[1]Daily Kos 2010 will be primary season IFRAME: [2]http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.daily kos.com%2Fstoryonly%2F2008%2F6%2F25%2F541568%2F-2010-will-be-primary-se ason&layout=button_count&show_faces=false&width=180&action=like&colorsc heme=light&height=35 by [3]kos Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:45:23 AM PST As we've seen these past couple of weeks, we've got a problem in our caucus -- while we have been busy stocking up on more Democrats, fact is the good ones are being swamped by the bad ones. Now we're at a disadvantage vis a vis AT&T. We don't have the millions to pump into campaign coffers, nor the lobbyists to twist arms in Capitol Hill. And those Democrats feel safe. Many are in solid (D) districts and have no fear of the opposition. Or they are in tough districts, and think that they are solid given the Republican alternatives. And that was certainly the case when we were in the minority or even with our tighter current majorities. But things have changed. Democrats currently have a 37-seat majority in the House -- larger than any enjoyed by the GOP during its reign of corruption starting in 1994. That means that if we win 32 seats, well within the realm of possibility, we'll have a 101-seat majority in the House. Even if we gain a more realistic 20 or so seats, we're still talking a 77-seat majority. And that'll give us breathing room to begin holding our party accountable. Remember, we don't have the millions to compete with AT&T's lobbyists, and our best-crafted arguments can be easily ignored. All the while, Steny Hoyer buys loyalty by tirelessly campaigning and raising money for his fellow Democrats. So how can we overcome those obstacles? Primaries. So 2010 is going to be the year we pivot from taking control of our government, to holding out accountable. Like Al Wynn this year, the corrupt, the tone-deaf, and the reactionary within Democratic ranks will face the possibility of primary battles. The infrastructure we're building will be available for those courageous enough to take on the entrenched elite. But when we have candidates that inspire, and can develop the alternate funding sources to finance them, the combined might of the Pelosis and Hoyers won't be enough to effect change. Just ask [4]Donna Edwards. So you're angry about the Democratic capitulation? Don't take it out on the party. More House Democrats voted against this abomination than voted for it. The party isn't the problem, it's too many of its elected members that have forgotten who they serve and why. Hint: It's not AT&T lobbyists, it's not Steny Hoyer, and it's not access to their checks. You want to do something? If your local congresscritter is one of the bad apples, start organizing locally. Plug into existing networks or start your own. Begin looking for primary challengers. Do the groundwork. Don't expect help from the local party establishment, they'll close ranks. So tap into alternate infrastructures. Find allies in the progressive movement. If your local shitty Democrat is anti-union, approach the unions. They'd love to send this kind of message. If the Democrat is anti-choice, work with the women's groups. If the Democrat is anti-environment ... you get the idea. If you have access to professional networks and money, start organizing those. Of course, this takes more than just bitching about your frustrations on a blog, damning a whole party for the actions of a minority more scared of Mr. 28% than of protecting the Constitution they swore to protect. This takes hard work. But now is the time to start. And while people like me will focus on the task at hand this year, it won't be long after Election Day that we'll start looking at the 2010 map, looking for those great primary challengers. Who to primary? Well, I'd argue that we can narrow the target list by looking at those Democrats who [5]sold out the Constitution last week. I've bolded members of the Blue Dogs for added emphasis. Ackerman, Gary (NY-05) Altmire, Jason (PA-04) Arcuri, Mike (NY-24) Baca, Joe (CA-43) Baird, Brian (WA-03) Barrow, John (GA-12) Bean, Melissa (IL-08) Berkley, Shelley (NV-01) Berman, Howard (CA-28) Berry, Marion (AR-01) Bishop, Sanford (GA-02) Bishop, Timothy (NY-01) Boren, Dan (OK-02) Boswell, Leonard (IA-03) Boucher, Rick (VA-09) Boyd, Allen (FL-02) Boyda, Nancy (KS-02) Brown, Corrine (FL-03) Butterfield, G.K. (NC-01) Cardoza, Dennis (CA-18) Carney, Chris (PA-10) Castor, Kathy (FL-11) Cazayoux, Don (LA-06) Chandler, Ben (KY-06) Childers, Travis (MS-01) Cleaver, Emanuel (MO-05) Clyburn, James (SC-06) Cooper, Jim (TN-05) Costa, Jim (CA-20) Cramer, Bud (AL-05) Crowley, Joe (NY-07) Cuellar, Henry (TX-28) Davis, Artur (AL-07) Davis, Lincoln (TN-04) Dicks, Norman (WA-06) Donnelly, Joe (IN-02) Edwards, Chet (TX-17) Ellsworth, Brad (IN-08) Emanuel, Rahm (IL-05) Engel, Elliot (NY-17) Etheridge, Bob (NC-02) Giffords, Gabrielle (AZ-08) Gillibrand, Kirsten (NY-20) Gordon, Bart (TN-06) Green, AL (TX-09) Green, Gene (TX-29) Gutierrez, Luis (IL-04) Harman, Jane (CA-36) Hastings, Alcee (FL-23) Herseth Sandlin, S. (SD-AL) Higgins, Brian (NY-27) Hinojosa, Ruben (TX-15) Holden, Tim (PA-17) Hoyer, Steny (MD-05) Kanjorski, Paul (PA-11) Kildee, Dale (MI-05) Kind, Ron (WI-03) Klein, Ron (FL-22) Lampson, Nick (TX-22) Langevin, JIm (RI-02) Lipinski, Dan (IL-03) Lowey, Nita (NY-18) Mahoney, Tim (FL-16) Marshall, Jim (GA-08) Matheson, Jim (UT-02) McCarthy, Carolyn (NY-04) McIntyre, Mike (NC-07) McNerney, Jerry (CA-11) Meeks, Gregory (NY-06) Melancon, Charlie (LA-03) Mitchell, Harry (AZ-05) Moore, Dennis (KS-03) Murphy, Patrick (PA-08) Murtha, John (PA-12) Ortiz, Solomon (TX-27) Nancy Pelosi (CA-08) Perlmutter, Ed (CO-07) Peterson, Colin (MN-07) Pomeroy, Earl (ND-AL) Rahall, Nick (WV-03) Reyes, Silvestre (TX-16) Richardson, Laura (CA-37) Rodriguez, Ciro (TX-23) Ross, Mike (AR-04) Ruppesberger, Dutch (MD-02) Salazar, John (CO-03) Schiff, Adam (CA-29) Scott, David (GA-13) Sestak, Joe (PA-07) Sherman, Brad (CA-27) Shuler, Heath (NC-11) Sires, Albio (NJ-13) Skelton, Ike (MO-04) Smith, Adam (WA-09) Snyder, Vic (AR-02) Space, Zach (OH-18) Spratt, John (SC-05) Stupak, Bart (MI-01) Tanner, John (TN-08) Ellen Tauscher (CA-10) Taylor, Gene (MS-04) Thompson, Bennie (MS-02) Udall, Mark (CO-02) Wilson, Charles (OH-06) Yarmuth, John (KY-03 Not all of these people will get or even deserve primaries, but this vote certainly puts a bulls eye on their district. If we can field enough serious challengers, and if we repeat the Donna Edwards and Joe Lieberman stories a few more times, well then, our elected officials might have no choice but to be more responsive. Because if we show them that their AT&T lobbyist buddies can't save their jobs, they'll pay more attention to those who can. p.s. Four Blue Dogs voted to protect the Constitution -- Baron Hill (IN-09), Mike Michaud (ME-02), Loretta Sanchez (CA-47), and Mike Thompson (CA-01). They apparently realized that being supposed "moderates" didn't necessitate selling out to Constitution for George Bush's imperial presidency. * :: * Tags: [6]House, [7]Senate, [8]FISA, [9]2010 ([10]all tags) :: [11]Previous Tag Versions [12]Permalink | 487 comments Comments: (*) Expand ( ) Shrink ( ) Hide [ ] (Always) | (*) Indented ( ) Flat [ ] (Always) Daily Kos Help * I will say ([13]15+ / 0-) Recommended by: [14]gpclay, [15]thumperward, [16]Sandy on Signal, [17]FyodorFish, [18]jalapeno, [19]danthrax, [20]esquimaux, [21]bubbanomics, [22]TheUnknown285, [23]Randall Sherman, [24]FishOutofWater, [25]mommyof3, [26]TomP, [27]farfel, [28]CityLightsLover that Leonard Boswell had an opponent last month and I never saw a front page diary on that race. It would have been nice. by [29]IowaEdwardsSupporter on [30]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:47:42 AM PST + Is it safe to say ([31]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [32]gpclay, [33]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle, [34]CityLightsLover He could be the first in the blue to orange primary program in 2010? Remember, the first time isn't always the charm. Republicans===the party of the 1% rich people in America. Or in other words..The Party of NO! by [35]jalapeno on [36]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:54:12 AM PST [ [37]Parent ] o Well, we don't have to wait until 2010 to primary ([38]19+ / 0-) Recommended by: [39]gpclay, [40]rick, [41]sacrelicious, [42]Sandy on Signal, [43]FyodorFish, [44]oceanview, [45]IM, [46]esquimaux, [47]TheUnknown285, [48]Randall Sherman, [49]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle, [50]Oreo, [51]TomP, [52]Quicksilver2723, [53]pileta, [54]divineorder, [55]banjolele, [56]klizard, [57]BonzoDogBand Bushdog John Barrow. He's is likely to lose his primary on July 15 to Regina Thomas, [58]http://reginathomas4congress.com/... . The primary is July 15th with early voting starting July 7. You can donate here [59]https://secure.actblue.com/... If the FISA bill gets delayed until after the July 4th recess, her primary success could serve as an additional warning to the Bushdogs. by [60]buckhorn okie on [61]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:04:47 AM PST [ [62]Parent ] # This is really the difference between ([63]21+ / 0-) Recommended by: [64]gpclay, [65]Jake Nelson, [66]scrape, [67]sacrelicious, [68]thumperward, [69]RFK Lives, [70]FyodorFish, [71]buckhorn okie, [72]dkmich, [73]Zack from the SFV, [74]esquimaux, [75]Mark Centz, [76]ginja, [77]kurious, [78]Randall Sherman, [79]dclawyer06, [80]TomP, [81]Thomas Twinnings, [82]pileta, [83]klizard, [84]Press to Digitate Being a Movement Versus a Party. The "Conservative Movement" was not identical to the Republican party until they captured total control over it. This year, conservatives ARE sitting on their hands because they don't believe John McCain is one of them. They may be congenital idiots when it comes to issues, but they are RIGHT about politics. In the future, the Republican party will NOT nominate anybody they don't approve of. Watch and see in 2010 as their "real conservative" emerges in opposition to Obama. We need to do the same thing. We need to have the discipline to put our principles first sometimes or we'll just continue to be ignored. We haven't shown the Democratic party that we are more than a pep squad to give them money and support and then shut up in the name of "party unity." The pep squad doesn't get asked what they think of the coaches' game-plan. Their job is just to go "Rah! Rah! Go team! Big Blue! Yay!" Well screw that. We have to beat these fools and corrupt S.O.B.s who place Telecom lobbying money ahead of the Constitution that we're NOT their friends and that they better damn well pay attention to us or ELSE. The Republicans have accomplished this. Now it's our turn. by [85]Cugel on [86]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:18:04 AM PST [ [87]Parent ] @ 23 diaries, 273 comments ever ([88]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [89]bwintx, [90]TomFromNJ for this person. Why are many of the most ferocious voices condemning so many members of the Democratic Party names that I don't recognize from the site, people seemingly attracted here today by the scent of Democratic blood in the water? Soon on DK4: Chit Cheat and Undisputed Facts! It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache. by [91]Seneca Doane on [92]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:46:28 AM PST [ [93]Parent ] - Some just won't be able to be touched unless with ([94]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [95]Seneca Doane another Blue Dog. Jim Cooper for example, or anyone from TN. You just won't get a progresive elected from this state. It's just the way it is. We'll have to live with some regardless. Plus, Cooper, or anyone who runs from his district isn't going to oppose AT&T. They have a huge district HQ here with thousands of jobs. Wish we were more progressive. "Dear Mr. President, there are too many states nowadays. Please eliminate three. I am not a crackpot." - Grandpa Simpson by [96]ourhispanicvoices on [97]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:20:43 PM PST [ [98]Parent ] = you forgot TN-09 ([99]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [100]thumperward, [101]buckhorn okie, [102]Seneca Doane Representative Steve Cohen is not a Blue Dog. Of course TN-09 is not typical of Tennessee. I'm not a Limousine Liberal; I am a Prius Progressive by [103]Zack from the SFV on [104]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 01:46:29 PM PST [ [105]Parent ] - Kos? ([106]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [107]buckhorn okie, [108]alizard, [109]dkmich Why are many of the most ferocious voices condemning so many members of the Democratic Party names that I don't recognize from the site? I'm pretty sure Kos has been around here for a while. I recognize the name, anyway. Though I can't recall any other diaries specifically, the name does have a certain...familiarity. I don't know if he's attracted by the scent of blood in the water, though. Could be. [110]Machiavelli, a graphic novel by [111]Don MacDonald on [112]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 01:16:53 PM PST [ [113]Parent ] = Cute ([114]0+ / 0-) Re-read or re-understand. I was responding to a particular comment, eh? Soon on DK4: Chit Cheat and Undisputed Facts! It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache. by [115]Seneca Doane on [116]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 01:44:37 PM PST [ [117]Parent ] * which one? I didn't follow it either. ([118]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [119]buckhorn okie What we need is a Democrat in the White House. by [120]dkmich on [121]Thu Jun 26, 2008 at 03:05:04 AM PST [ [122]Parent ] + Which comment was I replying to? ([123]0+ / 0-) Uh, the one to which I replied by clicking "Reply to This," old-timer. Soon on DK4: Chit Cheat and Undisputed Facts! It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache. by [124]Seneca Doane on [125]Thu Jun 26, 2008 at 12:31:49 PM PST [ [126]Parent ] - Fuck that. ([127]3+ / 1-) Recommended by: [128]thumperward, [129]buckhorn okie, [130]dkmich Hidden by: [131]James Kresnik 23 diaries and 273 comments makes you an outsider? Bullshit. You've managed to tempt me to give you an HR, because not only do I disagree with that, I just don't see how it advances the debate. But I'd rather HR people I agree with, it's easier to trust my judgement there. Senate rules which prevent any reform of the filibuster are unconstitutional. Therefore, we can rein in the filibuster tomorrow with 51 votes. by [132]homunq on [133]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 03:16:56 PM PST [ [134]Parent ] = Well *of course* you feel that way ([135]0+ / 0-) given your 22 diaries and 411 comments. No, that doesn't make you an "outsider." But what I'm seeing in this diary are a lot of people who don't often participate very much in site discussion -- along with some who do, of course -- brought out by the tasty fantasy of lopping off heads wholesale in the Democratic caucus and somehow replacing them all with more progressive voices, without losing seats to Republicans, and apparently without changing the values and voting preferences of the electorate. A lot of people who celebrate this position are well known to people who participate here frequently. Even if I disagree with them, I know where they're coming from and respect it (to varying degrees) for what it is. But when people who don't participate much suddenly show for Shit On Democrats Day -- well, it makes me wonder. I doubt that some of the people standing on chairs clapping for Kos's brave declaration of (maybe) war (to some extent) against all (we'll see what we can do there) apostacy really have much devotion to the Democratic Party as a vehicle of change -- rapid change if possible, slow and steady change as need be. Instead, I think some people just like the fantasy of being part of a powerful enough movement to scare people who aren't doing what we want -- but aren't willing to put in the efforts and make the compromises that are needed to do that. Now, go ahead and HR me if you actually think that an expression of this sentiment should be hidden from view. Don't worry about my retaliating; I post here a lot and I know and follow the rules, including the one against HRs for mere disagreement. Soon on DK4: Chit Cheat and Undisputed Facts! It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache. by [136]Seneca Doane on [137]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 05:36:32 PM PST [ [138]Parent ] * That one deserves no HR ([139]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [140]Seneca Doane because it talks about a rational criterion for "outsider": much devotion to the Democratic Party as a vehicle of change -- rapid change if possible, slow and steady change as need be. I happen to disagree with that criterion, but it's perfectly valid. But number of posts on dKos, or user number, or whatever, cannot serve as a stand-in for that. Not only is there no good correlation, it is totally counterproductive. A healthy community welcomes newcomers. (That does not mean you should not have responded to the OC, or not questioned their sincerity, just that bringing in stupid number counts should not be a valid form of argument. And that goes equally for when you bring up mine. I'd feel the same if I had no diaries, or whatever number you have.) Senate rules which prevent any reform of the filibuster are unconstitutional. Therefore, we can rein in the filibuster tomorrow with 51 votes. by [141]homunq on [142]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 05:45:33 PM PST [ [143]Parent ] + And yes, I think it should be hidden from view ([144]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [145]Seneca Doane though now that you've clarified, I do see that your post had valid content too, so I'll refrain. But if I could HR just the counting, I would not hesitate. Senate rules which prevent any reform of the filibuster are unconstitutional. Therefore, we can rein in the filibuster tomorrow with 51 votes. by [146]homunq on [147]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 05:47:48 PM PST [ [148]Parent ] + Thanks for the measured response ([149]0+ / 0-) I'll expand my explanation as a result. One of my longstanding concerns here has been that Republicans, conservatives, and corporate interests are eventually going to figure out how to use DKos against us. On effective way of doing that is to do what agents provocateurs have done with the U.S. Left from the beginning: sow discord within the ranks and challenge the bona fides of anyone who doesn't take the strongest and most confrontational possible position regarding issues, tactics, and other political players. When I see a story like this -- despite my understanding why Markos is doing it, i.e., trying to put the fear of God into those whom he believes has betrayed our cause -- I am also sensitized to the prospect that if I were a conservative, I would be using an opportunity like this to try to sow discord in the ranks and make sure that Democrats would fight among themselves. Every time I see a response slagging Dems, I wonder if Karl Rove could have commissioned it. Now, someone might hate Pelosi and the other generally good Democrats on the list for an understandable reason. For those who have participated here extensively, their reasons have played out over time, and in most cases the ways in which they are qualified have played out as well. Such people could be here mostly to screw with Democrats, but in the whole I think it's rare. Being in agent provocateur is difficult to sustain for a long time in a freewheeling environment. On the other hand, when I see someone who appears to be attracted here simply because of the opportunity to slag Democrats and lower the chances of our winning in 2008 (not even getting to 2010), my antennae start waving. It doesn't mean that I am convinced that something is hinky with them, but merely that there is reason to look at their sentiments a little more closely before applauding. That may be unfair, but I think it's not entirely irrelevant to wondering what a particular poster is up to. When they respond with a comment that gives a decent view of their thoughtfulness and concern for community, as you have, then that goes a long way towards satisfying me that they're a member of the community in spirit as well as in apparent fact. And if my concerns about people using DKos to sow discord seem paranoid -- well, I've been involved in movement politics for a long time; I've earned it. Thanks again for what was a perfectly legitimate challenge, even if I disagree. Soon on DK4: Chit Cheat and Undisputed Facts! It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache. by [150]Seneca Doane on [151]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 06:38:50 PM PST [ [152]Parent ] o I've been in marches ([153]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [154]buckhorn okie, [155]Seneca Doane where I've seen what I think are real APs. I just don't buy that they would waste their time building more than the thinnest of profiles. Or pushing any but the next-to-most out there ideas. Look. I can buy the idea of an AP on DKos. I can even buy the idea of a swarm of APs - though the risks of getting caught start to make this implausible, I see no way to organize this without some risk of being caught. But anybody with more than about 2 diaries and 15 comments gets a massive presumption of innocence in my book. Especially if, as you say, there are undeniable bona-fides taking essentially the same position. It's just occam's razor. Look at the original post. It was by no means screaming for blood, it was talking about building a movement. This is just not AP territory. Senate rules which prevent any reform of the filibuster are unconstitutional. Therefore, we can rein in the filibuster tomorrow with 51 votes. by [156]homunq on [157]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 07:11:52 PM PST [ [158]Parent ] * You are new here. ([159]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [160]RedMeatDem, [161]buckhorn okie Taking the party back has been a long time common interest and goal of dailykos. This site gained its strength and footings as a staunch supporter of Howard Dean. You know, the guy from the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party. These Dems deserve to get their heads lopped off, and I will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed helping to take Lieberman out. Kos, where do I sign up? What we need is a Democrat in the White House. by [162]dkmich on [163]Thu Jun 26, 2008 at 03:09:37 AM PST [ [164]Parent ] + Yeah, it's only been about three years ([165]0+ / 0-) Less than your, oh, four years or so. I know that you love lopping off Democratic heads. The more the merrier. Enough to make us a pure party of 100 Representatives would be ideal -- though to keep the number that high we'll have to overlook a lot of bad votes, so maybe we should aim for a lower number. It's just a pity that the size of the House remains at 435. Soon on DK4: Chit Cheat and Undisputed Facts! It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache. by [166]Seneca Doane on [167]Thu Jun 26, 2008 at 12:30:47 PM PST [ [168]Parent ] o My number if more than double yours. ([169]0+ / 0-) Maybe you ought to tell Kos what a fool he is for talking about running primaries again Bush Dog Democrats. Like Kos, I lop off heads when they deserve it, regardless of the letter after the name. If you don't like the reform tone of this site, I guess you have a problem. What we need is a Democrat in the White House. by [170]dkmich on [171]Thu Jun 26, 2008 at 02:18:49 PM PST [ [172]Parent ] # Don't I remember from a year or two back ([173]0+ / 0-) your saying that you weren't actually a Democrat at all? I'll have to look that up. You certainly seem to be happier with 100 pure Democrats and 335 Republicans in the House, which I suppose would make sense in that case. Yesterday I directed a comment directly in reply to one of Markos's comments. My argument has not been that no Bush Dogs should be primaried, but that the real villains here -- Hoyer and the people who evidently said that they'd put their names on a discharge petition to get this bill (or a worse one) considered -- should be the targets, and only then to the extent that we had any chance of improving on them given the political leanings of their district. (I actually make an exception to that for Hoyer -- for symbolic reasons, I think we should primary him regardless.) By the way, I don't know what "My number if [sic] more than double yours" in your title means. Do you think that there are 201 decent Democrats in the House, or would you like to eliminate more than twice 135 of them, bringing us down to -36? The latter is absurd, of course, but I'm going to have some fun with you if you argue the former. Or maybe this is still abtou UIDs. Soon on DK4: Chit Cheat and Undisputed Facts! It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache. by [174]Seneca Doane on [175]Thu Jun 26, 2008 at 03:35:08 PM PST [ [176]Parent ] = Hide for using HR as a threat in a debate ([177]0+ / 0-) Unless you're directly benefiting from the fleecing somehow, all your blind investment in establishment politics has bought you, is a dog-and-pony show. by [178]James Kresnik on [179]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:47:40 PM PST [ [180]Parent ] * I did not intend to threaten ([181]0+ / 0-) but point taken. So how should I have said "I think that part of that comment deserves an HR"? Senate rules which prevent any reform of the filibuster are unconstitutional. Therefore, we can rein in the filibuster tomorrow with 51 votes. by [182]homunq on [183]Thu Jun 26, 2008 at 03:12:47 PM PST [ [184]Parent ] = I uprated you ([185]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [186]buckhorn okie because I think the HR was out of line. What we need is a Democrat in the White House. by [187]dkmich on [188]Thu Jun 26, 2008 at 03:06:11 AM PST [ [189]Parent ] - What? ([190]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [191]buckhorn okie If you are talking to Cugel, he has a lower user ID than you. If you aren't talking to Cugel, I understand your comment even less. If you are suggesting "dear leader" from this group, you are at the wrong blog. What we need is a Democrat in the White House. by [192]dkmich on [193]Thu Jun 26, 2008 at 03:04:25 AM PST [ [194]Parent ] = You're assuming this is my first account ([195]0+ / 0-) Incorrectly. Yes, I was talking about Cugel, who -- unlike you -- has not participated enough here that people can get a good sense of where he's coming from, right or wrong. And if I want to criticize Markos, I will. Surely you wouldn't say I couldn't, eh? Soon on DK4: Chit Cheat and Undisputed Facts! It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache. by [196]Seneca Doane on [197]Thu Jun 26, 2008 at 12:28:00 PM PST [ [198]Parent ] @ Republicans are no more "conservative," than . . ([199]8+ / 0-) Recommended by: [200]sacrelicious, [201]Sandy on Signal, [202]buckhorn okie, [203]esquimaux, [204]Thomas Twinnings, [205]James Kresnik, [206]heliosfootball, [207]Press to Digitate the Soviets were "communists." Conservatives don't like "foreign entanglements." Conservatives believe in a balanced budget. These people are not conservatives, they are Jacobins. They hijacked the name "conservative" because it was popular. It's good to see Nancy "off the table" Pelosi FINALLY making it onto the bad list. When somebody figures out how to primary her, give me a call. by [208]widowson on [209]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:49:09 AM PST [ [210]Parent ] @ Primary Pelosi in 2010. ([211]5+ / 0-) Recommended by: [212]Sandy on Signal, [213]FyodorFish, [214]buckhorn okie, [215]Thomas Twinnings, [216]kempsternyc Starting to make noise about that [INS: now :INS] will give us some leverage over her for these next two years. I think she is already scared of us. by [217]BonzoDogBand on [218]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:50:41 AM PST [ [219]Parent ] - we need to find somebody in SF ([220]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [221]buckhorn okie who'd make a credible threat against Pelosi first, and her name isn't Cindy Sheehan. So who's high profile, a progressive that has had it with Pelosi, and who is willing to run if the money can be found? Looking for intelligent energy policy alternatives? Try [222]here. by [223]alizard on [224]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 02:58:21 PM PST [ [225]Parent ] @ Primary 'em 1st, 3rd party'em 2nd—n/t ([226]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [227]dkmich — 50% + 1: All Senate candidates should must the pledge—Go Nuclear Now!!! by [228]KingBolete on [229]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:54:02 AM PST [ [230]Parent ] @ Who's we ([231]0+ / 0-) What set of principles do 'we' put first and how do we put forward comprehensive plans and candidates ? by [232]Chrisfs on [233]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:58:11 AM PST [ [234]Parent ] # Barack Obama is supporting Barrow. ([235]10+ / 0-) Recommended by: [236]sacrelicious, [237]thumperward, [238]Sandy on Signal, [239]FyodorFish, [240]buckhorn okie, [241]ginja, [242]Seneca Doane, [243]ibinreno, [244]banjolele, [245]klizard Barack Obama is featured in a new radio ad in Georgia endorsing second-term moderate Rep. John Barrow, who represents a competitive district that runs from Augusta to Savannah. The ad, picked up by TPM, is particularly notable because it contradicts conventional wisdom that conservative Southern white Democrats might fear down-ballot backlash from Obama’s candidacy because his record is more liberal than their own. "We’re going to need John Barrow back in Congress to help change Washington and get our country back on track," Obama says in the ad. Unlike Obama, Barrow supported the war in Iraq although he opposed the president’s 2007 surge strategy. His war voting record has earned him a level of opposition from the party’s left, as has his support of other Bush policies. He faces a July 15 primary challenge from Regina Thomas, a more progressive state senator. Obama’s endorsement is particularly noteworthy because Thomas is African-America, and the district’s population is 45% African American. [246]Wall Street Journal Regina Thomas is change and hope, but Obama supports the blue dog. Excellent diary, Markos. I agree entirely, but if President Obama supports the blue dogs with money and ads in 2010, then what? Trumka: "Absolutely Insane" to Extend Tax Cuts for Millionaires by [247]TomP on [248]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:38:09 AM PST [ [249]Parent ] @ Reason why: ([250]5+ / 0-) Recommended by: [251]sacrelicious, [252]esquimaux, [253]Randall Sherman, [254]jlkenney, [255]klizard One of the big reasons is that Barrow as a super-del supported Obama in early February when those things were really key. His district went overwhelmingly for Obama, but as we've seen that didn't signify for many other SDs. Those people were very useful and I know it would be personally very difficult for someone who supported me and did so when it wasn't the easiest, to condemn them or work against them. In such cases staying silent might have been little better than endorsing a challenger. I think Obama will happily work with Thomas but if I would be reluctant to go after someone in Barrow's position I have stopped faulting Obama for it. [256]The Raptor of Spain: An Alternate Histoyr Blog From Muslim Prince to Christian King (Updated Sept. 8!) by [257]MNPundit on [258]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:43:04 AM PST [ [259]Parent ] - He could have stayed out ([260]4+ / 0-) Recommended by: [261]thumperward, [262]buckhorn okie, [263]ronlib, [264]James Kresnik of the primary. Sorry, but I'm unimpressed by Obama's move here. Regina Thomas is about change and hope, not Mr. Barrow. Trumka: "Absolutely Insane" to Extend Tax Cuts for Millionaires by [265]TomP on [266]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:48:22 AM PST [ [267]Parent ] - Glad to get some background on this move. TomP ([268]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [269]buckhorn okie I have to agree with you on this, Regina sounds good to me. If nothing else, perhaps the incumbent will adopt a more progressive agenda because of her challenge if he ends up winning? Action link: [270]Fix the Senate. End the filibuster. by [271]divineorder on [272]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:07:21 AM PST [ [273]Parent ] = One born every minute? ([274]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [275]buckhorn okie, [276]ronlib If nothing else, perhaps the incumbent will adopt a more progressive agenda because of her challenge if he ends up winning? You wouldn't by any chance be shopping for a bridge? — 50% + 1: All Senate candidates should must the pledge—Go Nuclear Now!!! by [277]KingBolete on [278]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:57:10 AM PST [ [279]Parent ] * Yeah, got one? You sound like my deceased ([280]0+ / 0-) father, who told me "wish in one hand and shit in the other, then see which one fills up the fastest." Call me a sucker for my seemingly wishful thinking, but I see little you added here. What has he done worth voting for? Why would she be better? I am urious about the answers to both. Action link: [281]Fix the Senate. End the filibuster. by [282]divineorder on [283]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:14:10 PM PST [ [284]Parent ] - I'm seeing a dangerous "IOKIYO" trend. Voting ([285]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [286]thumperward, [287]buckhorn okie, [288]James Kresnik for him is fine. Giving passes on every damn thing is NOT. Either hold his "Change"-feet to the fire or admit he conned us. by [289]ronlib on [290]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:24:51 PM PST [ [291]Parent ] = You're not seeing it from me. ([292]0+ / 0-) Not on FISA. Watch out where you fling those accusations. [293]The Raptor of Spain: An Alternate Histoyr Blog From Muslim Prince to Christian King (Updated Sept. 8!) by [294]MNPundit on [295]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 02:00:35 PM PST [ [296]Parent ] @ Another reason why Obama is not our friend. ([297]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [298]buckhorn okie Add in his flip flop on FISA and NAFTA, and lord how I miss John Edwards. What we need is a Democrat in the White House. by [299]dkmich on [300]Thu Jun 26, 2008 at 03:13:00 AM PST [ [301]Parent ] # Is he really likely to lose? ([302]0+ / 0-) Is Thomas really likely to win in the general if she does win the primary? I'm dubious as to both these questions. The best targets are ones who we don't really need to hold the