***TEAM SHORT BUS PRESENTS*** *** *** *** ROOTS BLOODY ROOTS *** *** THIS FILE IS 0 DAY *** *** DO NOT DISTRIBUTE *** *** *** *** RIDING THE SHORT BUS *** *** SINCE 2002 *** ***TEAM SHORT BUS PRESENTS*** Sung to the tune of Sepultura - Roots roots bloody roots roots bloody roots roots bloody roots roots bloody roots i believe in our fate we don't need whitehats we need to be free of securitttyyyyyy i say we're growing every day getting stronger in every way i'll take you to a place where we shall find our roots bloody roots roots bloody roots roots bloody roots roots bloody roots full disclosure is gay whiteh8 is the way kill them one by one and all whitehats die set us free why can't you see can't you feel this is real ahhh i say today is the day whitehats will go away blackhats will prevail watch us win