resample, pdup - resample a picture


fb/resample width [ input ] [ B C ]

fb/pdup sx sy [ input ]


Resample resamples the scan lines of its input image (default standard input) to the given new width. The image is decimated or interpolated using a well-designed cubic filter. See transpose(9.1) for assistance with vertical resampling.

The reference explains the optional filter parameters B and C. The default values give optimal alias rejection, and should not normally be tampered with.

Pdup scales an image by pixel duplication. Sx and sy are the horizontal and vertical scale factors. They must be positive integers. In the output image (written on standard output), each pixel of the input image (default standard input) generates an sx&215;sy block of identical pixels.




picfile(9.6), Don P. Mitchell and Arun Netravali, ``Reconstruction in Computer Graphics'', SIGGRAPH '88 Conference Proceedings.

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