Group Names Soviet-Era Victims,
Newsday, November 6, 2002
"A Russian human rights group released a list Wednesday of 640,000 victims of Soviet-era terror -- a grim compilation meant to help people searching for missing relatives. The group, Memorial, said the victims were executed, sent to labor camps where many perished, or deported. Most of the abuses occurred during the reign Josef Stalin. 'Even now, tens of thousands of people are trying to discover the fate of their loved ones,' said Memorial member Arseny Roginsky. 'We hope that this will help them.' The names and brief biographical details of the victims are listed in a CD-ROM, which also includes maps and information about the Soviet gulag, or labor camp system, and the location of monuments to victims of Soviet repression. Alexander Yakovlev, a former adviser to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and a member of the government's commission for rehabilitation of political repression victims, said the list reminded people of the extent of the terror. 'We've very quickly forgotten that as a result of this government terror, millions and millions of people died,' he said. Russian officials have said they believe more than 20 million people were victims of communist purges before Stalin's death in 1953. More than 10 million are said to have died."

Polish magazine under fire for wartime memoir,
Canadian Jewish News, July 12, 2001
"The editor of a Polish magazine will meet this month with representatives of Canadian Jewish Congress to discuss an article that Congress believes repeats anti-Semitic stereotypes of Jews. The article, which appeared in the February edition of Miedzy Nami magazine, is presented as part of the memoirs of author Chris Gladun's late mother, Janina Sulkowska-Gladun. The memoir repeatedly refers to Jews in a way that 'tars the entire Jewish community,' said Len Rudner, Congress' director of community relations. In a letter to Jolanta Bugajski, editor and publisher of Miedzy Nami, Rudner points out the article,which reflects Sulkowska-Gladun's memories of the Soviet occupation of Poland from 1939-41, describes members of the local Communist party as almost exclusively Jewish. The memoir repeatedly refers to Jews as supporters of the Communist regime and it alleges the NKVD (the Soviet secret police), aided by Jews, decided the fate of its victims. It also states innocent people were in fear of arrest because of a Jewish militia ... 'I certainly stand by what my mother wrote and her experiences,' Gladun said. 'I take umbrage at any accusations [the article] is anti-Semitic .... 'If [Bugajski] fails to understand the damage this kind of unsubstantiated claims make to the Jewish community, we will have to see what legal remedies are available to us,' [Rudner] added".

Ivan Margolius: Son of conscience His father was hanged in the Slansky affair. Mother and son, Heda and Ivan Margolius, in Prague 50 years late,
by Alan Levy, The Prague Post, November 27, 2002
"Fifty years ago [in Czechoslovakia], on Thursday, Nov. 27, 1952, in what history now calls The Slansky Trial, 14 defendants -- all of them communists and all but three of them Jews -- were found guilty of Trotskyism, Titoism, Zionism and espionage for the West. Six days later, 11 were hanged in Pankrac prison. Among them were Rudolf Slansky, ex-secretary general of the Czechoslovak Communist Party; ex-Foreign Minister Vladimir Clementis; and Rudolf Margolius, 39, ex-deputy minister of foreign trade."

The Churchill you didn't know. Thousands voted him the greatest Briton - but did they know about his views on Gandhi, gassing and Jews
Guardian (UK), November 28, 2002
Winston Churchill: [Addressing Stalin in Moscow, October 1944] "This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States)... this worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire." [Writing on 'Zionism versus Bolshevism' in the Illustrated Sunday Herald, February 1920]

Stalin's Ethnic Cleansing

Jewish Bankers, Russia, and The Soviet Union, 1900-1940: The Case of Kuhn, Loeb and Company,
by Priscilla Roberts, American Jewish Archives Journal
[NOTE: This long article discusses Jewish American business activism in aiding the Communist Revolution by refusing the ruling Russian Tsar financial help]
"From 1917 at least throughout the 1920s and 1930s, Kuhn, Loeb and its assorted partners were all frequently accused of pro-Bolshevik sympathies. In the 1920s this was a standard charge leveled at Jewish bankers by anti-Semitic critics in the United States and Europe.1 During the First World War, this accusation carried additional overtones of pro Germanism and disloyalty to the Allied cause, due to the widespread belief that the Bolsheviks were German puppets whose real aim was to expedite a German victory by taking Russia out of the war. Suggestions that Kuhn, Loeb, particularly its senior partner, Jacob H. Schiff, had secretly financed the Bolshevik revolution complemented both the belief that the firm was pro-German and the fear that all Jews were radicals bent on overthrowing the social order, a viewpoint that seemed to be substantiated by allegations that most of the Russian Bolsheviks were Jewish. Such a decidedly capitalist institution as Kuhn, Loeb might appear an unlikely home for left-wing tendencies. Even so, British and French officials, American conservatives, Russian emigre organizations, and anti-Semites such as Henry Wickham Steed, the editor of the British Daily Mail, justified their fears by asserting that Schiff, his partner Felix Warburg, and other Jewish bankers had made loans to the Bolsheviks in exchange for valuable financial concessions in Russia ... [O]ne need not doubt that to committed leaders of the American Jewish community, particularly Jacob Schiff and Felix Warburg, the Russian Revolution of 1917 initially seemed to promise a long-awaited and welcome end to the oppression of Russian Jews. As so often on matters involving Jewish issues, Jacob Schiff was the most vocal of the partners. Initially he, like most American Jews, was optimistic over Russian developments, enthusiastically supporting the new Provisional Government. The delighted Jacob Schiff welcomed the revolution, which he hailed as 'almost a miracle almost greater than the freeing of our forefathers from Egyptian slavery.' He sent congratulatory telegrams to the new Russian leaders, served on a reception committee for the Russian mission that visited the United States later that year, and gave the Provisional Government concrete support in the shape of substantial subscriptions to Russian governmental bond issues."

THE "FRANKFORT SCHOOL" (the profoundly influential Jewish Marxist-Freudian school of social and political thought that came -- with German Jewish exile from Hitler -- to dominate American universities):

from: Dialectic of Enlightenment The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception, by Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer
[both Marxists of Jewish heritage] (1944),
"Under monopoly all mass culture is identical, and the lines of its artificial framework begin to show through. The people at the top are no longer so interested in concealing monopoly: as its violence becomes more open, so its power grows. Movies and radio need no longer pretend to be art. The truth that they are just business is made into an ideology in order to justify the rubbish they deliberately produce. They call themselves industries; and when their directors' incomes are published, any doubt about the social utility of the finished products is removed. Interested parties explain the culture industry in technological terms. It is alleged that because millions participate in it, certain reproduction processes are necessary that inevitably require identical needs in innumerable places to be satisfied with identical goods. The technical contrast between the few production centers and the large number of widely dispersed consumption points is said to demand organisation and planning by management. Furthermore, it is claimed that standards were based in the first place on consumers' needs, and for that reason were accepted with so little resistance. The result is the circle of manipulation and retroactive need in which the unity of the system grows ever stronger. No mention is made of the fact that the basis on which technology acquires power over society is the power of those whose economic hold over society is greatest. A technological rationale is the rationale of domination itself. It is the coercive nature of society alienated from itself. Automobiles, bombs, and movies keep the whole thing together until their leveling element shows its strength in the very wrong which it furthered. It has made the technology of the culture industry no more than the achievement of standardisation and mass production, sacrificing whatever involved a distinction between the logic of the work and that of the social system. This is the result not of a law of movement in technology as such but of its function in today's economy. The need which might resist central control has already been suppressed by the control of the individual consciousness."

Erich Fromm, Judaism, and the Frankfurt School,
By Douglas Kellner, Illuminations
"The Frankfurt School had a highly ambivalent relation to Judaism. On one hand, they were part of that Enlightenment tradition that opposed authority, tradition, and all institutions of the past -- including religion. They were also, for the most part, secular Jews who did not support any organized religion, or practice religious or cultural Judaism. In this sense, they were in the tradition of Heine, Marx, and Freud for whom Judaism was neither a constitutive feature of their life or work, nor a significant aspect of their self-image and identity. And yet the Frankfurt School's relation to Judaism was varied. Several of the key members of the group had orthodox Jewish upbringings, or at least studied and practiced some elements of Judaism. Moreover, for some of the members, Judaism played an important role in their life and work. For Walter Benjamin and Erich Fromm, their Judaic heritage figured importantly in key stages of their lives and works. Judaism was of some but arguably not major significance at different stages of their lives for Lowenthal and Horkheimer; and Judaism appears not to have been particularly important for Marcuse and Adorno. Yet all Jews were outsiders in Weimar Germany and all of the Frankfurt School were forced into exile because of their Jewish background after the rise of fascism in 1933. One could argue that the members of the Frankfurt School were also to some extent outsiders in the United States where they found exile in part at least because of their Jewishness. At this time, the Frankfurt school made anti-semitism, prejudice, and the situation of the Jews a major thematic focus of their work. During the years in Weimar prior to emigration in 1934, however, the Frankfurt School did not thematize the issue of the situation of the Jews in their major works and in a 1938 article the Director of the Institute for Social Research, Max Horkheimer, wrote an article 'The Jews in Europe' in which anti-semitism was explained as a mere reflex of the vicissitudes of monopoly capitalism in the end of its liberal phase ... In this entry, I will discuss the ways that Judaism, psychoanalysis, and Marxism intersected in the work of Erich Fromm, constituting a distinctive mode of Jewish writing that combined religion and Enlightenment conceptions. I argue that Fromm was at once traditionally Jewish and radically secular, and that his early immerse in Jewish religion and culture came to shape his distinctive views and work ... Fromm himself was born into an orthodox Jewish family and both of his parents came from families of rabbis ... Throughout his youth, Fromm was deeply involved in the study of the Talmud and with his friend Leo Lowenthal, later an important member of the Frankfurt School, he joined the circle around the eminent Rabbi Nehemiah Nobel, rabbi of the largest Frankfurt synagogue ... In the middle of the 1920s, Fromm was introduced to psychoanalysis via the Jewish psychoanalyst Frieda Reichmann, who later became his wife. Reichman ran a private psychoanalytic institution in Heidelberg which practiced Jewish traditions, earning the Institute the nickname of the 'Torah-peutic Clinic.' Fromm himself trained as a psychoanalyst, opened his own practice in 1927, and married Reichmann. Fromm's first published essay was on 'The Sabbath' and, drawing on psychoanalysis, he argued that 'The Sabbath originally served as a reminder of the killing of the father and the winning of the mother; the commandment not to work served as a penance for original sin and for its repetition through regression to the pre-genital stage' ... One of his first major essays was on 'The Dogma of Christ' (1930; reprinted 1963) in which Fromm argued against the interpretation of the origins of Christianity of another psychoanalyst, Theodor Reik."