seat. I'm not sure Barrow falls into that category. by [303]jlkenney on [304]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:54:53 AM PST [ [305]Parent ] @ Who cares? ([306]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [307]buckhorn okie, [308]James Kresnik A knife in the back is probably even more painful when wielded by a D. Since the Democrats are unlikely to ever have GOP reign-of-terror type control over the Dems in Congress, there is little value to having a DINO holding a House seat rather than a GOPer. — 50% + 1: All Senate candidates should must the pledge—Go Nuclear Now!!! by [309]KingBolete on [310]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:00:18 PM PST [ [311]Parent ] @ You can never be sure. ([312]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [313]thumperward, [314]James Kresnik However, she is a veteran progressive politician, running on her own ground, in a year in which Obama is sure to have coattails, especially in a district that is 44% black. I am confident she can win in the general if she wins in the primary by [315]buckhorn okie on [316]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:01:21 PM PST [ [317]Parent ] # Your Link Doesn't Work Properly ([318]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [319]buckhorn okie I tried to follow it to the site and the trailing periods inside the href made it fail. Please fix it. RMD The Bushiter's Iraq 2004 - 1268 Dead, about 25K Medivacs and 9000 Maimed... It's the Bushiter Way, wasting other people's money and lives. And it's worse now. by [320]RedMeatDem on [321]Thu Jun 26, 2008 at 05:27:11 AM PST [ [322]Parent ] # Links fixed, I hope ([323]0+ / 0-) [324]http://reginathomas4congress.com/ [325]https://secure.actblue.com/... At least they opened up in preview. by [326]buckhorn okie on [327]Thu Jun 26, 2008 at 06:50:16 AM PST [ [328]Parent ] + Boswell's opponent was flawed ([329]9+ / 0-) Recommended by: [330]gpclay, [331]ferg, [332]poliscizac, [333]Gargoyle683, [334]sacrelicious, [335]buckhorn okie, [336]kurious, [337]Pragmaticus, [338]cjaznik45 Ed Fallon is just plain disliked by some Democrats, either for his support of Nader in 2000, or for his arrogance and rudeness. I think some people sat on their hands: a pox on both your houses. Iowa is probably going to have its districts rearranged down to four from five. Boswell is in his 70s. This may be his last term. Take the [339]pledge on Social Security by [340]2laneIA on [341]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:01:52 AM PST [ [342]Parent ] o If Boswell is around in 2010 .. ([343]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [344]gpclay, [345]Randall Sherman, [346]cjaznik45 is there someone better to primary him? by [347]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle on [348]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:30:33 AM PST [ [349]Parent ] # Not that I know of, but I moved from Iowa a ([350]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [351]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle couple of years back. Anyone know of any newcomers? by [352]cjaznik45 on [353]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:51:17 AM PST [ [354]Parent ] * There are quite a few we can't primary ([355]17+ / 0-) Recommended by: [356]gpclay, [357]poliscizac, [358]Gargoyle683, [359]peraspera, [360]Urizen, [361]Harkov311, [362]Treg, [363]TrueBlueCT, [364]FishOutofWater, [365]mommyof3, [366]yank2351, [367]ibinreno, [368]jlkenney, [369]ourhispanicvoices, [370]soms, [371]CityLightsLover, [372]pinguin Ellsworth, Mahoney, Shuler, and Carney to name a few. I'd prefer to hold onto as many seats as possible. Pragmatic progressivism is the future. by [373]Pragmaticus on [374]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:48:36 AM PST + Same here..... ([375]8+ / 0-) Recommended by: [376]poliscizac, [377]Gargoyle683, [378]TrueBlueCT, [379]mommyof3, [380]Pragmaticus, [381]ourhispanicvoices, [382]soms, [383]CityLightsLover by [384]rapcetera on [385]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:49:24 AM PST [ [386]Parent ] o The *bolded* is not helpful. Hoyer & Harmon Suck ([387]6+ / 0-) Recommended by: [388]gpclay, [389]poliscizac, [390]esquimaux, [391]Randall Sherman, [392]ourhispanicvoices, [393]sixty senate seats and many of the conservative Democrats have conservative districts. A huge list that doesn't prioritize sensibly isn't helpful. look for my DK Greenroots diary series Thursday evening. "It's the planet, stupid." by [394]FishOutofWater on [395]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:22:20 AM PST [ [396]Parent ] # Here's a huge list ([397]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [398]buckhorn okie that hopefully does [399]prioritize sensibly. (Bear in mind that the "FISA" category on this list reflects last year's Protect America Act, not last week's version concerning telecom immunity, which had a lot more Dems voting the wrong way, so you might want to mentally adjust some of these folks upwards. Manufactured political distractions, you are officially on notice. by [400]Crisitunity on [401]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:42:14 AM PST [ [402]Parent ] + I would love to see Space gone ([403]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [404]sacrelicious, [405]buckhorn okie, [406]CityLightsLover from the roster of Ohio representatives. No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat of war...may be invoked as a justification of torture. R Reagan by [407]workingmom OH on [408]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:51:15 AM PST [ [409]Parent ] o Yeah, but who else is gonna win there? ([410]5+ / 0-) Recommended by: [411]poliscizac, [412]Gargoyle683, [413]Harkov311, [414]soms, [415]CityLightsLover That's Bob Ney's old district. Pragmatic progressivism is the future. by [416]Pragmaticus on [417]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:54:39 AM PST [ [418]Parent ] o It's eaither Space or a Republican, moron. ([419]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [420]TomFromNJ by [421]Wyo Wrangler on [422]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 01:12:18 PM PST [ [423]Parent ] + Which state has the most bluedog? ([424]0+ / 0-) Anybody knows? by [425]wittg1 on [426]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:02:32 AM PST [ [427]Parent ] o IL, with Rahm Emanuel ([428]4+ / 0-) Recommended by: [429]gpclay, [430]buckhorn okie, [431]Randall Sherman, [432]klizard he is the most "bluedog" . . .lol Kos, you forgot to bold him Revive our Media: [433]Donate to Democracy Now by [434]daddy4mak on [435]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:16:15 AM PST [ [436]Parent ] # Pelosi, Hoyer, and Emanuel are the top 3 House ([437]7+ / 0-) Recommended by: [438]gpclay, [439]sacrelicious, [440]FyodorFish, [441]ginja, [442]Randall Sherman, [443]ibinreno, [444]klizard Dems. All 3 of them supported this "compromise." Hoyer is probably more responsible for its House passage by a wide margin than any other MOC. Are we ready to primary the House ML? While I'm more than ready to support such a challenge, it's a bold leap that I have a hard time seeing taken. The mechanics of it seem daunting given Hoyer's support on K Street, his 28 year hold on the seat, and the expense of running in the DC media market. I'm all for this call to action in theory. I'm curious, however, to see how it's carried out in practice. Some men see things as they are and ask why. I dream of things that never were and ask why not? by [445]RFK Lives on [446]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:33:56 AM PST [ [447]Parent ] @ No chance ([448]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [449]buckhorn okie I don't really think there's any chance of taking out any of the House leadership (note, though, that Jim Clyburn is the no. 3 Dem, not Emanuel - Clyburn also, disappointingly, voted for the FISA bill.) Other than Hoyer, I'd say the rest of them are mostly not that bad, anyway. by [450]jlkenney on [451]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:57:32 AM PST [ [452]Parent ] @ Act sooner? ([453]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [454]RFK Lives, [455]buckhorn okie What chance is there that the Dems who don't support this bill could get together and elect different leadership in 2009? A different Speaker might have quashed the FISA nonsense AND kept impeachment on the table. \ by [456]LihTox on [457]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:38:40 AM PST [ [458]Parent ] + What is the point of that ([459]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [460]thumperward, [461]buckhorn okie, [462]James Kresnik if they vote Republican? I don't get it. They have to be held accountable for their actions and we've got to stop giving them a free ride just because they're "Democrats." If we get enough seats, which Marcos thinks we will, then the jerks have to go bye bye. by [463]ginja on [464]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:42:56 AM PST [ [465]Parent ] o This comment was supposed to go under ([466]0+ / 0-) Pragmaticus' post, sorry. by [467]ginja on [468]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:45:28 AM PST [ [469]Parent ] o Well... ([470]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [471]buckhorn okie they vote Republican sometimes. But they're also much more subject to pressure from the Democratic leadership, if the Democratic leadership actually gets off its ass and decides it wants to do things besides protect telecom companies. A Democrat who sometimes votes the right way is inevitably better than a Republican who always votes the wrong way, which is usually the alternative in these conservative districts. by [472]jlkenney on [473]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:58:42 AM PST [ [474]Parent ] # It's more the other way around. ([475]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [476]jfern They are more likely to pressure the Democratic leadership. They are good at working with Republicans at stymieing progressive reforms. Unless you're directly benefiting from the fleecing somehow, all your blind investment in establishment politics has bought you, is a dog-and-pony show. by [477]James Kresnik on [478]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:53:10 PM PST [ [479]Parent ] + I don't know if............... ([480]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [481]wanderindiana, [482]esquimaux .............I will be banned from this site (and I would really hate it if I did) but I am unable to vote for the Democratic Senator running this year. And I have to say that for many there are alternatives in this election. Fortunately there is a progressive Geen Party candidate who got onto the ticket this time, in my state. I live in Arkansas and Mark Pryor has shown himself unwilling to be a faithful servant of the people here. Or his idea of faithful has some of the same ideology as Joe Liebermans'. For some of those who might be unaware of their district maybe having the alternative of a progressive Green Party candidate, as opposed to a blue dog Democratic candidate. You will want to look it up and see if you are lucky enough to have that alternative. I am a registered Democratic voter and will remain so. But there are limits as to what kind of Dem I am willing to vote for. Chomsky-About cables released by WikiLeaks. "What this reveals, is the profound hatred for democracy on the part of our political leadership. by [483]socks on [484]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:52:37 AM PST [ [485]Parent ] + Pomeroy and Peterson too. ([486]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [487]Pragmaticus Aside from Conrad, Dorgan and Pomeroy there are only 2 statewide Democrats, the State Superintendent (22 years, so incumbent and who cares about that one?) and the Agriculture Commissioner who has served since 1996. Republicans are up by 5 seats in the State Senate, but have 2-1 margins in the state house. [488]The Raptor of Spain: An Alternate Histoyr Blog From Muslim Prince to Christian King (Updated Sept. 8!) by [489]MNPundit on [490]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:56:57 AM PST [ [491]Parent ] + We put far too many of these dickheads in office. ([492]0+ / 0-) There's way too many names on that list that wouldn't have their jobs if not for our hard work and cash... so what's to say our 2010 primary candidates won't sell us out the same way? Not one red cent until Obama cleans out the Clintonistas. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, I'm a Freeper. by [493]HollywoodOz on [494]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:09:36 PM PST [ [495]Parent ] * Circular firing squad... ([496]11+ / 0-) Recommended by: [497]poliscizac, [498]Gargoyle683, [499]Mary Julia, [500]jim bow, [501]Harkov311, [502]Luetta, [503]Seneca Doane, [504]Wyo Wrangler, [505]SpamNunn, [506]jlkenney, [507]pinguin Ready... aim... by [508]NextGenDem on [509]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:50:08 AM PST + Circular firing squad is voting other than Dem ([510]20+ / 0-) Recommended by: [511]rick, [512]ferg, [513]Jake Nelson, [514]sacrelicious, [515]RFK Lives, [516]FyodorFish, [517]Ian S, [518]buckhorn okie, [519]IM, [520]danthrax, [521]GN1927, [522]Scarce, [523]alizard, [524]workingmom OH, [525]kurious, [526]TheUnknown285, [527]dclawyer06, [528]Thomas Twinnings, [529]banjolele, [530]klizard in the general. If we can't primary bad Dems, what's the point of having the primary process? Or should we, as the simple peons, accept the candidates handed to us from on high? Non enim propter gloriam, diuicias aut honores pugnamus set propter libertatem solummodo quam Nemo bonus nisi simul cum vita amittit. -Declaration of Arbroath by [531]Robobagpiper on [532]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:54:37 AM PST [ [533]Parent ] o Allow me to clarify: ([534]9+ / 0-) Recommended by: [535]poliscizac, [536]Gargoyle683, [537]peraspera, [538]Harkov311, [539]LihTox, [540]TrueBlueCT, [541]Seneca Doane, [542]TomFromNJ, [543]jlkenney I'm not opposed to using primaries to do away with bad Dems, i.e., Jefferson and Lieberman, but it is a weapon that needs to be used carefully. Should we go overboard in our efforts, we're going to end up hurting ourselves in the long run. by [544]NextGenDem on [545]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:59:57 AM PST [ [546]Parent ] # See below - it's not all about replacing them ([547]23+ / 0-) Recommended by: [548]gpclay, [549]Jake Nelson, [550]sacrelicious, [551]RFK Lives, [552]FyodorFish, [553]Ian S, [554]buckhorn okie, [555]IM, [556]danthrax, [557]Urizen, [558]Luetta, [559]esquimaux, [560]ginja, [561]kurious, [562]Randall Sherman, [563]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle, [564]dclawyer06, [565]st minutia, [566]James Kresnik, [567]ibinreno, [568]banjolele, [569]ryan81, [570]klizard In the end, we'd succeed in replacing only a few. It's about putting the fear of the base in the rest of them, nudging them our way. Non enim propter gloriam, diuicias aut honores pugnamus set propter libertatem solummodo quam Nemo bonus nisi simul cum vita amittit. -Declaration of Arbroath by [571]Robobagpiper on [572]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:01:10 AM PST [ [573]Parent ] @ You are not going to nudge people ([574]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [575]jlkenney like Brad Ellsworth or many others, they know the demographics of their districts and know they are the only dems who are electable in those areas for the foreseeable future. If people want to put together a list of solid dem areas to go for I am all for it but just a blanket list of everyone is pointless. by [576]yank2351 on [577]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:47:14 AM PST [ [578]Parent ] - Ellsworth may learn a thing or two about ID8 ([579]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [580]buckhorn okie, [581]James Kresnik This is quite far away from 2010, so compiling a big list is what we do now. As the time approaches, we focus on a few bad apples to chuck (and who are vulerable). Sometimes, you also have to set your sights on even the well-placed if they're heinous enough (Delay, Lieberman, etc). This exercise will have many benefits. At the end of the day the goal is to ensure that all Dems understand what being a good Dem means, and who their base is. -- Make sure everyone's vote counts: [582]Verified Voting by [583]sacrelicious on [584]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:29:57 AM PST [ [585]Parent ] # Can we get rid of the CAFTA 15? ([586]5+ / 0-) Recommended by: [587]sacrelicious, [588]buckhorn okie, [589]esquimaux, [590]ChesCo Dem, [591]James Kresnik [592]http://www.citizen.org/... Particularly we should target Ed Towns from Brooklyn and Greg Meeks from Queens. Ed Towns is in the 10th, which has a PVI of D + 41! [593]http://www.house.gov/... Greg Meeks is in the 6th, which has a PVI of D +38! [594]http://www.house.gov/... [595]Cook Partisan Voting Index. Obama supporters need to be good winners down the stretch. Repeat after me, Clinton Democrats care about the same things I do. Clinton Democrats care... by [596]TrueBlueCT on [597]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:54:36 AM PST [ [598]Parent ] # Indeed ([599]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [600]Zack from the SFV Carefully targeted primary challenges are the way to go here. Starting with a list of 100 Democrats is not a good way to go about it. by [601]jlkenney on [602]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:05:41 AM PST [ [603]Parent ] @ agreed ([604]0+ / 0-) we can probably effectively target a dozen or so Democrats. WHICH dozen is worth arguing about. Looking for intelligent energy policy alternatives? Try [605]here. by [606]alizard on [607]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 04:57:47 PM PST [ [608]Parent ] # I couldn't disagree more ([609]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [610]jfern, [611]buckhorn okie, [612]James Kresnik Why do you think the republicans have been setting the damn agenda for the last 20 years? They actually primary their own. Even today, Chris Cannon(a disgusting wingnut from Utah) got bounced from his space because he didn't toe the anti-immigrant line. Republicans get the whole politics thing. They don't understand much of anything else, but they get the politics part. They call him Machete... by [613]dclawyer06 on [614]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:54:23 AM PST [ [615]Parent ] + Not true ([616]11+ / 0-) Recommended by: [617]gpclay, [618]sacrelicious, [619]thumperward, [620]buckhorn okie, [621]esquimaux, [622]ginja, [623]kurious, [624]discocarp, [625]Thomas Twinnings, [626]el vasco, [627]wittg1 These Blue Dogs ALL need to be primaried to realize that progressives will no longer put up with their self-serving horseshit. Kirsten Gillibrand (NY-20), I'M LOOKIN' AT YOU! " ... or a baby's arm holding an apple!" by [628]Lavocat on [629]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:55:19 AM PST [ [630]Parent ] o All of them. Blue Dogs have damaged the Party. ([631]11+ / 0-) Recommended by: [632]gpclay, [633]jfern, [634]FyodorFish, [635]buckhorn okie, [636]esquimaux, [637]ginja, [638]kurious, [639]TheUnknown285, [640]dclawyer06, [641]banjolele, [642]politicalrunt They have handed Bush and the GOP win after win and weakened what power the DEms had. They have at least 2 unfettered years to step up the pace of selling out to the GOP on bullshit. America legalized torture before they legalized marijuana. Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape! by [643]xxdr zombiexx on [644]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:58:46 AM PST [ [645]Parent ] # Have they damaged it on net? ([646]5+ / 0-) Recommended by: [647]gpclay, [648]poliscizac, [649]LihTox, [650]Randall Sherman, [651]jlkenney Disclaimer -- not a member of any party, so add copious grains of salt. Seems to me most Blue Dogs get elected in places where it would be hard to elect a progressive. I'm sure there are exceptions, but people are Blue Dogs for a reason, and it's not to piss of their districts. Whatever pain Blue Dogs cause, they bring one big advantage compared to Republicans: The Democrats have a majority in Congress. That means the Speaker of the House and all of the Committee Chairs. With a real old-school Speaker, that would be nothing to sneeze at. LG: You know what? You got spunk. MR: Well, Yes... LG: I hate spunk! by [652]dinotrac on [653]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:19:29 AM PST [ [654]Parent ] @ I understand all about capitulation ([655]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [656]gpclay, [657]buckhorn okie, [658]James Kresnik and going to battle with the army we have. When a Bad Dem can be identified, they should be replaced. If they can fix their problem and vote right, then we can leave them along. They have to vote how they are told. America legalized torture before they legalized marijuana. Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape! by [659]xxdr zombiexx on [660]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:22:50 AM PST [ [661]Parent ] - They have to vote how they are told. ([662]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [663]gpclay, [664]Thomas Twinnings, [665]klizard That's a very telling comment when it comes to Blue Dogs. It gets into the question of "Who's doing the telling?" Do they listen to the Democratic leadership, or do they listen to the folks back home? The answer, in part, comes from the 2 year election cycle. It was intended to keep representatives beholden to their constituency. LG: You know what? You got spunk. MR: Well, Yes... LG: I hate spunk! by [666]dinotrac on [667]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:36:53 AM PST [ [668]Parent ] = "Constituents" has been changed to mean ([669]0+ / 0-) Th big companies in ones state or region. America legalized torture before they legalized marijuana. Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape! by [670]xxdr zombiexx on [671]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:34:25 PM PST [ [672]Parent ] @ Damaged It On Net - Yes. ([673]7+ / 0-) Recommended by: [674]thumperward, [675]buckhorn okie, [676]xxdr zombiexx, [677]Thomas Twinnings, [678]James Kresnik, [679]divineorder, [680]klizard Ending the war in Iraq? Check. Impeachment? Check. Passing a FISA Bill that even the Republicans couldn't get through when they were the majority? Check. Holding EPA accoutnable for stonewalling? Check. Moving forward on climate change? Check. Rooting out politicization of the Department of Justice? Check. I mean, if you can't stand up to a President with historically low approval numbers, when will you ever stand up for something? Not only are they harming the country with this behavior, but they are turning folks off on the Democratic Party by showing once again that Dems will not stand up for what we're supposed to believe in... (-8.00, -6.67) It's a great day for hockey! -"Badger" Bob Johnson, 1931-1991 by [681]gpclay on [682]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:43:46 AM PST [ [683]Parent ] - Now that is an interesting point... ([684]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [685]gpclay > Not only are they harming the country with this behavior, but they are turning folks off on the Democratic Party by showing once again that Dems will not stand up for what we're supposed to believe in... Your other points would be no better served if Republicans were in those seats, so don't amount to net harm. This one, however, has validity. Would you have preferred to take tacticial losses with progressive candidates to build towards a strategic win? That's a legitimate strategy, even if it does require a bit more patience. It also introduces it's own dangers -- If progressive candidates lose badly, you might have trouble recruiting good progressive candidates the next time around, which would put you right back where you are now, only further down the line. LG: You know what? You got spunk. MR: Well, Yes... LG: I hate spunk! by [686]dinotrac on [687]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:51:37 AM PST [ [688]Parent ] = Excellent Points ([689]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [690]buckhorn okie Truth be told, I think I am just so overwhelmingly angry and disappointed about this loss that did not have to occur, that I am at a low point regarding this party. I grew up in a union household that has been solid blue for all my life and a card-carrying Democrat since I could vote in 1985. I don't remember being this disappointed since 2002 (Iraq War resolution) or 2000 (when they fought so badly against the transparent power grab in Florida). So, I'm at a loss, I guess. I do think the Orange to Blue campaign is a great idea and that first we need to be targeting conservative Dems in "safe" districts who have moved away from their constituents' views. (-8.00, -6.67) It's a great day for hockey! -"Badger" Bob Johnson, 1931-1991 by [691]gpclay on [692]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:10:52 AM PST [ [693]Parent ] * Absolutely right... ([694]0+ / 0-) In the end, it doesn't make sense to put up candidates who deviate wildly from constituent's views. They'll be hard to elect, and, likely, hard to re-elect. At some point, we need to remember that Democracy (stretched to include representative government) is not designed to make everybody happy. It's designed to get buy-ins. Getting buy-ins means looking for common ground and making compromises that don't violate some fundamental tenet of your belief. In short, you go for the wins you can get and try to keep losses to those you can live with. LG: You know what? You got spunk. MR: Well, Yes... LG: I hate spunk! by [695]dinotrac on [696]Thu Jun 26, 2008 at 08:15:33 AM PST [ [697]Parent ] - If Democrats do not give a consistent ([698]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [699]gpclay, [700]buckhorn okie, [701]xxdr zombiexx governance "message", activists will become disillusioned, and others may be turned-off as well. An illusion can never be destroyed directly... SK. by [702]Thomas Twinnings on [703]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:01:18 AM PST [ [704]Parent ] = Caving is not "governoring". ([705]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [706]James Kresnik America legalized torture before they legalized marijuana. Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape! by [707]xxdr zombiexx on [708]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:35:16 PM PST [ [709]Parent ] * Neither is collusion. ([710]0+ / 0-) Unless you're directly benefiting from the fleecing somehow, all your blind investment in establishment politics has bought you, is a dog-and-pony show. by [711]James Kresnik on [712]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:56:08 PM PST [ [713]Parent ] o Some of them represent what could be called ([714]4+ / 0-) Recommended by: [715]gpclay, [716]poliscizac, [717]Gargoyle683, [718]Randall Sherman enemy territory and, bad as they may be, a huge upgrade over the alternative. I'd hate to see us do the same thing the repugs have done by limitting the party to locksteppers. It's just killed them (alleyloyah!). Not that I'm any fan of bluedogs. by [719]Urizen on [720]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:07:49 AM PST [ [721]Parent ] # Clarification ([722]9+ / 0-) Recommended by: [723]gpclay, [724]ferg, [725]FyodorFish, [726]buckhorn okie, [727]Urizen, [728]ginja, [729]LihTox, [730]kurious, [731]TheUnknown285 It's all about letting them know that the progressives will NOT be silent and that our votes should NEVER be taken for granted. I don't expect that many of the primaried Blue Dogs will lose. But they will be forced to spend VITAL RESOURCES on a primary and be wounded going into the general. So, they should be getting the message loud and clear. Want an easy ride to the general? Then stop the horseshit. " ... or a baby's arm holding an apple!" by [732]Lavocat on [733]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:10:56 AM PST [ [734]Parent ] @ Fair enough ([735]0+ / 0-) Just don't want to see us become a mirror of what we've been looking at these last dozen or so years. by [736]Urizen on [737]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:20:08 AM PST [ [738]Parent ] @ Wounded? ([739]0+ / 0-) I'm not sure we want them to be wounded. The plan, I think, is to let them know that they CAN be primaried IF they don't shape up. To do that, we have to show some muscle and get strong primary opponents for them, but do that enough and they will get the message. The ultimate goal is for them to pay attention to the progressive voice WITHOUT the primary fight; the threat should be enough. Right now the only threats they're getting are from the right wing. by [740]LihTox on [741]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:01:01 PM PST [ [742]Parent ] o indeed--Gillibrand has been a big disappointment. ([743]4+ / 0-) Recommended by: [744]gpclay, [745]buckhorn okie, [746]oceanview, [747]TheUnknown285 ecstatically baffled by [748]el vasco on [749]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:08:27 AM PST [ [750]Parent ] # Yes, re. Gillibrand but ([751]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [752]gpclay but but ... a lookat the registered Republicans vrs Registered Democrats in the district makes it difficult to conceive of a progressive Democrat ever winning over this district as it is drawn. Though, it did happen in the three special elections just in the past few months. maybe it can happen if Republican voters stayed home? dunno. eom. oceanview by [753]oceanview on [754]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:18:30 AM PST [ [755]Parent ] @ I live in her district-- ([756]4+ / 0-) Recommended by: [757]gpclay, [758]buckhorn okie, [759]oceanview, [760]James Kresnik there is growing dissatisfaction with her and I think a true progressive has a shot, especially as our local economy sours due to gas/fuel issues. Middle class people are struggling here and the light is beginning to dawn. ecstatically baffled by [761]el vasco on [762]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:44:31 AM PST [ [763]Parent ] - me too. but i also cannot believe ([764]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [765]gpclay, [766]buckhorn okie the number of people i talk to in this district who want to vote Republican, again. Sweeney (barf) held this district before Gillibrand and he was So-God-Awful-it [DEL: cannot :DEL] be-described. our local Democratic Club is almost overwhelmed at some meetings (and has been, in the near past) by infiltrating republicans with the intent to nullify the opposition. Clearly, the hearts and minds of Independants Must be won over to achieve the numbers necessary for a truely progressive Prog/Dem. Representative. note, i am Not condoning Gillibrands FISA vote. oceanview by [767]oceanview on [768]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:50:34 AM PST [ [769]Parent ] @ Anger on both sides over this one ([770]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [771]buckhorn okie, [772]oceanview, [773]James Kresnik What's so hard about going back to those R constituents and saying "I'm standing up for the Constituion and the rule of law, and still rpotecting the country from terrorists"? They could have reauthorized FISA without retroactive immunity and the "get out of jail because the leader told me to do it" approach going forward. Besides, those folks are still going to be tarred and feathered by their R opponents no matter HOW they voted on this - ask Max Cleland how his support for the Iraq War helped him in November 2002??? (-8.00, -6.67) It's a great day for hockey! -"Badger" Bob Johnson, 1931-1991 by [774]gpclay on [775]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:56:01 AM PST [ [776]Parent ] - "PROtecting" Duh. ([777]0+ / 0-) (-8.00, -6.67) It's a great day for hockey! -"Badger" Bob Johnson, 1931-1991 by [778]gpclay on [779]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:57:44 AM PST [ [780]Parent ] - Yes,. it seems logical, ([781]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [782]buckhorn okie just Talk to the 28%ers who still say Bush?co is doin a Great job. and tell them the truth about FISA - they change the subject, stall and claim superior knowledge and refuse to change their outlook. And they hold majority numbers in this district. ( not an unsurmountable challenge, but it Is a challenge) i live in it. Note, i am not giving up trying. oceanview by [783]oceanview on [784]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:22:05 AM PST [ [785]Parent ] - Correct ([786]0+ / 0-) The division between left and right is not so clear-cut as is often suggested, and sometimes it is simply a matter of priorities. E.g. the Catholic Church: emphasize abortion and it's Republican, but emphasize death penalty and pre-emptive war and it's Democratic. The policy divisions between Republican and Democratic are somewhat artificial. We see that in the Democratic caucus now, but it is maddening that the Republicans are in such lockstep when the Republican voters certainly aren't, I'm sure. I gotta wonder if they're all being blackmailed by their leadership, sometime. We want to send a message to our Blue Dogs, but we've got to send an even bigger message to the Republican party: you are out of touch, you are corrupt, reform or die. If we can crush them hard enough this fall, maybe the roaches will scurry away to business and lobbying firms, and the remnant can rebuild the party as one of worthy opposition. We need a two-party system in this country, we need a party to say "Hey, maybe we shouldn't be spending all that money" or "States' rights are a good thing." We need the real conservatives back, even if we don't agree with them, because no one has all the answers, and anyone can become corrupted by power, including progressives. by [787]LihTox on [788]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:10:10 PM PST [ [789]Parent ] @ I don't recall... ([790]0+ / 0-) Travis Childers or Don Cazayoux being particularly progressive. And Bill Foster is a blue dog, isn't he? (Although he did oppose telecom immunity) by [791]jlkenney on [792]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:08:32 AM PST [ [793]Parent ] o What you're looking at ([794]0+ / 0-) is a Republican Representative in NY-20. It's not a natural Democratic seat, and Gillibrand did yeoman's work in keeping it. Of course, with her being villified, perhaps she can lose it this year. Then we won't have to worry about primarying her in 2010. Soon on DK4: Chit Cheat and Undisputed Facts! It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache. by [795]Seneca Doane on [796]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:48:12 AM PST [ [797]Parent ] o Be