// Hacking Meridian Mail Boxes // // by ic0n // // http://www.oldskoolphreak.com Now this VMS is one of the harder sysles to hack, for the simple fact that it always thinks the box you entered is a working box. Thus making getting a box harder. Finding A Meridian VMS: When doing some scanning, you will most likley come across at least one system per scan. You can identify these systems by: 1. 'Meridian Mail' when you dial in (this is the login prompt) 2. Some recording when you press *81 you will hear 'Meridian Mail' Finding a Box: On the systems I've seen, boxes were anywhere from four to six digits. No matter what you enter for a box number it will ask you for a passcode. So you will never know if the box is working or not. Getting in the box: Okay, now you should have a few boxes that do work on that given system that your 'playing' with. Here's some of the defult passcodes that I've seen work before. Box Number 1234 1 plus the box number Now if none of these passcodes work, try other defult passcodes. Like I said, there's really no way to know if the box is valid or not. I also found out this little bit of info. A while ago, me and a few friends found out a little info about the admin status. There is no admin box. They got like a fax/carrier and you have to 'play' with and change shit to system. I only messed with one of them before, but they're something to play with. Commands for the system: MAILBOX OPTIONS --------------- * : get info about what you're doing, and all available options. 2 : play message 4 : goto previous message 6 : goto next message 9 : call the sender of the message 70 : message options 71 : reply to the message you've just listened to 72 : play envelope : hear all info about the message 73 : forward the message to another box 74 : record one reply for all messages 75 : record a message (5 to start, # to stop recording) 76 : delete the actual message 79 : send message 80 : mailbox options. 1 : change operator assistance number This will change the number that is called when you enter 0 for operator assistance. These numbers are usually other box numbers, but I found a systems which will connect me to some local prefixes too.... might be interesting. 81 : logon to another mailbox 82 : change the internal and external greeting of your box 1 : change internal greeting 2 : change external greeting Don't do this, or you'll lose your box very fast... 83 : logoff 84 : change password (enter new pw + #) 85 : create a distribution list !!! This option can be used to scan for other unused/valid boxes. Just enter 5 to compose a new distribution list, and then enter the box number followed by #. Note down boxes that respond with 'mailbox xxxx' because they're unused, and I still have to find such an unused box that hasn't got the box number as password. When you found enough unused boxes, press ## to stop your distribution list, and then 76 to delete it. 86 : goto message #. This option will ask for the number from a message, end then go to that message (like you could by using 4 and 6). 89 : personal verification (will say name of owner) 5 : record name 4 : exit