History of the Institute of Social Research,
by Ludwig v. Friedeburg
"The Institute of Social Research could not have developed at any other German university but that in Frankfurt am Main. A state university like all its successors, its foundation had been approved in 1914 by the sovereign responsible, the Prussian King Wilhelm II, but unlike all the others did not have the approval of the respective state parliament responsible for its financing. The reason was that the latter's conservative majority disapproved of the plans for a university forged by this liberal commercial city and some of its wealthy entrepreneur and banking families, to set up a free university for all in the former free city annexed by the Prussians in 1866 rather than a university after the Prussian pattern. After all, the city reportedly had Jewish-democratic tendencies. ... A second building and a considerable sum of money for [Paul] Ehrlich's therapy research were donated by the widow of the Jewish banker Georg Speyer ... . It was in 1918 in Frankfurt that with the funds from a foundation the first chair in sociology was established in Germany, and in 1919 the Minister for Culture at the suggestion of the sponsor businessman Karl Kotzenberg, pushed through the appointment of an outsider. Franz Oppenheimer was one of the leading figures from the founding circle of historical sociology, who, did not however, as a doctor come from the right family, namely that of historical economics, and as a Jew despite his extraordinary teaching success as a lecturer at Berlin University had, until then, hardly had an opportunity to become a full professor, particularly since he saw himself as a socialist. In reality he was a radical liberal, who placed free competition above everything else. He wanted to free capitalism from its harsh land ban and support of monopoly and strove for a society of free, equal human beings in which everyone had free access to acquiring land. No other scholar of that time has through his students, among them Ludwig Erhard, exerted such a profound influence on developments in the Federal Republic of Germany from the currency reform on into the 1960s. Of no less importance in socio-political terms and hardly conceivable at that time at any other place, was, in 1923 the setting up of the first research unit for scientific Marxism at a German university by the Weil family in the establishment of the Institute of Social Research, including a chair. The idea originated from Felix Weil whose father had increased the family fortune in corn trading in Argentina and having returned for health reasons, had lived in Frankfurt since 1912. Felix Weil studied economics here, began in 1919, the year of the revolution to work on his doctorate in Tübingen, was ejected from Württemberg because of revolutionary agitation, then received his doctorate in 1920 in Frankfurt on the concept of socialization. Together with Kurt Albert Gerlach, a young economist who in 1922 was called from a chair in Aachen to Frankfurt, and Friedrich Pollock, a friend from Max Horkheimer's young days he developed the plan for an Institute of Social Research ... Such a cultural climate was nurtured by the city's social-liberal character, which was continued convincingly in the Weimar Republic under the left-wing liberal Jewish Lord Mayor Ludwig Landmann ... The awarding of the Goethe prize to Sigmund Freud in 1930 was not in line with the traditional view of science, neither did it rest easy with the prejudices of German nationalism. The Frankfurt Institute of Psychoanalysis had, during this period, begun its research and teaching activities in the rooms of the Institute of Social Research. The representatives of city and state on the prize committee stood by their controversial decision and notwithstanding the bitter resistance of the Goethe philologists followed the arguments for Freud ... Karl Mannheim's support of republican constitutional politics and the special role of sociology in the political enlightenment led the registrar and Minister of Culture to assert his candidacy despite initial resistance as the follower of the professor emeritus Oppenheimer. From Heidelberg he brought with him Norbert Elias, a scholar roughly his own age, of Jewish descent like himself, who was working on his comprehensive analysis of courtly society and who played a central mediatory role in Mannheim's teaching activities. At the same time another young private professor of philosophy, Max Horkheimer, was appointed as new director of the Institute of Social Research in place of Grünberg who was ill."

Should We Leftists Be Forgiven? Front Page Magazine. June 5, 2001
"In elite institutions like the University of Chicago, a large 63 percent of student radicals were Jewish; Tom Hayden may have been the most famous name in the University of Michigan SDS, but '90 percent of the student left [in that school] came from Jewish backgrounds,' and nationally, 60 percent of SDS members were Jewish. As my once-friend Paul Breines wrote about my own alma mater the University of Wisconsin, 'the real yeast in the whole scene had been the New York Jewish students in Madison.' And he went on to note what he called the 'rootless cosmopolitanism' of the Wisconsin New Left."

[Here we have the usual public reverance for Jews , even as this woman -- like many Soviet Jews -- is introduced to the romantic "shtetl" Jewish past through her experience as a communist executioner]
Memories caught on the brink of extinction Internet archive rekindles family life in the shtetls, the eastern European Jewish villages razed in the Holocaust,
Guardian (UK), January 3, 2003
"At the age of 16 Basya Chaika played God, deciding who should live and who should die. The year was 1943. The place was Konotop in Ukraine, in Stalin's wartime Soviet Union. The Jewish teenager was a zealous communist sitting on a military tribunal which dispensed execution orders for 'traitors of the motherland'. 'I was very radical and uncompromising,' Mrs Chaika recalled. "I had to sign death sentences more than once. Such a responsibility really changes a girl's character ... When my friend and I turned up at the dance, people fled. People tried to kill me. My poor mother cried a lot because of me.' Mrs Chaika reflects on her teenage years as a communist hanging judge in a pioneering web project which aims to recreate the shtetl (small Jewish communities in eastern and central Europe) while its elderly survivors are still able to recount their lives during the cruelest of European centuries. Combining oral history with family snapshots and old Jewish community photo albums, the Centropa project is also unearthing valuable records of once- vibrant but now vanished Jewish communities in central Europe."

Jewish Communists: The Documentary Record,

Campaign for Radical Truth in History
[More details of Jewish domination of Soviet communism, including bibliographic references]

Jewish Communists[commun10.htm - MISSING] in Eastern Europe
(a couple book citations)

Contentious Minds: New Play Pits Stalinist Lillian Hellman v. Mary McCarthy,
by Hank Willow, Hollywood Investigator, March 7, 2002
[Lillian Hellman was Jewish]
"A new play targets Hollywood writers and intellectuals who tried to suppress news of a European genocide! Shockingly, these holocaust deniers also threatened to blacklist other writers who tried to expose and stop this ongoing holocaust -- Stalin's holocaust! That's the topic of Ben Pleasants's Contentious Minds: The Mary McCarthy/Lillian Hellman Affair, which recently completed its run at Hollywood's Lillian Theatre. Pleasants's play dramatizes a series of encounters between Mary McCarthy and Lillian Hellman between 1946 and 1982, the two women arguing about men, art, and politics -- with McCarthy accusing Hellman of lying to cover up Stalin's genocide. Lillian Hellman had been a screenwriter (Watch on the Rhine), better known for her plays, who remained a fervent defender of Stalin through to her death in 1984. Mary McCarthy was a leftist -- but anti-Stalinist -- critic and writer (The Group, Memories of a Catholic Girlhood) ... Contentious Minds reminds audiences that HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) was founded in the 1930s to investigate American Nazis -- and that HUAC was supported by American liberals and Leftists, including Hellman -- until it turned its attention to Communists a decade later. Liberal support for HUAC -- even from Hollywood screenwriters! -- is one of the uncomfortable truths that Contentious Minds forces its Hollywood audiences to confront. Contentious Minds exposes the irony Hellman being celebrated today as a victim of HUAC -- when she was one of its initial supporters. Pleasants adds: 'After the HUAC, Hellman and Lawson were placed on Mount Rushmore as martyrs. They should be remembered as gangsters who attacked Dos Passos and James T. Farrell and [Arthur] Koestler, writers who addressed Stalin's crimes and charged [Hellman and Lawson] with lying and complicity [with Stalin]' [Pleasants says that] "Mary McCarthy became a Trotskyite because she was sleeping with two of the editors of the [Jewish-dominated] Partisan Review, and was drawn into the mess when James T. Farrell (Studs Lonigan) asked McCarthy if she supported a commission headed by John Dewey to investigate Trotsky's death ... Pleasants does not call himself a libertarian. 'I am an anarchist. I am completely anti-state. Governments would never support a play like this because it brings up issues like the Samuel Dickstein matter. He was the US Representative from New York City who created the HUAC to go after German-American Bundists. [Note: Dickstein, who was Jewish, was the only known U.S. Congressman to have cooperated with Soviet spies] HUAC was supported strongly by the Left, passed in Congress by 340-42 votes, and had the support of the CPUSA. 'What interests me today is why this is not known. Art supported by government rots the artist's soul. It's nothing more than the plutocrats' message.'"