Careful of what you wish. ([798]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [799]xtcian NY-20 is a heavily gerrymandered conservative district that was the domain of Republican hack John Sweeney who played a major role in stopping the Miami recount in 2000 and was nicknamed "Congressman Kickass" by his beneficiary, GWB. Sweeney's ethical and family problems (smacking his wife around) are what made his defeat by Kirsten Gillibrand possible. She works hard on constituent services, frequently conducts townhalls all over the district and has earned a lot of respect from her conservative and moderate constituents. Knocking her out in a primary with a progressive will only ensure a Repub victory. Let's not forget that many of these Bluedogs have to be Bluedogs because of the makeup of their districts and their constituents would never tolerate a progressive. by [800]Ralphie247 on [801]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:03:56 PM PST [ [802]Parent ] # exactly. ([803]0+ / 0-) Lumping Gillibrand in this category is "baby with the bathwater" thinking. I was severely demoralized by her FISA vote, but this is a special case. I live right in the heart of NY-20, and it had been Republican since the Ice Age - vilifying her right now, as she has a shot at being a real incumbent with a 2nd term coming up, doesn't help the overall cause ONE BIT. Despite that vote, she loves this district and has been great for us. And on a note of reality, what exciting progressive candidate in, say, Otsego County is going to come in and provide an alternative by November? by [804]xtcian on [805]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 03:25:29 PM PST [ [806]Parent ] o If you know anything about their districts there ([807]0+ / 0-) is a reason the majority of them if not all are concervative Democrats. All you will get is another concervative democrat in those districts or if a progressive did squeek out a primary win, the progressive would lose to the Republican. I wish we could replace some of these folk, but it's just not possible for the most part. Holding seats is #1 in my book. If that means we have a party that is rounded from right to left so be it. Maybe the political landscape will be better for progressives in 2010, but I'd bet money that those in TN will not be touched by a progressive Dem. It's just the way the game is played in the South. "Dear Mr. President, there are too many states nowadays. Please eliminate three. I am not a crackpot." - Grandpa Simpson by [808]ourhispanicvoices on [809]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:29:07 PM PST [ [810]Parent ] # If that's the case, ([811]0+ / 0-) why should be bother with two right-wing parties? Aesthetics? Unless you're directly benefiting from the fleecing somehow, all your blind investment in establishment politics has bought you, is a dog-and-pony show. by [812]James Kresnik on [813]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:58:59 PM PST [ [814]Parent ] + no comparison ([815]9+ / 0-) Recommended by: [816]gpclay, [817]CParis, [818]TheUnknown285, [819]Canyon Lefty, [820]Quicksilver2723, [821]divineorder, [822]banjolele, [823]jlkenney, [824]CityLightsLover It is all about the legislation prepared, not how they voted. With the democrats in the majority, shit like this bill should never come up. I don't hold these reps. responsible, I hold the ones crafting the legislation responsible.. Republicans===the party of the 1% rich people in America. Or in other words..The Party of NO! by [825]jalapeno on [826]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:56:00 AM PST [ [827]Parent ] o Who's responsible for selecting leadership? n/t ([828]4+ / 0-) Recommended by: [829]gpclay, [830]scrape, [831]buckhorn okie, [832]CityLightsLover I waited 23 years for this day. http://tinyurl.com/2010giants by [833]Alfonso Nevarez on [834]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:59:52 AM PST [ [835]Parent ] # exactly n/t ([836]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [837]scrape, [838]buckhorn okie When you vote, you are exercising political authority, you're using force. And force my friends is violence. The supreme authority... by [839]Thought Crime on [840]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:12:51 AM PST [ [841]Parent ] o Agreed ([842]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [843]buckhorn okie, [844]kurious, [845]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle When we were in the minority, the Republicans could bring up shit like gay marriage bans, forcing Dems to vote. I was hoping that shit like FISA wouldn't be brought up at all. I guess I was wrong. Follow the races in Georgia at the [846]2010 Georgia Race Tracker. by [847]TheUnknown285 on [848]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:16:35 AM PST [ [849]Parent ] o if Pelosi continued to block a vote on FISA, ([850]35+ / 0-) Recommended by: [851]Louise, [852]Ray Radlein, [853]homunq, [854]askew, [855]Gargoyle683, [856]sacrelicious, [857]thumperward, [858]billlaurelMD, [859]Ramo, [860]mcfly, [861]mjd in florida, [862]trashablanca, [863]ginja, [864]nonnie9999, [865]ChesCo Dem, [866]va dare, [867]kurious, [868]Randall Sherman, [869]FishOutofWater, [870]Crisitunity, [871]Canyon Lefty, [872]Seneca Doane, [873]jnhobbs, [874]gizmo59, [875]Becky Horsehair, [876]Quicksilver2723, [877]James Kresnik, [878]divineorder, [879]banjolele, [880]klizard, [881]petral, [882]Texas Revolutionary, [883]paintitblue, [884]pinguin, [885]ArtSchmart enough Blue Dog Dems would likely have joined with the GOP to vote on a discharge petition which would have forced a vote on the GOP's (worse) version of FISA, no matter what Dem leadership did. A discharge petition needs only 218 votes to force a vote; 188 Republicans voted for FISA; so only 30 turncoat Dems would've needed to sign a discharge petition to force an UP/DOWN vote, thus passing FISA. 21 Blue Dog Dems made it clear in a January [886]letter to Pelosi that they were ready to vote for the GOP's version of FISA. See Steny Hoyer at [887]Politico yesterday, quoted as saying as many as "30 Blue Dogs and another 20 to 30 members" were in play to sign that discharge petition. I don't know the names of all the 21 turncoat Democrats who signed that letter threatening to join up with the GOP to force a vote on FISA, but IMO, it's those 21 names should start out at the TOP of any list of potential primary challenges based on support for FISA "reform". by [888]jennifer poole on [889]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:17:03 AM PST [ [890]Parent ] # Those 21 names are ones I'd like to see too n/t ([891]8+ / 0-) Recommended by: [892]jennifer poole, [893]sacrelicious, [894]trashablanca, [895]ginja, [896]Randall Sherman, [897]Seneca Doane, [898]Thomas Twinnings, [899]divineorder by [900]kurious on [901]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:29:06 AM PST [ [902]Parent ] # Thank you, jennifer ([903]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [904]jennifer poole, [905]trashablanca, [906]divineorder I'd put this in for Top Comments, except that this sort of realistic view of who exactly did betray us here would probably get you hate mail. Soon on DK4: Chit Cheat and Undisputed Facts! It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache. by [907]Seneca Doane on [908]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:50:09 AM PST [ [909]Parent ] @ fine with me (the hate mail, I mean). thanks. ([910]5+ / 0-) Recommended by: [911]Louise, [912]sacrelicious, [913]trashablanca, [914]Seneca Doane, [915]divineorder I think it's important for all the commenters here who've said "Pelosi could've just done nothing" to understand that doing nothing wouldn't necessarily have meant no FISA vote. Maybe the Dems threatening to join with the GOP would've backed down if Pelosi held her ground? IMO, it's likely they really would've backed down without Hoyer's help (no fan of Hoyer, here). Maybe it would've been a much better "political" strategy to let them go ahead and join up with the GOP, and show their true colors, even if it resulted in a "worse" version of FISA passing the House. by [916]jennifer poole on [917]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:57:33 AM PST [ [918]Parent ] - Submitted n/t ([919]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [920]trashablanca, [921]divineorder Soon on DK4: Chit Cheat and Undisputed Facts! It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache. by [922]Seneca Doane on [923]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:06:05 AM PST [ [924]Parent ] - Bipolarlike behavior of Pelosi on FISA ([925]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [926]trashablanca is now more understandable thanks to you Jennifer. Wish you had time to link the January letter stuff. Though I was so excited about the first woman speaker, its been hard for me to keep up the excitement with her off the table with impeachment and seemingly tepid leadership on progressive issues. Action link: [927]Fix the Senate. End the filibuster. by [928]divineorder on [929]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:23:52 AM PST [ [930]Parent ] + new to the political game are ya? ([931]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [932]TheUnknown285 get to understanding the importance of primaries and report back when you have a better understanding of how to influence votes and policy discussion. thanks. The world is kinda cold and the rhythm is your blanket, wrap yourself up in it, if you love it then you'll thank it. by [933]Ajax the Greater on [934]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:09:38 AM PST [ [935]Parent ] o At the very least, a credible primary battle ([936]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [937]Jake Nelson, [938]buckhorn okie can scare the bejeezus out of a rep, and make better listeners. I think that people want peace so much that one of these days government had better get out of their way and let them have it. - Dwight D. Eisenhower by [939]scrape on [940]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:49:21 AM PST [ [941]Parent ] o Thank you so much ([942]0+ / 0-) For your condescension. I didn't realize how much of a moron I was before you told me. by [943]NextGenDem on [944]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 02:56:26 PM PST [ [945]Parent ] # sorry your feelings were hurt but your comment ([946]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [947]James Kresnik showed a lack of thought about the topic at hand. if a democrat feels completely safe despite voting against the best interests of his constituents (not to mention the majority of Americans), exactly what tool does the voting public have to hold their representative accountable? Jane Harmon was primaried in 2006, ended up winning a close race, and realized through that process that she had to better represent the people who put her into office. so have a few others reps who have felt the power of a people united. it is the most powerful weapon we have. it is not a "circular firing" situation as you had described it. The world is kinda cold and the rhythm is your blanket, wrap yourself up in it, if you love it then you'll thank it. by [948]Ajax the Greater on [949]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 06:46:13 PM PST [ [950]Parent ] + The opportunity costs ([951]0+ / 0-) 1. Snarlin' Arlen Specter (PA) 2. George Voinovich (OH) 3. Judd Gregg (NH) 4. Lisa Murkowski (AK) 5. Jim Bunning (KY) 6. Mel Martinez (FL) 7. Richard Burr (NC) 8. Jim DeMint (SC) 9. Tom Coburn (OK) 10. John McCain (AZ) 11. David "prostitution ring" Vitter (LA) 12. Dan Inouye's (HI) replacement Any of those Blue Dogs are better than any of the GOP Senators up for reelection in 2010. I play to beat Republicans. Let's go for the veto-proof majorities. [952]HCR Part II: Where do we go now? by [953]jim bow on [954]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:06:11 AM PST [ [955]Parent ] o This exercise is not zero-sum ([956]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [957]buckhorn okie, [958]James Kresnik Primarying bad dems does NOT mean we give up R seats. It means that we hold blue dogs feet to the fire, let them know that there are consequences for voting against your base and party consistently. Consequences may not be loss of their seat, but they need to be reminded that they WORK FOR US. -- Make sure everyone's vote counts: [959]Verified Voting by [960]sacrelicious on [961]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:34:25 AM PST [ [962]Parent ] o Jim, I bet your heart is in the right place ([963]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [964]buckhorn okie but don't you see, by giving democrats a free pass, you redefine what it means to be a democrat. What's the point in being a democrat if you don't require anything from your representatives other than they call themselves a democrat? They call him Machete... by [965]dclawyer06 on [966]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:59:36 AM PST [ [967]Parent ] # I disagree ([968]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [969]Wave Breaker You have to vote for the Democratic nominee for House Speaker. You have to vote for the Democratic rules on bills in the House. You have to vote for all minimum wage increases and unemployment compensation extensions. You have to vote against all photo-ID/citizenship verification voting requirements. You have to vote for items that expand equality such as the Lilly Ledbetter bill. There are some "no compromise" bills. Now on the purity test -- let's remember -- even Paul Wellstone [970]voted for the hateful Defense of Marriage Act when facing reelection in 1996 (while Chuck Robb, D-Va., and Bob Kerrey, D-Neb. opposed the bill), and [971]voted not to table a sense of the Senate amendment expressing the Senate's support for term limits. Even Ted Kennedy [972]voted to allow religious school memorials after a tragic death. Even Barbara Boxer [973]voted for the vile Communications Decency Act, which forbidded anything the government deemed to be "indecent" or "obscene" on the internet, while Joe Lieberman opposed the bill. [974]HCR Part II: Where do we go now? by [975]jim bow on [976]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 01:53:28 PM PST [ [977]Parent ] @ Thanks for careful response ([978]0+ / 0-) but I think many of those examples you list are only enabled by a passive democratic electorate. You're right many dem politicians cast unconscionable votes; I'd argue that's because we don't primary them. How many republicans voted against Iraq war? How many who haven't at least been primaried? Most have been defeated, right? Republicans at least have their voices heard. They call him Machete... by [979]dclawyer06 on [980]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 04:19:18 PM PST [ [981]Parent ] @ All ([982]0+ / 0-) You have to vote for all minimum wage increases and unemployment compensation extensions. And that's about all you will get, only with a decimated economy that cannot pay for those things. Unless you're directly benefiting from the fleecing somehow, all your blind investment in establishment politics has bought you, is a dog-and-pony show. by [983]James Kresnik on [984]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:02:54 PM PST [ [985]Parent ] * Jane Harman is pretty high on the list ([986]24+ / 0-) Recommended by: [987]thumperward, [988]Eric J in MN, [989]BlackGriffen, [990]buckhorn okie, [991]IM, [992]GN1927, [993]mjd in florida, [994]Zack from the SFV, [995]Flippant, [996]esquimaux, [997]bubbanomics, [998]Rachel in Vista, [999]joe shikspack, [1000]trinite, [1001]kurious, [1002]TheUnknown285, [1003]mommyof3, [1004]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle, [1005]dclawyer06, [1006]TomP, [1007]discocarp, [1008]wittg1, [1009]CaliSista, [1010]sixty senate seats Marcy Winograd had the right idea but not nearly enough money... Here we are now Entertain us I feel stupid and contagious by [1011]Scarce on [1012]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:50:30 AM PST + First one I thought of was Harman. ([1013]6+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1014]BlackGriffen, [1015]buckhorn okie, [1016]bubbanomics, [1017]kurious, [1018]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle, [1019]TomP by [1020]trinite on [1021]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:55:40 AM PST [ [1022]Parent ] + Jane Harman. ([1023]6+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1024]BlackGriffen, [1025]buckhorn okie, [1026]kurious, [1027]TheUnknown285, [1028]dclawyer06, [1029]TomP Almost makes me want to run. And if I think I could do better than her, she's pretty dadgum bad. Feather fall around you, and show you the way to go... it's over... --- Neil Young by [1030]bubbanomics on [1031]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:05:56 AM PST [ [1032]Parent ] o Be the change you want to be ([1033]5+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1034]scrape, [1035]BlackGriffen, [1036]ginja, [1037]bubbanomics, [1038]TomP by [1039]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle on [1040]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:33:15 AM PST [ [1041]Parent ] + A starting list ... ([1042]4+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1043]thumperward, [1044]BlackGriffen, [1045]Zack from the SFV, [1046]James Kresnik Congresscritter, location, additional offenses McCarthy, Long Island, bankruptcy bill Ruppersberger, Baltimore and suburbs, bankruptcy bill Scott, Atlanta, bankruptcy bill, conservative dem in very blue seat Baird, West of Cascades Washington, war funding Lipinski, Chicago, nepotism, carpet bagging, conservative dem in very blue seat Richardson, Los Angeles, insolvent speculator, weak incumbent Hoyer, Maryland Suburbia, bankruptcy bill, a shot across the bow of every blue dog in a blue seat. Hoyer's district used to be a little purple, it's pretty solid blue now. The dem primary there could be about 50% african american voters. William Jefferson barely needs to be mentioned, but goes on all these lists. by [1047]Whittless on [1048]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:58:34 PM PST [ [1049]Parent ] o on that list ([1050]0+ / 0-) isn't Brian Baird facing an antiwar challenger in the WA primary this year? (as in=hasn't happened yet). I am two states to the south of WA but maybe someone from the Evergreen State has some insights about this race. Should we get involved? Is the challenger any good and/or have any chance of success? Sometimes you win just by scaring the congresscritter. Jane Harman started voting somewhat better after her experience with Marcy Winograd, even though Marcy only got 38% and didn't win the primary. Also, Richardson is from Long Beach, not L.A. She barely won her special election in an ethically polarized primary. Her group is the one that is shrinking as a percentage of the electorate in the area (She is Black, her main opponent was a Latina). As the member with the least seniority in SoCal, she is not as likely to be helped by redistricting as others, so while she isn't a goner yet, she isn't really safe in her seat. I'm not a Limousine Liberal; I am a Prius Progressive by [1051]Zack from the SFV on [1052]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 02:08:37 PM PST [ [1053]Parent ] # The 38% Winograd got caused Harman to ([1054]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1055]Zack from the SFV improve. I'm her spouse, in the interest of full disclosure, but it's been accepted, even by Harman's supporters, that Winograd's efforts [1056]sparked a leftward movement in Harman, or at least a leftward rhetorical and voting tilt. The 38% obviously wasn't enough to defeat Harman, but it was significant, and sufficient to get her attention and to change her behavior for the better, even if she still leaves much to be desired. "The true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love." by [1057]Budlawman on [1058]Thu Jun 26, 2008 at 08:06:18 AM PST [ [1059]Parent ] @ I agree ([1060]0+ / 0-) and thank you and especially your spouse for running in that race. Running for Congress is a tough job and hard on both candidates and their spouses. I was peripherally involved with the campaign, but would be more so if she or someone else good ran again. I live in Howard Berman's district and wish he had any opposition this year (no primary, no GOP, no Green or Lib). I thought about running but don't think I would be a very good or successful candidate. Again I emphasize the appreciation of anyone who is willing to stick out her or his neck in a tough but useful campaign. I'm not a Limousine Liberal; I am a Prius Progressive by [1061]Zack from the SFV on [1062]Thu Jun 26, 2008 at 03:08:44 PM PST [ [1063]Parent ] - Thank you for that ([1064]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1065]Zack from the SFV It was much more fun than hardship for me, but Marcy was simply awesome and deserving of all the credit for her brilliance, intelligence, professionalism, energy, sense of outrage and fun, and her political skills. It's far too early (at least in my mind, but maybe I'm wrong!) to think about 2010, but we may be making some moves that would position Marcy for another shot at Harman then. Mr. Berman and his egregious Iraq war stance -- worse than Harman's at this point, something I didn't think I'd find myself saying -- are definitely on the radar, and we have found ourselves wishing for a strong anti-war challenger to his left, who still would be good on the valid issues Berman champions (e.g., labor). "The true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love." by [1066]Budlawman on [1067]Thu Jun 26, 2008 at 04:19:24 PM PST [ [1068]Parent ] * Boucher disappoints me here... ([1069]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1070]Gargoyle683 but I don't think he's a primary target... what do others think? Our country can survive war, disease, and poverty... what it cannot do without is justice. by [1071]mommyof3 on [1072]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:50:34 AM PST + He's off-limits I think ([1073]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1074]poliscizac, [1075]mommyof3, [1076]soms It's hard to win in Appalachia without compromising a bit. Pragmatic progressivism is the future. by [1077]Pragmaticus on [1078]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:52:00 AM PST [ [1079]Parent ] + It's a conservative district ([1080]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1081]LordMike, [1082]Harkov311, [1083]mommyof3 and Boucher is generally pretty okay, isn't he, given his district? I don't think that this one vote should be sufficient to warrant a primary challenge. There ought to be a pattern. And, preferably, a safely Democratic district. by [1084]jlkenney on [1085]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:11:46 AM PST [ [1086]Parent ] * Boren - OK ([1087]5+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1088]buckhorn okie, [1089]GN1927, [1090]Flippant, [1091]TheUnknown285, [1092]soms A Blue Dog for sure. Sounds like a Buchco most of the time. If Andrew Rice's senate race makes a good show in Okiehoma then Boren should be a targetfor sure. It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument. by [1093]GrinningLibber on [1094]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:51:01 AM PST + that's the condition there ([1095]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1096]Randall Sherman, [1097]TomP unless the voters undergo a nirvana overnight. Impeach Obama- some dkos clown (Jan 05, 2010) by [1098]soms on [1099]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:00:39 AM PST [ [1100]Parent ] * I would support.... ([1101]17+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1102]ferg, [1103]poliscizac, [1104]mikedallas23, [1105]Gargoyle683, [1106]peraspera, [1107]oceanview, [1108]Urizen, [1109]CParis, [1110]karateexplosions, [1111]plf515, [1112]Randall Sherman, [1113]Pragmaticus, [1114]goshzilla, [1115]jlkenney, [1116]soms, [1117]obscuresportsquarterly, [1118]sixty senate seats any blue-dog in a R+ district just for voting for the leadership and showing up voting with the D's 50%+ of the time...that is way better than 10%...I think we have a lot better tartgets like Al Wynn who are old-time Democrats from safe districts who do not stick with our party enough that are better targets... By going after the blue dogs you will either elect a Republican to replace him/her or get them to retire and have a progressive get beat by a RW Republican... So lets primary them but do it smartly...look for Democrats that vote more conservatively than their district constituents first... Obama - Change I still believe in by [1119]dvogel001 on [1120]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:51:26 AM PST + Thank you ([1121]5+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1122]Gargoyle683, [1123]peraspera, [1124]oceanview, [1125]Urizen, [1126]soms I agree completely. Pragmatic progressivism is the future. by [1127]Pragmaticus on [1128]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:52:42 AM PST [ [1129]Parent ] o True, but ([1130]9+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1131]ferg, [1132]sacrelicious, [1133]buckhorn okie, [1134]oceanview, [1135]CParis, [1136]ginja, [1137]kurious, [1138]James Kresnik, [1139]goshzilla NONE of the Blue Dogs should be allowed to become complacent about progressive support. They should all know that they are in our sights and always will be. " ... or a baby's arm holding an apple!" by [1140]Lavocat on [1141]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:57:54 AM PST [ [1142]Parent ] # CHANGE OR BE CHANGED. ([1143]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1144]buckhorn okie, [1145]kurious That should be the bumper sticker for the turncoat Blue Dog Dems. They all have to go or see the light. No matter how cynical I get, it's impossible to keep up. by [1146]Flippant on [1147]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:03:28 AM PST [ [1148]Parent ] # First, we need to get *more* progressive support ([1149]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1150]buckhorn okie in those districts where there is little. If a blue dog has more to fear from Republicans, well, they will tell us to take a hike. They want to get re-elected. So, we have to educate the voters. There should be NOTHING to fear from Republicans. And, if everyone who could vote did vote... And we need to end disenfranchisement of ex-felons [1151]Kos Katalogue by [1152]plf515 on [1153]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:21:52 AM PST [ [1154]Parent ] @ The R+ districts we have won... ([1155]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1156]plf515, [1157]jlkenney we did not win with progressives...please do not say we have nothing to fear from putting a progressive in a R+ district against a Republican...that is just not true... Now what is true is that gradually over time demographics of a district do change and we shoud carefully evaluate if the district is still a R+ district or trending more Blue/Purple and deserves a more progressive representative... Not against change...just want smart/strategic change.... Obama - Change I still believe in by [1158]dvogel001 on [1159]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:00:08 AM PST [ [1160]Parent ] - You misunderstood me ([1161]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1162]divineorder so I guess I wasn't clear, as I was trying to make exactly the same point you did. When I said "there should be nothing to fear from Republicans" I was speaking of what SHOULD be, not what IS. Indeed, there is much to fear from Republicans. We need to work to reduce that, not by running progressives in deep red districts, but by educating people so there are NO deep red districts. [1163]Kos Katalogue by [1164]plf515 on [1165]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:14:00 AM PST [ [1166]Parent ] = From your lips to the voters ears... ([1167]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1168]plf515 Obama - Change I still believe in by [1169]dvogel001 on [1170]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:16:15 AM PST [ [1171]Parent ] # On a selective basis... ([1172]0+ / 0-) I agree...but I do not want to constantly primary someone in a R+7 district with a far left wing progressive just to give him headaches...if we have another moderate in the district that has a serious policy difference with the "blue dog" then by all means go after him... Lets just be smart about it and not have knee-jerk reactions over this or that individual vote... Obama - Change I still believe in by [1173]dvogel001 on [1174]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:57:26 AM PST [ [1175]Parent ] + some of those R+ districts aren't anymore .. ([1176]5+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1177]buckhorn okie, [1178]oceanview, [1179]esquimaux, [1180]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle, [1181]Canyon Lefty We need to figure out which ones have shifted and take advantage there, first. by [1182]shpilk on [1183]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:02:55 AM PST [ [1184]Parent ] o True...but the time to really evaluate... ([1185]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1186]buckhorn okie that should be for the 2012 cycle after the census and re-apportionment of congressional districts...we have a pretty good idea now about our CD R/D ratings...the real change is always after the census... Obama - Change I still believe in by [1187]dvogel001 on [1188]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:01:47 AM PST [ [1189]Parent ] # There will always be an excuse to wait. ([1190]0+ / 0-) Unless you're directly benefiting from the fleecing somehow, all your blind investment in establishment politics has bought you, is a dog-and-pony show. by [1191]James Kresnik on [1192]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:04:31 PM PST [ [1193]Parent ] + Yes and no ([1194]4+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1195]ferg, [1196]scrape, [1197]buckhorn okie, [1198]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle When we primary target, we should find candidates who still match up well with their constituencies, but will still stand up for what's right, like FISA. I don't believe FISA is a right/left issue, it's a right/wrong issue, and anyone who voted for this bill is just plain old wrong. We don't need to run anti-gun/pro-green candidates in Michigan, but we do need candidates who will stand up for the constitution. I waited 23 years for this day. http://tinyurl.com/2010giants by [1199]Alfonso Nevarez on [1200]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:04:33 AM PST [ [1201]Parent ] o That is fine... ([1202]0+ / 0-) but they still need to have the other moderate/conservative stances that match their district profile...so if you have a primary challenger who is anti FISA but in line with the blue dog on other issues that is a fair reason to primary... Obama - Change I still believe in by [1203]dvogel001 on [1204]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:03:26 AM PST [ [1205]Parent ] + I live in Dennis Moore's R+4 district ([1206]7+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1207]ferg, [1208]poliscizac, [1209]Gargoyle683, [1210]sacrelicious, [1211]TheUnknown285, [1212]Pragmaticus, [1213]shaunnol It's nuts to primary Blue Dogs like Moore in districts like mine. Also, to add insult to injury there were pro-FISA ads up here against Moore and Nancy Boyda with absolutely nothing to counter them from our side. If we want Blue Dog votes on issues we care about we can't hang them out to dry with media silence when they are attacked. by [1214]peraspera on [1215]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:11:26 AM PST [ [1216]Parent ] + Indeed ([1217]7+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1218]Gargoyle683, [1219]scrape, [1220]sacrelicious, [1221]buckhorn okie, [1222]kurious, [1223]TheUnknown285, [1224]James Kresnik The first aim should be at those who are in relatively safe districts. Admittedly, there's no excuse for voting for something like this, but if you're consistently voting with the other side, firmly against the leanings of your district, it's much worse and the challenge has a greater likelihood for success. Gregory Meeks in an ultra-safe NYC district is the first one who pops to mind. He also failed his constituency on the Credit Card fiasco among other things. Also in NY, Higgins, Crowley and Lowey (buffalo, mostly the bronx(??!) and near-nyc suburbs including many urban areas, respectively) stand out, but they don't have the history of Meeks. by [1225]thurst on [1226]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:15:17 AM PST [ [1227]Parent ] + well thought out, dvogel1001, ([1228]0+ / 0-) i was trying to say something like that re. Gillibrand district NY-15? but you said it much better re. "the numbers" oceanview by [1229]oceanview on [1230]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:20:52 AM PST [ [1231]Parent ] o I am a huge Gillibrand fan... ([1232]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1233]oceanview I was so enraged when her Republican opponent actually made her maternity leave an issue...disgusting... Obama - Change I still believe in by [1234]dvogel001 on [1235]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:04:51 AM PST [ [1236]Parent ] # sure, and i know a darling ([1237]0+ / 0-) woman here in town who wont vote for C.G. because she has children and, i am not making this up, should be home taking care of them instead of doing her legislative job. Sigh, we are lucky to have Gillibrand and not Sweeney. still, i would love to have 59,000 more registered Dems in the district. would make things easier - to vote progressive and get re elected. oceanview by [1238]oceanview on [1239]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:16:33 AM PST [ [1240]Parent ] @ He probably polled that issue... ([1241]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1242]oceanview and figured he could get a couple of SAHM votes just like her...I am sure she will get re-elected she has been a breath of fresh air for her district and represents them well... Obama - Change I still believe in by [1243]dvogel001 on [1244]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:19:16 AM PST [ [1245]Parent ] o Gillibrand is NY-20 ([1246]0+ / 0-) A minor point, but if she were in NY-15 she would deserve a primary...it's my district, Upper Manhattan, and it's tied for the most liberal/Democratic district (so i'm protective of it :))...represented by Rangel. While she shouldn't have caved on this, she shouldn't have a target on her back by ANY means...it kinda rocks to have her representing that segment of NY state (and certainly beats john "blutarsky" sweeney)...it seems to be getting