:: Starting logfile IRCLOG IRC log started Wed Dec 25 17:11:43 2002 :: Value of LOG set to ON :: Lastlog: 04:59 12:: 12Join #2600: dystonic (~dystlav@pool-138-88-76-35.res.east.verizon.net) 12@ 04:59PM 05:00 * dystonic bites SantAkira 05:00 * dystonic plops on him and starts worrying off hunks. 05:00 dystonic 05:01 * dystonic is going to do what she wants. 05:01 hi sdr. 05:01 nope, he's fairly resiliant. 05:01 here come the sdr commments about dystonic 05:01 i am fairly sure I couldn't break him. 05:01 * dystonic bites akira some more. 05:01 dystonic: how much do you weigh? 05:01 240. 05:01 * dystonic hisses at akira. 05:02 this is awful. 05:02 *has a sixteen year old audience.* *it is inhibiting her normal style.* 05:02 dystonic: i'm just fuckin' with you 05:02 i kno. you don't bug me. yer occasionally nice. 05:02 not yet. i ahve two six packs of like mike's hard lemonade/skkye blue. 05:03 dystonic: i think there is a reason you are still fat (stop drinking those shitty sugar liquor drinks) 05:03 tymat: no. He got the change from buying the beer. 05:03 and I don't drink often, so shush. 05:04 dystonic: why are you so fat? 05:04 no, but it is unfair to not compensate someone in some kind of manner. 05:04 he wanted to buy a beer for someone and had no money on him. 05:04 sdr: I dunno. Why are you so nasty? 05:04 *shrug* 05:04 dystonic: im nasty? thats the first time ive heard that 05:04 i don't know what his deal is. 05:04 sdr: you're being nasty to me. 05:05 [->dystonic] how come roadancer denies ever having sex with you? 05:05 lol. You're already a asshole. 05:05 [dystonic!~dystlav@pool-138-88-76-35.res.east.verizon.net] um.. because I was sixteen when it happened? 05:06 [->dystonic] oh 05:06 [dystonic!~dystlav@pool-138-88-76-35.res.east.verizon.net] it's not a big deal anymore. 05:06 [dystonic!~dystlav@pool-138-88-76-35.res.east.verizon.net] ykno? 05:06 [->dystonic] yeah 05:06 [->dystonic] but he denies tho 05:06 [dystonic!~dystlav@pool-138-88-76-35.res.east.verizon.net] mike is someone I sitll care about, but I've moved on.. i'm an adult, adn not a child. 05:06 [->dystonic] how old are you now? 05:06 [dystonic!~dystlav@pool-138-88-76-35.res.east.verizon.net] well, it doesn't change the reality. He can deny it till doomsday. 05:06 [dystonic!~dystlav@pool-138-88-76-35.res.east.verizon.net] 19. 05:06 [->dystonic] ah I see 05:07 [dystonic!~dystlav@pool-138-88-76-35.res.east.verizon.net] i still want him. but he isn't interested. it isn't a big deal 05:07 * dystonic licks storm. 05:07 [->dystonic] I see 05:08 storm: you motherfucker. 05:08 I dont' think I like you anymore. :) 05:08 [dystonic!~dystlav@pool-138-88-76-35.res.east.verizon.net] again, I'm an adult. I've moved on. Done other things. Am growing up. 05:08 [->dystonic] I know what you mean 05:08 [dystonic!~dystlav@pool-138-88-76-35.res.east.verizon.net] I mostly want him back in my life as a friend. 05:08 [->dystonic] isn't he married? 05:08 [->dystonic] why does he treat you like shit? 05:09 [dystonic!~dystlav@pool-138-88-76-35.res.east.verizon.net] he treats me like shit partly because he's a asshole and partly because I was a psycho girl. 05:09 [dystonic!~dystlav@pool-138-88-76-35.res.east.verizon.net] he is married.. but I know his wife, so it doesn't bother me. 05:09 [->10dystonic] I see.. and you thought you had a chance with him? 05:09 [->dystonic!~dystlav@pool-138-88-76-35.res.east.verizon.net] no, I wanted the sex, not marriage or a actual relationship. 05:09 [->10dystonic] HAHA.. so you're saying that Roadie is a pimp 05:10 [dystonic!~dystlav@pool-138-88-76-35.res.east.verizon.net] i didn't know what I was getting into back then (what that kind of relationship is.) 05:10 [dystonic!~dystlav@pool-138-88-76-35.res.east.verizon.net] now it wouldn't bother me.. back then it made me Psycho Girl who wanted more. 05:10 [dystonic!~dystlav@pool-138-88-76-35.res.east.verizon.net] so.. basically, I could deal with mike now but not then. 05:10 [dystonic!~dystlav@pool-138-88-76-35.res.east.verizon.net] yep, he's a lil slut. 05:10 [->dystonic] ah of course 05:10 [->dystonic] yeah.. he was hitting on my girl 05:10 [->dystonic] s/was/is constantly/g 05:10 [dystonic!~dystlav@pool-138-88-76-35.res.east.verizon.net] yeah.. well he's like that. 05:11 [dystonic!~dystlav@pool-138-88-76-35.res.east.verizon.net] he doesn't bother me.. but he's not the safest person to screw around with. 05:11 [dystonic!~dystlav@pool-138-88-76-35.res.east.verizon.net] not a big fan of latex. 05:11 [->dystonic] hah :: End of Lastlog IRC log ended Wed Dec 25 17:11:52 2002