[Here we have the usual public reverance for Jews , even as this woman -- like many Soviet Jews -- is introduced to the romantic "shtetl" Jewish past through her experience as a communist executioner]
Memories caught on the brink of extinction Internet archive rekindles family life in the shtetls, the eastern European Jewish villages razed in the Holocaust,
Guardian (UK), January 3, 2003
"At the age of 16 Basya Chaika played God, deciding who should live and who should die. The year was 1943. The place was Konotop in Ukraine, in Stalin's wartime Soviet Union. The Jewish teenager was a zealous communist sitting on a military tribunal which dispensed execution orders for 'traitors of the motherland'. 'I was very radical and uncompromising,' Mrs Chaika recalled. "I had to sign death sentences more than once. Such a responsibility really changes a girl's character ... When my friend and I turned up at the dance, people fled. People tried to kill me. My poor mother cried a lot because of me.' Mrs Chaika reflects on her teenage years as a communist hanging judge in a pioneering web project which aims to recreate the shtetl (small Jewish communities in eastern and central Europe) while its elderly survivors are still able to recount their lives during the cruelest of European centuries. Combining oral history with family snapshots and old Jewish community photo albums, the Centropa project is also unearthing valuable records of once- vibrant but now vanished Jewish communities in central Europe."

The Communism of the Intellectuals,
by David Pryce-Jones, Front Page (from NewCriterion), January 3, 2003
"Eric Hobsbawm is no doubt intelligent and industrious, and he might well have made a notable contribution as a historian. Unfortunately, lifelong devotion to Communism destroyed him as a thinker or interpreter of events. Such original work as he did concerned bandits and outlaws ... The purpose of all Hobsbawm’s writing, indeed of his life, has been to certify the inevitable triumph of Communism. In the face of whatever might actually have been happening in the Soviet Union and its satellites, he devised reasons to justify or excuse the Communist Party right to its end—long after Russians themselves had realized that Communism had ruined morally and materially everybody and everything within its reach. He loves to describe himself as a professional historian, but someone who has steadily corrupted knowledge into propaganda, and scorns the concept of objective truth, is nothing of the kind, neither a historian nor professional. It becomes quite a good joke that Communism collapsed under him, proving in the living world that the beliefs and ideas in his head were empty illusions, and all the Marxist and Soviet rhetoric just claptrap ... A mystery peculiar to the twentieth century is that intellectuals were eager to endorse the terror and mass-murder which characterized Soviet rule, at one and the same time abdicating humane feelings and all sense of responsibility towards others, and of course perverting the pursuit of truth. The man who sets dogs on concentration camp victims or fires his revolver into the back of their necks is evidently a brute; the intellectual who devises justifications for the brutality is harder to deal with, and far more sinister in the long run. Apologizing for the Soviet Union, such intellectuals licensed and ratified unprecedented crime and tyranny, to degrade and confuse all standards of humanity and morality. Hobsbawm is an outstand-ing example of the type. The overriding question is: how was someone with his capacity able to deceive himself so completely about reality and take his stand alongside the commissar signing death warrants? Not long ago, on a popular television show, Hobsbawm explained that the fact of Soviet mass-murdering made no difference to his Communist commitment. In astonishment, his interviewer asked, 'What that comes down to is saying that had the radiant tomorrow actually been created, the loss of fifteen, twenty million people might have been justified?' Without hesitation Hobsbawm replied, 'Yes' ... The key to this limited personality no doubt lies in his background and childhood. His father was an English citizen, though of Central European Jewish origins, and his mother was Viennese ... Both parents died prematurely, and Hobsbawm was brought up by an aunt and uncle in Berlin between 1931 and 1935. At school in that city, he says, he did not suffer any sort of taunting either as a displaced English teenager or as a Jew, but these years induced 'the sense of living in some sort of final crisis' and this made him a Communist."

Kevin MacDonald's review of a book by J. Schatz, "The Generation: The Rise and Fall of the Jewish Communists of Poland" (1991)
Neither Aryan, Nor Jew web site

Excerpts from: The Generation: The Rise and Fall of the Jewish Communists of Poland
Neither Aryan, Nor Jew web site

Files reveal how FBI hounded chess king The files reflect a time when nervous leaders had little restraint,
Philadelphia Inquirer, November 17, 2002
"He was the ultimate cold warrior, humbling the mighty Soviet chess establishment through his own genius and a pounding ambition to be the greatest player in the world. At a time when competition with the Soviets was measured in moon landings and missile counts, Bobby Fischer beat the Russians' best. But Fischer's own government once believed his mother might be a Soviet spy, and that Moscow might have tried to enlist young Bobby as well. FBI records obtained by The Inquirer under the Freedom of Information Act show that intermittently, from the 1940s to the 1970s, the Fischers were being watched. The FBI worried that the Russians had tried to recruit the young chess prodigy on a trip he made to Moscow in 1958. FBI agents checked birth records, posed as student journalists, and considered cultivating other chess players. They hounded Fischer's mother, reading her mail, quizzing her neighbors, studying her canceled checks. On the Web Some of the original documents in Regina Fischer's FBI file are available on the Inquirer's Web site at They eventually decided Regina Fischer was no spy, and that the Soviets hadn't tried to enlist her son. But the FBI files offer insights into another era, and into long-buried secrets about who Bobby Fischer is and who his parents were. His father has widely been identified as a German biophysicist named Hans-Gerhardt Fischer. But documents suggest it was someone else entirely. The FBI kept a file on that man, too ... The FBI seemed to pay more attention to Regina Fischer's Hungarian friend, Paul Nemenyi. Nemenyi came to the United States in the 1930s, taught college mathematics, and met Regina Fischer in 1942, according to the files. An informant told the bureau that in 1947, Nemenyi opined that the Soviet system was 'superior to that of the U.S.' Nemenyi also took a deep interest in Bobby Fischer. He paid child support and complained to social workers about the way Regina was raising the boy ... 'I take it you know that Paul was Bobby Fischer's father,' Peter Nemenyi wrote after his father's death in 1952 ... [Bobby Fischer] described Jews as 'thieving, lying bastards. They made up the Holocaust.' The irony is clear: His mother was Jewish and so was Nemenyi, the man described by some as his father."
No One: The Secret World of Sidney Reilly
"The man best known as Sidney George Reilly-although he used many names-spent his life in the shadows of international intrigue and counted among his legion of allies, accomplices and victims the likes of Winston Churchill, the mysterious Basil Zaharoff and Boris Savinkov. Usually portrayed as a master spy, Reilly's real exploits exceeded anything credited to Fleming's fictional Bond. The son of a Polish Jewish family in Imperial Russia, he early embarked on an amazing, daring and often bewildering career which led him to assume the personas of an Anglo-Irish gentleman, an international arms-merchant and a Bolshevik commissar among many others. He was a slightly different person to every man who knew him and every woman who loved him. But Reilly was as much a cunning master criminal as secret agent, amassing a fortune by the ruthless bartering of influence and information. He was used and feared by capitalists and commissars alike. Was he a dedicated anti-communist, the Soviet's first "mole," or simply a bold and unscrupulous con man?"

Solzhenitsyn breaks last taboo of the revolution,
The Guardian (UK), January 25, 2003
"Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who first exposed the horrors of the Stalinist gulag, is now attempting to tackle one of the most sensitive topics of his writing career - the role of the Jews in the Bolshevik revolution and Soviet purges. In his latest book Solzhenitsyn, 84, deals with one of the last taboos of the communist revolution: that Jews were as much perpetrators of the repression as its victims. Two Hundred Years Together - a reference to the 1772 partial annexation of Poland and Russia which greatly increased the Russian Jewish population - contains three chapters discussing the Jewish role in the revolutionary genocide and secret police purges of Soviet Russia. But Jewish leaders and some historians have reacted furiously to the book, and questioned Solzhenitsyn's motives in writing it, accusing him of factual inaccuracies and of fanning the flames of anti-semitism in Russia. Solzhenitsyn argues that some Jewish satire of the revolutionary period 'consciously or unconsciously descends on the Russians' as being behind the genocide. But he states that all the nation's ethnic groups must share the blame, and that people shy away from speaking the truth about the Jewish experience. In one remark which infuriated Russian Jews, he wrote: 'If I would care to generalise, and to say that the life of the Jews in the camps was especially hard, I could, and would not face reproach for an unjust national generalisation. But in the camps where I was kept, it was different. The Jews whose experience I saw - their life was softer than that of others.' Yet he added: 'But it is impossible to find the answer to the eternal question: who is to be blamed, who led us to our death? To explain the actions of the Kiev cheka [secret police] only by the fact that two thirds were Jews, is certainly incorrect.' Solzhenitsyn, awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1970, spent much of his life in Soviet prison camps, enduring persecution when he wrote about his experiences. He is currently in frail health, but in an interview given last month he said that Russia must come to terms with the Stalinist and revolutionary genocides - and that its Jewish population should be as offended at their own role in the purges as they are at the Soviet power that also persecuted them ... Solzhenitsyn's book has caused controversy in Russia, where one Jewish leader said it was 'not of any merit'. 'This is a mistake, but even geniuses make mistakes,' said Yevgeny Satanovsky, president of the Russian Jewish Congress ... Professor Robert Service of Oxford University, an expert on 20th century Russian history, said that from what he had read about the book, Solzhenitsyn was 'absolutely right'. Researching a book on Lenin, Prof Service came across details of how Trotsky, who was of Jewish origin, asked the politburo in 1919 to ensure that Jews were enrolled in the Red army. Trotsky said that Jews were disproportionately represented in the Soviet civil bureaucracy, including the cheka. 'Trotsky's idea was that the spread of anti-semitism was [partly down to] objections about their entrance into the civil service. There is something in this; that they were not just passive spectators of the revolution. They were part-victims and part-perpetrators. It is not a question that anyone can write about without a huge amount of bravery, and [it] needs doing in Russia because the Jews are quite often written about by fanatics. Mr Solzhenitsyn's book seems much more measured than that.'"