more friendly for us, but still. I get the point of this tactic, but let's be wise about it and if we're going after the dems, attack the ones who are truly voting to the right of their districts and those who will give us the best chance of making our point...if we go after someone like, say, Lampson, where it's R+somewhere near 20, and he's way better voting than we could ever hope for, we look kinda silly and very well could help elect a VERY right wing Republican. (obviously, the meat of this post - everything other than the location of Gillibrand - is not directed to the person to whom's post this is attached) by [1247]thurst on [1248]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:16:26 PM PST [ [1249]Parent ] + That's the whole point .. ([1250]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1251]buckhorn okie there are Bush Dogs that fill that niche .. that's why primarying Wynn and Boswell made sense .. whomever won the primary was in little danger of losing the general .. but also .. look at Wisconsin .. sometimes someone with principles can win over less than hard core Republicans by [1252]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle on [1253]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:35:43 AM PST [ [1254]Parent ] + Start by targeting the big three. ([1255]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1256]sacrelicious, [1257]buckhorn okie, [1258]James Kresnik Don't waste your time attacking Blue Dogs in districts where the Republicans before them were far worse (Melissa Bean here in Illinois is probably the best example of that, given that the two jerks that held her Congressional seat before her were Phil Crane and Donald Rumsfeld). Pick some targets where you can be sure of winning the General Election after you oust the DINO congresscritter. but make a point to start ogranizing now to go after the thre biggest targets - Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer and Rahm Emanuel. You may not succeed in ousting these three jerks. (I would have to guess the best shot would be Hoyer, given his suburban district may be more responsive to a reformist primary challenge than the San Francisco Pelosi-lovers or the Machine voters in Chicago, particularly in a 2010 primary that will have far too many other high-profile races - draining away campaign dollars and volunteers - to mount a successful challenge to emanuel, barring some federal indictment.) But significant primary challenges to the trio would drain away money from their campaign coffers, reducing the resources available by them to help out other targeted Democrats in their primary races. It would also send out a clear message to the rest that if these three can be threatened in 2010, any straying Democrat could be challenged in 2012 (when they must face the added danger grom redrawn districts). by [1259]Randall Sherman on [1260]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:06:14 AM PST [ [1261]Parent ] o Yea...I mean Blue Dogs... ([1262]0+ / 0-) basically need $1 Million+ every 2 years just to defend their seat against the Republican challenger and fight to win by 5% every time...do you think that is any fun? They really are doing a great service for our country representing a R+ district and voting for our leadership and our policies 50%+ of the time.... Obama - Change I still believe in by [1263]dvogel001 on [1264]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:11:47 AM PST [ [1265]Parent ] o Hoyer's district is weird ([1266]0+ / 0-) It includes a lot of African Americans in Prince George's (and Charles) County, but also includes a lot of rural conservative area in Southern Maryland. It's not a classic liberal district. Steny also has more money than God, and has brought home the bacon for his district. It's nearly impossible to unseat leadership in primary challenges. I'd add that, as unsatisfactory as the current leadership may be, primary challenges against them all actually succeeding would likely be disastrous. We'd basically have to find a whole new leadership, all at once. And, it's worth noting, I think, that leadership should be judged in a different way from ordinary congressmen. They should represent their constituents, yes, but they should also represent the best interests of the Democratic caucus. I think this FISA thing was a bad call, and Steny, in particular, is frequently on the wrong side of issues. But the over the top condemnations of the leadership are basically unproductive. We go to war with the leadership we have, not the one we want to have. by [1267]jlkenney on [1268]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:20:07 AM PST [ [1269]Parent ] # Candidates with lots of money have lost before. ([1270]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1271]buckhorn okie, [1272]James Kresnik And you don't have to match these candidates dollar for dollar to get attention. The fact that a significant challenge to them is being waged will guarantee major coverage by the MSM. And all the money in the world won't help Hoyer, Pelosi a=ior emanuel if a majority of the House Democratic Caucus votes for someone else to take their place. And as for the problem of replacing these Three Stooges, that would be the least of your problems. You could easily find three far more capable and progressive individuals from among the 140-150 Democrats in the House that would be needed in a Caucus vote to send this terrible trio back to back-bencher status. by [1273]Randall Sherman on [1274]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:29:55 PM PST [ [1275]Parent ] * More and better Democrats. ([1276]13+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1277]DavidW in SF, [1278]ferg, [1279]thumperward, [1280]buckhorn okie, [1281]oceanview, [1282]IM, [1283]GN1927, [1284]joe shikspack, [1285]TheUnknown285, [1286]Oreo, [1287]gloryous1, [1288]CityLightsLover, [1289]politik Carve it in stone. Write it in the sky. Tattoo it onto the foreheads of Republicans even as they struggle to break free from your determined grip. Not a likely voter. A try and fuggin' stop me voter. by [1290]droogie6655321 on [1291]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:51:35 AM PST + Or, maybe just a bumper sticker to start? ([1292]6+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1293]DavidW in SF, [1294]buckhorn okie, [1295]oceanview, [1296]IM, [1297]droogie6655321, [1298]CityLightsLover And cash, of course. ;-) Dogs have so many friends because they wag their tails instead of their tongues. -Anonymous by [1299]gloryous1 on [1300]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:54:51 AM PST [ [1301]Parent ] o Well, OK ([1302]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1303]buckhorn okie, [1304]gloryous1, [1305]CityLightsLover But when applying bumper stickers to Republicans, cover only the nose OR the mouth. Not a likely voter. A try and fuggin' stop me voter. by [1306]droogie6655321 on [1307]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:56:10 AM PST [ [1308]Parent ] o Bumper Stickers Can Be Peeled Off ([1309]4+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1310]buckhorn okie, [1311]droogie6655321, [1312]gloryous1, [1313]goshzilla Tattoos are permanent! :) "I don't believe anything the government tells me." George Carlin (1937 - 2008) by [1314]CityLightsLover on [1315]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:02:39 AM PST [ [1316]Parent ] * THANK YOU, Kos ([1317]14+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1318]ferg, [1319]thumperward, [1320]buckhorn okie, [1321]oceanview, [1322]GN1927, [1323]Flippant, [1324]ginja, [1325]TheUnknown285, [1326]Alfonso Nevarez, [1327]gloryous1, [1328]divineorder, [1329]klizard, [1330]CityLightsLover, [1331]politik This is very much appreciated. " ... or a baby's arm holding an apple!" by [1332]Lavocat on [1333]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:52:08 AM PST + Excellent, forward-thinking program ([1334]9+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1335]buckhorn okie, [1336]oceanview, [1337]GN1927, [1338]faster democrat kill kill, [1339]ginja, [1340]TheUnknown285, [1341]Alfonso Nevarez, [1342]divineorder, [1343]CityLightsLover Thank you. This is why I come here. Dogs have so many friends because they wag their tails instead of their tongues. -Anonymous by [1344]gloryous1 on [1345]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:53:35 AM PST [ [1346]Parent ] * Some of those bolded names are people ([1347]20+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1348]askew, [1349]Jake Nelson, [1350]thumperward, [1351]buckhorn okie, [1352]oceanview, [1353]GN1927, [1354]mjd in florida, [1355]sbdenmon, [1356]esquimaux, [1357]thurst, [1358]ginja, [1359]Rachel in Vista, [1360]workingmom OH, [1361]kurious, [1362]TheUnknown285, [1363]James Kresnik, [1364]divineorder, [1365]sweeper, [1366]soms, [1367]CityLightsLover that got money from us [and me]. Some of those bolded names live in districts that are not deep red, either. I think some inventive arm twisting is in order. Really hard arm twisting. by [1368]shpilk on [1369]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:52:19 AM PST + I know ([1370]12+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1371]thumperward, [1372]shpilk, [1373]buckhorn okie, [1374]GN1927, [1375]esquimaux, [1376]ginja, [1377]trinite, [1378]kurious, [1379]TheUnknown285, [1380]goshzilla, [1381]soms, [1382]CityLightsLover and it practically makes me sick to my stomach. I hope I get an email soliciting more money from me. I've got a little "solicitation" of my own in mind. No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat of war...may be invoked as a justification of torture. R Reagan by [1383]workingmom OH on [1384]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:54:27 AM PST [ [1385]Parent ] o Maybe More Like an Invitation ([1386]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1387]buckhorn okie along the lines of where to shove something? "I don't believe anything the government tells me." George Carlin (1937 - 2008) by [1388]CityLightsLover on [1389]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:03:29 AM PST [ [1390]Parent ] + As soon as I saw the voting record yesterday ([1391]8+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1392]scrape, [1393]thumperward, [1394]shpilk, [1395]buckhorn okie, [1396]ginja, [1397]kurious, [1398]TheUnknown285, [1399]divineorder and My congressman's name was there voting for the piece of shit bill — Brad Sherman — I was on the phone to his office. He had previously opposed Telcom Immunity but voted for it on this bill. He had told me personally he was against it and now he has, I feel gotten to comfortable in his job and i will work for anyone who would primary his ass. This is a definite betrayal of trust. I even overlooked his support of Hillary. But no longer. No matter how cynical I get, it's impossible to keep up. by [1400]Flippant on [1401]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:08:27 AM PST [ [1402]Parent ] o He's my rep, too, and I'd love to primary him ([1403]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1404]buckhorn okie He's correct on most issues (environment, healthcare, economy, etc.), but has shown a tendency to go anywhere from slightly to moderately hawkish on anything related to the Middle East, Iraq funding, and national security. In general, Sherman tends to follow either Henry Waxman or Howard Berman, reps for the neighboring districts... when I talk to friends about him, I call him Howard Lite. So on this one, he chose Howard's argument over Henry's. Very disappointing. I don't know if Sherman did that on principle, or for some reason related to district polling... to shore up some moderate-to-conservative vulnerability he perceives. And I really don't care. That kind of argument may have held a few years ago, but the tide on the Iraq War and BushCo's trashing of our civil liberties turned long ago. He's on the wrong side of this and so many other questions, where we need a strong and principled progressive. I'm finding it difficult to find a disaffected interest group to rally to primarying him... unions, enviros, pro-choice, etc. all love him, for their own reasons. Where do we find the group(s) in place to begin our primary efforts, or do we need to start from scratch. Any ideas... any local blogs or groups you know of? And as part of the primarying effort, I'd like to keep in touch with his district office, to let him know we're here, what issues are driving our efforts, so we can turn him around when necessary... and so we don't lose too many more of these important battles between now and 2010. If Sherman shows no willingness, then I'll be all the more anxious to join whatever effort, and even to lend a hand in organizing it... just need some advice and willing partners. I think that people want peace so much that one of these days government had better get out of their way and let them have it. - Dwight D. Eisenhower by [1405]scrape on [1406]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:39:55 AM PST [ [1407]Parent ] + That was my thought. WTF?? nt ([1408]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1409]buckhorn okie ''I tell you, Democrats: Don't you stand down. I've had it up to here. I've had enough.'' Joe Biden in Akron, OH, Sept 08 by [1410]Rachel in Vista on [1411]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:42:16 AM PST [ [1412]Parent ] * blue to orange ([1413]4+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1414]Eric J in MN, [1415]buckhorn okie, [1416]GN1927, [1417]kurious this is the program to make democrats better. Republicans===the party of the 1% rich people in America. Or in other words..The Party of NO! by [1418]jalapeno on [1419]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:52:25 AM PST * Patrick Murphy? (PA-08) ([1420]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1421]TheUnknown285, [1422]soms I'm a little confused about Rep. Murphy's current status - he's a Blue Dog? I thought this was one guy that the netroots were promoting last cycle? A rising star? What happened? (grew up in PA-08, moved away a couple years ago, a little out of touch but pissed off about this FISA bill) "And what do the living owe each other, tell me this, if not to hear each other's stories?" -- Thomas Cook by [1423]2manychefs on [1424]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:53:05 AM PST + See my post below ([1425]0+ / 0-) Follow the races in Georgia at the [1426]2010 Georgia Race Tracker. by [1427]TheUnknown285 on [1428]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:54:17 AM PST [ [1429]Parent ] * You forgot... ([1430]12+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1431]DavidW in SF, [1432]ferg, [1433]zenbowl, [1434]buckhorn okie, [1435]peraspera, [1436]GN1927, [1437]sbdenmon, [1438]joe shikspack, [1439]kurious, [1440]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle, [1441]number nine dream, [1442]CityLightsLover To bold Hoyer. He should be bolded, underlined and italized. "I disagree that we didn't get anything," Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-N.Y.) deadpanned to his colleagues. "We got screwed." by [1443]RichM on [1444]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:53:13 AM PST + Agreed ([1445]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1446]RichM, [1447]buckhorn okie and Nancy Pelosi along with him. by [1448]number nine dream on [1449]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:20:31 AM PST [ [1450]Parent ] o They're not blue dogs ([1451]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1452]thurst which is who Kos is bolding. Personally, I'd think it's the people in ridiculously safe Democratic seats that voted for this that need to be gone after much more than the Blue Dogs. by [1453]jlkenney on [1454]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:22:24 AM PST [ [1455]Parent ] * Nice. ([1456]5+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1457]scrape, [1458]buckhorn okie, [1459]GN1927, [1460]TheUnknown285, [1461]CityLightsLover Not one jackass from my home state of Massachusetts. by [1462]jfarelli on [1463]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:53:16 AM PST + :) ([1464]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1465]GN1927, [1466]CityLightsLover [1467]The Shape Of Things "Beware the terrible simplifiers" Jacob Burckhardt, Historian by [1468]notquitedelilah on [1469]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:53:41 AM PST [ [1470]Parent ] + Both of my NH Congresspeople ([1471]9+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1472]scrape, [1473]buckhorn okie, [1474]GN1927, [1475]thurst, [1476]ginja, [1477]TheUnknown285, [1478]soms, [1479]CityLightsLover, [1480]sixty senate seats who are both brand new and will have to defend their seats against .. well .. a toothless NH Republican Party, to be sure .. voted against this abomination. by [1481]shpilk on [1482]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:54:53 AM PST [ [1483]Parent ] * Here, Here, Cry havoc, let loose the dogs of war ([1484]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1485]buckhorn okie, [1486]GN1927, [1487]CityLightsLover ...not in Iraq though. And definitely not Iran. by [1488]JStrass on [1489]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:53:25 AM PST * That List Needs to Be Refined Down ([1490]8+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1491]poliscizac, [1492]shpilk, [1493]peraspera, [1494]oceanview, [1495]Urizen, [1496]CParis, [1497]yank2351, [1498]Pragmaticus There are some good names on that list, and while their vote on this issue not only "disappoints" me but is complete fucking bullshit, they are otherwise great on a lot of important issues. And even with the tide turning toward Democrats in recent years, some of them are about as liberal as they can afford to be in the districts they represent. "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." - Thomas Paine by [1499]karateexplosions on [1500]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:53:36 AM PST * Thanks for ratifying my earlier point, KOS... ([1501]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1502]soms, [1503]carpediva 2010 will be the better time to challenge those who sold us out in FISA renewal--with Obama in the WHite House and a larger majority in both Houses. "Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it."--George Santayana by [1504]GainesT1958 on [1505]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:53:37 AM PST * I'll say it again ([1506]8+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1507]askew, [1508]peraspera, [1509]TheCrank, [1510]LNK, [1511]Pyesetz the Dog, [1512]Canyon Lefty, [1513]politicalrunt, [1514]CityLightsLover The Netroots needs to do more to protect "good" incumbents. I see several names on that list that were supported by the Netroots in some form or another: Gillibrand, Altmire, Cazayoux, Boyda, McNerney, Patrick Murphy, Childers, Space. We need some way of sending messages to incumbents that rewards good behavior. We spend a lot of time punishing the bad. Follow the races in Georgia at the [1515]2010 Georgia Race Tracker. by [1516]TheUnknown285 on [1517]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:53:49 AM PST + The rewards are contributions and keeping their ([1518]4+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1519]Flippant, [1520]kurious, [1521]number nine dream, [1522]CityLightsLover jobs and congressional paychecks. Although I agree praise is in order when a congrescritter is behaving itself. It's a good idea to call your congresscritter to thank them for voting correctly. "Not me. I'm a spectator. I'd wish them luck but I can't do that. I don't [want to] wish them luck. I want them to go to hell." -Fishgrease by [1523]Orange Crush on [1524]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:57:24 AM PST [ [1525]Parent ] o My point was ([1526]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1527]peraspera, [1528]Urizen How many Netroots-endorsed candidates are there that are incumbents. Most are challengers either to Republicans or Democrats. We need to not forget our candidates once they get into office. Many face tough re-elections. It would be nice if they could raise re-election money from sources outside of telecoms, for example. Follow the races in Georgia at the [1529]2010 Georgia Race Tracker. by [1530]TheUnknown285 on [1531]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:01:18 AM PST [ [1532]Parent ] # cazayoux and childers are in tough ([1533]4+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1534]poliscizac, [1535]Gargoyle683, [1536]peraspera, [1537]Urizen districts. For heavens' sake they were smeared with Wright association during the election. How easily we forget! We have to boot out dogs that vote more conservative than their districts. Impeach Obama- some dkos clown (Jan 05, 2010) by [1538]soms on [1539]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:03:39 AM PST [ [1540]Parent ] + I don't understand your post. ([1541]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1542]James Kresnik Jerry McNerney was a supposed progressive, elected by a major grassroots push. And now this? I am truly shocked. Candidates who seek our support and then, once elected, turn on us, is an increasingly common cancer in the Democrat party. Root 'em out or like cancer, it will spread. by [1543]ginja on [1544]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:57:16 AM PST [ [1545]Parent ] o Revising ([1546]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1547]thurst Basically, I'm saying that the Netroots supported several winning candidates, only for them to turn on us on some key votes. I'm wondering how much of this has to do with the fact that the Netroots seems to be opposition-orientated: most candidates supported by the netroots (which I'm using in a more generalized way to include sites like Democracy for America and MoveOn) are challengers. The winning candidates often face re-election challenges and receive little official backing from the netroots. So, they are forced to turn elsewhere, even to places that are in opposition to the Netroots. So, I'm saying that incumbent retention (for good incumbents, like Carol Shea-Porter) should also be a focus of the Netroots. Follow the races in Georgia at the [1548]2010 Georgia Race Tracker. by [1549]TheUnknown285 on [1550]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:11:01 AM PST [ [1551]Parent ] # Perhaps... ([1552]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1553]TheUnknown285, [1554]James Kresnik ...the way to look at this is positive re-inforcement. Give thanks and/or praise and/or money to first-termers in tough districts like Shea-Porter or John Hall (NY-19) or Tim Walz (MN-01) who didn't cave in spite of pressure. by [1555]thurst on [1556]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:28:58 PM PST [ [1557]Parent ] @ Thank You ([1558]0+ / 0-) I've done, what three posts and several paragraphs about this, and you, in your awesomeness, summarize it in two words. Yes, we need to focus more on positive re-inforcement. Follow the races in Georgia at the [1559]2010 Georgia Race Tracker. by [1560]TheUnknown285 on [1561]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 01:04:24 PM PST [ [1562]Parent ] * Thank you Markos! ([1563]5+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1564]scrape, [1565]GN1927, [1566]Flippant, [1567]gloryous1, [1568]soms This is the focus. People who want to 'hold Obama's feet to the fire' right now, in the middle of this thing are just nuts. It's one thing to contact his office and voice opposition to FISA. It's another to be running around publicly calling him 'spineless' and yelling that he's not a leader and such. It's just not the time for it. Even if you don't like Obama, right now, there is nothing to be done but to pretend that you do. Seriously, if you really give a shit. You don't sort of support your platoon in the middle of a firefight because your officer pisses you off. It's just not the time for it. by [1569]Sun dog on [1570]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:53:53 AM PST + I disagree ([1571]4+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1572]ferg, [1573]ginja, [1574]James Kresnik, [1575]sweeper Elections are the BEST time to hold a politicians feet to the fire. They're paying attention. by [1576]discocarp on [1577]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:00:05 AM PST [ [1578]Parent ] o We sure showed Al Gore ([1579]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1580]scrape, [1581]Arlingtonian That was awesome. by [1582]Sun dog on [1583]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:44:34 AM PST [ [1584]Parent ] o Primaries are the BEST time to hold ([1585]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1586]dianamarie13 a politician's feet to the fire. That's when you push hard for your positions, trying to get your party's candidate to go as far out on your limb as you can get them to go. After the Primary season, there's a pivot... and that's not just about language, but it's about policy, as well. Until we attain the perfect world, we need to take everything we hear in a Primary with loads of calcium chloride... and expect that at least a few positions will be moderated in order to broaden the base outside of the party faithful and activists. You go to a General with the army you have, not the army you want. (With absolutely no apologies to Donald Rumsfeld) I think that people want peace so much that one of these days government had better get out of their way and let them have it. - Dwight D. Eisenhower by [1587]scrape on [1588]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:58:00 AM PST [ [1589]Parent ] + Now IS the time ([1590]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1591]dianamarie13 We will have very little leverage later. Now is the time to make the difference and instill the habits of leadership. [1592]Democracy for America by [1593]DavidW in SF on [1594]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:04:30 AM PST [ [1595]Parent ] o Most of the primaries are over ([1596]4+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1597]Jake Nelson, [1598]scrape, [1599]CParis, [1600]kurious A bit late, unless one wants to abandon the party, which I don't advocate. Non enim propter gloriam, diuicias aut honores pugnamus set propter libertatem solummodo quam Nemo bonus nisi simul cum vita amittit. -Declaration of Arbroath by [1601]Robobagpiper on [1602]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:05:59 AM PST [ [1603]Parent ] + This list needs to be permanently available. ([1604]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1605]Thomas Twinnings, [1606]Sun dog, [1607]dianamarie13 So it can be referred to on every critical vote. No matter how cynical I get, it's impossible to keep up. by [1608]Flippant on [1609]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:22:54 AM PST [ [1610]Parent ] * THANKS...this is exactly what we need to ([1611]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1612]GN1927, [1613]dianamarie13 do. Start developing a local campaign progressive infrastructure NOW. Focus on a number of primary challenges in 2010. Help fund them, work on them, and send a message to the Dem party that we mean business. Stop destroying the brand. I ran against one of those Bluedog Dems on your list in 06 so we've been doing this for two years now. by [1614]IndySteve on [1615]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:54:06 AM PST * Didn't we support.. ([1616]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1617]TheUnknown285 Bean, Gillibrand and Murphy during the last primaries? I know I sent them money..were they recommended by this site or DFA? by [1618]hopewell on [1619]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:54:09 AM PST + Not Bean...but yes, the other two and they ([1620]6+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1621]ferg, [1622]GN1927, [1623]Scarce, [1624]kurious, [1625]TheUnknown285, [1626]soms have disappointed us several times. by [1627]IndySteve on [1628]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:54:43 AM PST [ [1629]Parent ] o I worked my butt off for Bean.. ([1630]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1631]kurious, [1632]soms, [1633]JDog42 She's in a very conservative district that Phil Crane "owned." Overall, I think she has been a huge disappointment to progressives. Better than Crane, but not much! Since I moved away, I don't know what IL-08 is up to. I'm glad I live in California now (for many reasons)and Mike Thompson represents me.... If Liberals Hated America, We'd Vote Republican by [1634]QuarterHorseDem on [1635]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:02:56 AM PST [ [1636]Parent ] # Beat Bean's Buttocks ([1637]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1638]kurious, [1639]TheUnknown285 My Friends, Bean is an idiot and I want you to join me in kicking her worthless, suckup,stuck-up republican ass-kissing Big Bean-Butt off of the Congressional floor, and back to the farm where she belongs. "There is little separating those that see cells as tiny machines from those that see the Virgin Mary on a grilled cheese sandwich". H. Humbert 2/6/08 by [1640]JDog42 on [1641]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:11:08 AM PST [ [1642]Parent ] @ I would join you but.... ([1643]0+ / 0-) What progressive could win that seat, JDog42?? What I don't understand is that her chief of staff used to work for Rep. Chris Bell in Texas: I don't think Bell would have caved like Bean has on every major issue dear to liberals/progressives. But I do remember how well the wing-nut Alan Keyes did in Barrington against Obama. The troglodytes of western Cook County are too dumb to vote smart. Good luck, you will need it! If Liberals Hated America, We'd Vote Republican by [1644]QuarterHorseDem on [1645]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:02:58 PM PST [ [1646]Parent ] # Mike Thompson knows ([1647]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1648]QuarterHorseDem we in the quite liberal CA-01 would have his head on a platter for voting for this bill. Still, I was relieved to see he did the right thing. Fry, don't be a hero! It's not covered by our health plan! by [1649]elfling on [1650]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:54:59 AM PST [ [1651]Parent ] + Melissa Bean - MoveOn asked us to donate to her ([1652]0+ / 0-) ...before she got into office. [1653]Verify the Vote. by [1654]Eric J in MN on [1655]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:26:48 AM PST [ [1656]Parent ] * Kos, Kos, Kos: listen to yourself ([1657]5+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1658]poliscizac, [1659]Gargoyle683, [1660]nedog, [1661]Pragmaticus, [1662]jlkenney Not in the White House Yet and already...we're planning the infighting. Is it possible that we can respect differences of opinion within a majority, or will we just be typical democrats and start frittering away any unity or sense of consensus even before we have solid control of the executive and legislature? Honestly, I am not a fan of granting Telcos immunity, but I can see the argument to do so. Holding democrats hostage on this is... a bad idea, let's just say. Some people are intolerant, and I CAN'T STAND people like that. -- Tom Lehrer by [1663]TheCrank on [1664]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:54:14 AM PST + How's the Iraq war working out for you? ([1665]4+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1666]Scarce, [1667]joe shikspack, [1668]kurious, [1669]James Kresnik by [1670]IndySteve on [1671]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:55:13 AM PST [ [1672]Parent ] o Good job conflating arguments ([1673]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1674]Gargoyle683, [1675]SpamNunn That's another great tactic for self-destruction of a working political majority. Why don't we just come up with our list of 9217 litmus tests now, so anybody who wants to prove themselves worthy enough of our support can pay obeisance to it. Some people are intolerant, and I CAN'T STAND people like that. -- Tom Lehrer by [1676]TheCrank on [1677]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:57:23 AM PST [ [1678]Parent ] # Another tactic of self-destruction ([1679]6+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1680]IndySteve, [1681]esquimaux, [1682]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle, [1683]ronlib, [1684]discocarp, [1685]James Kresnik is to piss all over your base, get little that you campaigned for, and blur party lines. Follow the races in Georgia at the [1686]2010 Georgia Race Tracker. by [1687]TheUnknown285 on [1688]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:58:46 AM PST [ [1689]Parent ] # Conflation of what? Democrats just passed ([1690]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1691]kurious, [1692]ronlib, [1693]James Kresnik $162 Billion for Iraq/Afghan with absolutely no accountability. And passed the cost onto our children. I suppose you think that's a good move? by [1694]IndySteve on [1695]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:03:29 AM PST [ [1696]Parent ] # No, but the steel of freedom corrodes ([1697]4+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1698]TheUnknown285, [1699]ronlib, [1700]James Kresnik, [1701]divineorder And that's just what these Blue Dogs are doing to our freedoms - corroding them from the inside out. Iraq and FISA are wonderful litmus tests; I apply them regularly. In fact, wasn't this The Big Deal with HRC (Iraq, not FISA)? That's merely TWO, count'em TWO, litmus tests. And the Blue Dogs, for the most part, failed miserably. " ... or a baby's arm holding an apple!" by [1702]Lavocat on [1703]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:03:45 AM PST [ [1704]Parent ] # OK! I hear that! Blue Dogs suck eggs. nt ([1705]0+ / 0-) by [1706]ronlib on [1707]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:31:33 AM PST [ [1708]Parent ] + TheCrank, please see Dodd's speech, think ([1709]0+ / 0-) you may get a broader perspective than your statement: Honestly, I am not a fan of granting Telcos immunity, but I can see the argument to do so. He refutes in detail seven arguments for immunity [1710]here There can no longer be any doubt: One by one, the arguments of the immunity supporters, of the telecoms’ advocates, fail. I’d like to spend a few moments reviewing, in detail, those claims and their failures. Fail. Have to agree with him. Read the whole speach, I think it will go down in history. Action link: [1711]Fix the Senate. End the filibuster. by [1712]divineorder on [1713]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:46:06 AM PST [ [1714]Parent ] + I agree w/ thecrank ([1715]0+ / 0-) Don't worry about the little stuff. We can only move the progressive agenda forward with larger Blue majorities. Lets wait until we have power before we fine tune. by [1716]creamer on [1717]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 01:13:04 PM PST [ [1718]Parent ] * I'm particularly upset that ([1719]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1720]kurious, [1721]TheUnknown285 some CBC members like Meeks and Clyburn are on that list. Bookmarking this one. African American POV blog with no Naderish bs: [1722]weeseeyou.com by [1723]GN1927 on [1724]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:54:57 AM PST * Just like Chaffetz beat Cannon via primary ([1725]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1726]TheUnknown285, [1727]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle in a solidly Republican district, so can progressive democrats beat blue dogs who betray democratic values. Work, organization and energy can make up for a lot of money. by [1728]parakinesis on [1729]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:55:20 AM PST * Ellen Tauscher (CA-10)....yuck ([1730]12+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1731]Eric J in MN, [1732]GN1927, [1733]esquimaux, [1734]trinite, [1735]kurious, [1736]TheUnknown285, [1737]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle, [1738]Lavocat, [1739]wittg1, [1740]soms, [1741]CityLightsLover, [1742]sixty senate seats Just yuck. [1743]Image Hosted by ImageShack.us Here we are now Entertain us I feel stupid and contagious by [1744]Scarce on [1745]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:55:28 AM PST + Now, That's a Trifecta of *&^%$#@! n/t ([1746]5+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1747]Scarce, [1748]esquimaux, [1749]TheUnknown285, [1750]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle, [1751]divineorder "I don't believe anything the government tells me." George Carlin (1937 - 2008) by [1752]CityLightsLover on [1753]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:06:17 AM PST [ [1754]Parent ] + She's gotten better on some issues ([1755]6+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1756]Scarce, [1757]esquimaux, [1758]TheUnknown285, [1759]Canyon Lefty, [1760]James Kresnik, [1761]divineorder (like Iraq and issues of accountability for the Bush regime), but she just voted for telecom immunity after her office assured me she was voting against it and actively working to get her colleagues voting against it. I've been calling to reward her good behaviors, and giving her office an earful whenever she screws up. With the FISA vote, she's back on my "Primary her if we can get a good candidate" list. That's going to be the biggest challenge -- she is not so egregious that anyone is willing to risk their political career by challenging her. "When you strike at a king, you must kill him." [1762]Democracy for America by [1763]DavidW in SF on [1764]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:11:35 AM PST [ [1765]Parent ] * too much ideological cleansing for me ([1766]7+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1767]Gargoyle683, [1768]nedog, [1769]Urizen, [1770]jj32, [1771]Pragmaticus, [1772]soms, [1773]Benintn Sorry I have to run to the Senate floor to abolish torture. by [1774]bten on [1775]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:55:43 AM PST + what do you believe in? ([1776]4+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1777]esquimaux, [1778]TheUnknown285, [1779]James Kresnik, [1780]klizard Or more importantly, what do you want your representatives to do? That's more important than just supporting the "D" for the sake of the D. If you don't care about the policies (i.e. an ideology), then why bother following politics? The corporations know exactly what policies they want out of Congress, and they work to make those policies happen. I see no reason why citizens should avoid pressuring representatives just because they have a magic "D" after the name. This isn't baseball. by [1781]ferg on [1782]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:04:23 AM PST [ [1783]Parent ] + Eh it's a natural evolution of the movement. ([1784]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1785]esquimaux, [1786]kurious, [1787]TheUnknown285 If you're already way way ahead in house votes and progressive legislation is still failing then the GOP isn't the main problem here. "Buying Horizon Milk to support organic farming is like purchasing an English muffin in an effort to prop up the British economy." -Windowdog by [1788]Windowdog on [1789]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:05:11 AM PST [ [1790]Parent ] + Not quick enough Ideological purging for me. ([1791]5+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1792]esquimaux, [1793]kurious, [1794]TheUnknown285, [1795]ronlib, [1796]James Kresnik Waiting 2 years will let these people continue to damage the country and ruin the future we have to live in. Lots of things need to be changed and only people stand in the way. They can be replaced so they do what is right. Democrats should be caving to "the People", not the GOP, not Team Bush, and not to Corporations. This cannot be fixed rapidly enough. This Old Party needs renovation now. America legalized torture before they legalized marijuana. Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape! by [1797]xxdr zombiexx on [1798]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:10:38 AM PST [ [1799]Parent ] o Zactly. Why not '08, Markos? nt ([1800]0+ / 0-) by [1801]ronlib on [1802]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:35:45 AM PST [ [1803]Parent ] + MyDD may be a better site for you. nt ([1804]0+ / 0-) by [1805]ronlib on [1806]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:34:18 AM PST [ [1807]Parent ] * Leave Jim Cooper alone ([1808]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1809]poliscizac, [1810]ourhispanicvoices, [1811]soms He gets it. Cooper's good people and he's got good people working for him. Lincoln Davis, on the other hand, has AT&T as his #1 campaign donor. Stay tuned... Stop clapping. Stop screaming. Open your mind. Listen. by [1812]Benintn on [1813]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:56:24 AM PST + I disagree ([1814]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1815]GN1927, [1816]TheUnknown285 Nashville is a lot more progressive than Cooper, and he needs to be pushed to the left and made to represent his constituents. He may be a good guy, but he needs to start voting that way. by [1817]Dem partisan on [1818]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:58:43 AM PST [ [1819]Parent ] o some one who votes against... ([1820]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1821]TheUnknown285, [1822]James Kresnik the basic right of the American people is not a "good guy". When you vote, you are exercising political authority, you're using force. And force my friends is violence. The supreme authority... by [1823]Thought Crime on [1824]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:16:51 AM PST [ [1825]Parent ] + I could go either way with Cooper, but I know ([1826]0+ / 0-) that he's probably safe because while Nashville is more progressive than the rest of the area, that isn't saying much. I live and work here, Cooper is a blue dog for a reason. I do think that he could stray from his tag now and then and be safe. Davis can't be touched IMO. If he runs for Gov. then his seat will just be filled by another Concervative Democrat. "Dear Mr. President, there are too many states nowadays. Please eliminate three. I am not a crackpot." - Grandpa Simpson by [1827]ourhispanicvoices on [1828]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:36:24 PM PST [ [1829]Parent ] * Establishment Dems can sell out ([1830]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1831]esquimaux, [1832]TheUnknown285 a hell of a lot in 2 years. The Glacial Pace of all this depresses me and abets those who intend to damage the country I have to live in the rest of my life. I wonder what else is up for sale before the bleeding can be stopped.... On the brighter side, people being tortured may only have to put up with it for 2 more quick years..... I suppose that's a change for the better..... America legalized torture before they legalized marijuana. Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape! by [1833]xxdr zombiexx on [1834]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:56:45 AM PST + Well, we won one and lost a few this year.... ([1835]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1836]Downtowner, [1837]TheUnknown285 Lipinski was a disappoinment but we gained Donna Edwards. Bill Foster? We'll see....he voted for the Iraq supplemental. I think he'll join the Bluedogs. by [1838]IndySteve on [1839]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:59:50 AM PST [ [1840]Parent ] o But what else is on their agenda ([1841]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1842]esquimaux to do the wrong way before we can get rid of them? We need to know so we can spend time fighting them for it. They wouldn't be Bush Dogs if they did not intend to purposefully hand the GOP all sorts of shit they don't need. That has to be dealt with. We must PROTECT ourselves and our remaining futures from these people. America legalized torture before they legalized marijuana. Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape! by [1843]xxdr zombiexx on [1844]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:02:38 AM PST [ [1845]Parent ] o Foster ([1846]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1847]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle, [1848]klizard voted against FISA capitulation. by [1849]kos on [1850]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:40:59 AM PST [ [1851]Parent ] + Plenty of time to drag feet in Iraq, too. ([1852]0+ / 0-) America legalized torture before they legalized marijuana. Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape! by [1853]xxdr zombiexx on [1854]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:00:08 AM PST [ [1855]Parent ] + Glacial pace... you should be seeing ([1856]0+ / 0-) it from my perspective of just waking up to politics as a teenager in the late 60's and seeing how far we have fallen, with some progress, since then. Or better that you don't. Action link: [1857]Fix the Senate. End the filibuster. by [1858]divineorder on [1859]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:51:21 AM PST [ [1860]Parent ] * Proudly represented by a Moran ([1861]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1862]kurious, [1863]TheUnknown285, [1864]klizard Jim Moran, specifically, who voted the right way on FISA, Military Commissions act, and so on. No if only Webb could show a little of the fire he had in his campaign... Non enim propter gloriam, diuicias aut honores pugnamus set propter libertatem solummodo quam Nemo bonus nisi simul cum vita amittit. -Declaration of Arbroath by [1865]Robobagpiper on [1866]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:56:46 AM PST * Primary al lot of these Democrats and by 2012 ([1867]5+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1868]poliscizac, [1869]Gargoyle683, [1870]peraspera, [1871]Wyo Wrangler, [1872]Pragmaticus we will be back to trying to get "more Democrats." by [1873]jj32 on [1874]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:56:53 AM PST + Defeatest attitude...if you frame the progressive ([1875]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1876]esquimaux, [1877]TheUnknown285, [1878]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle positions correctly, you can win in even a purple district. We need to show the way. by [1879]IndySteve on [1880]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:00:38 AM PST [ [1881]Parent ] o Yeah as long as we don't turn into the same ([1882]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1883]TheUnknown285 kind of lockstep lynchmob as the xtian right. Worked for awhile, then it imploded. If we want generational shift (that lasts more than a few cycles) we'll need to appreciate that some of our reps work out of very hostile territories. I don't like litmus tests. Some votes are purely for ass coverage and not very meaningful. If this FISA gets kicked down the road (which is what I suspect is going on) the votes on it are meaningless, but provide coverage for those who have to fend off attacks on their "patriotism". by [1884]Urizen on [1885]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:18:24 AM PST [ [1886]Parent ] + In just a quick 4 years..... ([1887]0+ / 0-) My...so soon. America legalized torture before they legalized marijuana. Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape! by [1888]xxdr zombiexx on [1889]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:00:50 AM PST [ [1890]Parent ] * And if we chose another test vote ([1891]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1892]Gargoyle683, [1893]jj32, [1894]Pragmaticus we'd come up with another list. Add a few more votes and we'd primary everyone. I understand the motive behind this post and this effort. If the netroots truly does grow in size and influence by, oh, an order of magnitude, I guess that this could work. This, after all, is how the Moral Majority and allied organizations did their magic during the Reagan years. But if we don't grow that much -- and we're not as organized and disciplined as the Moral Majority, the threat of snark and banning being less effective, after all, than that of hellfire -- then this threat seems empty. Surely there are a lot of candidates around this year who can attest that the netroots doesn't (whether or not it could) always deliver the resources needed for victories of this nature, no matter how much our grand promises. Right now, I'd be happy to concentrate on a symbolic victory in response to the FISA vote: sending Hoyer to go work at the same firm as Al Wynn. Soon on DK4: Chit Cheat and Undisputed Facts! It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache. by [1895]Seneca Doane on [1896]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:57:04 AM PST + What's wrong with active citizens ([1897]7+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1898]ferg, [1899]esquimaux, [1900]joe shikspack, [1901]trinite, [1902]kurious, [1903]TheUnknown285, [1904]James Kresnik choosing to send money to primary challengers, particularly in the cases of Reps who continually disappoint? This is a great diary. African American POV blog with no Naderish bs: [1905]weeseeyou.com by [1906]GN1927 on [1907]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:59:21 AM PST [ [1908]Parent ] o People trying to do what's right for them ([1909]4+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1910]GN1927, [1911]esquimaux, [1912]kurious, [1913]James Kresnik just weaken the ability of Blue Dogs and Establishment Dems agenda to sell them out. Bad decision makers have to be replaced with those who do what we ask. Appeasers and apologists waste time and money and threaten the quality of our future. America legalized torture before they legalized marijuana. Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape! by [1914]xxdr zombiexx on [1915]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:07:46 AM PST [ [1916]Parent ] o No problem with it, unless ([1917]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1918]GN1927 we're making grand and brave and extravagant promises that we won't keep. Then, it actually becomes a wasteful, cruel, and counterproductive bait and switch. Soon on DK4: Chit Cheat and Undisputed Facts! It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache. by [1919]Seneca Doane on [1920]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:12:13 AM PST [ [1921]Parent ] # I hear you, ([1922]0+ / 0-) I just read this diary as, "if you've had it with this session of congress, here's a list of aye's for the FISA amendment with blue dogs in bold." That's a very good thing, IMO. African American POV blog with no Naderish bs: [1923]weeseeyou.com by [1924]GN1927 on [1925]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:57:08 AM PST [ [1926]Parent ] @ Then I think you are missing some nuance ([1927]0+ / 0-) if one can even call it merely nuance. Soon on DK4: Chit Cheat and Undisputed Facts! It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache. by [1928]Seneca Doane on [1929]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:06:49 AM PST [ [1930]Parent ] + Nope, there's lots of people who'd never ([1931]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1932]TheUnknown285 be primaried. Any list you could come up with would have very few, if any, of the MA delegation on it. Steven Lynch, maybe on a couple. But Capuano, Barney Frank, Markey, John Tierney (my rep)--these guys always vote the right way. And I'm picking the MA delegation because it's the one I know best, but they're not alone. DKos: The left's home for sanctimonious defeatism since 2008. "The last time we broke a president, we got Reagan"--Bush Bites by [1933]ChurchofBruce on [1934]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:01:08 AM PST [ [1935]Parent ] o Take a look at that list. We're threatening ([1936]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1937]askew over 100 primaries. Is that a credible threat, or are we just huffing and puffing? Right, there may be a handful that wouldn't ever be primaried, though I bet you'd be surprised at what votes might be able to be found that escaped your attention. Soon on DK4: Chit Cheat and Undisputed Facts! It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache. by [1938]Seneca Doane on [1939]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:23:30 AM PST [ [1940]Parent ] # It wouldn't take more than 3 or 4 ([1941]0+ / 0-) successful primary challenges to wake these swine up. They just need to feel our teeth on their necks once in an while to know not to mess with us. You don't have to rip all their throats out, just a few bite marks to give them the FEAR! Right now the Democratic party as a whole does NOT respect us. They don't care at all what we think about anything and are amused that we think we can influence their vote. At most they are patronizing, and at worst they come right out and call us a "disruptive influence" on the party." (Ken Salazar is a perfect example of the latter -- he actually campaigned for Joe Lieberman and supports Telecom immunity and endless war-funding). by [1942]Cugel on [1943]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:34:20 AM PST [ [1944]Parent ] @ Oh, please ([1945]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1946]Crisitunity If that were so, then the departure of Al Wynn would have already "woken up" these "swine" -- which is a hell of a thing to call many of these people. You're not going to make all of these people feel fear! You can have a targeted campaign, as we had with Wynn, to send a shot across the bow. But these sorts of dark threats don't fool people, don't scare people, don't do anything but make us look like we're pretending to be bigger than we currently are. Piloerectile politics. It's a threat if you have any chance to deliver. Otherwise, it's a farce. Soon on DK4: Chit Cheat and Undisputed Facts! It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache. by [1947]Seneca Doane on [1948]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:39:56 AM PST [ [1949]Parent ] - Nah ([1950]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1951]James Kresnik Al Wynn is seen as an anomaly from a "black" district, which is alien to most of the white congresscritters. Lipinski would've been a far more devastating blow to that crowd, but the Chicago machine protected him. by [1952]kos on [1953]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:43:07 AM PST [ [1954]Parent ] + this is a good test vote... ([1955]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1956]James Kresnik if your rep won't stand up on his/her hind legs and work to preserve your 4th amendment rights and the rule of law, then they aren't worth a damn and they need to go. professional sanctimonious purist by [1957]joe shikspack on [1958]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:09:52 AM PST [ [1959]Parent ] o Not worth a damn ([1960]0+ / 0-) Gary Ackerman Howard Berman Nancy Boyda Kathy Castor James Clyburn Elliot Engel Gabrielle Giffords Kirstin Gillibrand Luis Gutierrez Alcee Hastings Stephanie Herseth Sandlin Nick Lampson Nita Lowey Carolyn McCarthy Jerry McNerney John Murtha Ciro Rodriguez Joe Sestak Adam Smith Vic Snyder Bart Stupak Mark Udall John Yarmuth and I've left out many that Kos actively has promoted, including Cazayoux and Childers -- two of our recent special election primary victories. "Not worth a damn." Are you kidding me? This broad brush threat seems petulant and empty, despite that I think that this was a rotten piece of legislation (although not one that "dismantles the Fourth Amendment.") It works at cross-purposes with most of what this site does, and that is why it won't be taken seriously. That it won't be taken seriously means that it undermines the credibility of the site. It's a bad move and Kos will conveniently forget about it when it's convenient. Piloerectile politics. Soon on DK4: Chit Cheat and Undisputed Facts! It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache. by [1961]Seneca Doane on [1962]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:36:23 AM PST [ [1963]Parent ] # what is the rule of law worth to you? ([1964]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1965]esquimaux do you believe that certain people and corporations should be able to break the law with impunity? should the unitary executive be able to do whatever he damned well pleases and any attempt by the people at redress be met with a mixture of scorn, condescension and force? is the constitution just a damned scrap of paper? professional sanctimonious purist by [1966]joe shikspack on [1967]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:53:09 AM PST [ [1968]Parent ] @ I've been opposed to this sort of revision ([1969]0+ / 0-) to FISA literally for years. Get off your high horse. This is not a debate about whether this bill should have been passed. It should not have been passed. Hoyer and the people who stood with him in strongarming Pelosi are fair targets for primaries if there's any chance of improving on them. Anyone on this whole list, though? That's silly. But I'm glad that you're enjoying your day on the netroots. Soon on DK4: Chit Cheat and Undisputed Facts! It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache. by [1970]Seneca Doane on [1971]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:02:41 AM PST [ [1972]Parent ] - are you sure that there aren't 100... ([1973]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1974]James Kresnik or so people in america that could stand for office and stand up for the constitution and the rule of law at the same time? But I'm glad that you're enjoying your day on the netroots. thanks. i've been enjoying the intertubes for quite a number of years now and i find it deeply gratifying that you enjoy my company. professional sanctimonious purist by [1975]joe shikspack on [1976]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:25:28 AM PST [ [1977]Parent ] = Sure ([1978]0+ / 0-) How much do you think we could raise to support their candidacies at one time? Or is this an invitation for other people to give their hearts and savings for a cause you believe in while you sit in an armchair and cheer until something distracts you? Primarying an incumbent is a huge effort. It's not something people should ask be done lightly. And, if one asks, one had better be prepared to put more on the line for that effort that the netroots, despite our successes, does. We cannot handle a large number of primaries in addition to general election battles and I don't know who we think we're fooling when we breast-beat about taking on so many people. Soon on DK4: Chit Cheat and Undisputed Facts! It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache. by [1979]Seneca Doane on [1980]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:02:50 PM PST [ [1981]Parent ] * i don't know how much we can raise... ([1982]0+ / 0-) but, there might be some other ways that we can put some pressure on these people. some of them may not even require huge amounts of money. my rep is on that list and i'll be doing whatever i can do to put pressure on him to act better and i'll be encouraging friends, family and neighbors to do the same. we'll see where it goes. professional sanctimonious purist by [1983]joe shikspack on [1984]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 01:13:49 PM PST [ [1985]Parent ] + Will you "be doing whatever you can"? ([1986]0+ / 0-) Who's your Rep? I'll write a note in my tickler file to check in with you about this in the future, because chances are that you won't. And your Rep knows it. Soon on DK4: Chit Cheat and Undisputed Facts! It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache. by [1987]Seneca Doane on [1988]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 01:47:03 PM PST [ [1989]Parent ] * Look where many of these people are from.... ([1990]4+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1991]poliscizac, [1992]Gargoyle683, [1993]peraspera, [1994]Pragmaticus and you will understand that they are unable to withstand a Republican opponent if they vote the way we would like them to vote. It stinks, but it is an electoral reality. Many of these districts have also been gerrymandered to protect incumbents--Dan Lipinksi is my Congressman and it would be very hard to unseat him. Mark Pera tried. by [1995]SusanEinChicago on [1996]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:58:08 AM PST + That's bullshit ([1997]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [1998]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle, [1999]James Kresnik, [2000]divineorder Republicans ran every scare ad in the special elections this year, claiming the (D)s wanted to open the doors to terrorists yadda yadda yadda. None of it worked. People can run like progressives and win, no matter how much people claim they can't. by [2001]kos on [2002]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:45:07 AM PST [ [2003]Parent ] o Yeah and what did Mark Pera get- ([2004]0+ / 0-) 24% of the vote (maybe) and he could not have run a more progressive campaign. And I don't appreciate being sworn at, either, just because I express a viewpoint than the one you have experssed. Geez. by [2005]SusanEinChicago on [2006]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:10:57 PM PST [ [2007]Parent ] * off-year's usually bad for party in power ([2008]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2009]Gargoyle683, [2010]peraspera, [2011]Pragmaticus not sure i'd move to a smaller tent then. by [2012]tassojunior on [2013]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:58:57 AM PST * How many of those ([2014]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2015]TheUnknown285 are people who were trumpeted to the sky right here? DKos: The left's home for sanctimonious defeatism since 2008. "The last time we broke a president, we got Reagan"--Bush Bites by [2016]ChurchofBruce on [2017]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:59:14 AM PST * Sort these from blue to red districts? ([2018]7+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2019]Gargoyle683, [2020]peraspera, [2021]jj32, [2022]TheUnknown285, [2023]Canyon Lefty, [2024]Pragmaticus, [2025]SpamNunn Is there anyway to sort these based on which representative is from the bluest and reddest districts? Getting rid of the ones on this list from blue districts would be a greater priority than those from redder districts, since it's more likely they'd be able to win a general election. The Democrats on this list from red districts we may have to have a bit more tolerance for. by [2026]obscuresportsquarterly on [2027]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:59:39 AM PST * We only have to successfully primary a few ([2028]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2029]IndySteve, [2030]TheUnknown285 To get the message across loud and clear to the rest, in the end. Non enim propter gloriam, diuicias aut honores pugnamus set propter libertatem solummodo quam Nemo bonus nisi simul cum vita amittit. -Declaration of Arbroath by [2031]Robobagpiper on [2032]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:59:43 AM PST + The higher the profile, the better the example ([2033]7+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2034]DavidW in SF, [2035]joe shikspack, [2036]TheUnknown285, [2037]aztecraingod, [2038]Thomas Twinnings, [2039]Robobagpiper, [2040]obscuresportsquarterly If we can send Hoyer and Pelosi home, either of whom could have killed FISA effortlessly and chose not to, I think it'll send a VERY clear message to the other congresscritters. "Not me. I'm a spectator. I'd wish them luck but I can't do that. I don't [want to] wish them luck. I want them to go to hell." -Fishgrease by [2041]Orange Crush on [2042]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:04:47 AM PST [ [2043]Parent ] o Which one would be easier ([2044]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2045]TheUnknown285 or at least, less unpossible? Now where did I put my shot glass? by [2046]aztecraingod on [2047]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:12:03 AM PST [ [2048]Parent ] o Hoyer needs to be ousted, Pelosi out of Speaker ([2049]4+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2050]FishOutofWater, [2051]Canyon Lefty, [2052]Thomas Twinnings, [2053]James Kresnik Nancy Pelosi would be just fine if she were merely the representative from San Francisco. However, she needs to be replaced in the Speaker job by someone much better. Hoyer just needs to be gone. Can we groom a challenger who can take him out in 2010? How much support does he have in his district? How are his negatives? [2054]Democracy for America by [2055]DavidW in SF on [2056]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:15:01 AM PST [ [2057]Parent ] # Agreed. Hoyer's at the top of the hitlist. ([2058]0+ / 0-) Now, what can we do to get Pelosi demoted from Speaker? "Not me. I'm a spectator. I'd wish them luck but I can't do that. I don't [want to] wish them luck. I want them to go to hell." -Fishgrease by [2059]Orange Crush on [2060]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:42:12 AM PST [ [2061]Parent ] # That is what Glennzilla is working on I believe ([2062]0+ / 0-) .. as far as what his negatives are? .. I don't know .. just know that it will take a few million to knock off Hoyer by [2063]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle on [2064]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:42:38 AM PST [ [2065]Parent ] * I am So Grateful ([2066]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2067]TheUnknown285 to have Andre' Carson on the right side of FISA; I was one of his earlier supporters. I think I was #26 in order of campaign donors. Grandma Julia Carson would be proud! "I don't believe anything the government tells me." George Carlin (1937 - 2008) by [2068]CityLightsLover on [2069]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:00:14 AM PST * the party is the problem ([2070]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2071]TheUnknown285, [2072]CityLightsLover even the 129 who voted against this bill. How many of them still support Hoyer as majority leader, or still support Pelosi? Don't kid yourself, by 2010 the energy that opposition to Bush pumped into the party will by gone. It will be over whelmed by the negative impression created by a Democratic party which fails deal with the economy or health care effectively. By 2012 (if not 2010) Obama's failure to deliver on his promises will cost us the congress and possibly the White House. And Obama will fail to deliver. We will need strict party discipline to overcome the corporate opposition to real reform, and he just proved he can't or won't control the worst elements of the party. When you vote, you are exercising political authority, you're using force. And force my friends is violence. The supreme authority... by [2073]Thought Crime on [2074]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:00:27 AM PST * Why wait? Start now in GA-12 with Regina Thomas ([2075]10+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2076]askew, [2077]shpilk, [2078]sbdenmon, [2079]TheUnknown285, [2080]circlesnshadows, [2081]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle, [2082]Canyon Lefty, [2083]Oreo, [2084]divineorder, [2085]klizard We have another potential "Donna Edwards" challenging a rabid BushDog in GA-12. [reginahatah3.png] [2086]Regina Thomas is running against John Barrow in the July 15 Democratic Primary. Time is of the essence. John Barrow, as you might know, is one of the worst Democrats in enabling Bush and his criminal regime. He voted for the Military Commissions Act, voted for Telecom Immunity, voted against habeas corpus rights and the Fourth Amendment, and generally enabled all of Bush's criminality. [2087]Regina Thomas on the other hand is a mainstream progressive who has served in the Georgia State Senate since 2000. Demographics of the district seem to be pretty favorable to her should she win the primary. [2088]FireDogLake has lots of good info about Regina Thomas, the district, and the race. [2089]Donate now if you can via ActBlue. Your donation could make all the difference in giving Obama a better Congress. [2090]Democracy for America by [2091]DavidW in SF on [2092]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:00:54 AM PST + Sort of a dicey district. Looks like it pulls in ([2093]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2094]DavidW in SF, [2095]TrueBlueCT, [2096]soms part of Augusta and Savannah, but still went for Bush in 2004. Turnout in the metro areas would be crucial. She would be great though. I'll send her some cash, when I can. by [2097]shpilk on [2098]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:06:30 AM PST [ [2099]Parent ] o Bush only by 1 point ([2100]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2101]sbdenmon, [2102]Canyon Lefty It was a pretty tight race in 2004. Bush only beat Kerry by 1 point in 2004, and we're winning districts much redder than that. The district is 40+% African-American, and AAs make up well over 70% of the Democratic primary pool. If we can win the Primary, we stand a very good chance in the General. Barrow has over $1M in the bank, but his three potential Republican challengers are in the low 5 digits. We've raised more than that for Regina in the last couple weeks via ActBlue -- over $36K now. If we can take out Barrow in the primary, we're golden. [2103]Democracy for America by [2104]DavidW in SF on [2105]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:20:33 AM PST [ [2106]Parent ] * SCHIFF?? ([2107]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2108]peraspera, [2109]TheUnknown285 