Win32 TRUNK88 Change Log ------------------------ 4.89W - made some changes to patch/MSEL handling logic - also some changes to improve stability/reliability 4.89Q - New Parameters: - CC Audio Location - CC Audio Topmost - CC Audio Show In Taskbar These parameters control the CC Audio window, which displays the control channel audio waveform. - VC SDR P25 Audio Output Device Number [ VC SDR P25 Audio Output Device Number ] When a DVB-T dongle is used as a voice receiver, if Voice Receiver P25 Enabled is set, digital traffic will be routed to the waveOut device specified by VC SDR P25 Audio Output Device Number. The device should be an instance of Virtual Audio Cable or VB-Audio Cable and DSD+ should be monitoring the other side of the audio link. Changes to this parameter take effect when voice monitoring is enabled (F4 hotkey) or TRUNK88 is restarted. - New Hotkeys: - Ctrl F9 Cycles CC Audio display between raw/filtered/both and paused/unpaused. 4.89 - New Features: - DVB-T dongle support TRUNK88 can use a DVB-T dongle as a control channel audio source. No support apps, like SDRSharp, Virtual Audio Cable, etc. are required. See SDR Guide.txt for full details. - Parameter Changes: - Command Line Changes have been made to some command line parameters. Enter TRUNK88 /HELP at a command prompt to view a summary of all supported command line parameters. - New Parameters: - CC Device Type [ CC Device Type ] This parameter controls which type of device TRUNK88 will read control channel data from. Valid values for CC Device Type are: O:WaveIn device (onboard sound / sound card / sound USB dongle / VAC) 1:Serial port (scanner CC dump) 2:SDR (RTL2832U-based dongle with E4OOO/FCOO12/FCOO13/FC285O/R82OT tuner) Note: this parameter can be set via the command line when starting TRUNK88, which can make it easier to simultaneously monitor multiple systems; use "TRUNK88 /HELP" for more details. - CC SDR Parameters A number of new parameters have been added to support DVB-T dongles. See SDR Guide.txt for full details. - Affiliation Timeout Period [ Affiliation Timeout Period ] Units are in hours. For SmartZone systems, this value should match the timeout period programmed into the zone controller. Most systems use a four hour timeout period. 4.88M - Feature Changes: - Ctrl-E (Emergency events display) hotkey TRUNK88 maintains a list of emergency events that have been seen; when Ctrl-E is pressed, the list is shown in the background activity display. The list is cleared when AutoSave-0 is used or the system file is reloaded (Update files and display, restart TRUNK88, etc.) 4.88E - New Parameters: - SysID Translation These parameters are for use with systems that broadcast incorrect System IDs in some of their announcements. Set False SysID to match the bogus SysID that the system is broadcasting. Set True SysID to the correct SysID value (this is typically the system's SysID #1 value) 4.88 - Feature Changes: - This is the first version of TRUNK88 to use the BitBooster adaptive signal processor. As a signal degrades, BitBooster uses more CPU resources to recover the digital datastream. BitBooster processing is capable of recovering 100% of the control channel data from many radios' headphone jacks - no discriminator tap required. See the instructions in the New User Quick Start section of the ReadMe.txt file for more details. - By request, the Ctrl-D stats summary display now reports how long TRUNK88 has been monitoring the current system/site. - When TRUNK88 detects a new RF channel, talkgroup or radio ID on a system, the "" program name text at the top of the screen will flash continuously. This is to alert you to the fact that something new was seen, which you may have missed if TRUNK88 was running unattended. The new Shift-Ctrl-D extended stats summary display will list all of the new items (e.g. the actual channels, talkgroups and radio IDs that were seen) Pressing Shift-Ctrl-D also stops the flashing of the program name text. If any more new items are seen, the program name text will begin flashing again and the new items will be added to the extended stats summary display. To clear all new items from the extended stats display, you must first view them (by pressing Shift-Ctrl-D) and then perform an Autosave operation (e.g. just do a quick Autosave 0) - Parameter Changes: - Invert Tuned Comms By request, additional modes have been added: [ Invert Tuned Comms ] When a voice receiver is tuned to an active channel, TRUNK88 displays a flashing '>' symbol in the channel status column (normally, this is the column to the left of the Talkgroup Name field). A similar character can be displayed beside the Radio Name field. These symbols don't provide much of a visual clue to which voice communication you're hearing. If Invert Tuned Comms is set to 1, the foreground and background colors of the Talkgroup Name field are reversed on the channel that the voice scanner is tuned to. If Invert Tuned Comms is set to 2, the Radio Name field is reversed instead. If Invert Tuned Comms is set to 3, both fields are reversed. Set Invert Tuned Comms to zero to disable this feature. - New Parameters: - Show Voice Receiver In Title Bar Added by request. [ Show Voice Receiver In Title Bar ] When this option is enabled, if TRUNK88 is controlling a voice receiver, extra data is displayed in the program's title bar. Valid values for Show Voice Receiver In Title Bar are: O:Display no data 1:Display serial port number 2:Display voice receiver model number 3:Display both values - CC Audio Noise Level and Distortion Level indicators Note: these four parameters replace the Clip and LFR indicators [ "NL:" ] These parameters control the screen location and foreground (text) color of the "NL:" control channel noise level display title text. Set Width to 3 to display the entire string. Set Width to zero to suppress the display of this field. [ Noise Level ] These parameters control the screen location and foreground (text) color of the control channel noise level display. The noise level display can be used to fine tune your RX antenna location and orientation. The display updates every half second to facilitate quick adjustments. Ideal signals have single digit noise levels. Note: If the signal source is filtered (headphone) audio, the displayed noise level will always be fairly low, as most of the noise is removed before TRUNK88 can see it. Set Width to 2 to display this field. Set Width to zero to suppress the display of this field. [ "DL:" ] These parameters control the screen location and foreground (text) color of the "DL:" control channel distortion level display title text. Set Width to 3 to display the entire string. Set Width to zero to suppress the display of this field. [ Distortion Level ] These parameters control the screen location and foreground (text) color of the control channel distortion level display. The distortion level display can be used to evaluate the quality of your control channel audio source as well as the interface between it and your PC. A strong local signal feeding a high quality discriminator tap that is properly impedance matched to your PC's sound hardware will have distortion levels close to 1O. Poor interfaces that attenuate low frequencies will bring the distortion level up to about 2O. Filtered (headphone) audio distortion levels are usually around 25-55. Very high distortion levels will cause decoding failures. Set Width to 2 to display this field. Set Width to zero to suppress the display of this field. - Unknown OSW Alert Added by request. [ Unknown OSW Alert ] These parameters control the alert tone that TRUNK88 generates when an unrecognized command sequence is broadcast on the outbound control channel. Frequency units are Hz; Period units are milliseconds; Typical range for Volume is 1 to 1OO. Set Volume to zero to disable this alert. If a PCM .wav file named "Unknown OSW Alert.wav" is present in the TRUNK88 folder, TRUNK88 will play that file whenever an unrecognized command sequence is seen. You can press Ctrl-V (vocalize) while editing an alert's parameters to test the alert. 4.86 - New Parameters: - FGA Use Talkgroup Colors When this option is enabled, group comm notifications in the Foreground Activity Area are displayed in the colors of their respective talkgroups. - Feature Changes: - Minor changes to UT XML system file import - Upgrades to Type I handling - Power failure hardening (limits damage from power loss during CTL file writes) 4.84E - New Commands: - Import UT XML System File - This command is accessed from the System menu. The system's .CTL must be loaded (e.g. you must monitor the system or manually load it via the command line [TRUNK88 xxxx.CTL] ) From the XML file that you specify, TRUNK88 will import the system name, zone and channel data, plus all talkgroup numbers, names, colors, lockout flags, priorities, hit counts and last-seen timestamps. All radio numbers, names, colors, priorities and last-seen timestamps are also imported. Note: For each talkgroup and radio color, TRUNK88 will select the closest match in its list of 16 colors. You should adjust TRUNK88's custom color table (Edit Defaults / Backgrounds and colors / Color0-Color15) before importing your data. You can tweak TRUNK88's colors and reimport your data as required. - Hotkey Changes: - Ctrl-A (affiliation display) If this hotkey is pressed while the Edit Talkgroup and Edit Radio dialogs are not in use, TRUNK88 will display a sorted list of the active talkgroups for the current system/zone. The list has four columns: LPPT - interval since last group PTT LAff - interval since last affiliation to group Size - group size (same as Size display in channel area) Group - group/patch name Intervals less than one minute are not displayed (field will be blank) Unknown or very long intervals are displayed as dashes. Note: A group is considered to be active if it has had any affiliation or PTT activity in the last four hours (e.g. the standard SmartZone timeout period) - New Hotkeys: - Ctrl + / Ctrl - These hotkeys adjust the value of the Screen Lines parameter (Ctrl + increments, Ctrl - decrements) These keys adjust the height of TRUNK88's display window for the currently loaded system. If no system file is loaded, the default window height (the size applied to all systems) is adjusted instead. The location and size of various display elements will be adjusted