[Jewish in-house dialogue: Jews make a film about the radical "Weather Underground," who -- surprise!-- were mostly Jews:]
Molotov Memories Or, whitey on the moon,
New York Press
"Every documentary has a subject, but a good documentary also evinces a theme. The Weather Underground pursues those white student radicals of the 60s who split off from the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) to form a more desperate sect of bomb-planting revolutionaries. Their disgust with American policy during the Vietnam War was a particular expression of generational backlash. These former students were in a position to take issue with all the benefits of skin and caste they enjoyed. Acting upon their embarrassed self-awareness as fortunate whites, they felt, as one interviewee says, 'a duty and an obligation' to overthrow what they clearly perceived as a 'racist, genocidal, unjust' government. When the crazed dream disintegrated, and after years of hiding from the FBI, they came back to society as professors, local activists, virtually anonymous Americans. Filmmakers Sam Green and Bill Siegel cleverly pace the interviews with telephoto shots of crowds on streets and in corridors: Anywhere. Anyone. A totally successful re-integration. It’s a story that has gone back underground. Today, it’s an almost forgotten history carrying an archaic sense that being young meant devotion to an idea and a passion for issues. But The Weather Underground is most interesting when forcing those old radicals into self-examination. They’re brought close to realizing that though times have changed, youthful recklessness has not. Mark Rudd admits mixed feelings: "Knowledge of the U.S.’s position in the world was too big. I still don’t know what to do with it." Some, like Naomi Jaffe and David Gilbert, haven’t entirely let go. Others remain embittered, like Bernardine Dohrn, now married to Bill Ayers and with two children. Dohrn still wears that 'I have nothing to smile about' look on her face that she had when a young firebrand. Now chagrined, they have some small understanding that their dangerous folly ('like a Children’s crusade gone mad') was an excess of privilege and timeless naivete. Some of this realization comes post 9/11 ... Mark Rudd is quoted: 'I cherished my hate as moral superiority'—a confession of blistering honesty that conveys the heat of privileged activism. Something more was going on than kids acting on principle. And arrogance wasn’t just a trait of the dangerous ones. An SDS conservative, Todd Gitlin, is interviewed about the 1968 convention that saw the group splintered ... They dared to challenge: 'White youth must choose sides now. You’re either one of the oppressed or one of the oppressors.' That only sounds simple; it’s a complicated truism you’ll never hear from Eminem."

[Jews, communism, and U.S. Imperialism:]
Trotsky's ghost wandering the White House. Influence on Bush aides: Bolshevik's writings supported the idea of pre-emptive war,
by Jeet Heer, National Post (posted here at June 07, 2003
"Joseph Stalin, the Soviet dictator, was paranoid. Perhaps his deepest fears centred around his great rival for the leadership of the Bolshevik movement, Leon Trotsky. Stalin went to extraordinary lengths to obliterate not only Trotsky but also the ragtag international fellowship known as the Left Opposition, which supported Trotsky's political program. In the late 1920s, Stalin expelled Trotsky from the Communist Party and deported him from the Soviet Union. Almost instantly, other Communist parties moved to excommunicate Trotsky's followers, notably the Americans James P. Cannon and Max Shachtman. In 1933, while in exile in Turkey, Trotsky regrouped his supporters as the Fourth International. Never amounting to more than a few thousand individuals scattered across the globe, the Fourth International was constantly harassed by Stalin's secret police, as well as by capitalist governments ... Trotsky's movement, although never numerous, attracted many sharp minds. At one time or another, the Fourth International included among its followers the painter Frida Kahlo (who had an affair with Trotsky), the novelist Saul Bellow, the poet André Breton and the Trinidadian polymath C.L.R. James. As evidence of the continuing intellectual influence of Trotsky, consider the curious fact that some of the books about the Middle East crisis that are causing the greatest stir were written by thinkers deeply shaped by the tradition of the Fourth International. In seeking advice about Iraqi society, members of the Bush administration (notably Paul D. Wolfowitz, the Deputy Secretary of Defence, and Dick Cheney, the Vice-President) frequently consulted Kanan Makiya, an Iraqi-American intellectual whose book The Republic of Fear is considered to be the definitive analysis of Saddam Hussein's tyrannical rule. As the journalist Christopher Hitchens notes, Makiya is 'known to veterans of the Trotskyist movement as a one-time leading Arab member of the Fourth International.' When speaking about Trotskyism, Hitchens has a voice of authority. Like Makiya, Hitchens is a former Trotskyist who is influential in Washington circles as an advocate for a militantly interventionist policy in the Middle East. Despite his leftism, Hitchens has been invited into the White House as an ad hoc consultant. Other supporters of the Iraq war also have a Trotsky-tinged past. On the left, the historian Paul Berman, author of a new book called Terror and Liberalism, has been a resonant voice among those who want a more muscular struggle against Islamic fundamentalism. Berman counts the Trotskyist C.L.R. James as a major influence. Among neo-conservatives, Berman's counterpart is Stephen Schwartz, a historian whose new book, The Two Faces of Islam, is a key text among those who want the United States to sever its ties with Saudi Arabia. Schwartz spent his formative years in a Spanish Trotskyist group. To this day, Schwartz speaks of Trotsky affectionately as "the old man" and "L.D." (initials from Trotsky's birth name, Lev Davidovich Bronstein). "To a great extent, I still consider myself to be [one of the] disciples of L.D," he admits, and he observes that in certain Washington circles, the ghost of Trotsky still hovers around. At a party in February celebrating a new book about Iraq, Schwartz exchanged banter with Wolfowitz about Trotsky, the Moscow Trials and Max Shachtman. 'I've talked to Wolfowitz about all of this,' Schwartz notes. 'We had this discussion about Shachtman. He knows all that stuff, but was never part of it. He's definitely aware.' The yoking together of Paul Wolfowitz and Leon Trotsky sounds odd, but a long and tortuous history explains the link between the Bolshevik left and the Republican right. To understand how some Trotskyists ended up as advocates of U.S. expansionism, it is important to know something about Max Shachtman, Trotsky's controversial American disciple. Shachtman's career provides the definitive template of the trajectory that carries people from the Left Opposition to support for the Pentagon ... By the early 1970s, Shachtman was a supporter of the Vietnam War and the strongly anti-Communist Democrats such as Senator Henry Jackson. Shachtman had a legion of young followers (known as Shachtmanites) active in labour unions and had an umbrella group known as the Social Democrats. When the Shachtmanites started working for Senator Jackson, they forged close ties with hard-nosed Cold War liberals who also advised Jackson, including Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz; these two had another tie to the Trotskyism; their mentor was Albert Wohlstetter, a defence intellectual who had been a Schachtmanite in the late 1940s. Shachtman died in 1972, but his followers rose in the ranks of the labour movement and government bureaucracy. Because of their long battles against Stalinism, Shachtmanites were perfect recruits for the renewed struggle against Soviet communism that started up again after the Vietnam War. Throughout the 1970s, intellectuals forged by the Shachtman tradition filled the pages of neo-conservative publications. Then in the 1980s, many Social Democrats found themselves working in the Reagan administration, notably Jeanne Kirkpatrick (who was ambassador to the United Nations) and Elliott Abrams (whose tenure as assistant secretary of state was marred by his involvement with the Iran-Contra scandal)."

[Ripley's Believe it or Not! Baby being born holds breath in barrow during attack on Jews!]
Sculpting Soviet Giants, Watching Them Fall,
New York Times, June 14, 2003
"He says he is fixated by Lenin, and his best works — Lenin in a peasant's cap, Lenin with a woman — bear scant resemblance to the wooden icon, right arm lifted toward tomorrow, found in most Russian town squares. "He was in my head and in my heart. He required more and more artistic content," Mr. Kerbel said. "I was always interested in the image." But even though he exalted the Communist ideal for decades, he says he was always more interested in art than politics. Mr. Kerbel's remarkable life began on Nov. 7, 1917 — Oct. 25 in the old-style Russian calendar, the day Lenin seized St. Petersburg's Winter Palace and began the Great October Socialist Revolution. At the time, Mr. Kerbel's mother was in a barrel, hiding from a pogrom against local Jews. 'This gang, they hanged my uncle by his rib from a hook, and then they beheaded him,' he said. 'The fellow who rented this place, he was a honey trader, a very good Ukrainian guy. So he hid her in a big honey barrel and put some trash on top of it so they wouldn't find her. I was born in that barrel. Thank God, I started crying after the gangsters left.'"

Poles Open Probe Into Jewish Role In Killings. Group Fingers WWII Partisans,
By MARC PERELMAN, [Jewish] FORWARD, August 8, 2003
"Poland's official National Institute of Remembrance, created to investigate historic crimes of the Nazi and communist eras, is currently investigating allegations that Jewish partisans participated in a massacre of civilians in Poland in early 1944. The institute launched the investigation in February 2001 at the request of the Canadian Polish Congress. Robert Janicki, deputy commissioner for prosecution of crimes against the Polish nation, told the Forward in a written statement that the institute was interviewing witnesses, including both victims and perpetrators, and was gathering archival material from several countries, but that no date had been set for the conclusion of the investigation. Still, the institute has issued some preliminary reports, which contain allegations that some 50 to 60 Jewish partisans were part of a 120-strong Soviet partisan unit that attacked the village of Koniuchy on January 29, 1944. At least 35 civilians were killed, and the village, now located in Lithuania and called Kaniuakai, was burned to the ground, according to the reports. The investigation, which has not been reported in the United States and was unknown to a series of scholars interviewed for this article, is creating unease among Jews because of its possible political motives ... Although relations between Poland and Israel have improved over the past decade, the affair is likely to fuel further acrimony in Polish-Jewish relations, which have been soured in recent years by disputes over the 1941 massacre of Jews by Poles in the village of Jedwabne, which some Poles blamed on German soldiers. The tensions spilled over into this country when a Polish-American leader made antisemitic remarks on the issue last year. While some observers expressed concerns about the intentions of the Canadian group, they said the Polish remembrance institute was a solid and reliable institution ... The fighting at Koniuchy is described in several Jewish accounts of partisans' battles, including "The Avengers," a book by Rich Cohen, published in 2000. The Jewish partisan units were part of a brigade commanded by the former Vilna ghetto fighter Abba Kovner, who went on to become a leading Israeli poet. In its letter to the institute calling for an investigation, the Canadian group cited several accounts by Jewish partisans to back up its allegations."