CA-29 is a safe Dem district (he won with 63% in 2006). California is a liberal state. This is next to MY district. What an outrage. This guy should get primaried for SURE. And what a disappointment. I've met him, and he held himself out to be a grassroots guy. H by [2110]DTH on [2111]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:00:55 AM PST + He's good on most issues... ([2112]0+ / 0-) very disappointing on this. by [2113]South Park Democrat on [2114]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 02:14:32 PM PST [ [2115]Parent ] * Mark Udall ([2116]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2117]soms Will more than likely be a Senator in 2010 and will no longer be in the House. I'm extremely disappointed in his decision on FISA and can't see myself doing anything to help his campaign before Election Day. News & views about the 2012 Elections and the 2012 National Conventions at [2118]DemConWatch by [2119]Oreo on [2120]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:01:38 AM PST + Um... ([2121]6+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2122]poliscizac, [2123]Gargoyle683, [2124]Ramo, [2125]peraspera, [2126]jj32, [2127]soms We kinda need that seat in the Senate. I'd rather not see one of Abramoff's biggest cronies in there. Pragmatic progressivism is the future. by [2128]Pragmaticus on [2129]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:02:45 AM PST [ [2130]Parent ] o exactly. DO not lose sight of the big picture ([2131]5+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2132]Ramo, [2133]peraspera, [2134]jj32, [2135]TheUnknown285, [2136]Pragmaticus ppl...Boot bush dogs out when they are voting more conservative than their districts. Impeach Obama- some dkos clown (Jan 05, 2010) by [2137]soms on [2138]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:09:04 AM PST [ [2139]Parent ] * Markos, Cazayoux isn't a Blue Dog? ([2140]6+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2141]askew, [2142]Gargoyle683, [2143]peraspera, [2144]Pragmaticus, [2145]soms, [2146]fernan47 Henry Cuellar isn't a Bush operative? But do you really think a more moderate selection in TX-22 has a chance to win? DeLay's old seat? Some of this is delusional, driven by frustration, no doubt. We have to select those seats held in districts where Democrats have a snowballs chance in winning in the first place. Gillibrand, for one. She's proven to be a disappointment over and over again. There's no reason in hell she cannot be replace: NY-20 has shown signs of shifting Blue. But Lampson? Come on. He's the best we'll get. You need to seriously refine this list and select those seats where a more reasonable Democrat can win in a General Election, or we are killing ourselves and diluting our power. by [2147]shpilk on [2148]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:01:52 AM PST + He's not for challenging all of them .. ([2149]0+ / 0-) jeez .. he's just throwing names out there by [2150]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle on [2151]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:44:46 AM PST [ [2152]Parent ] + Reading comprehension: ([2153]5+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2154]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle, [2155]James Kresnik, [2156]divineorder, [2157]klizard, [2158]fernan47 Not all of these people will get or even deserve primaries, but this vote certainly puts a bulls eye on their district. by [2159]kos on [2160]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:47:45 AM PST [ [2161]Parent ] * Norm Dicks(Wa-06) should know better. ([2162]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2163]pinguin But all he does is deliver pork for the military bases, he is pro free-trade, he should be considered a blue dog America, They were yours, Honor Them, Do Not forget them-IGTNT. by [2164]Mr Stagger Lee on [2165]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:01:56 AM PST * Brian Baird Must Be Challenged Now, not in 2010 ([2166]5+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2167]Ramo, [2168]Scarce, [2169]TheUnknown285, [2170]circlesnshadows, [2171]The Movac WA-03 Baird is on Open Left's Bush Dog list, he voted for the surge, he just voted against the constitution. His primary challenger, Cheryl Crist, is a solid progressive. The primary is two months away. Stop Baird NOW. I have [2172]five diaries on him. by [2173]albaum on [2174]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:02:32 AM PST + Good idea ([2175]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2176]TheUnknown285 ..but does she have any money whatsoever? I see $3597.23 versus over a million for Baird. [2177]http://herndon1.sdrdc.com/... Here we are now Entertain us I feel stupid and contagious by [2178]Scarce on [2179]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:07:48 AM PST [ [2180]Parent ] + Right on! ([2181]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2182]TheUnknown285 Throw the bum out. With Democrats like him who need Republicans, right? I've met Cheryl Crist and she's a wonderful person. She's got my vote! The key to productivity is to rotate your avoidance techniques. ~Too Much Coffee Man by [2183]The Movac on [2184]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:11:42 AM PST [ [2185]Parent ] * I don't get it... ([2186]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2187]mlk, [2188]jj32, [2189]TheUnknown285 A lot of these candidates were backed by DailyKos and Blue Majority the first time around...Zack Space, Kirsten Gillibrant, Stephanie Herseth, Melissa Bean, Chris Carney, Patrick Murphy, Heath Shuler, etc. "Sorry, you're not our friends anymore! Buh-bye!" "If nobody loves you, your soul dies, and there are no pills for that." --MBNYC by [2190]PerfectStormer on [2191]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:03:22 AM PST + Lampson too... ([2192]0+ / 0-) Odd twists and turns politics takes. Check out & buy my work at [2193]Meredith Klinger Photography by [2194]mlk on [2195]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:08:25 AM PST [ [2196]Parent ] + some of these folks are the ([2197]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2198]Thomas Twinnings, [2199]SpamNunn 'best we can hope for' in deep red districts. Lampson, and Herseth are two .. Gillibrand is way outside where NY-20 is, she's way to the right. I don't know enough about the others, but we need to analyze each district and see what is happening before we flush people like Lampson and Herseth .. places where a more moderate Democrat will be crushed. by [2200]shpilk on [2201]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:09:45 AM PST [ [2202]Parent ] + We were in "more Democrats" mode ([2203]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2204]Thomas Twinnings, [2205]divineorder Now we are shifting. Incidentally, of your list above, the only two that got any site endorsements were Herseth and Murphy. by [2206]kos on [2207]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:50:09 AM PST [ [2208]Parent ] o Apparently we're in election-losing mode ([2209]0+ / 0-) Your putting up this diary in mid-November would make sense, based on your strategy. But you still want these people to win in 2008 -- right? -- so that we can have primary challenges to them in 2010. Now, think of the message you've just sent to the flock. "These people suck. We want them out of Congress. But, oh, by the way, do rouse yourself to vote for them and for Obama (for whom some of them will have reverse coattails) this year." You've stepped on your own message, Markos. We're not in the 2010 cycle yet, and you've undermined our efforts in the 2008 cycle. We should make it clear right now that Hoyer is a marked man -- that is a reasonable goal and it's already past time -- and tell the rest that we'll settle scores after the election. This FISA vote was rotten, but it was not legalizing torture or invading Iran. You're being swept up in the emotions of the moment and I seriously doubt that you're going to act in accord with these threats from here forward. Or do you want to take back all that rooting for Cazayoux and Childers a few weeks ago? Soon on DK4: Chit Cheat and Undisputed Facts! It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache. by [2210]Seneca Doane on [2211]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:58:30 AM PST [ [2212]Parent ] * Heh, primary Herseth Sandlin? ([2213]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2214]shpilk Now that would be a long strange trip for the site... But honestly there is no part of this country where being pro illegal spying is a "gotta vote for it" issue. This isn't somthing you can pass of by the fact they're from a certain area. I doubt it'll be Herseth, but we sure need to start cracking some more heads. "Buying Horizon Milk to support organic farming is like purchasing an English muffin in an effort to prop up the British economy." -Windowdog by [2215]Windowdog on [2216]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:03:30 AM PST + She's the best we can hope for in SD ([2217]5+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2218]Windowdog, [2219]poliscizac, [2220]nedog, [2221]Seneca Doane, [2222]SpamNunn right now. It will be a long time before that changes. A long, long time. by [2223]shpilk on [2224]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:13:02 AM PST [ [2225]Parent ] + Geez .. ([2226]0+ / 0-) he's just throwing names out there ... does Kos have to spell everything out .. I am sure he knows primary-ing Herseth-Sandlin isn't going to get anywhere by [2227]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle on [2228]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:46:44 AM PST [ [2229]Parent ] o Speaking of having to spell things out ([2230]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2231]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle "Now that would be a long strange trip for the site..." "I doubt it'll be Herseth, but we sure need to start cracking some more heads." That would be me dismissing a mildly amusing idea. "Buying Horizon Milk to support organic farming is like purchasing an English muffin in an effort to prop up the British economy." -Windowdog by [2232]Windowdog on [2233]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:52:06 AM PST [ [2234]Parent ] * I've lived in Lampson's district ([2235]9+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2236]poliscizac, [2237]shpilk, [2238]peraspera, [2239]Treg, [2240]TheUnknown285, [2241]Seneca Doane, [2242]Pragmaticus, [2243]SpamNunn, [2244]soms for 15 years and I'm not sure he has any choice. I'd say he's barely even a D, but I still prefer him to the previous (Congressman Tom Delay R-Bastard). Running a true progressive D in this District is probably not a winning option. It's the fascism, stupid! by [2245]lastman on [2246]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:03:50 AM PST + Kos needs to clarify that ([2247]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2248]peraspera, [2249]faster democrat kill kill unless he plans to educate many in the electorate and stop them from listening to Faux news overnight. Impeach Obama- some dkos clown (Jan 05, 2010) by [2250]soms on [2251]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:10:49 AM PST [ [2252]Parent ] + lol ([2253]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2254]poliscizac "Running a true progressive D in this District is probably not a winning option." Understatement of the year award. by [2255]shpilk on [2256]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:11:59 AM PST [ [2257]Parent ] + Since when is ([2258]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2259]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle, [2260]divineorder, [2261]lastman protecting the Constitution a "progressive" issue? by [2262]kos on [2263]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:50:54 AM PST [ [2264]Parent ] o It's not. ([2265]0+ / 0-) The problem is that the bad guys frame FISA as a national security issue and the good guys don't do a good enough job of putting it in the proper context. Lampson can say all he wants about defending the Constitution but his constituents are gonna be told Lampson won't defend them against terra. And they're gonna decide they prefer the latter. It's Tom Delay country, Markos. It's the fascism, stupid! by [2266]lastman on [2267]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:56:44 AM PST [ [2268]Parent ] * Focus on Blue Dog types in deep Blue Districts ([2269]14+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2270]ferg, [2271]mikedallas23, [2272]Gargoyle683, [2273]shpilk, [2274]peraspera, [2275]IM, [2276]chumley, [2277]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle, [2278]Canyon Lefty, [2279]albaum, [2280]James Kresnik, [2281]bluegrass50, [2282]soms, [2283]obscuresportsquarterly There is no reason why a Democratic district needs to be represented by someone so completely out of step with it. Take Brian Baird. Super surge defender, sellout on telecom immunity, and in a D+10 district. That guy needs a primary to either get rid of him or stiffen his spine. [2284]"I don't believe anything John Cornyn says." Sen. Jim Bunning, R-KY by [2285]bosdcla14 on [2286]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:03:59 AM PST + exactly...him and Hoyer ...yes ([2287]4+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2288]poliscizac, [2289]bosdcla14, [2290]peraspera, [2291]Canyon Lefty Childers and Cazayoux -no unless you are going to educate the electorate and make them stop listening to Faux news. Impeach Obama- some dkos clown (Jan 05, 2010) by [2292]soms on [2293]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:06:51 AM PST [ [2294]Parent ] + Schiff ([2295]8+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2296]ferg, [2297]bosdcla14, [2298]shpilk, [2299]peraspera, [2300]chumley, [2301]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle, [2302]James Kresnik, [2303]soms Deep blue. Heart of Los Angeles. DTH by [2304]DTH on [2305]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:08:45 AM PST [ [2306]Parent ] o Another excellent example. ([2307]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2308]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle by [2309]shpilk on [2310]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:11:19 AM PST [ [2311]Parent ] + Excellent example. ([2312]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2313]ferg, [2314]peraspera, [2315]soms We need to refine this list. by [2316]shpilk on [2317]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:10:51 AM PST [ [2318]Parent ] + Better read some history ([2319]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2320]Crisitunity Take Brian Baird. Super surge defender, sellout on telecom immunity, and in a D+10 district. That guy needs a primary to either get rid of him or stiffen his spine. A statement like this bespeaks almost total ignorance of WA-03. This District has plenty of conservative voters, including rural Democrats, and sends some of the hardest-right crazies in WA to the State Legislature. Only 10 years ago WA-03 was represented by Linda Smith, as right-wing a House member as WA has had. Smith beat Baird in a squeaker in 1996 and Baird vowed that if he lost ever again, it wouldn't be because he was outworked. Smith got a fat head in 1998 and thought she could take out Patty Murray in the Senate race. Her fundamentalist views did not play well in a statewide race and she was deservedly trounced. Baird, meanwhile, crisscrossed the district relentlessly and rolled up a 10-point win over far-right blowhard State Senator Don Benton, who is still polluting the atmosphere in Olympia. Baird does more constituent outreach than several other House members in this state put together, and flies home every weekend to meet the voters. His position on the war sucks. His vote on FISA sucks. I don't like them any more than most people here do. But he will face the voters and look them in the eye regardless. No one is going to beat him in a primary, that's just a pipe dream. This is a largely rural District that is +10 only because of Brian Baird, and Democrats who oppose his positions don't seriously have any choice but to work with him and try to change his mind. Primary those Democrats who there is a chance to beat. Baird isn't one of them, and all such efforts would be futile. He's too good a campaigner. "Lash those traitors and conservatives with the pen of gall and wormwood. Let them feel -- no temporising!" - Andrew Jackson to Francis Preston Blair, 1835 by [2321]Ivan on [2322]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:04:05 AM PST [ [2323]Parent ] o WA-03 Will Support a More Progressive Leader... ([2324]0+ / 0-) ...than Baird. Smith entered in the '94 wave, and her stay was brief and exceptional. History proves that, even if WA-03 is not bright blue. by [2325]albaum on [2326]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:21:51 AM PST [ [2327]Parent ] # Knock yourself out, then ([2328]0+ / 0-) As far as I'm concerned you have a better chance of flapping your arms and flying to the moon. Political reality is usually something other than the fulfillment of someone's fond hopes. "Lash those traitors and conservatives with the pen of gall and wormwood. Let them feel -- no temporising!" - Andrew Jackson to Francis Preston Blair, 1835 by [2329]Ivan on [2330]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:25:53 AM PST [ [2331]Parent ] o Nope ([2332]0+ / 0-) Try [2333]D+0. Manufactured political distractions, you are officially on notice. by [2334]Crisitunity on [2335]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:22:44 AM PST [ [2336]Parent ] # Whoops- was relying on a now-corrected post ([2337]0+ / 0-) Apologies. [2338]"I don't believe anything John Cornyn says." Sen. Jim Bunning, R-KY by [2339]bosdcla14 on [2340]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 04:58:30 PM PST [ [2341]Parent ] o So Baird determined their presidential voting? ([2342]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2343]James Kresnik That's how partisan breakdown is determined. So if these "conservatives" are voting for Al Gore and John Kerry, that's conservatism we can believe in! I, for one, have never been a big believer in endorsements, and thus any claim that Baird somehow swayed his wingnut-voting constituents to vote for Gore and Kerry seems pretty farfetched. However, your comments about him being a strong campaigner are good points, and he did face his constituents after his about-face to pro-surge. Any person is going to have good points and bad points, so maybe Baird isn't the perfect candidate to primary, but it isn't nearly as cut and dried as you're making it out to be. [2344]"I don't believe anything John Cornyn says." Sen. Jim Bunning, R-KY by [2345]bosdcla14 on [2346]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 04:51:48 PM PST [ [2347]Parent ] * So what? ([2348]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2349]bubbanomics, [2350]TheUnknown285, [2351]James Kresnik More House Democrats voted against this abomination than voted for it. As I have learned as a citizen, "voting" is no longer enough. I would say the same to the dems who voted against this bill or will vote against it. It's not enough. I'm still waiting for President Obama to tell the voters why government is a good thing, why we need government oversight and regulations. by [2352]gooderservice on [2353]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:04:45 AM PST + amen to that! ([2354]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2355]gooderservice Woo hoo! We should be so proud of our house dems: they didn't unanimously roll over. Hell, with these imbeciles, we're only a few steps away from cannibalism. I bet if Bush put forward a pro-cannibalism program, the dem's'd go for it. Feather fall around you, and show you the way to go... it's over... --- Neil Young by [2356]bubbanomics on [2357]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:09:19 AM PST [ [2358]Parent ] o I wonder WHAT Bush and the repubs would want... ([2359]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2360]bubbanomics that the Congressional dems felt was so egregious that they would actually FIGHT against it -- not just vote against it, but FIGHT it. They should be a person: Stand up, fight against it... truly. If they lose, they lose, but at least they tried. I'm still waiting for President Obama to tell the voters why government is a good thing, why we need government oversight and regulations. by [2361]gooderservice on [2362]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:37:56 AM PST [ [2363]Parent ] * I've got one to watch who hasn't even won yet ([2364]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2365]TheUnknown285 I'm going to stay out of the Bachmann - Tinklenberg race for now--we've got no choice but to vote for Tinklenberg, the dem nominee (MN-06). but this guy, who recently got the official endorsement of the Blue Dogs and emailed everyone bragging about it, is as far as I can tell a lieberman in the making. He bashes dems when it's fashionable, he's prolife, etc, etc. After he's elected, he's going to be my special project (unless he gets a personality transplant...). During the recent primary I met numerous rabid supporters of his who seemed unaware of his, er, issues. I imagine some of them will be quite surprised at what they get. by [2366]decembersue on [2367]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:07:13 AM PST * I totally disagree ([2368]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2369]poliscizac I think people in this community has it all wrong. We should not be upset if telecom companies get immunity because they were try to help the country. Remember that when this start that Mr Bush was very very popular right after 9-11 so they believe the president when he said it was legal. So I feel that the debate should be whether the Bush Admin should be charged with a crimes not the Telecom Companies by [2370]warnerfeingoldin08 on [2371]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:07:25 AM PST + Yeah! Because the telecoms are these tiny ([2372]5+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2373]shpilk, [2374]Treg, [2375]sbdenmon, [2376]The Movac, [2377]James Kresnik Ma and Pa outfits that can't afford ginormous legal departments to help them figure out that fancy law stuff. Well, except for Qwest. God I hope this is snark. Non enim propter gloriam, diuicias aut honores pugnamus set propter libertatem solummodo quam Nemo bonus nisi simul cum vita amittit. -Declaration of Arbroath by [2378]Robobagpiper on [2379]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:12:02 AM PST [ [2380]Parent ] + What a great idea. ([2381]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2382]James Kresnik This way, with retroactive immunity firmly ensconced as the new 'truthiness', Halliburton won't have to move to Dubai, after all. Brilliant! You have a mind like a steel trap. You should release it, once in a while to get some fresh air. by [2383]shpilk on [2384]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:15:10 AM PST [ [2385]Parent ] * Best front page post in weeks. ([2386]4+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2387]ferg, [2388]Rachel in Vista, [2389]TheUnknown285, [2390]divineorder Thank you. This comment was not funded by anyone. by [2391]clonecone on [2392]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:08:57 AM PST + I agree. Exactly the right medicine for despair. ([2393]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2394]TheUnknown285, [2395]divineorder Well done, Kos. "More AND BETTER Democrats." The second part is just as important, and it will be increasingly possible if we work hard. Let's roll up our sleeves. We're in this for the long haul, and that alone will give many Democrats pause before they capitulate to the Mr. 28%-types again. Fox "News" = Republican PRAVDA. by [2396]chumley on [2397]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:14:29 AM PST [ [2398]Parent ] * already on it ([2399]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2400]poliscizac Pat Murphy's actually in a tough race right now against a Gooper. Too bad about that FISA bill, because I intend to levy an attack on him in every single DL bulletin. We have 800 or so members. they're not happy right now. by [2401]Frenchy Lamour on [2402]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:09:19 AM PST * leave matheson (UT-02) alone - thanks n/t ([2403]4+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2404]poliscizac, [2405]jj32, [2406]Pragmaticus, [2407]soms "I hope to have God on my side, but I must have Kentucky." -Abraham Lincoln by [2408]jethropalerobber on [2409]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:09:25 AM PST * Melissa Bean just sent me a letter gloating ([2410]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2411]TheUnknown285, [2412]JDog42 About her excellent work for me in Congress. By giving up the constitution to save AT&T I'll vote for Billy Goat before I vote for that traitor again! The plan was to harvest conservatives organs. But their brains aren't any good and their hearts are completely gone, so now we need to kill their grandma! by [2413]lostmypassword on [2414]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:09:30 AM PST + Join Me In Kicking Bean's Big Butt Out! ([2415]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2416]lostmypassword Yeah. The bitch sent me a gloating email too, and is starting to call me all the time too. She also refuses to even consider impeachment - she has got to go. "There is little separating those that see cells as tiny machines from those that see the Virgin Mary on a grilled cheese sandwich". H. Humbert 2/6/08 by [2417]JDog42 on [2418]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:13:40 AM PST [ [2419]Parent ] + I despise her almost as much as I do ([2420]0+ / 0-) Mean Jean .. ugh ugh ugh by [2421]shpilk on [2422]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:16:05 AM PST [ [2423]Parent ] + Did she driectly refer to the... ([2424]0+ / 0-) ...FISA Amendments Act of 2008 in her email? [2425]Verify the Vote. by [2426]Eric J in MN on [2427]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:29:19 AM PST [ [2428]Parent ] o No ([2429]0+ / 0-) She referred about her great work in Congress. Got the email yesterday. "WTF, you gotta be kidding me!!!" was my first reaction. My second was donate against the FISA sellouts [2430]http://www.actblue.com/... The plan was to harvest conservatives organs. But their brains aren't any good and their hearts are completely gone, so now we need to kill their grandma! by [2431]lostmypassword on [2432]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:30:44 AM PST [ [2433]Parent ] * I see Brian Baird on that list. ([2434]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2435]albaum Now I'm glad that I'm supporting his challenger Cheryl Crist. Perhaps ActBlue should remove Baird from its directory. The key to productivity is to rotate your avoidance techniques. ~Too Much Coffee Man by [2436]The Movac on [2437]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:09:37 AM PST * my letter to Dutch Ruppersberger: ([2438]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2439]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle, [2440]MantisOahu Be ready for a primary challenge, next time around. I supported your candidacy, but you have seriously misrepresented my interests with your vote to capitulate to a minority-party, lame-duck administration on retroactive immunity for lawbreakers. This will not stand; you shall be history, ASAP. [2441]John McCain will do this by [2442]voila on [2443]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:09:57 AM PST * Why would you ever want to do this? ([2444]4+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2445]peraspera, [2446]Seneca Doane, [2447]Pragmaticus, [2448]pinguin Not all of these people will get or even deserve primaries, but this vote certainly puts a bulls eye on their district. If we can field enough serious challengers, and if we repeat the Donna Edwards and Joe Lieberman stories a few more times, well then, our elected officials might have no choice but to be more responsive. Or, they could run as Independents and beat progressive candidates who win in light turn out primaries, a la Ned Lamont, or lose to moderate Republicans. Purity, for purity's sake, is madness. That's a mighty narrow tent you have there, Kos. [2449]Photobucket If you lose your disc or fail to follow commands, you will be subject to immediate de-resolution. That will be all. by [2450]SpamNunn on [2451]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:10:07 AM PST + Lieberman Was a Special Case ([2452]4+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2453]ferg, [2454]SheriffBart, [2455]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle, [2456]klizard He had name recognition and popularity in the state that made an independent run feasible. And this is NOT purity for purity's sake. I am a huge pragmatist. This is smart politics and accountability. DTH by [2457]DTH on [2458]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:13:51 AM PST [ [2459]Parent ] o That, and he effectively ran as the Repubs' ([2460]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2461]SheriffBart, [2462]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle, [2463]klizard candidate, since they abandoned their own in favor of him. Lieberman won with a combination of almost all the Repubs and some low-info Dems. Won't happen in most cases, since the Repubs will field a candidate of their own, rather than use the beaten former Dem as a proxy. And isn't this defeatist? It assumes that if an incumbent is primaried, that the primary winner has negligible chance of winning? Non enim propter gloriam, diuicias aut honores pugnamus set propter libertatem solummodo quam Nemo bonus nisi simul cum vita amittit. -Declaration of Arbroath by [2464]Robobagpiper on [2465]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:20:47 AM PST [ [2466]Parent ] # Not entirely accurate: ([2467]0+ / 0-) Then there are a lot of "low info" Dems in CT [2468]http://www.cnn.com/... If you lose your disc or fail to follow commands, you will be subject to immediate de-resolution. That will be all. by [2469]SpamNunn on [2470]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:29:32 AM PST [ [2471]Parent ] @ Umm .. ([2472]0+ / 0-) When was the last time the official Republican nominee(which was Schelsinger .. while HoJo was the unofficial) got 10% of the vote in any race? by [2473]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle on [2474]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:50:59 AM PST [ [2475]Parent ] - Umm. check the returns for the Hudson and Essex ([2476]0+ / 0-) County Congressional Districts in NJ. Sometimes they don't even run a place holder candidate. If you lose your disc or fail to follow commands, you will be subject to immediate de-resolution. That will be all. by [2477]SpamNunn on [2478]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:22:39 AM PST [ [2479]Parent ] = I mean when they put up a candidate .. ([2480]0+ / 0-) not when they don't bother .. because Schlesinger was the candidate until HoJo lost the primary by [2481]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle on [2482]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 02:13:40 PM PST [ [2483]Parent ] * In Hudson and Essex, the bad guys often ([2484]0+ / 0-) don't clear 10-15% If you lose your disc or fail to follow commands, you will be subject to immediate de-resolution. That will be all. by [2485]SpamNunn on [2486]Thu Jun 26, 2008 at 09:44:55 AM PST [ [2487]Parent ] @ According to those charts ([2488]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2489]klizard Lieberman only won 33% of the Dem vote, and 70% of the Repub. He was the defacto Republican candidate. Lamont won 65% of the Dem vote. Dems (or Indies) voting for Lieberman because of name recognition, or who believed his pap that he was suddenly in favor of ending the war, are the type specimens of "low-info". Non enim propter gloriam, diuicias aut honores pugnamus set propter libertatem solummodo quam Nemo bonus nisi simul cum vita amittit. -Declaration of Arbroath by [2490]Robobagpiper on [2491]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:51:30 AM PST [ [2492]Parent ] - 33% of Dems and 54% of Independents ([2493]0+ / 0-) are "low info" voters. That's a very condescending attitude, isn't it? If you lose your disc or fail to follow commands, you will be subject to immediate de-resolution. That will be all. by [2494]SpamNunn on [2495]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:21:23 AM PST [ [2496]Parent ] o YES! ([2497]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2498]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle, [2499]klizard You don't see the Republicans whining about this! If a Republican manages to win a primary and they don't think he's "conservative enough" they say "screw it" and don't support him. They scream and yell and raise bloody hell whenever a party leader says anything they find offensive. Penn. Sen. Arlan Spector says that "there will not be a litmus test for Supreme Court Justices" in the Senate Judiciary Committee and WHAM! POW! The right wing goes NUTS and launches an immediate huge campaign to strip him of his committee chairmanship because of a perceived opposition to Bush's effort to pack the Court with extremist loons like Alito. Spector backs down and mumbles an apology like a whipped dog. Color me impressed. You didn't hear one PEEP out of Spector for the rest of the Bush administration except "Thank you Sir! May I please have another!" We need to beat these fools up once in an while and put the FEAR into them so they won't DARE betray us on issues of supreme importance like war, the Constitution, and health care. by [2500]Cugel on [2501]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:27:58 AM PST [ [2502]Parent ] + Example: Arcuri, Mike (NY-24) ([2503]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2504]circlesnshadows Outside of Ithaca, this District is like the backwoods of Kentucky. It's Children of the Corn country. Lots of poverty, but still very conservative. He has to vote the way he votes. Run Jon Hall (NY-19) there, who has a District that votes like Westchester County, and he will get crushed. Careful, please! If you lose your disc or fail to follow commands, you will be subject to immediate de-resolution. That will be all. by [2505]SpamNunn on [2506]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:25:11 AM PST [ [2507]Parent ] o Arcuri won ([2508]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2509]SpamNunn as a law and order, tough, former DA. He's a