever the outcome of the crisis in Honduras, Obama has failed another key test of international leadership.  The United States is in an increasingly perilous position in Latin America and needs solid allies to stem the anti-American tide being led by Venezuela.  Obama should think twice before rushing to stand beside the likes of dictators such as Chavez and Fidel Castro.  They support Zelaya because he is a fellow traveler, a socialist in good standing, a member of their anti-gringo alliance -- the same reason the socialist Obama supports him.
Obama And Communists See Eye
From the Communist Party USA website comes the following statement on Honduras Crisis:

The Communist Party USA (CPUSA) joins with the world in denouncing the coup d’etat this morning against the legally elected president of the Republic of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, by the Honduran military, in which, according to a statement by the president’s wife, Mr. Zelaya was threatened and beaten before being sent into exile in Costa Rica.

• The CPUSA denounces alarming reports of physical attacks by troops against the ambassadors of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua in Tegucigalpa, and calls for protection of all diplomatic personal; and, if the reports of the attacks are confirmed, punishment of all the responsible parties for this gross violation of Honduran and international law.

The CPUSA further:

• Demands that president Zelaya and other members of his government be returned to power immediately, and that the troops return to their barracks.

• Demands the immediate release of all labor, community and student leaders who have reportedly been rounded up by the army, and the restoration of freedom of the press.

• Recognizes that the Obama administration has repudiated the coup, and insists that President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton hold firm to this position, refusing diplomatic recognition and any military aid to Honduras until President Zelaya is restored to power.

• Calls upon unions and other people’s organizations in the United States to actively support our brothers and sisters in Honduras in resisting this brutal military coup d’etat.

The Communist Party is even using Obama's position to make their case -- and, it's not a "military coup" -- the Communists and Obama are both relying upon the same propaganda.

Most folks, that are paying attention, recognize Obama's push to socialize the United States, but do you know what Lenin said about socialism?

Lenin said, "The goal of socialism is communism."

I'm old now, and when I stood watch on "Freedom's Frontier," facing the "Communist menace," I could never, ever, have  dreamed I would live to see the day when the Communist Party USA and the Oval Office saw eye-to-eye.  Sadly, it makes me think we lost. 

I want America back.
Obama's Biggest Character Flaw Obama recently expressed his love for "the Urdu poets," a piece of inspired BS that nobody in their right minds believed for a second.  But then Obama was narrowcasting to Pakistan, he thought, and Americans weren't supposed to be listening.  Yet character is revealed in those little snippets of Obama's mind -- his glorious fantasy life, his everlasting hope that somebody will fall for another piece of schtick, and his essential fraudulence as a human being.

Obama's biggest audience is himself, and no doubt he preened and pranced in his mind's eye when he told the nation of Pakistan about his deep love and understanding of Urdu.  Love ya, baby!  All those sixty million Pakis were shouting, marveling at our polyglot president.  Waddaguy!  At least in Obi's fantasy life, that is.  Because that Zeppelin-sized ego of his needs to be pumped up a little bit more every single day.

♪♪ Wouldn't you like to ride ♪♪ on my beautiful balloon? ♪♪

Well, yes.  For his next showboating performance Obama will parade his beautiful ballooning ego in front of Vladimir Putin, whose own hands are dripping with the blood of Chechen Muslims, not to mention those brave (and now dead) Moscow journalists who dared to criticize the new Czar in the media.

When it comes to czars Vladimir Putin is almost the real thing, whipping and murdering the peasants and the boyars -- not those phony styrofoam Red Commissars Obama keeps in the White House, to lord it over Federal cabinet departments.  For the privilege of parading his beautiful ego in Moscow, Obama has no doubt paid a steep price: Say, stopping US anti-missile defense construction for Poland and the Czech Republic.

They've got his number, all the political con artists around the world.  For a little balloon-pumping flattery Obama will sell out American national security interests -- not to mention those of our allies.  Obama's "historic" Epistle to the Muslims, delivered last month at Cairo's Al Azhar University (an international center for Islamist propaganda) was not really intended to make a billion Muslims fall down at his feet.  No, the main goal of all those grand gestures is to make Obama feel better about himself.  That's the key to his character.