'60s Radical in N.Y. Heist Gets Parole,
Earthlink (from Associated Press), August 20, 2003
"Kathy Boudin, the '60s radical who has served 22 years in prison for a 1981 armored car heist in which three men were killed, was granted parole Wednesday. Boudin, 60, a one-time member of the Weather Underground described as a model inmate in prison, had been denied parole just three months ago, as well as two years ago. Officials did not immediately explain the change of position. "Right now, she's hysterically happy," said Boudin's lawyer, Leonard Weinglass. "What I heard on the phone were screaming and crying" ... But her possible release had been staunchly opposed by the families, friends and colleagues of the three men who were killed - Nyack police Sgt. Edward O'Grady and Officer Waverly Brown, and Peter Paige, a Brink's guard. John Hanchar, a nephew of O'Grady, said Wednesday, "Today's Eddie's birthday. He would have been 55 years old, so it's especially difficult." He added: "I just hope Boudin is sincere in her claim to be a changed woman and no other family has to suffer like ours did." Boudin, daughter of civil rights attorney Leonard Boudin, became a radical activist in the 1960s. She was recruited for the Brink's robbery by Black Liberation Army members and other radicals who apparently wanted to have white people driving the getaway vehicle, a U-Haul truck, to throw off pursuers. In the robbery at the Nanuet Mall, $1.6 million was stolen and Paige was killed. The police officers were gunned down when the U-Haul truck was stopped at a roadblock and the gang burst from the back with automatic weapons firing. Boudin, who had been in the truck's passenger seat, was apprehended as she fled, pleaded guilty to felony murder and robbery and was sentenced to 20 years to life. She had told the parole board in 2001 that at the time of the robbery, she thought the money would be used "to help the black community." She said she wasn't armed and was terrified when the gun battle ensued. And she said there was no way "to pay the debt for my being involved or participating in the crime that destroyed families and destroyed men." After Boudin was denied parole at her first hearing in 2001, a judge ruled the board failed to take into account the recommendation of the sentencing judge that she be paroled after 20 years. That ruling led to the May parole hearing at which she was again turned down. Wednesday's hearing was her regularly scheduled appearance before the parole board. In May, the hearing panel had told Boudin her achievements "are clearly outweighed by the serious and brutal nature of the crimes." Wednesday's decision was announced without any explanation for the change of heart."

New 'House of Terror' raises fear for Hungary's Jews,
by MICHAEL J. JORDAN, Jewish Bulletin (from Jewish Telegraphic Agency)
"Five months after it opened, Budapest's controversial "House of Terror" has emerged as one of the capital's most popular destinations among both young and old, regularly drawing crowds that endure two-hour lines in sweltering heat. However, rather than achieving its aim of memorializing the victims of totalitarian terror -- of both Hungarian wartime fascism and postwar communism -- critics say the lavish museum symbolizes the charged, right-wing atmosphere that has swept Hungar ... Hungary's Jews, though, are deeply troubled by the museum. They have several concerns: By presenting all victims as equal and all victimizers as equal, the museum diminishes the uniqueness of the Holocaust, not to mention the communist era; by painting Hungary as one of Germany's victims rather than an accomplice, it continues a trend in which right-wing Hungarian historians are whitewashing Hungary's role in the death of some 550,000 Hungarian Jews; and by devoting only one of nearly two dozen rooms exclusively to the Holocaust, it implies that communism was far worse than the Holocaust. Finally, though Jews are mentioned nowhere in the communist portion of the museum, the fact that the Hungarian right wing -- especially its media -- routinely highlights the Jewishness of some of Hungary's most notorious communists means that many visitors to the House of Terror receive an implicit message that Hungarian Jews are to blame for communism. "For several years, it's been in the air: They hint that communism was Jewish revenge for the Holocaust," said Gyorgy Litvan, a renowned Hungarian historian who as a teenaged Holocaust survivor was himself drawn to the Communist Party ... It opened in February, with two months left in a heated election campaign. The main opposition party was the Socialists, the increasingly centrist heirs of the Communist Party. Together with the small, liberal Alliance of Free Democrats, they attracted the vast majority of Jewish voters."

[What's highlighted with nostalgia in this Jewish ethnic press article? Communism, the "martyrdom" of Jewish American spies for the Soviet Union, deceit, and the ages-old root of international Jewish "spiritual" (even for atheists) solidarity which herein transcends all other ideologies.]
Rosenbergs were 'good Jews,' attests Danville centenarian,
by DAN PINE, Jewish Bulletin
"Harry Steingart looks damn good for 101. He dresses nattily every day, his tie knotted crisply in the collar of a freshly pressed shirt. He walks with a cane, but doesn't really need it ... A lifelong progressive, Steingart once counted among his friends an attractive Jewish couple from New York. Their names: Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, arrested 60 years ago this month, convicted of espionage and executed at the height of the Cold War. "They were good Jews," says Steingart in a strong voice. "They were loyal to the people of the world, not the warmakers. If not for them, I might not be alive right now' ... In the 1920s, it was hard for Jews to get decent work, particularly in Steingart's field. For one job, he bluffed his way in by saying he was Lutheran. "They didn't see me nude," he says laughing. He finally landed a position with Emerson Radio, and in 1928, married the daughter of a Tammany Hall boss. "Before the crash," remembers Steingart, "I became a rich man with a 70-foot yacht' ... Though Steingart had no direct knowledge of the Rosenberg's espionage activities, he'd had many political conversations with the couple, both of whom had been members of the Community Party ... But for Steingart, not only did he lose two friends, he also faced an FBI investigation. That inquiry stalled when he told his interrogators he would plead the Fifth. Meanwhile, prosecutors approached first Ethel, then Julius Rosenberg with a list of names, all suspected "subversives." Steingart's name was on that list. The Rosenbergs were promised life in prison rather than execution if they would confirm the listed names as Soviet spies. Both, says Steingart, affirmed they would prefer to die. Steingart's wife was one of the top leaders of a movement to save the Rosenbergs. Pablo Picasso sent a pen-and-ink portrait of the couple to the Steingarts; the original is now with a niece, while Steingart proudly shows off a high-grade copy. The Rosenbergs were put to death in June 1953, both martyrs, according to Steingart. The second half of the 20th century saw Steingart continue his career, relocating permanently in the Bay Area, watching the turbulent decades come and go. He remained politically active, working with the ACLU and other organizations for years ... And though the man claims to be secular, Steingart sustains an unbreakable spiritual bond with the Jewish people. A bond, he believes, that will outlive him. "Who saved the world?" he asks rhetorically. "The Jews. We're .02 percent of the population, but we have 25 percent of the Nobel Prizes. I am proud of the name Steingart. I am a proud Jew."

National Geographic's 1907 discussion of Jewish dominance of the Russian communist movement[ng.htm - MISSING]