great guy but he's not going to be more of a progressive. Gillibrand is definitely the more disappointing of the two Fact are stubborn things. -John Adams by [2510]circlesnshadows on [2511]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:28:17 AM PST [ [2512]Parent ] * Peterson, Colin (MN-07) ([2513]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2514]TheUnknown285 Shameful job on FISA, sir. Complete cowardice. You are in our sights, Rep. Peterson. We're starting the groundwork for a strong challenger here in MN. even now. Serve the Constitution, or get ready to be replaced. You are not Congressman-For-Life, believe it or not. Fox "News" = Republican PRAVDA. by [2515]chumley on [2516]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:11:34 AM PST * Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow... ([2517]0+ / 0-) So 2010 is going to be the year we pivot from taking control of our government, to holding out accountable. Of course, this takes more than just bitching about your frustrations on a blog, damning a whole party for the actions of a minority more scared of Mr. 28% than of protecting the Constitution they swore to protect. This takes hard work. But now is the time to start. That all sounds great, but it will definitely be much harder, if not impossible, for some people, including me. Right now I am NOT of the mindset of doing more than voting in November, and maybe giving money to a candidate who really, really, really impresses me. That could change, but right now I'm beyond demoralized and angry; I'm disgusted and ambivalent. I'm still waiting for President Obama to tell the voters why government is a good thing, why we need government oversight and regulations. by [2518]gooderservice on [2519]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:13:31 AM PST * HOYER should be on the list n/t ([2520]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2521]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle When you vote, you are exercising political authority, you're using force. And force my friends is violence. The supreme authority... by [2522]Thought Crime on [2523]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:14:18 AM PST + He's a special case. ([2524]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2525]TheUnknown285, [2526]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle, [2527]Thomas Twinnings He needs a category all for himself. by [2528]shpilk on [2529]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:17:22 AM PST [ [2530]Parent ] * There are a few unfortunately we just can't ([2531]0+ / 0-) Anyone who is in a very safe democratic seat should definitely primaried. Those in the south probably not by [2532]CanadianBoy on [2533]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:14:24 AM PST * Kos, you're going to far. ([2534]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2535]poliscizac, [2536]SpamNunn, [2537]pinguin these are people from conservative districts, and that likely demands them voting conservatively. Also, dividing the party in an election year will almost certainly results in a loss of seats. "Like America, Israel is a strong democracy, a symbol of freedom, and an oasis of liberty, a home to the oppressed and persecuted." -President Bill Clinton by [2538]deaniac20 on [2539]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:17:24 AM PST + I don't think so ([2540]0+ / 0-) Especially if you not allow to post comments like this after a few more important "bills" are passed. by [2541]dan667 on [2542]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:21:38 AM PST [ [2543]Parent ] + So I suppose .. ([2544]0+ / 0-) the Obama-Clinton race divided the party as well by [2545]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle on [2546]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:54:28 AM PST [ [2547]Parent ] * Well, that's a lot! ([2548]0+ / 0-) That's too many to primary and have any oomph behind our challenges. I think it better to put more effort into fewer fights. A while back, I made a list of Democrats in safe Democratic seats who voted for a 'blank check' for Bush: [2549]I've got a little list I think a really strong effort against, say 20 congresspeople has a better chance of being noticed and of working than anything on this scale Just my opinion [2550]Kos Katalogue by [2551]plf515 on [2552]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:17:37 AM PST * Steny Hoyer, Steny Hoyer, Steny Hoyer. ([2553]4+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2554]Eric J in MN, [2555]Treg, [2556]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle, [2557]Thomas Twinnings Give him a run for his money, and the rest will get the message. It won't result in ideological purity, but it will definitely yield some respect. Welcome to the New America. by [2558]Fasaha on [2559]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:19:05 AM PST + Yes, Steny Hoyer was the #1 Democratic ([2560]0+ / 0-) ...mover behind the "FISA Amendments Act of 2008." I would be glad to donate to a primary candidate with a liberal record against him. [2561]Verify the Vote. by [2562]Eric J in MN on [2563]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:31:30 AM PST [ [2564]Parent ] * I humbly suggest a different approach ([2565]5+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2566]TheUnknown285, [2567]FishOutofWater, [2568]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle, [2569]Press to Digitate, [2570]politik Kos, first you say this: So you're angry about the Democratic capitulation? Don't take it out on the party. Which I agree with. But then you say this: Don't expect help from the local party establishment, they'll close ranks. So tap into alternate infrastructures. Which, while accurate, doesn't really get to the crux of the issue. The local party infrastructure in many states, like mine, can't endorse in primaries, per the party's own rules. Here's my suggestion, and a slight promotion for a panel I'm on at Netroots Nation this year. Starting running yourself...for party office like those party establishment people. If we want long term change in the party, change that has to work its way naturally through the party over the course of many years (like the conservatives did in the Republican Party), then we need activists to step up and work WITHIN the party, moreso than primary challenges that may or may not work. That way, come 20 years from now, we won't need to worry about primary challenges, because we'll have created the structure within the party that promotes the candidates and elected officials we seek. Speaking for myself, may I just say that all of you bomb throwers can go fuck yourselves. -- Bob Johnson, speaking for all of us by [2571]wmtriallawyer on [2572]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:21:04 AM PST + Isn't that what Obama did? ([2573]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2574]wmtriallawyer, [2575]klizard Saw the problems and decided the best way to make real change was to go to law school and get himself into a position to work from the inside? That being said, I do agree with Kos that we need to think into the future, and two years out is not too far at all. We do need to support the good efforts of our elected Democrats, but we also need to immediately jump on them when they break their promises or make stooopid decisions. I don't think we'll be successful long-term if we don't do both. Insanity - a perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world. -RD Laing, psychiatrist and author (1927-1989) by [2576]politik on [2577]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:29:45 AM PST [ [2578]Parent ] * What bugs me... ([2579]0+ / 0-) ... is the number of people on that list who are not Blue Dogs. What's their excuse? "Don't believe it when they tell me there ain't no cure - the rich stay healthy, the sick stay poor." - God Pt. 2 by [2580]Purplepeople on [2581]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:22:12 AM PST * Make that five Blue Dogs ([2582]0+ / 0-) Bill Foster (IL-14) pretty much belongs to that group, and he voted nay. I still say we should primary his ass, though, for his stupid stance on a national ID card. Michael [2583]Musing's musings by [2584]musing85 on [2585]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:22:13 AM PST * Why would I want... ([2586]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2587]poliscizac to organize a political challenge against Bart Gordon? Okay, so he made one vote that I don't agree with. But it's the house. The Senate is the great equalizer and I put my effort into electing Dems there in TN not trying to challange a great Dem in a Red District. Bart's been too good for my district, too good for my state in helping elect and reelect Dems. For you to condemn him for one vote is outrageous and I'm sorry but I must disagree. I can't speak for the others because I dn't know them. But I assure you, Bart's a good man and a good Democrat, and if I have a problem with him I'll call him, cause I know he'll answer. Thanks for your time. "Kids! Bringing about Armageddon can be dangerous. Do not attempt it in your home. - Good Omens" by [2588]Tru Blue on [2589]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:22:48 AM PST * You Really Think ([2590]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2591]poliscizac, [2592]Philosopher I worked for Joe Donnelly in the In-02. He beat the incumbnent Republican and ran a great campaign. Yeah, Bush helped a lot. I live in a libral district, my guy is going to win no matter what. You really think a flaming liberal is going to win in rural Indiana. Dream on. Donnelly won and we took back the House. Defeat him and you'll probably send a Repbublican back in that seat. This County is not Daily Kos, I hate to break it to you. And 99% of the Country even knows what FISA means. by [2593]SonnyTufts on [2594]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:22:49 AM PST * A fish rots from the head; a party from its feet ([2595]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2596]TheUnknown285, [2597]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle Cleaning up the party will be the main task after November, but "good" Democrats are not only defined by the issues, but also by their integrity. There is substantial corruption in the Democratic Party that has thoroughly rotted the party in some regions. Appalachia is one of those regions, where Democrats obtained hegemony in the 1930s (in parts) and have used that hegemony to become oligarchic and kleptocratic. You don't rack up 80 point primary margins, as Clinton did in some Appalachian counties, by clean campaigning on the issues. To clean up this corruption, you can't do it by targeting congressional seats, because its the local pool that's been tainted. To get at that corruption, you gotta start at the county and municipal level. The Obama-controlled party will have to identify those local areas where the party has become thoroughly corrupt, and develop a means to ensure the replacement of rotten mayors, county commissioners, and party chairmen. Those new local replacements will be the congressional candidates of tomorrow. "Politics: The conduct of public affairs for private advantage." -- Ambrose Bierce by [2598]Ohiobama on [2599]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:23:06 AM PST * Is there a "Progressive Vote Tracker" ([2600]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2601]TheUnknown285 website where each Congress member's vote on Progresive is tracked? I know that I can track actual votes on each piece of legislation, but would like to track votes on key Progressive issues & if someone's already doing that, it would make the fact checking a lot easier. My Rep. is on the list above, but isn't a blue dog. I had thought he tended to be more progressive, but now I'd like to check his record. by [2602]kurious on [2603]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:24:13 AM PST + My rep. is Jean Schmidt ([2604]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2605]kurious In lieu of condolence flowers, please send contributions to Vic Wulsin at Act Blue "Politics: The conduct of public affairs for private advantage." -- Ambrose Bierce by [2606]Ohiobama on [2607]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:37:19 AM PST [ [2608]Parent ] o sorry, here is the Wulsin link ([2609]0+ / 0-) [2610]http://www.actblue.com/... "Politics: The conduct of public affairs for private advantage." -- Ambrose Bierce by [2611]Ohiobama on [2612]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:42:09 AM PST [ [2613]Parent ] * What are you a moron, Kos, how dare you ([2614]7+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2615]DTH, [2616]TheUnknown285, [2617]kevinspa, [2618]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle, [2619]Thomas Twinnings, [2620]divineorder, [2621]klizard suggest all of these people should be primaried out? Oh wait, you said: Not all of these people will get or even deserve primaries, but this vote certainly puts a bulls eye on their district. But going by many of the comments here you would think you had never wrote that sentence. You never know who will show up at Netroots Nation. [2622]Will you be there? by [2623]ETinKC on [2624]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:24:19 AM PST + Yes, some folks can't read obviously. ([2625]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2626]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle, [2627]divineorder, [2628]klizard But we will still be keeping a close eye on these traitors under the leadership of our tough fighting leader. "I am concerned, as I'm sure many of you are, that these jobs not simply go to white male construction workers" by [2629]kevinspa on [2630]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:32:36 AM PST [ [2631]Parent ] * New England - true land of liberty ([2632]4+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2633]IM, [2634]TheUnknown285, [2635]Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle, [2636]Thomas Twinnings Only Jim Langevin (RI-02) voted aye. Congratulations to all 10 members of the Massachusetts delegation; the two freshmen in New Hampshire; Tom Allen; Patrick Kennedy; and the quartet from Connecticut: Murphy, DeLauro, Larson, and Courtney. You stuck up for the Constitution when even Barack Obama wouldn't. by [2637]SaucyIntruder on [2638]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:24:19 AM PST + Yes indeed ([2639]0+ / 0-) And Langevin should be primaried anyway. He's not pro-choice. He's had alot of lousy opponents. I bet he could be toppled. Proud member of the [2640]Blackwaterdog Fan Club. by [2641]SlackwareGrrl on [2642]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:47:27 AM PST [ [2643]Parent ] * Some comments ([2644]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2645]klizard, [2646]fernan47 First off, people are ignoring that we have a chance to head off a new blue dog. In NY-13 there is a primary between Steve Harrison, [2647]a true liberal who backs the responsible plan to get out of Iraq, and Mike McMahon, who is anti-marriage equality (though for "civil unions), [2648]favors a Constitutional Amendment to ban flag burning, and who has been equivocal about the Iraq war, [2649]telling the Conservative Party of NY that he supports the war while telling Daily Gotham he opposes it. Harrison needs help to defeat Blue Dog McMahon and then whoever the Republicans put in. You can help through my [2650]NY STate Act Blue site. As to Loretta Sanchez...hard for me to see her or her sister (Linda) as Blue Dogs. I was proud to help Loretta when she was first elected...replacing the insane B-2 Bob Dornan, someone so vile even Gingrich almost refused to campaign for him. Let me just say I consider Loretta and Linda Sanchez to be good folks and hope they are not challenged. Some of the others listed, though, are another matter, as long as it is done strategically and doesn't wind up helping Republicans. And one last thing. Yay NYC Dems!! Pretty much as a bloc, even the sometimes lousy Towns, they have been voting well. FREEDOM ISN'T FREE: That's why we pay taxes. [2651]Read the PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRAT Newsletter by [2652]mole333 on [2653]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:26:19 AM PST + "Helping R's" is inevitable to ([2654]0+ / 0-) purge the party of R-lite "centrists". The point is to "take back our party" (per John Edwards) from the DLC - Clintonian R-lites. and "go for the gold". by [2655]ronlib on [2656]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:00:36 PM PST [ [2657]Parent ] o I won't go there ([2658]0+ / 0-) I won't support efforts that will help the party that has done so much damage to America and the world. No Democrat is as bad as the modern Republican Party. FREEDOM ISN'T FREE: That's why we pay taxes. [2659]Read the PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRAT Newsletter by [2660]mole333 on [2661]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:32:12 PM PST [ [2662]Parent ] * Rep. Sanchez and Rep. Hill are Blue Dogs? ([2663]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2664]fernan47 I don't recall every being disappointed in any of their votes. to my recollection, unlike the assorted other collection of this organization, Rep. Sanchez and Rep. Hill have always voted the people powered netroots way. "I am concerned, as I'm sure many of you are, that these jobs not simply go to white male construction workers" by [2665]kevinspa on [2666]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:26:51 AM PST + the story noted that Sanchez voted the right/left ([2667]0+ / 0-) way on the telecom issue specifically. The road to hell has not YET been paved with Republicans, but it SHOULD be -- Corrected BumperSticker by [2668]ge0rge on [2669]Wed Jul 02, 2008 at 04:54:18 PM PST [ [2670]Parent ] * Frustrating sometimes ... ([2671]0+ / 0-) ... to be sitting here in Massachusetts/Connecticut, wishing I had a representative of my own to bitch about. I had Lieberman as a personal scapegoat for years, but then I moved across the border. -jeff [2672]www.jeffschult.com | [2673]www.intotemptation.net by [2674]jeffbot on [2675]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:27:31 AM PST * Proud of my Congressman ([2676]0+ / 0-) He's not on that list. He's not in a bluer than blue district, either. Quo Warranto? by [2677]taraka das on [2678]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:27:55 AM PST * Yes. ([2679]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2680]fernan47 (1) Organize progressives online as a powerful electoral force, in which we continually educate ourselves and each other (2003-2005) (2) Win back control of Congress (2006) (3) Kill the republican Party as a competitive national party and elect Obama as Prez (2008) (4) Bring the troops home from Iraq (2009) (5) Split the Democratic Party between its corporatists and its progressives via primary challenges (2010) by [2681]acquittal on [2682]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:28:27 AM PST * We are going to take out Rep. Chandler & Herseth? ([2683]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2684]Eric J in MN I thought under the leadership of Mr. Kos, we are the only reasons they got elected in the first place and now they have turned on us? That is very ungrateful. Neither of them would have come close to winning without the people powered netroots progressive community here. "I am concerned, as I'm sure many of you are, that these jobs not simply go to white male construction workers" by [2685]kevinspa on [2686]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:29:06 AM PST + they didn't perform as they were supposed to ([2687]0+ / 0-) so, time for them to go. i think. i never know what we're supposed to be doing as the netroots sometimes--the goalposts always change. BAH HUMBUG by [2688]terrypinder on [2689]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:33:10 AM PST [ [2690]Parent ] o We will await word from our leader. ([2691]0+ / 0-) But Rep. Chandler and Rep. Herseth should be reminded that without us in the people powered progressive community, no one in SD or KY would have ever heard of them, much less voted for them. "I am concerned, as I'm sure many of you are, that these jobs not simply go to white male construction workers" by [2692]kevinspa on [2693]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:34:07 AM PST [ [2694]Parent ] # i'm still trying to figure out ([2695]0+ / 0-) who would replace my congressman in PA-17, other then a Republican. I can't think of anyone in the current establishment or anyone among my friends who could mount a sucessful primary challenge. There are fairly young state representatives in the district who are Democrats but they're also Blue Dog Democrats. One has an Uzi. Not kidding. lolz. I don't think a progressive in the Kossack sense could win here. Liberal, maybe. Progressive, nope. BAH HUMBUG by [2696]terrypinder on [2697]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:37:37 AM PST [ [2698]Parent ] @ and we'll get our first test case ([2699]0+ / 0-) when we replace a very nasty mean bully of a state senator in my county this fall with an awesome Democrat. BAH HUMBUG by [2700]terrypinder on [2701]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:48:28 AM PST [ [2702]Parent ] * Bud Cramer is retiring ([2703]0+ / 0-) And it is an open seat right now, for election this year, so we can't really do anything about him. by [2704]greatn on [2705]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:29:26 AM PST * Does anybody have a ([2706]0+ / 0-) Democratic voter registration in say anyone of Conyers voting districts. If we start a letter writeing campaign in his district that would be great, April 19, 2009. The Sunday Oregon. Page E5 Baitullah Mehsud "Soon we will launch an attack in Washington that will amaze everyone in the world." by [2707]ghett on [2708]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:30:10 AM PST * Best/Worst candidates ([2709]3+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2710]IM, [2711]fernan47, [2712]sixty senate seats The best choices to primary would meet one or more of the following criteria: 1. Represent a strongly democratic district. Al Wynn was a perfect example - there was no risk in losing the seat to a Republican. 2. Member of the leadership. You only need to slay one or two giants to get some attention. 3. Members representing districts with large numbers of minorities who are the most likely to be targeted by government overreach. 4. Repeat offenders (for obvious reasons). Less good are members who: 1. Represent very conservative districts where someone more progressive really can't win (unless they're so horrible that it wouldn't be any worse to have a Republican). I doubt, for example, there's any value in taking out Jim Matheson, even if it was possible. 2. Have an otherwise pretty good record. 3. Small fries -- better to go after a big fish. Because the netroots is somewhat limited in the kind of force we can apply, I think it's going to be more effective got target a small number of high-profile targets, rather than spreading resources too thin. In that vein, may I suggest going after Steny Hoyer, James Clyburn, Rham Emanuel and John Barrow. In fact, [2713]there's still an opportunity to take out John Barrow this cycle. [2714]Conduct your own interview of Sarah Palin! by [2715]fwiffo on [2716]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:31:28 AM PST * Regardless of district shade. ([2717]0+ / 0-) Everyone is furious about this FISA issue. Everyone has a friend or relative in the LGBTQ community or overseas that they now fear have had their conversations recorded. Plus the fact that the dreams of millions to join a class action suit have been needlessly derailed. "I am concerned, as I'm sure many of you are, that these jobs not simply go to white male construction workers" by [2718]kevinspa on [2719]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:31:29 AM PST * Donate against FISA sellouts ([2720]0+ / 0-) [2721]http://www.actblue.com/... The plan was to harvest conservatives organs. But their brains aren't any good and their hearts are completely gone, so now we need to kill their grandma! by [2722]lostmypassword on [2723]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:32:09 AM PST * TARGET THE LEADERSHIP ([2724]0+ / 0-) Specifically Hoyer and Emanuel. Serious challenges to them will send shock waves throughout the entire caucus. by [2725]Jim in Chicago on [2726]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:36:05 AM PST * I gave $$$ to Murphy and Shuler last year to help ([2727]0+ / 0-) get them elected. Not again. by [2728]au8285 on [2729]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:36:30 AM PST * We the people ([2730]0+ / 0-) [EMBED] by [2731]Luetta on [2732]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:37:04 AM PST * Holden (PA-17) ([2733]0+ / 0-) Tim Holden's godlike in his part of PA; I can't imagine a primary challenge there. That said, it's an economy-ravaged district that (I think) is turning a bit bluer, so who knows... by [2734]thefxc on [2735]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:38:14 AM PST * Thank you so mucb for this, Markos. ([2736]4+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2737]Thomas Twinnings, [2738]divineorder, [2739]Press to Digitate, [2740]politik I think that this is one of the best posts you've ever written. This is THE answer to all [2741]those wringing their hands over the last week and a half, declaring that Democrats aren't worth supporting. [2742]Reality Window | [2743]dwahzon's village | [2744]@vbdietz by [2745]vbdietz on [2746]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:38:59 AM PST * Also, Judiciary Committe Members ([2747]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2748]acquittal, [2749]Press to Digitate Below are the Dems currently sitting on the House Judiciary Committee who also sold out the Constitution: Howard Berman, CA 28th Brad Sherman, CA 27th* Luis Gutierrez, IL 4th Rick Boucher, VA 9th Adam Schiff, CA 29th (a Blue Dog, listed above) Artur Davis, AL 7th In my view, these people ought to know better, and their votes were not only wrong, but also in direct violation of their responsibilities as members of the Judiciary Committee. by [2750]lalo456987 on [2751]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:39:58 AM PST * Thanks Kos! This new kind of... ([2752]6+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2753]scrape, [2754]Thomas Twinnings, [2755]divineorder, [2756]sweeper, [2757]fernan47, [2758]Press to Digitate ...politics is not going to be easy. We've got good Democrats in office, but they've been trained to 'play the game' as it's been defined for years. In some instances they really haven't had a choice. But we're growing an active Democratic electorate right now that we need to nurture---teach and keep ourselves active! That's why I appreciate this post from you today. We have to constantly hold our elected Democrats' feet to the fire while constantly supporting them (with money and kudos) when they do well. And from among our ranks will appear some of the next elected Democratic Representatives, Senators and POTUS's! It won't happen overnight, but this is how we'll force the new kind of politics to become the norm. Insanity - a perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world. -RD Laing, psychiatrist and author (1927-1989) by [2759]politik on [2760]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:40:05 AM PST + Anyone know of a "Primer on Primarying?" n/t ([2761]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2762]sweeper, [2763]politik I think that people want peace so much that one of these days government had better get out of their way and let them have it. - Dwight D. Eisenhower by [2764]scrape on [2765]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:44:24 AM PST [ [2766]Parent ] o Excellent topic for a diary. ([2767]0+ / 0-) I could sure use some additional info! Insanity - a perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world. -RD Laing, psychiatrist and author (1927-1989) by [2768]politik on [2769]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:50:14 AM PST [ [2770]Parent ] * Let's not eat our own and end where we were ([2771]0+ / 0-) Its easy to assume that all these folks come from Districts who think like Kos readers, but this isn't the real world. A lot of these Southern Democrats have to get elected in a terrible environment and this is still a representative Democracy. If they start voting like everyone on here would want them to, they'll have different day jobs pretty quickly. by [2772]treyga on [2773]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:40:26 AM PST * It'll be ([2774]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2775]acquittal the Blue Dog to True Blue Campaign Pionta Guinness, le do thoil! by [2776]surfbird007 on [2777]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:40:33 AM PST * "I do solemnly swear..." ([2778]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2779]scrape, [2780]divineorder "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States." ("Except when I'm a coward.") I'm still waiting for President Obama to tell the voters why government is a good thing, why we need government oversight and regulations. by [2781]gooderservice on [2782]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:40:49 AM PST * Langevin needs to be primaried ([2783]0+ / 0-) Langevin, Jim (RI-02). Rhode Island is a very blue state, I don't know why this guy is even the seat. Isn't he also pro-life? Proud member of the [2784]Blackwaterdog Fan Club. by [2785]SlackwareGrrl on [2786]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:41:02 AM PST * All well said, but we need organized help ([2787]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2788]Press to Digitate I took the opportunity to get off the couch and be the campaign manager for a great woman in CA-41, Rita Ramirez-Dean. But she lost the primary because bad Dems (Baca) and the party establishment had all the power. She only lost by 700 votes...