// Using the Latest GnuPG with Red Hat and APT HOWTO // // by The Unduhtakuh // // http://www.oldskoolphreak.com The latest version of gpg installed by APT is 1.2.1. The latest gpg rpm is 1.2.3 from ftp://crypto.ferrara.linux.it/pub/gpg/. The latest version of gpg from the source, http://www.gnupg.org/, is 1.4.0. APT on Red Hat depends on gpg. A stock 1.4.0 install does not satisfy the dependency, but an APT/rpm install does. So the easiest solution to this conundrum is to install both - the 1.2.3 rpm to satisfy APT and 1.4.0 for your everyday encryption needs. This works on RH 9 and RHEL 3. 1. Uninstall gpg. # rpm --nodeps -e gnupg 2. Download and install the latest GnuPG. $ wget ftp://ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/gnupg/gnupg-1.4.0.tar.bz2 $ tar -xjf gnupg-1.4.0.tar.bz2 $ cd gnupg-1.4.0 $ ./configure $ make $ su # make install 3. "echo $PATH" and make sure that /usr/local/bin, the default location of gpg 1.4, preceeds /usr/bin, the location of APT/rpm-installed versions of gpg. If it doesn't, just add the following line to $HOME/.bash_profile before "export PATH": PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH 4. Install gpg for APT. # wget ftp://crypto.ferrara.linux.it/pub/gpg/gnupg-1.2.3-1rh9.i386.rpm # rpm -ivh gnupg-1.2.3-1rh9.i386.rpm You can now continue to update your box with apt-get and use the latest offering in GnuPG encryption. And yes, Evolution works just fine.