[The Left co-opted by shoddy, propagandistic, Judeocentric Zionism:]
Mother Jones Smears Rachel Corrie Specious Journalism in Defense of Killers,
By PHAN NGUYEN, CounterPunch, September 20, 2003
"Mother Jones demonstrated how low it could set its standards for investigative journalism when it hired Newsweek reporter Joshua Hammer to surf the web and write a 7000-word feature story on Rachel Corrie and the International Solidarity Movement ("The Death of Rachel Corrie", Sept/Oct 2003). It appears that fact-checking and verification was not a priority in the production of this article. Before I had even finished reading the Hammer's smear job I had already discovered that the writer had no shame in culling information from indiscriminate websurfing. Take, for instance, Hammer's description of a memorial service held for Corrie in Rafah soon after she was killed: Days after Corrie's death, Arafat's Fatah Party sponsored a memorial service for her in Rafah, attended by representatives of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades as well as ordinary Palestinians. Midway through the service, an Israeli tank pulled up beside the mourners and sprayed them with tear gas. Peace activists chased the tank and tossed flowers, and the Israeli soldiers inside threatened, in return, to run them down. After 15 minutes of cat and mouse, Israeli bulldozers and APCs rolled in, firing guns and percussion bombs and putting a quick end to the memorial. What struck me as I read it was that I had seen the exact same phrasing before. So I looked it up and found an article by Sandra Jordan in the UK Observer from March 23 ... We can break down the sentences to reveal how Hammer slightly restructured Jordan's words. ... Because he had so casually swiped three paragraphs from the Observer and subtly restructured it, he incorrectly combined the "Fatah-sponsored wake" with the separate memorial service that was held at the site of her killing. Sandra Jordan did not make it clear in her article that the two were separate, and so Hammer misinterprets the article as he steals from it. Once we realize this, it is not surprising to find other discrepancies in Hammer's article. Such is the case in Hammer's description of the International Solidarity Movement ... Somehow, Hammer managed to selectively extract and distort the exact same 32 words from ISM's 900-word mission statement as did an extreme right-wing website. Indeed both articles selected the least significant aspects from the mission statement, which least described ISM's activities ... While Hammer doesn't always bother to cite his sources when he takes from them, he is just as capable of misleading when he does mention his sources. In describing the Evergreen State College, the school that Rachel Corrie attended, Hammer references only one quote: "The radical ideologies espoused every day at Evergreen State College are of every nasty branch of extremism," one columnist recently wrote. "Anti-Americanism. Anti-God. Anti-life. Anti-Israel. Anti-capitalism. Anti-tradition." And yet who is this single "columnist" that Hammer chooses to quote? Hammer doesn't say, but a simple Google search reveals his source: A young ultraconservative named Hans Zeiger. Zeiger, who is 18 years old, has never attended The Evergreen State College. In fact, in the article from which Hammer quoted, Zeiger cites only two visits to Evergreen--one of which was when he was in the seventh grade! Interestingly Hammer does not bother to quote Zeiger's homophobic statement in the same article. Nor does Hammer note Zeiger's suggestion that Evergreen may have connections to "terrorist organizations," or his ridiculous claim that Corrie "had stood guard outside of Yasser Arafat's compound", when in fact she had never even set foot in Ramallah. Hammer conveniently ignores all these revelatory tidbits because that would destroy the credibility of the man whom Hammer selectively quotes and refers to simply as a "columnist." Of course credibility is something that Hammer has trouble judging ... While ISM activists "claimed" their versions of the story [of Corrie's murder by an Israeli army bulldozer], Hammer trusts IDF spokesperson Sharon Feingold as having "assured" and "explained" to him the facts. Feingold "assured" him that the IDF "do[es] not target civilians," that Tom Hurndall was shot in the head simply because he was too close to a Palestinian gunman. Feingold "explained" that reporter James Miller was killed because he was caught in some crossfire. Hammer questions neither of Feingold's claims, despite numerous witnesses to both killings who all contradict the claims. In the case of James Miller, the Israeli military even evolved its explanation, since the autopsy report contradicted the earlier IDF claims that Miller was killed by Palestinians. Indeed, video footage of the Miller shooting, filmed by a fellow journalist and also clearly contradicting IDF claims, is publicly available. Hammer gives no indication that he has viewed the footage of his fellow Middle East journalists. However he admits to having viewed an Israeli propaganda video that was produced specifically to absolve the military of any responsiblity in Rachel Corrie's death. The video, along with a PowerPoint slideshow that was distributed to US Congress members, was produced prior to the conclusion of the Israeli investigation. This does not keep Hammer from finding that the propaganda video--which featured the inside of a D9 bulldozer--made "a credible case" of innocence for the Israelis. Nor does he wonder why the Israeli investigation, which he states was supposed to be "transparent," has not been made public. And nor does he mention that according to the Israeli investigation, at no point did the bulldozer even drive over Corrie's body, clearly contradicting the tread marks that appear in the photo reproduced in the Mother Jones article, not to mention contradicting the Israeli autopsy report and all the eyewitnesses who were interviewed for the investigation. And when Feingold informs Hammer that "Palestinian terrorists are using the [Palestinian] civilians to hide behind," he finds it worthy to quote but not to question, despite the fact that there is no clear documentation to corroborate Feingold's accusation ... Again, Hammer saw fit to print the Israeli claims and felt no need to question them in the face of documented facts. But Hammer already proves that he is too willing to document and judge things he knows nothing about ... Please take the time to write to Mother Jones and express your outrage at Hammer's shoddy reporting. Send your letters to Backtalk, Mother Jones, 731 Market Street, Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94103; fax: (415) 665-6696; or email"

Jewish Revolutionaries In Russia, From the Jewish Encyclopedia of Russia (Rossiyskaya Evreiskaya Entsiclopediya); first edition; 1995, Moscow[russianr.htm - MISSING]

[JTR contributor's comment: "Guardian columnist David Aaronovitch questions the impartiality of anti-Bush demonstrators and asks where were all the demonstrators during Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu's visit to the UK in 1978. Mr Aaronovitch neglects to mention that he himself was a member of the Communist party at the time."]
Why I say welcome Some may not like the US President, but we should all appreciate what America has done for the world,
by David Aaronovitch, The Observer (UK), November 16, 2003
"There is, I think, a widely shared fantasy which you might call the No-America Dream. In this happy place we have somehow done away with the economic and military superpower. We watch sophisticated French films or Ealing studio reruns, our thin citizens dine out on organic Brie, there is no Israel to over-excite the populations of the Middle East, and everyone signs up to stop climate change. If only the Yanks would go home. If only we could stop Bush. The degree to which America is held uniquely responsible for the sins of the world is remarkable. To give but one example, writing in last week's New Statesman, a journalist called Neil Clark accuses America of being behind the Russian oligarchs who President Putin is so wisely (if unconstitutionally) cracking down on at the moment. 'In the oligarchs,' says Clark, 'Perle... saw a way in which the US and Israel could, by proxy, gain political and economic power in Russia...' The 'and Israel' should have warned the editor of the New Statesman what he was dealing with here. I suggest he visits David Irving's home page or the revisionist Zundelsite website very soon. The double standards here are obvious but worth a reminder. During the week anti-Bush protesters will, we're told, be splashing red paint to symbolise the spilled blood of the people of Iraq. No such red paint was splashed around London after Halabja, after the 1991 Shia and Kurdish uprisings or during the Iran-Iraq war, almost as if that were not real Iraqi blood. Blood, after all, is only blood if Americans spill it. No crimson splotches were created during the state visit of Romanian tyrant Nicolae Ceausescu in 1978, a visit which - because of Romania's semi-dissident position in the Soviet bloc - suited both cold warriors and sections of the Left."

[According to Jonathan Rose's text on Nazi book-burning, it appears that Communist-exploiter-Capitalist Willy Munzenberg -- the early genius of propaganda -- was also Jewish.]
Book Description, The Red Millionaire: A Political Biography of Willy Münzenberg, Moscow's Secret Propaganda Tsar in the West, 1917-1940, by Sean McMeekin
"Willy Munzenberg-an Old Bolshevik who was also a self-promoting tycoon-became one of the most influential Communist operatives in Europe between the World Wars. He created a variety of front groups that recruited well-known political and cultural figures to work on behalf of the Soviet Union and its causes, and he ran an international media empire that churned out enormous amounts of propaganda and raised money for Communist concerns. Sean McMeekin tells Munzenberg's extraordinary story, arguing persuasively that his financial chicanery and cynical propaganda efforts weakened the non-Communist left, enraged the right, and helped feed a cycle that culminated in Nazism. Drawing extensively on recently opened Moscow archives, McMeekin describes how Munzenberg parlayed his friendship with Lenin into a personal fortune and how Munzenberg's mysterious financial manipulations outraged Social Democrats and lent rhetorical ammunition to the Nazis."

His master’s voice, [Book Review of THE RED MILLIONAIRE: A POLITICAL BIOGRAPHY OF WILLI MüNZENBERG By Sean McMeekin, Yale]
by John Laughland, The Spectator (UK), January 17, 2004
"It is a measure of the hypermnesia of the Nazi period — and of the concomitant amnesia of the history of communism — that Willi Münzenberg seems to have vanished into the oubliettes of history while his opposite number, Joseph Goebbels, has become a household name. The irony is all the more piquant because Goebbels, who secretly admired Münzenberg, is now credited with perfecting the arts of propaganda which, in fact, his communist rival invented. A founding organiser of the Comintern, Münzenberg operated, from Berlin and Paris, a highly structured covert propaganda network which involved newspapers, films, books, magazines and the theatre, artists, businessmen, writers, actors, professors and priests. His web of influence and spin extended to Bloomsbury, the Elysée Palace, Hollywood, the literati supporters of the Spanish Republicans, Thomas and Heinrich Mann, and Arthur Koestler. In particular, it is to Münzenberg that we owe those two cornerstones of communist propaganda, the front organisation and the covertly manipulated fellow traveller. From the very beginning, Münzenberg was at the heart of the communist project. He accompanied Lenin to the crowded station in Zürich from which the future Soviet leader was sent in a sealed train — ‘like a bacillus in a tube,’ Churchill said — to overthrow Russian tsarism. And when Lenin seized power, Münzenberg became one of the most powerful men in the international communist apparatus, his first main propaganda operation being to counteract the terrible publicity generated by the famine which ravaged the lives of 25 million peasants in the Volga region in 1921. He did this by creating a ‘Foreign Committee for the Organisation of Worker Relief for the Hungry in Soviet Russia’, a communist front organisation whose real raison d’être was to distract attention from the aid dispensed by Herbert Hoover’s American Relief Administration. Once the famine was brought under control, Münzenberg used the huge media network he had assembled for more general propaganda purposes. By 1926, he owned two mass circulation dailies in Germany and a weekly with a circulation of 1 million. His ‘Münzenberg trust’ part-owned or influenced a host of other newspapers and magazines around the world, including the Nation in the US. Together, these created the blanket of lies about life in the Soviet Union which Malcolm Muggeridge was later so brilliantly to tear away. A deputy in the Reichstag for the German Communist party from 1924, Münzenberg was especially effective in counteracting Goebbels’ propaganda that the Reichstag fire of 27 February 1933 was the result of a communist conspiracy. Münzenberg convinced many of an equal and opposite myth, namely that the Nazis had started the fire themselves in order to have a pretext for carrying out massive retaliation against their enemies. (In fact, neither Münzenberg’s story nor Goebbels’ was true.)"

