// Sydney, Australia 9999 Scan (+61-02-9XXX-9999)
// by Brisk Attivo (brisk@netins.net)
// http://www.oldskoolphreak.com

I used my VoIP to dial every 9999 in Sydney. Or at least 02-9XXX-9999 if you want to
get technical. It took around 10 hours, but I listened to every one using ToneLoc and the
high-impedance function on my Harris TS-22 test set. I'm confident nobody has ever
done this before. It yielded some interesting results--not quite as juicy as Tokyo :-) but
still some very interesting finds. I've categorized the numbers into the following different
sections: recordings, test, and bulk notes. I did not keep notes for every number, simply
because it would have been far too boring and taken too much time--also I am lazy. So I
only listened for the good stuff. You can see in the bulk of the notes that I thought about
keeping extensive notes initially, but that I changed my mind quickly. There were a lot of
businesses and people answering. A few more voicemail systems. There were some
repeat instances of recordings or messages that you will find in the bulk list. So it goes
to show that these few test numbers are not alone. Since I dialed these from the US
on ToneLoc, I've kept them in the American dial-string (011 is the international access
code, and 61 is the country code.) A few people got confused over my Tokyo scan. You
may find different things on the test numbers when you dial them from Sydney; if you do
please e-mail me (brisk@netins.net). Anyway, enjoy.

01161290009999 - ringing "Unfortunately the number you have dialed was
incomplete or incorrect. Please check the number and dial again. (02r011-30)" mp3

01161290079999 - "The number you are calling is incomplete or disconnected.
Please check the number and dial again. <Ringing> we regret that the number you have
dialed is disconnected or unavailable (02r011-40.)" mp3

01161290159999 - ringing "We regret that the number you have dialed is
disconnected or unavailable. (0r2011-40)" mp3

01161290299999 - Male: "We regret that all lines to the area you have dialed are
busy. Please try again later. (02r011-10)" mp3

01161292169999 - "Your call could not be connected, please check the number,
and try again. (BIDK)" mp3

01161292939999 - "Thank you for calling, the number you have called is not
connected, for assistance please dial 02-9767-0000. Thank you." mp3

01161294369999 - "We're sorry, the number you have called is not connected." mp3

01161294419999 - "The number you have called is not connected. (h2sa) <ring> We
regret that the number you have dialed is disconnected or unavailable. (02r01140)" mp3

01161294439999 - "The number you have dialed is incomplete or not connected,
please check the number and try again. <ring> We regret that the number you have
dialed is disconnected or unavailable. (02r01140)" mp3

01161295909999 - "You have accessed the voicemail feature of the Optus
Telephone Network..." <long lecture on voicemail> mp3

01161296479999 - "We apologize, the requested service is not supported by this
network. mp3

01161296739999 - "The number you have called is not connected. This has been
a free call. <BALB>" mp3

01161290139999 - silent line
01161292079999 - classical hold music forever
01161292859999 - busy tone
01161293429999 - echo line
01161293789999 - busy tone
01161294529999 - long busy tone
01161295529999 - one long ring and then normal mp3
01161295559999 - three rings then loud test tone
01161295689999 - sounds like broken modem then silent/echo
01161297789999 - really long ring "Calls to the number dialed, are not authorized
on your service. 02r01132" mp3
01161298169999 - Dialtone
01161298729999 - ring, beep, tones, <someone answers>
01161298759999 - click, hum, tone, click, hum, tone
01161298769999 - long busy tone
01161299619999 - ring ring, alarm, click

BULK NOTES (RAW Toneloc Notes)
01161290189999 - guild legal
01161290209999 - taxis inc
01161290229999 - American ring (Indian tech support)
01161290319999 - 02r01140 disconnected
01161290349999 - fax
01161290379999 - all lines to area are busy
01161290389999 - 02r01130
01161290399999 - 02r01130
01161290409999 - 02r01130
01161290429999 - 02r01130
01161290449999 - 02r01130
01161290459999 - 02r01130
01161290479999 - 02r01130
01161290739999 - silent
01161290809999 - PBX
01161292079999 - piano music
01161292089999 - receptionist
01161292119999 - backpackers club
01161292149999 - "paging service how may I help you?"
01161292159999 - forwards to customer service
01161292169999 - check the number
01161292179999 - check the number
01161292199999 - check the number
01161292219999 - hello bill speaking (sounds like elevator)
01161292229999 - gc dental
01161292239999 - bank
01161292269999 - check the number
01161292299999 - Meridian Mail. Mailbox
01161292309999 - check the number
01161292329999 - check
01161292349999 - carrier
01161292369999 - check
01161292389999 - "hello switchboard"
01161292489999 - check
01161292569999 - enter extension followed by hash
01161292579999 - 02r01140
01161292599999 - BT switchboard
01161292609999 - receptionist
01161292639999 - receptionist
01161292669999 - shipping australia
01161292859999 - busy tone
01161292889999 - "You have reached administration, please enter your pin."
01161293169999 - paddington phone
01161293349999 - Voicemail
01161293399999 - silent
01161293429999 - silent/echo
01161293449999 - telstra shop
01161293499999 - all line busy
01161293529999 - short trouble
01161293549999 - no mailbox
01161293589999 - carrier
01161293789999 - busy tone
01161293829999 - mailbox prompt
01161293859999 - silent
01161293919999 - nsw health emerg.
01161294069999 - number changed
01161294159999 - simon & schuster
01161294259999 - nevada phone switchboard
01161294369999 - "We're sorry, the number you have called is not connected."
01161294459999 - loud recording
01161294469999 - loud recording
01161294489999 - oz busy tone?
01161294499999 - oz busy tone?
01161294509999 - longer busy tone
01161294519999 - longer busy tone
01161294529999 - long busy tone
01161294549999 - mailbox?
01161295109999 - Welcome to the Optus mailbox system.
01161295289999 - answering machine
01161295529999 - one long ring and then normal (no answer)
01161295559999 - three rings then loud test tone
01161295649999 - Nova 96.9fm
01161295689999 - sounds like broken modem then silent/echo
01161295699999 - "Wayde? Wayde? WAYDE!" Payphone maybe.
01161295989999 - global vm
01161296139999 - busy tone
01161296269999 - fax
01161296419999 - global genesis
01161296479999 - not supported by network
01161296509999 - mailbox system
01161296579999 - man recording
01161296629999 - real carrier
01161296899999 - long busy tone
01161296919999 - qantas voicemail
01161297079999 - bankstown
01161297179999 - voicemail
01161297259999 - real carrier
01161297479999 - long busy tone
01161297769999 - Optus mailbox
01161297789999 - really long ring
01161297809999 - VMB
01161297969999 - long busy tone
01161298169999 - American Dialtone
01161298499999 - carrier
01161298679999 - Telstra message bank
01161298689999 - voicemail
01161298729999 - ring, beep, tones, <someone answers>
01161298759999 - click, hum, tone, click, hum, tone
01161298769999 - long busy tone
01161299209999 - Optus vmb
01161299249999 - Optus vmb
01161299509999 - voicemail operator
01161299579999 - busy tone
01161299589999 - tv info line
01161299619999 - ring ring, alarm, click
01161299819999 - Meridian
01161299909999 - bahai info line
01161299939999 - silent line