$5 - 10K would have made the difference by sending ONE direct mail piece. What do we do about those who don't have access to capital? Emily's List wouldn't help until she raised $70K...there are too many good candidates who die an electoral death because they can't raise money. But we should require a good candidate to only be an ATM...or else that perverts the system we're trying to change. How about a dailykos PAC? Doing this piecemeal isn't the best way to go about this, IMO. by [2789]IndieInSF on [2790]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:44:23 AM PST + Markos, this is a follow up to ([2791]0+ / 0-) the conversation we had at the Udall (CO) fundraiser in SF early this year. You were right about needing money, and this will be a problem for all these candidates you're trying to inspire. I just went through this so I know the problems and want to help fix it. The DCCC isn't interested in helping small time, tier 3 candidates, but a big blog PAC could make a big difference. by [2792]IndieInSF on [2793]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:49:58 AM PST [ [2794]Parent ] o Plus, there should be a way for Kossacks ([2795]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2796]Press to Digitate to search this site and find others who live in the same district. It would have been great to have access to all them in CA-41 when I was running. Instead I had to troll the comments of past posts on her Repub opponent (Lewis) and randomly email those people leaving comments if it was in their profile. I only found two, one of which I couldn't reach until two months before the primary (puckpady) and she was already lined up behind another candidate, who came in third. Markos, how about emailing everyone registered, asking for their emails (which can be kept private at kos world headquarters and ask people if they are willing to share their emails with people organizing in their district? by [2797]IndieInSF on [2798]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:55:02 AM PST [ [2799]Parent ] * how many orange brutha & sistas ([2800]0+ / 0-) do i have here in 3rd district KS? Dennis Moore voted in favor of the FISA bill. Dennis Moore has got to go. The Monty Python Dennis Moore was smarter than this guy. Nick Jordan is the challenger. He gets my money. by [2801]spearNmagicHelmet on [2802]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:48:00 AM PST * I was once HR'd for (jokingly) refering to ([2803]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2804]wmtriallawyer Murtha as a senile old fart. It seems less laughable now. F-him for this vote. by [2805]cjaznik45 on [2806]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:49:22 AM PST + Remember went this site went ga-ga ([2807]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2808]cjaznik45 over him for Majority Leader? Seems that on this issue he was no better than Hoyer, huh? Speaking for myself, may I just say that all of you bomb throwers can go fuck yourselves. -- Bob Johnson, speaking for all of us by [2809]wmtriallawyer on [2810]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:50:23 AM PST [ [2811]Parent ] o Absolutely. eom ([2812]0+ / 0-) by [2813]cjaznik45 on [2814]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:52:13 AM PST [ [2815]Parent ] * This post needs to be pinned somewhere ([2816]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2817]fernan47, [2818]politik You need to do a big graphic that says, "READ THIS FIRST! (and read it agan every few weeks)" and give it a permanent spot at the top of the page. by [2819]dano2l on [2820]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:50:18 AM PST * I don't know much about all this primary business ([2821]0+ / 0-) but I think I can be more diligent about pinning down candidates on the issues before I vote for them. by [2822]sweeper on [2823]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:50:29 AM PST * Im hoping to move back to Chicago next year ([2824]0+ / 0-) I'll have to try to move to Bean's or Emanuel's district just to help fund their challengers - or Gutierrez's! Why the hell did he vote for it? He used to be my Rep. What inherent interest do the people of Chicago have in bending over for the telcos? I guess Jesse Junior will end up mayor after Daley now. Sorry Luis. Unlike Elvis Costello, I used to be amused and now I'm disgusted. by [2825]nightsweat on [2826]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:50:36 AM PST * Thanks, Kos, for naming names. n/t ([2827]0+ / 0-) An illusion can never be destroyed directly... SK. by [2828]Thomas Twinnings on [2829]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:51:30 AM PST * Why is Rahm Emanuel's name not highlighted? ([2830]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2831]Sandy on Signal, [2832]klamothe by [2833]ProduceMan on [2834]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:52:11 AM PST * Richardson - 37th is weak ([2835]0+ / 0-) She's a recent addition who took over the seat of Juanita Millender-McDonald in a special election where she won the primary over a large field of candidates including Jenny Oropeza who would make a good primary challenger next go round. Richardson hasn't been in long enough to be a solid incumbent and she has been deluged with bad press recently (some of which has gone national) about her defaulting on multiple mortgages. The 37th has become an extremely strong Democratic district (after redistricting) so there really was no excuse for Richardson to vote for this FISA debacle. She was one of the ones that hasn't received any Telco funds (at least not yet, though who knows what help she might be getting to pay off those mortgages?), but that just means someone else must be pulling her chain successfully. I think Richardson would be a prime candidate for a primary challenge in 2010. [2836]our premiums have gone up 69 percent since Anthem bought Blue Cross by [2837]katerina on [2838]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:54:31 AM PST + Yes, though not so much because of FISA ([2839]0+ / 0-) (even though there's no excuse for her to have made this vote.) She has serious ethics problems related to mortgage favoritism. I hope someone will primary her. Soon on DK4: Chit Cheat and Undisputed Facts! It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache. by [2840]Seneca Doane on [2841]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:00:17 AM PST [ [2842]Parent ] * Kos's most inspiring, 'how-to' and ([2843]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2844]Thomas Twinnings quitcherbellyachin'-and-do-something-now story! Thanks for the great, life changing, party changing work here! Action link: [2845]Fix the Senate. End the filibuster. by [2846]divineorder on [2847]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:54:37 AM PST * Michaud a true moderate ([2848]0+ / 0-) Mike Michaud started out much further to the right than he's been more recently. He's really become very responsive to his constituents. While he still votes with big business more often than I'd like, on FISA and other constitutional issues, and on the war in Iraq, he has a very progressive record. by [2849]deb s on [2850]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:56:46 AM PST * I'm with you, Kos. ([2851]0+ / 0-) And I also want to see something done about redistricting. My district is so gerrymandered as to be laughable. Darrell Issa is as entrenched as they get. I support other Dems where I can, but I'd love to think we actually had a shot at kicking out losers like Issa. At least they should have the sneaking suspicion that they could lose so that they might bother to listen to their constituents. ''I tell you, Democrats: Don't you stand down. I've had it up to here. I've had enough.'' Joe Biden in Akron, OH, Sept 08 by [2852]Rachel in Vista on [2853]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:58:13 AM PST * we should add the names of the house members who ([2854]0+ / 0-) OPPOSED any and all moves towards IMPEACHMENT. the people, Nadler, Pelosi, Conyers JUST to name a few, had a major hand in putting us where we are today.... had they NOT stood in the way of Impeachment we may never have had this FISA FIGHT over retroactive immunity et al. I cannot consider the people who stood against impeaching this President as GOOD DEMOCRATS... party democrats yes... but good? not any more. In NYC there is a very active group of people who have kept the pressure for impeachment UP with regards to Nadler... he has basically ignored them and NOW they are responding byt pushing for something Nadler hasnt had in decades... a credible PRIMARY CHALLENGE. I am sad to have to include COnyers in this group that needs to be primaried but the day I watched as he ridiculed those of us who have respectfully and consistently called out to him to move on IMPECHMENT... and ridiculed us IN PUBLIC, on c-span. it was at that moment I lost respect for John COnyers, who I now see as a PANDERER select who's job has been to keep the progressive base of the democratic party occupied with dead end hearings and calls for more amd more ANGRY emails. any chance we can get an organized CHEAT SHEET with those that need to be primaried listed by STATE and diostrict rather then alphebetically... that way we can easily pick an incumbant in our own area and make them our designated 'we need BETTER democrats then you in that seat" target for 2010. Have the TeaPublicans fixed the economy yet? by [2855]KnotIookin on [2856]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 10:59:56 AM PST * it goes without saying that we should be cautious ([2857]0+ / 0-) Donna Edwards and Ned Lamont were smart choices to make. They had a legit shot at winning, and the current Dem was out of step with their district. So this is the long list. The list will become shorter in one year, when we see more polling, voting, and really analyze these districts. this is still bigger than any candidate. this is generational. by [2858]danthrax on [2859]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:00:20 AM PST * Ron Kind (D-WI 3) Called "Nauseating" by Madison ([2860]0+ / 0-) paper and was reprinted in the La Crosse Tribune yesterday. Our "congressman" Ron Kind has been a Bush enabler from the beginning and is one of the most shameless and nutless Dems in the House. by [2861]CW Wisconsin on [2862]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:03:03 AM PST * thank you for this ([2863]0+ / 0-) examining this thread in even a cursory way makes it clear how complicated things get at this level downstream from the national and state level choices. Personally, I like to think about Presidential and Senate races almost exclusively. It seems like my House Reps have been excellent and unseatable in the cool districts I have lived in and the reverse in the thug districts I've lived in. Part of my attitude has to do with having moved so often in my life for professional reasons. Those who know their local politics well are in a position to work for change exactly the way you describe. Go to it and stop moaning fellows. We have a proto-neo-fascist state to fight. It ain't gonna be easy. We have the responsibility to do it as best we can. now posting under another user name by [2864]fernan47 on [2865]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:06:37 AM PST * $4,000 a head ([2866]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2867]Quicksilver2723 Now we're at a disadvantage vis a vis AT&T. We don't have the millions to pump into campaign coffers It didn't take millions to buy these people. According to [2868]MAPLight.org, it took about $4,000 apiece: Comparing Democrats' Votes (March 14th and June 20th votes): Verizon, AT&T, and Sprint gave PAC contributions averaging: $8,359 to each Democrat who changed their position to support immunity for Telcos (94 Dems) $4,987 to each Democrat who remained opposed to immunity for Telcos (116 Dems) 88 percent of the Dems who changed to supporting immunity (83 Dems of the 94) received PAC contributions from Verizon, AT&T, or Sprint during the last three years (Jan. 2005-Mar. 2008). See below for list of these 94 Dems. All House Members (June 20th vote:) Verizon, AT&T, and Sprint gave PAC contributions averaging: $9,659 to each member of the House voting "YES" (105-Dem, 188-Rep) $4,810 to each member of the House voting "NO" (128-Dem, 1-Rep) Could we raise $1.5 million to counter AT&T? We could. Should we have to? HELL NO. over and out by [2869]wanderindiana on [2870]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:12:09 AM PST * Funny.... ([2871]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2872]Quicksilver2723 Jerry McNerney (CA-11)is in the "CA-11: Republican Dean Andal allegedly tied to major scandal" as the challenger, and also in this story as a 2010 primary target.... by [2873]james1108 on [2874]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:12:14 AM PST * Democrats won't have to lift a finger.. ([2875]0+ / 0-) ..to get rid of these Blue Jackals. Their Republican challengers will simply parade their votes against the Fourth Amendment about in ads to win against them next time out. They'll tell the whole miserable story about how AT&T gave the Democratic incumbents thousands of dollars to vote for telecom amnesty. And you know what? This time they won't be spinning. [2876]free hugs by [2877]Quicksilver2723 on [2878]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:12:34 AM PST + Ah, but they got the same $$$. ([2879]0+ / 0-) The average donation to those supporting the FISA bill last week, Dem or Rethug, was $9,659. The average donation to those opposing was $4,810. Source linked just upthread. over and out by [2880]wanderindiana on [2881]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:16:04 AM PST [ [2882]Parent ] o a new challenger doesn't have the record... ([2883]0+ / 0-) ..of taking the money for the vote. Big difference. [2884]free hugs by [2885]Quicksilver2723 on [2886]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:55:57 AM PST [ [2887]Parent ] * Now, crossreference this list with other sellouts ([2888]0+ / 0-) by Democrats, including the Patriot Act, Military Commissions Act, the Detainee Treatment Act, the Bankruptcy Bill, The Iran Resolution, and (of course) The Iraq War Authorization. Obviously, some of those people are no longer in congress due to retirements and whatnot, but I bet most of them are still around. At least, by comparing these votes on all these different capitulations, we can come up with a "Capitulation Caucus". Then, out of that "caucus," choose the worst offenders in the most strategic districts where a progressive can mount a credible challenge and replace the current incumbent. by [2889]My Philosophy on [2890]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:19:16 AM PST * Kos, you should be one of the candidates! ([2891]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2892]ronlib If you have to move between now and 2010 to be in right district, then 'Move on'! You are a perfect example of the technology savvy, Progressive netroots candidate that can help drag Congress, kicking and screaming, into the 21st Century. You already have a nationwide constituency here that is as large as a Congressional District; it contains many campaign professionals and legions of volunteers who would come to your aid in a heartbeat. You understand the numbers, you can raise money, you have the digital infrastructure already in place. Pick the most reprehensible primary target in California (or in the National Capital Region, or Boston) where the technology community rules, and live there. You're a digital creature; you live online, spatial location and geography are a GoogleEarth tool to you, not an important part of your environment. Where you live physically does not affect your livelihood, and would even less so as a Member of Congress. For the price of the moving van, you could be prepared to take on any one of a number of ossified incumbent Representatives who need to be replaced. Find some Grampy Old Fart, and tie him to John McCain, and we'll net-bomb his ass back to the farm on your behalf. Last night, after Sen. Dodd's [Awesome!] FISA speech, CSPAN-2 went to coverage of committee hearings on the Universal Service Fund; an issue of telecom arcana (like "Net Neutrality") that a bunch of clueless luddites on the committee just cant get their analog brains around. To cope with the emerging trancendental digital environment, America needs internet pioneers in Congress, its that simple. Kos, you, yourself, are as attractive, personable, articulate, intelligent, and charismatic as anyone else you might "recruit" to run for Congress instead. Take the plunge. We've got your back. "Extremism in the Defense of Liberty is No Vice; Moderation, in the Pursuit of Justice is No Virtue." - AuH2O by [2893]Press to Digitate on [2894]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:20:35 AM PST + Right District is easy - Pelosi's. nt ([2895]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2896]Hesiod, [2897]Press to Digitate by [2898]ronlib on [2899]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:37:23 AM PST [ [2900]Parent ] o But is he better for the cause right here? nt ([2901]0+ / 0-) by [2902]ronlib on [2903]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:39:44 AM PST [ [2904]Parent ] # Half of Congress blogs, ([2905]0+ / 0-) and I'm sure Kos has got his own geek squad to manage the guts of the site. Imagine what a renegade congressman's staff political director could do with this machinery at his disposal, in relation to pushing progressive legislation through with nationwide support. A freshman Congressman Moulitsas would, overnight, become one of the most powerful leaders on the Hill. His digital clout would overpower decades of seniority, by legacy 20th Century pols who are - lets face it - obsolete. "Extremism in the Defense of Liberty is No Vice; Moderation, in the Pursuit of Justice is No Virtue." - AuH2O by [2906]Press to Digitate on [2907]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:53:58 AM PST [ [2908]Parent ] + That would be something to behold. ([2909]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2910]Press to Digitate by [2911]Hesiod on [2912]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:52:39 AM PST [ [2913]Parent ] o I can see it all now, ([2914]0+ / 0-) Little bags of all-blue M&Ms ("Markos Moulitsas") with his picture and slogan on the package, [2915]"Melts in your Modem, not on the Hill"... "Extremism in the Defense of Liberty is No Vice; Moderation, in the Pursuit of Justice is No Virtue." - AuH2O by [2916]Press to Digitate on [2917]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:06:51 PM PST [ [2918]Parent ] + No courage. n/t ([2919]0+ / 0-) by [2920]Wyo Wrangler on [2921]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 01:08:24 PM PST [ [2922]Parent ] * no, no, no ([2923]0+ / 0-) This issue is not as clear cut as you make it seem and some of these are very good members of Congress who we need to increase our majority and take back the country. Important whining and Red Sox stuff at http://edsbarth.blogspot.com/ by [2924]Barth on [2925]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:27:36 AM PST + Snark tag? Or, duuhh, isn't "taking back ([2926]0+ / 0-) the country" kind of the purpose - of both the diary AND the purge, stupid by [2927]ronlib on [2928]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:43:57 AM PST [ [2929]Parent ] o OK, since I am so stupid, let me ask you this ([2930]0+ / 0-) how would running a primary opponent against say, John Hall (oddly, my Congressman and the first Democrat I have had to represent me in the House since I moved out of NYC in 1988) help to take back the country since almost any other Democrat, certainly one who is further to the left than Congressman Hall, would lose? Please explain this to me since I am obviously too stupid to understand these complicated things. (I love name calling. It is so much more effective than reasoned argument....) Important whining and Red Sox stuff at http://edsbarth.blogspot.com/ by [2931]Barth on [2932]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 05:21:04 PM PST [ [2933]Parent ] * Why Patrick Murphy (PA-08)? ([2934]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2935]Hesiod by [2936]bluegrass50 on [2937]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:28:57 AM PST * Don't hold back! ([2938]0+ / 0-) When these DINOs get far enough to the right, we should primary them and if that fails, third-party them. The time to do that is when we can afford to lose a few seats, if you can really count those as losses to the Democratic Party (I guess you could call them losses "in name only"). Knock off a few this way and maybe they'll start being a bit more responsive to those on the left! It's really hard to get rid of a well-financed Rep who is also likely well-connected with his local Democratic party in a primary. However, if we can demonstrate that if they ignore the progressive wing of the party, they may be able to win the primary but will lose the general. — 50% + 1: All Senate candidates should must the pledge—Go Nuclear Now!!! by [2939]KingBolete on [2940]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:29:03 AM PST * Get rid of Howard Berman! ([2941]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2942]Giodude For too long this guy has been running virtually uncontested in CA 28, I swear he's like Lieberpuke Lite. For cripes sake, somebody primary this guy already! PRIMARY PRESIDENT OBAMA in 2012. by [2943]SBoswell on [2944]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:30:33 AM PST + agreed ([2945]0+ / 0-) As I recall Howard Berman's brother was the consultant hired by the California legislature to come up with the new gerrymandered districts back in 2001. He and Brad Sherman got into a little fight back then after the maps were released and it shifted the bulk of the SF Valley's Latino population into Sherman's district, Sherman worried he'd face a primary challenge. The Bermans backed down and split the population in two, deluding it. I believe the The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund challenged the map in court as a violation of the rights of latino voters. They didn't win it. But in the end Berman's district is majority latino and he represents Van Nuys. Could be easy to recruit one of the San Fernando Valley's many latino pols to challenge him. It's just a matter of money, I suppose. Howard Berman is endeared to Hollywood Studios and Recording industry as he for decades has carried their water. They don't call him the "Congressman FOR Hollywood" for nothing. by [2946]Giodude on [2947]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:50:06 AM PST [ [2948]Parent ] * How do we make sure they are made aware... ([2949]0+ / 0-) ...of our intentions, repeatedly, of course, so that they may learn to behave in the next 2 years and not sabotage Obama's mandate. DARTH SPECTER: I am altering the deal! Pray I don't alter it any further! LANDO REID: This deal keeps getting worse all the time! by [2950]LordMike on [2951]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:35:03 AM PST + A primary against Steny Hoyer... ([2952]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2953]ronlib ...would get their attention. He's the leader of the corporate Democrats in the House. He was the main Democratic mover behind the "FISA Amendments Act of 2008." [2954]Verify the Vote. by [2955]Eric J in MN on [2956]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:41:20 AM PST [ [2957]Parent ] o It would only get their attention... ([2958]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2959]Eric J in MN, [2960]ronlib ...if it there was a meaningful, well funded, and visible challenger... It can't be just a token challenge... it's got to be a Donna Edwards type challenge. If we could do that, we'd REALLY get them scared! But, that's 2 years away! What do we do to get his attention in the meantime? DARTH SPECTER: I am altering the deal! Pray I don't alter it any further! LANDO REID: This deal keeps getting worse all the time! by [2961]LordMike on [2962]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:47:56 AM PST [ [2963]Parent ] # Why not now? nt ([2964]0+ / 0-) by [2965]ronlib on [2966]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:04:11 PM PST [ [2967]Parent ] @ Primary season is over in Illinois... ([2968]0+ / 0-) ...we have to wait to do a primary challenge... DARTH SPECTER: I am altering the deal! Pray I don't alter it any further! LANDO REID: This deal keeps getting worse all the time! by [2969]LordMike on [2970]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:36:11 PM PST [ [2971]Parent ] * Patrick Murphy (D-PA) has an honest face. ([2972]0+ / 0-) It's too bad he decided to sell out the Constitution for the phone companies during his first term in Congress. [2973]http://en.wikipedia.org/... [2974]Verify the Vote. by [2975]Eric J in MN on [2976]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:38:32 AM PST * I couldn't agree more... ([2977]0+ / 0-) I also wanted to type f*ck yeah (wait, I just did), but here's my problem: I live in San Francisco and Nancy Pelosi is my representative. Back in '06, I was never prouder to be a Democrat, knowing (or thinking I knew) that Pelosi would be the next Speaker of the House. Last Friday was the nadir for me as a Democrat. I don't want to leave the party, of course, and I'm right there with Kos about reforming the party by getting rid of the non-progressives, but what can we do in Pelosi's case to make her more accountable? by [2978]FyodorFish on [2979]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:38:49 AM PST * Plan on leaving Moore and Boyda alone ([2980]0+ / 0-) why? 1. The only two democrats from KS, in very-close-GOP districts and 2. Moore and Boyda supported FISA because 1/2 their constituents are GOPers (they won/win by cross-over votes) and 3. They both have the largest employers in the area -- Sprint and Embarq. Its naively superfluous to believe they will ever vote to negatively impact those firms. So, no - leave them alone. Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect -- Mark Twain. by [2981]dcrolg on [2982]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:45:13 AM PST * Take Patrick Murphy off the list, please. ([2983]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2984]Adam B He's 100% on our side when it comes to the Iraq war and other issues. by [2985]Hesiod on [2986]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:51:38 AM PST * Great diary ([2987]2+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2988]FyodorFish, [2989]dclawyer06 A wonderful productive response to the anger around FISA by [2990]Chrisfs on [2991]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:54:54 AM PST * You know President Obama will oppose us. ([2992]0+ / 0-) He needs to get a big agenda through Congress, and will help the incumbants wherever he can unles sthere are some pretty extenuating circumstances. Considering he backed the FISA "compromise" (except for tepidly opposing telecom immunity) -- he'll fight us. by [2993]Hesiod on [2994]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:55:16 AM PST + So, we'll fight him back. nt ([2995]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [2996]FyodorFish by [2997]ronlib on [2998]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:03:01 PM PST [ [2999]Parent ] * Blue Dogs not the problem ([3000]0+ / 0-) The Blue Dogs mostly represent R districts. Having them held by Blue Dogs mean you get 50 or 60% agreement with your party instead of being held red and get 15%. The real problem are the people from places like Chicago, San Francisco, NYC that voted for FISA. They are the ones that need to be primary-ed (Gutierrez, Emanuel, Pelosi). by [3001]heliosfootball on [3002]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:02:45 PM PST + Disagree. A lot of people vote R only b/c ([3003]0+ / 0-) they don't know wtf the D's stand for. Quick, what was Kerry's platform? Note Bush's mantra - "You know where I stand" Note the lesser man won. Lesson learned - "Better the devil you know than the one you don't". We need to draw the ideological line in the sand and give people a clear choice. If they choose the R's, so be it. It's called democracy. by [3004]ronlib on [3005]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:14:46 PM PST [ [3006]Parent ] o I disagree with you. I live in one of those ([3007]0+ / 0-) I understand the FISA concern but why must everyone in our party think alike? If we start tossing out Democrats for being concervative we can kiss our majorities goodbye. Look at what the conservative base did to McCain. They didn't like what moderate Reps. stood for so the tossed him aside and are still hesitant to touch him 8 years later. I hope FISA gets stalled and I hope immunity is at least stripped from it, but if not, I'll take my lumps and move on to the next fight. Tossing out what 100 names above, 200, won't help a darn thing in a Democratic agenda. "Dear Mr. President, there are too many states nowadays. Please eliminate three. I am not a crackpot." - Grandpa Simpson by [3008]ourhispanicvoices on [3009]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:46:53 PM PST [ [3010]Parent ] * Add Laura Richardson ([3011]0+ / 0-) Not for the FISA vote, but because she's been defrauding lenders, and getting sweetheart deals on real estate. She's an embarassment. by [3012]greggp on [3013]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:12:14 PM PST * Blue Districts ([3014]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [3015]NYPopulist I went through the list and found 30 reps in districts with a PVI of D+9 or more. I don't necessarily think that all the of the reps on the list need to be primaried (for instance, Nita Lowey NY-18 who represents the district next to mine, is usually a very good Democrat, and I'm sure there are others) and there are certainly reps in some less blue districts where primaries would be warranted, but I figured it'd be helpful. NY-05 +18 CA-43 +13 NV-01 +9 CA-28 +25 FL-03 +16 NC-01 +9 FL-11 +11 MO-05 +12 SC-06 +11 NY-07 +28 AL-07 +17 IL-05 +18 NY-17 +21 TX-09 +21 IL-04 +31 CA-36 +11 FL-23 +29 MD-05 +9 MI-05 +12 RI-02 +13 IL-03 +10 NY-18 +10 NY-04 +9 NY-06 +38 CA-08 +36 TX-16 +9 CA-37 +27 NJ-13 +23 CA-10 +9 MS-02 +10 by [3016]thecount on [3017]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:14:44 PM PST * Susan Davis not even on the list. ([3018]0+ / 0-) It figures. She's so ineffectual that no one outside of my district even knows she exists. Sheesh! by [3019]greggp on [3020]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:15:47 PM PST * A Word of Caution ([3021]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [3022]ourhispanicvoices First of all, I would warn everybody about becoming too reactionary. I don't know if a couple of bad votes by an otherwise good Democrat is enough to have them primaried out. Every politician inevitably cast a vote that pisses each one of us off. If there is a consistent pattern of unreliability, a la Joe Lieberman, I'm all for it. Second, Dems are lucky to hold some districts at all. I live in the Florida panhandle and, believe me, blue dog Alan Boyd is not my favorite Congressman. But, as I have argued with my liberal friends in Tallahassee who think he should be the second coming of Dennis Kucinich, Boyd is one of the few Dems who could win in that very conservative district. If you go any more progressive, you can kiss it goodbye. While I agree with the general premise of this post, we have to be careful not to hurt ourselves in the process. We need to approach this problem with a scalpel, not a chainsaw. Republicans: "You can't blame Bush for the country's problems anymore!" Democrats: "YES WE CAN!!!" by [3023]Kevinole on [3024]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:33:26 PM PST * Thanks, Markos. told my wife how lucky ([3025]0+ / 0-) we (liberals) are that the most important Dem site has turned hard left. Would you change the "purpose" declaration to read "To Elect Progressive Democrats." And loudly announce the change.) by [3026]ronlib on [3027]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:34:16 PM PST * Why wait? Shanker in AZ 01 NOW! ([3028]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [3029]EricAZ Why wait until 2010 when we have an opportunity to elect good Democrats this time around? I urge everyone to support Howard Shanker for Arizona’s Distinct One Congressional seat. He has proven himself to be an effective, courageous warrior against corrupt powers that be. Although the party mainliners are supporting a wishy-washy Democrat instead of Shanker, Howard is rapidly becoming the people’s choice. Howard Shanker has a dedicated, fast-growing, enthusiastic group of grass root supporters because he is a superb, smart, tough candidate who won’t sell out. by [3030]Aspen Fleabane Daisy on [3031]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:37:43 PM PST + Progessive for Shanker ([3032]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [3033]EricAZ Howard Shanker is much more progressive than his (leading) opponent -- Ann Kirkpatrick. She'll be just another "Blue Dog". Howard will fight for the people of this district, just as he has for the last 15 years! Go Howard. by [3034]annflag on [3035]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 04:53:14 PM PST [ [3036]Parent ] * Seeing the Bigger Picture ([3037]1+ / 0-) Recommended by: [3038]Kevinole I urge Kossacks to see the big picture while looking at this list of people who voted "the wrong way" on a single bill. Politics is the art of compromise with people who view things differently than you do; I'm sure that some of those representatives on this list may have voted "the right way" on other bills of great concern to many in the netroots community. Let's "pick our battles" carefully. Remember that a few select victories can have an impact on the behavior of those not challenged, while numerous divisive primaries can constitute a significant opportunity to those who oppose progressive positions on a broad range of policies and issues. Challenging every representative on this list may wind up biting off our nose to spite our face. by [3039]fatherof2 on [3040]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:49:53 PM PST * I agree with your strategy ([3041]0+ / 0-) and most of your argument. I just don't agree that it's not "the party." We have systemic rot. And that doesn't mean that I'm not considering the "good guys." by [3042]valadon on [3043]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 12:54:17 PM PST * I hope they all get ([3044]0+ / 0-) primary opponents. However, be careful of what you wish for, Kos. 2 years into Obama's first term. Could be dangerous. Just sayin'. by [3045]Wyo Wrangler on [3046]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 01:06:45 PM PST * Act Now ([3047]0+ / 0-) If nothing else, donate to the [3048]Blue America PAC run by [3049]Glenn Greenwald and (I believe) [3050]Jane Hamsher. by [3051]BlackGriffen on [3052]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 01:23:18 PM PST * one minor error in the diary ([3053]0+ / 0-) . We don't have the millions to pump into campaign coffers We don't? Who's funding Obama in $10 and $20 and $100 contributions, space aliens from Zeta Reticuli? What we don't have is a fundraising platform of our own like the Obama campaign has built yet. We now know enough of the nuts and bolts of how Obama did it to build our own, and it's a resource closed to anyone to the political right of Obama. Looking for intelligent energy policy alternatives? Try [3054]here. by [3055]alizard on [3056]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 02:53:35 PM PST * Only primary safe Democrats ([3057]0+ / 0-) I'll never give one red cent to a challenger of a Democrat in a marginal seat. Fact is, we need some of those evil, terrible Blue Dogs to even keep our majority, at least right now. I can tell you right now, Boucher, Lincoln Davis, Peterson, McIntyre, and Carney couldn't win their districts if they were real liberals. It may suck, but it's also true. All your vote are belong to us. by [3058]Harkov311 on [3059]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 03:09:50 PM PST * Carrot too ([3060]0+ / 0-) we should work on voter registration in the 4 districts of the blue dogs who voted right. Not endorse them in any way, just do voter registration. This says: you can do what you have to do to get elected, so long as you don't stab us when the chips are down. Honestly, I think that the war is more important than FISA - but I would give a D in a tipsy seat a pass on the war, precisely because they can make a real argument that the voters are watching. On FISA, our side, the telecoms, and the Bush administration are the only ones who care, so no free passes. Senate rules which prevent any reform of the filibuster are unconstitutional. Therefore, we can rein in the filibuster tomorrow with 51 votes. by [3061]homunq on [3062]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 03:34:19 PM PST * AZ CD-1 ([3063]0+ / 0-) Don't add another "Blue Dog" Democrat by voting for Ann Kirkpatrick. Howard Shanker is the progressive choice. And he's a whole lot better at campaigning, too, which we need in this hotly contested district. [3064]www.Shanker2008.com by [3065]annflag on [3066]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 04:29:21 PM PST * Wow , Markos , this is why you're a "daily" fix ! ([3067]0+ / 0-) by [3068]BoiseNick on [3069]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 06:06:21 PM PST * hey Kos - Any books on organizing you rec? ([3070]0+ / 0-) You want to do something? Need a book like organizing for dummies... by [3071]tatooblue on [3072]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 06:28:14 PM PST * Keep in mind that many of these Democrats come ([3073]0+ / 0-) from heavily Republican districts where candidates better suited for CA or NY won't sell. by [3074]oceanstar17 on [3075]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 06:58:57 PM PST * House Intelligence Committe ([3076]0+ / 0-) Why on earth are 5 of the 12 Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee Blue Dogs? Teamed with the 9 Republicans, doesn't that slant things in the moderate/conservative direction? by [3077]Steeve on [3078]Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 07:58:14 PM PST * While I disagree with the vote ([3079]0+ / 0-) We're very fast to turn on those who've been greatly talked up here, are we not? A quick scan of the list and I picked out Jerry McNerny, Patrick Murphy, Nick Lampson, Joe Sestak and Ciro Rodriguez, all of whom IIRC were on the Blue Majority list. Tim Mahoney rings a bell too for some reason. I also see Tom Udall- again IIRC, I was under the impression Daily Kos was supporting his bid for senate (I've been busy finding a job and can't remember). Does this end that support? I'm not sure this vote should decide their fates. by [3080]fedaykin on [3081]Thu Jun 26, 2008 at 02:48:00 AM PST * Some obvious targets ([3082]0+ / 0-) Pelosi, Lipinski, Boren "Victory means exit strategy, and it's important for the president to explain to us what the exit strategy is." - George W Bush by [3083]jfern on [3084]Thu Jun 26, 2008 at 03:12:42 AM PST [3085]Permalink | 487 comments Navigation Menu * [3086]Home * [3087]Diaries * [3088]DKosopedia * [3089]Search * [3090]Create account * [3091]Login * [3092]Lose Your Password? 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