“An invisible government.” All News is Lies,
by John Laughland, Sanders Research Associates (Ireland), 26th January 2004
"Sean McMeekin’s recently published biography of Willi Münzenberg, the man rightly dubbed in the subtitle “Moscow’s propaganda wizard in the West” is a useful addition to the small literature on the all-important subject of media manipulation. It, and the other books on Münzenberg and related subjects, enable us to understand how secret services and covert operations are used to control public access to information, and to influence public opinion for political purposes. Several people are credited with inventing the modern propaganda techniques which are so crucial in the modern age of mass communication. One of the most important theoreticians was Edward Bernays, Sigmund Freud’s nephew, who wrote in Propaganda in 1928 that it was entirely natural and right for governments to organise public opinion for political purposes. The opening chapter of his book has the revealing title, “Organising chaos”, and Bernays writes: The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organised opinions and habits of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. Bernays says that, very often, the members of this invisible government do not even know who the other members are, but that propaganda becomes sinister only when it is deliberately mendacious. Otherwise, he says, propaganda is the only way of preventing public opinion descending into dissonant chaos. Bernays continued to work on this theme after the war, editing Engineering Consent in 1955 ... But it was Willi Münzeberg, even more than his Nazi opposite number, Joseph Goebbels, who put this theory into practice. Goebbels admired his Communist opposite number in Germany, because it was Münzenberg who invented most of the mechanisms and methods of propaganda for which the German Minister of Popular Enlightenment later became infinitely more famous. Münzenberg was intimately involved with the Communist project from the very beginning – he belonged to Lenin’s circle in Zurich, and in 1917 he accompanied the future leader of the Bolshevik revolution to the Zurich Hauptbahnhof, from whence he was transported in a sealed train, and with the help of the German imperial authorities, to the Finland Station in St. Petersburg. Lenin called on Münzenberg to combat the appalling publicity generated in 1921 when 25 million peasants in the Volga region started to suffer from the famine which swept the newly created Soviet state ... After having cut his teeth on “selling” the death of millions of people at the hands of the Bolsheviks and their mad anti-agrarian policies, Münzenberg turned his attention to more general propaganda activities. He amassed a large media empire, known as “the Münzenberg trust”, which owned two mass circulation dailies in Germany, a mass circulation weekly, and which had interests in scores of other publications around the world ... The key point, for our understanding of today’s politics, is that many of the cultural figures at this juncture between Communism and the CIA at the beginning of the cold war were future neo-conservatives luminaries, especially Irving Kristol, James Burnham, Sidney Hook and Lionel Trilling. The left-wing and even Trotskyite origins of neo-conservatism are well-known – though new details still astonish, viz. Lionel and Diana Trilling were married by a rabbi for whom Felix Dzherzhinsky - the founder of the Bolsehvik secret police, the Cheka (forerunner of the KGB), and the Communist equivalent of Heinrich Himmler - represented a heroic paragon. These left-wing origins are particularly relevant to the covert operations discussed by Stonor Saunders, because the CIA’s goal was precisely to influence left-wing opponents of Communist, i.e. Trotskyites ... This is exactly the same argument employed by, among other people, Ben Wattenberg, whose book The First Universal Nation argues that America has a special right to world hegemony because she embodies all the nations and races of the planet. The view has also been expressed by Newt Gingrich and other neo-cons ... The trick of manipulating public opinion, therefore, lies precisely in that which Bernays theorised, Münzenberg initiatied, and the CIA raised to a high art: according to CIA agent Donald Jameson, “As far as the attitudes that the Agency wanted to inspire through these activities are concerned, clearly what they would like to have been able to produce were people who, of their own reasoning and conviction, were persuaded that everything the United States government did was right.”

ADL Insults Millions of Christian Victims of Communist Genocide,
"Mr. Gibson was correct to put the Jewish holocaust in its proper perspective: as but one example of man's inhumanity towards man from a tragic century of death. Curiously, this well-balanced response has attracted the ire of Jewish leaders- Rabbi Marvin Hier of the Simon Wiesenthal Center responded: "We are not engaging in competitive martyrdom, but in historical truth. To describe Jewish suffering during the Holocaust as `some of them were Jews in concentration camps' is an afterthought that feeds right into the hands of Holocaust deniers and revisionists." Abe Foxman of the ADL attacked as well: "At the very least it was ignorant, at the very most its insensitive. And you know what? He doesn't get that either. He doesn't begin to understand the difference between dying in a famine and people being cremated solely for what they are." Foxman's comments have drawn me out and it is time that some more cards be layed on the table in regards to the historical record. Jews want a monopoly on being victims; if any other suffering group of people, whether they be Christian Russians, sub-Saharan Africans, or Armenians, claims to have suffered an equivalent injustice, they are quick to defend the "unparalleled evil" of the Jewish holocaust. I happen to believe that one human life is one human life. I can think of several examples that far exceed the Jewish holocaust in depravity: The Red Chinese murdered over 50 million to secure their hold on the government against nationalist forces. The Soviet Union systemically murdered over 20 million people, including millions of Ukrainian Christians who were deliberately starved to death. In America alone, over 30 million unborn children have been murdered at the hands of abortionists. This Jewish claim of unique suffering is ridiculous, and yet another example of the "victim mentality" complex that seems to afflict them as a people. Let us consider Foxman's statement that "dying in a famine" is different than "being cremated for who they are." In a November 16, 2003 article for the Toronto Sun, Eric Margolis detailed the "forgotten" Holocaust of 1932-3 that killed over seven million Ukrainians: Stalin declared war on his own people in 1932, sending Commissars V. Molotov and Lazar Kaganovitch and NKVD secret police chief Genrikh Yagoda to crush the resistance of Ukrainian farmers to forced collectivization. Ukraine was sealed off. All food supplies and livestock were confiscated. NKVD death squads executed "anti-party elements." Furious that insufficient Ukrainians were being shot, Kaganovitch - virtually the Soviet Union's Adolf Eichmann - set a quota of 10,000 executions a week. Eighty percent of Ukrainian intellectuals were shot. During the bitter winter of 1932-33, 25,000 Ukrainians per day were being shot or died of starvation and cold. Abe Foxman claims that the millions of Christians who were deliberately starved by Stalin's government merely "died in a famine." This is like saying that Jews who were shot in the Jewish holocaust were "died due to inhaled poison." Foxman has insulted the survivors of the Ukrainian Holocaust and has insulted Christians everywhere by claiming a Jewish monopoly as victims of the evils of atheistic regimes. However, there may be a darker reason for Foxman's comment. The article goes on to mention that, "Kaganovitch, Yagoda and some other senior Communist party and NKVD officials were Jewish..." Foxman could be signaling a most hateful insult, that Gentile suffering is of no consequence compared to that of Jews, dismissing the deaths of Ukrainians as if they were a herd of cattle. When I think of all of the innocent blood that has been spilled in the name of equality and atheism in this century, I cannot help but rise up in anger at Foxman's insensitivity to the sufferings of Christians. Dare I notice that this is the same group of people that killed Christ and persecuted early Christians? Dare I notice that this group of people was primarily responsible for the wholesale slaughter of millions of Ukrainians? Dare I notice that the preferred response of this group is not respectful dialogue, but lies, propaganda, and character assassination? Dare I notice that this group continues to seek to shut off the kingdom of God by attempting to censor this movie? All Christians must at some point conclude that the assumption of mutual and reciprocal goodwill with the leadership of the Jewish community is flawed. As Christ warned, they hate us because they hated Him. May God be with Mel Gibson during this trying time and may God guide the hearts of Christians to stand up to these endless insults to their faith and religion."

Political Parties[michels.htm - MISSING], A Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of
Modern Democracy,

by Robert Michels, 1915

[Smearing critics of Jewish racism, neurosis, and power as "anti-Semites" is both a Jewish cottage industry and pillar of the community. Calling the Jewish American community "oppressed" is like trying to stuff a hippopotamus into an ant hill. And "embracing Jews" takes no moral effort whatsoever because the rewards for those who kiss Jewish Butt are so omnipresent. "Embracing Jews" is like embracing your wallet.]
Allies against anti-Semitism. Jews, others parley over prejudice on the left,
by Alexandra J. Wall, Jewish News Weekly, August 27, 2004
"Cherie Brown was a college student at UCLA in the ’60s, when ethnocentric pride was in vogue. As the progressive Jewish activist went knocking on doors of the various ethnic organizations, trying to build alliances, doors slammed in her face. “I am here because I’m committed to ending racism, but anti-Jewish oppression diverts this work over and over again,” said Brown. A longtime activist in the progressive Jewish community, Brown relayed those thoughts to about 300 people gathered in a conference room at the Oakland Marriott on Saturday afternoon, as part of the opening panel for “Facing a Challenge Within: A Progressive Scholars’ and Activists’ Conference on Anti-Semitism and the Left.” The three-day conference, organized by Judy Andreas of Richmond, a non-Jew who is writing a dissertation on the topic, brought together a diverse crowd of concerned activists, both Jewish and not. For example, Victor Lewis, a dreadlocked African American who identified as a “pro-Semite, shamefaced Judeophile,” said even though he was raised in the black underclass, he identified with Jews as “hyper-intellectual,” and “hyper-literate.” Lewis made the point that because views about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are so polarized, most people have compassion only for one side. “If this is true, there is no hope for the human family,” he said. Gina Waldman, a Tiburon resident who co-founded JIMENA, Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa, had the audience saying one of her frequently repeated lines: “Hate is a weapon of mass destruction.” Andreas decided to organize such a conference when she got a difficult time from her own academic institution over her plan to do her doctoral thesis on anti-Semitism on the left. After overcoming several hurdles, she is currently in the middle of the dissertation. If Andreas thought the conference was necessary, so did the many attendees, who came from diverse parts of the country. Lucia Jimeno, a Latina from Brooklyn, N.Y., works for a New York-based national organization called GLSEN, the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network. “As progressive and as forwardly thinking individuals, a lot of times we don’t make the connection between anti-Semitism and other forms of oppression,” Jimeno said. Eryn Kalish, president of the Compassionate Listening Project, which brings delegations of people to the Middle East to hear views from all sides of the conflict, came from Seattle to conduct two workshops. Kalish had to serve as a mediator at times when things got heated. “I’ve been saying since the last intifada that the world needs to embrace both peoples rather than rejecting either,” said Kalish, adding that attending the conference “was one of the ways people who were not Jewish were coming forward to embrace Jews.” While there were some difficult moments at the conference, two women who participated in a panel called “Bridging Mainstream Jewish Groups and Jewish Activists” had positive things to say. “What the left has to offer is process, and the level of dialogue and manner in which people handled really difficult subjects was really impressive,” said Rachel Canar, associate director of the regional office of the New Israel Fund. And Abby Michelson Porth, who as associate director of the S.F.-based Jewish Community Relations Council, had the difficult task of representing the mainstream Jewish community at the conference, was asked some tough questions, but she was still upbeat about what she saw. “As moved as I was by Judy’s initiative and motivation and compassion and hard work, I was equally moved that there are so many Jewish progressives who want to play a part in eliminating anti-Semitism from leftist activism,” Porth said."