You could call it ego porn.

Continue reading here . . .
Barack Obama Is a Big Fat Liar Jim Geraghty says ever since Barack Obama declared his candidacy for president, it’s been easy -- and great fun -- to spotlight when his promises and statements come with "expiration dates."  The list is long: Public financing.  Renegotiating NAFTA.  His promise to support a filibuster of any bill that includes retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies.  His inability to disown Rev. Jeremiah Wright.  The release of detainee photos.  Denouncing Turkey for genocide.

Flip-flops are nothing new in politics, but every once in a while, a politician breaks a promise or an important pledge on such an epic level that it defines him, at least in part: "Read my lips: No new taxes." "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." "We did not -- repeat -- did not trade weapons or anything else for hostages -- nor will we."  Even, "I will never lie to you."

Barack Obama’s sudden about-face on taxing employer-provided health insurance deserves to rank among these classics.  Not because it’s as laughable as Bill Clinton’s, or as emphatic as George H. W. Bush’s, but because it takes a certain moral venality to casually adopt a position that was a dominant theme of your argument for why your opponent should not be elected president.

Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign spent $44 million on 16 different television ads hammering John McCain on this idea, according to research by Evan L. Tracey, founder and president of Campaign Media Analysis Group, a TNS Media Intelligence company.

"This message was a central theme and a significant percentage of the Obama campaign’s advertising in 2008," Tracey said.  His organization estimated last November that Obama’s campaign spent $250 million on television advertising, meaning that about 17 percent of all of Obama’s ads were denouncing McCain for this proposal.

The ads left no wiggle room -- here are transcripts and further comments . . .
eBay Founder Linked To Obama Ebay founder Pierre Omidyar's politics have become the subject of blog commentary because the web auction site over the last week repeatedly scrubbed an offering of an allegedly genuine copy of Barack Obama's birth certificate -- from Mombasa, Kenya.

But eBay said it wouldn't get involved in any discussion of Omidyar's activities or political statements.  Spokeswoman Evonne Gomez said, "We certainly wouldn't comment on our founder's political concessions or beliefs.  He is not involved in the day-to-day operations of the company."  She said if a question was submitted in writing, she would consult on whether it would be answered.  A question submitted by WorldNetDaily didn't, however, produce a response.

"I will coordinate with colleagues on the corporate side," she said.  "We wouldn't comment on his political views or associations."

Omidyar, a billionaire, former CEO and current chairman of eBay, was appointed by Barack Obama to serve on the 28-member President's Commission on White House Fellowships earlier this month.

According to a White House press release from June 17, Omidyar joins Obama's sister Maya, former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, General Wesley Clark, former NBC anchor Tom Brokaw, and several others on the committee, which recommends candidates to the president for selection as White House Fellows.  The release calls the White House Fellowship "America's most prestigious program for leadership and public service, providing young individuals with experience working at the highest levels of the federal government."

Omidyar further serves as a trustee of the Punahou School in Hawaii, the elite private high school that Obama and Maya graduated from in 1979, and endorsed Obama's candidacy for president on his blog in March 2008.

WND reported has reported that over the last week eBay has scrubbed at least five auctions offered by a seller known to the public only as "colmado_naranja."

The sale was for a document that purportedly was a Kenyan birth certificate for Obama.

Colmado_naranja claimed, the auction pages were removed because of an eBay policy prohibiting the sale of government documents, even though several foreign birth certificates and even a driver's license -- albeit all from 1935 or older -- were discovered for sale on the auction site.

An eBay help desk representative said the fifth auction auction for "the dissertation" was removed because the company believed, "a third party had accessed the [seller's] account."

The latest offering from colmado_naranja is an auction for a photograph of several people who reportedly helped in the hunt for the "birth certificate," and a promise that more information would be unveiled in a planned YouTube video.

Obama's place of birth, however, remains only one of several questions and possible avenues for answers that remain in determining whether or not Obama is a "natural born citizen" under the U.S. Constitution and eligible to serve as president.

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