// Dumpster Diving - Art or Science? // // by hacnslash // // http://www.oldskoolphreak.com September 23, 2003 The art of the dive can be a very satisfying occupation. If you know where to look and what to look for, then you could find a lot, a lot of stuff. The places you want to dive at, are closely related to what you are looking for. If you're looking for rancid chocolate and half-rotten pistachio nuts, then the local Kroger is a great choice. If, one the other hand, you are looking after computer components and electronics in general, like most other hackers, you might find the following places interesting: - universities - office supply stores - computer shops - schools - the classic: local telco Let's analyze what you might find at each and every one of these locations. Universities: These are great for old computers and miscellaneous manual. Universities work like this: They buy a new computer. It goes to...let's say a professor. The professor's old computer probably goes to his assistant, or some other person under him. This way computers stay in the system for a long time, and they're usability is increased. Thus whenever they buy some new computers, they usually throw out some old systems. These are usually 2-3 generations behind the current tech. If they get some new Pentium 4's then you'll probably find some Pentium 2's or maybe even 3's. Many universities also throw out manuals from new computers as they install they're OS of choice. I once found a completely legal, sealed copy of Win95 with the manual, and no, I'm not bragging of finding windows....I microwaved it the next day. Universities are also good for old legacy parts, when they upgrade, they sometimes put the old parts on the shelf, some are thrown away. The ones that are thrown away make nice parts in a linux box or a file server or something like that. Next to computer parts, you can find a lot of electronics, like phones and stuff like that. Office Supply Stores: You can find a lot of....well, office supplies...but seriously, you can get phones, very nice for phreaking, you can make beige boxes and stuff. For these dumpsters you have to be careful. There might be some security, and if you get caught, you better have a good story, don't run, whatever you do, don't attempt to bribe or to run. This also goes for universities, of course, you could pose as a student who lost his pen in the trash, or something, but don't run, there is no reason to do so. Office stores can be good for phones, as I said, and also for different electronics, also you can get a lot of blank cd's. While there is a very slim chance they will work, if you find a couple of cd-rw's then that is a good find. These office stores can be useful, so be on the lookout for them Computer (repair) Shops: If this is not obvious, then should you really be reading this? But, alas, I will explain. If they specialize in repair, then there is a slim chance you'll find good components in the trash, as they keep the old components that work for future upgrades or replacements. They usually only throw out burnt out or defective components, but you might still find a use for them. Shops that only sell computers, might have new stuff out in the dumpster. They might throw out discontinued hardware. Usually the big stores throw out stuff only when it has gone through a zillion price reductions, so you most likely will not get any cutting edge hardware, remember this is trash. Schools: Schools rarely, rarely throw out good working computers. They are passed down through the system like at the universities and they might be passed down to elementary schools, or other schools. This isn't good for the diver, since the hardware will have long passed its prime, but it can still be used for basic print server functions, or something similar. You could find interesting lists in the trash at schools, grade lists, phone numbers, and general information. Also beware of school food trash, remember how bad school food was? I don't think you would want to dive headfirst into a rotten pile of it. So be careful, and this goes for any dumpster. Local Telco: Well, well, you should already know what you can find here.....but I'll explain. You can get number lists, phone system manuals, and other stuff of this kind. Beware of stricter security around telco dumpsters. Basically any phreak can get useful or otherwise interesting info from their local telco dumpster. General information about diving. First off is clothing. Wear something you don't really care if you get some shit on. Also carry a flashlight with you. Hell, if possible grab a headlamp. If you have a friend interested in diving, then there should be no reason for why you couldn't go together. First off, you can watch each others' backs, and second you can find more stuff this way. And it's also more fun when you're with a friend. Also, be sure nobody sees you go to the dumpster or leave the dumpster. You don't want some guy calling the cops on you. Also, if somebody does see you, act natural and just pretend you have every right to search that dumpster, if a new employee finds you, he might just believe you.So, this is why the best time to dive is late-evening to night. Yes, in the winter you could dive earlier, but just make sure there's nobody around or at least nobody that can see you.