[Progessive politics as Judeocentric propaganda. All hail the poor Jew Klux Klan. Here we have the powerful Jewish community depicted as eternal victims, the wealthiest (per capita) ethnic group in America incessantly framed as "oppressed, " and the continued Judeocentric cooptation and smothering of the political Left beneath the dark cloak of Jewish/Zionist Myth and Legend. Note some of titles for the conference -- for example, "Christian secular dominance" is a very kosher subject for the conference but the much more real Judeocentric cultural hegemony is a taboo subject automatically considered to be "anti-Semitic" and therefore "oppressive" and hence censored. How about the objective lecture entitled "Why Anarchists, Communists and Socialists Should be Zionists?" All this doublethink junk is the neatly tied, racist, Judeocentric Thought Police package at its finest: Christianity sucks! Allegiance to the world Jewish power circle is our religious/secular salvation.]
Facing A Challenge Within: A Progressive Scholars' and Activists' Conference on Anti-Semitism and The Left,
Catalyst to Coalition
"Catalyst to Coalition is a newly formed organization dedicated to strengthening social change theory and activism by: 1) supporting new thought on important yet little analyzed aspects of oppression and resisting oppression, and 2) creating new connections within the large community of those who care about and act to achieve social justice ... ADVISORY BOARD: Terri Elkin is a public school teacher dedicated to educational models to promote responsible, critical thinking citizens. She is a Jewish Lesbian Feminist, and a member of a group of progressive women working on issues dealing with anti-Semitism ... Judy Freespirit was born and raised Jewish and now practices spirituality at the Unitarian Church in Oakland, California. She identifies primarily as Lesbian Feminist. The focus of much of her work over the last 30 years has been at the intersection where Fat Politics, Disability Rights and Lesbian/Gay Rights merge ... CONFERENCE CO-ORDINATOR: Judy Andreas is a lifelong grassroots activist. As a working class Lesbian of Christian heritage, she has survived and helped other survive through alliances. She is director and founder of Catalyst to Coalition ... The purpose of this conference is to: *Bring together diverse activists from many parts of the Left who are concerned about anti-Semitism. *Develop effective and responsible strategies for challenging anti-Semitism within our organizations and our political theories *Learn from one another about the history of anti-Semitism, about traditional stereotypes against Jews, and how we see those bigotries living within our psyches and in our current activist beliefs. *Validate that non-Jewish allies’ concern about anti-Semitism is an essential Progressive issue. *Develop the concept of coalition politics to include Jews among other oppressed peoples [JTR Editor's Note: !!!!!!!], counteracting the divide and conquer strategy that benefits larger forces of control. *Examine our ideas about oppressed groups who are in conflict with one another, in order to show concern for the oppression of both. *Strengthen the Left by learning to work with organizations primarily concerned with anti-Semitism ... [Excerpts from INTERACTIVE & DISCUSSION WORKSHOPS]:
Christian Dominance: The Bind That Ties Us Together by Paul Kivel and Nell Myhand.
How to Be an Ally to Jews by LaVerne Baker-Leyva, Sue Parris, and Lynne Sexton
People of Color Resist Anti-Semitism by Aurora Levins Morales ...
Brief remarks by Jessica Pitt for U.S. Congresswoman Barbara Lee
Opening Panel: "Why We Care about anti-Jewish Oppression" with: Victor Lewis, Cherie Brown, Yeshi Sherover Neumann, Kenji Liu, Gina Waldman and Judy Andreas ...
Talk Your "Family Story" of Anti-Semitism by Aurora Levins Morales ...
Anti-Semitism as a Form of Racism, a Workshop Especially for Non-Jewish Allies by Pati McDermott ...
Questions of Praxis Concerning Anti-Semitism in Radical Social Science by Irwin Sperber ...
Why Anarchists, Communists and Socialists Should be Zionists by Bob Meola ...
A Brief History of Antisemitic Images and Their Sources in the History of Christian Thought by Bruce Bramlett ...
Integrating Activism against Anti-Semitism into Anti-Oppression Activism and Trainings: ...
"Jewish Power" Myth vs Reality for Those Who Oppose the Occupation of Palestine by Mitchell Plitnick
Anti-Semitism in Bay Area NeoPagan/Goddess Communities by Janette Sperber
Healing From Jewish Internalized Oppression by Cherie Brown ...
Neo-Anti-Semitism: Does Europe Lead the Way? by Rick Davis ...
Secular Christian Cultural Dominance: Reflection on Its History and Present Effects by Richard Shapiro
Jewish and African American Alliance Building by Yeshi Sherover Neumann & Isoke Femi
Anti-Zionism & Anti-Semitism by David J. Cooper ...
When Is Something Anti-Semitic, When Is It Not?" Discussion and skit on "The Cyclical Nature of Anti-Semitism" follows ...
Bridging Mainstream Jewish Groups & Jewish Activists by Amy Gup ...
Dismantling anti-Semitims/Anti-Jewish Oppression in Local Organizing Coalitions by Dara Silverman and Guy Itzhak Austrian ...
Jews and Queers Make the Case for Diversity Rights by Jane Rachel Litman ... Internalized Jewish Oppression and How We Can Heal ...
Christian Dominance: The Bind that Ties Us Together by Nell My hand and Paul Kivel How do Christian values permeate U.S culture and politics despite of our "separation of church and state"? What are the historical connections between violence perpetrated against Jews and Muslims, people of color, women and lgbtq folks? Do you have any feelings of reluctance, fear, or shame in talking about the major impact Christianity has had on each of us and on our society? ...
Anti-Semitism as a Form of Racism, a Workshop Especially for Non-Jewish Allies by Pati McDermott This is to be an Open Forum with discussion and sharing of the ways that we as white, non-Jewish people can be allies to Jewish people and people of color. Come and learn how others are doing that and get support from other white, non-Jewish people."

A revolutionary in Rio Olga. Benario, a German Jew who tried to bring communism to Brazil, is brought to life in a new film that some critics say will put Brazilian cinema back on the map. By Ruth Almog, Haaretz (Israel), September 3, 2004
"The Brazilian newspapers are saying that "Olga," the film that with great pomp and ballyhoo opened the 32nd Gramado Film Festival held in Brazil last month, has restored Brazilian cinema's lost glory. It will even compete next year for the Oscar for best foreign film ... The film, by director Jayme Monjardim, who until now has directed telenovelas, is not the first film about Olga Benario. In Germany this year a documentary film about her was shown: "Olga Benario: Ein Leben fur die Revolution" ("Olga Benario: A Life for the Revolution"), by director Galip Iyitanir. Olga Benario was a Jew and an admired figure in the former East Germany, where 91 schools and factories were named after her, as well as streets in various cities, among them Berlin. There is even a work of ballet theater that tells her story. Of Fernando Morais' book, the famous Brazilian author Jorge Amado wrote: "In recent years few works have succeeded in causing such a stir in Brazil as the biography of Olga Benario Prestes' ... And so, who was Olga Benario? She was a Jew born in Munich in 1908 to a wealthy family. Her father was a labor lawyer who enlisted in liberal causes. Her mother was an intellectual. At the age of 15, Olga Benarius joined the communist youth movement, fell in love with communist writer Otto Braun and followed him to Berlin, where she became an activist in the communist youth movement. In Berlin, Otto Braun was arrested. In an act of derring-do that seemed to have been taken from the movies, Olga managed to get her lover out of prison. The two fled to Moscow. There Olga became the leader of the International Communist Youth and underwent military training and political education. At the end of 1934 the Comintern assigned her to accompany the Brazilian leader Luis Carlos Prestes, who had been living in exile in Moscow since 1931, back to Brazil and see to his personal security. Return to Germany En route, the two fell in love and lived together. Olga was a fanatical communist with no doubts about the goal. She arrived in Rio de Janeiro with her partner, Prestes, charismatic leader of the Brazilian opposition to the dictatorship of Getulio Vargas, in order to make a revolution. Prestes organized the revolution together with the secretary general of the Brazilian Communist Party, Antonio Maciel Bonfim. The revolution failed and the two men were arrested. Olga, who ordered party members to execute Bonfim's wife for treason, was also arrested. After seven months in jail and in her seventh month of pregnancy, she was sent back to Germany on a cargo ship by the dictator Getulio Vargas, who approved of Hitler and the Nazi regime."

[JTR contributor's Note: "In Polish, but one does not need to read Polish to see the Jewish names." JTR Note: We don't know Polish, so we're not sure of the ideological pespective of this web site.]
Komunizm a Zydzi w USA,
[Polish; translation: Jews and Communism in the USA)
Historia Niebezpieczna [Poland]