to match the change in window height. These hotkeys take effect immediately (e.g. the screen is redrawn using the new Screen Lines value) 4.84D - New Parameters: - Text Size - This parameter selects which font size is used for TRUNK88's display. On most systems, Text Size can range from 1 to about 1O with larger values generally selecting larger sizes. If Text Size is set to zero, TRUNK88 does not set the size, e.g. Windows uses its default console window font size. The F11 and Shift-F11 hotkeys can also be used to change the size of displayed text (F11 reduces Text Size and Shift-F11 increases Text Size) Use the Edit Defaults dialog or press F11 / Shift-F11 before a system is loaded to set a default text size. Use the System Menu / Edit Settings dialog or press F11 / Shift-F11 after a system has been loaded to set a system-specific text size. Note: Some Text Size settings may select fonts that contain high-ASCII characters that are incompatible with TRUNK88. If you select one of these fonts, some items (like input fields) will display odd characters. - New Hotkeys: - F11 / Shift-F11 These hotkeys adjust the value of the Text Size parameter (F11 decrements, Shift-F11 increments) These keys adjust the text size used for the currently loaded system. If no system file is loaded, the default text size (the size applied to all systems) is adjusted instead. These hotkeys take effect immediately (e.g. the screen is redrawn using the new font size) 4.84C - Feature Changes: - CCDump ports higher than COM9 are supported (stupid MS syntax...) 4.84B - Hotkey Changes: - F5 (lock out current talkgroup) and F6x2 (clear all lockouts) have been changed to create/clear temporary talkgroup lockouts. Temporary lockouts are not saved when you switch to another system or exit TRUNK88. - New Hotkeys: - Shift F5 - permanent talkgroup lockout This hotkey is identical to the old F5 hotkey. Any lockouts created by pressing Shift F5 are saved when you switch to another system or exit TRUNK88. - Shift F6x2 - clear all permanent talkgroup lockouts This hotkey is identical to the old F6x2 hotkey. Any lockouts created by pressing Shift F5 are cleared when you double-tap Shift F6. 4.84A - Feature Changes: - GRE scanner control logic tweaked. - New Parameters: - PCC Color - This parameter controls the color used to display the RF frequency for primary / current control channels. - ACC Color - This parameter controls the color used to display the RF frequency for idle alternate control channels on SmartZone systems. - New Hotkeys: - F9x2 - ID Radio This hotkey is designed to be used while TRUNK88 is controlling a second receiver; double tapping F9 will select the Edit Radio dialog and load the record corresponding to the ID of the last radio to receive a channel grant, which should be the radio you're listening to. Additionally, the cursor is moved to the Name field and the current name text is selected/highlighted. Any text entry by the user will erase the original (highlighted) text. Pressing any field editing key (like Cursor Right, for example) will deselect the original text, allowing for normal editing. The usual editing contructs apply - Tab/Enter to confirm changes or Esc to cancel. 4.84 - Parameter Changes: - Voice Receiver Model - Additional model numbers added to support GRE scanners. - New Parameters: - Input Channel Number - This parameter is used to control the display of channel numbers for inbound VHF/UHF channels. - Input Frequency - This parameter is used to control the display of frequencies for inbound channel. - Log File Name Format - This parameter controls how file names are generated for .LOG and .OSW files. Valid choices for Log File Name Format are: O: ssss-mdd format; example: 3CO8-F21.log 1: ssss-yyyymdd format; example: 3CO8-2O1OF21.log 2: ssss-mdd yyyy format; example: 3CO8-F21 2O1O.log 3: ssss_yyyy-mm-dd format; example: 3CO8_2O1O-O6-21.log - Datastream Marker Color - When Datastream Marker Color is set to a nonzero value, TRUNK88 displays a '<' symbol to the right of the currently decoded OSW in the Datastream Display. - Control Channel Monitor Volume - The Shift-F9 hotkey can be used to route the incoming control channel audio to your PC speakers; this can be a useful diagnostic aid, as it lets you hear exactly what TRUNK88 hears. The Control Channel Monitor Volume parameter lets you adjust the volume of the monitored audio. - Show Path In Title Bar - When this option is enabled, TRUNK88's folder name is displayed in the program's title bar. This can be useful if you maintain multiple copies of TRUNK88. - Bandplan Range #1 through #7 - The individual Base, Step and Offset parameters for output frequencies have been grouped into bandplan range entries. This change allows TRUNK88 to support 800 MHz shuffle bandplans and mid-rebanded systems that need many range definitions. Custom bandplans should be entered by ascending channel number (e.g. define the lowest channel number range first, then the next higher range, etc.) Channel ranges may not overlap. Each range is assumed to end one channel lower than the start of the next range you enter. For shuffle bandplans (where frequencies get lower as channel numbers get higher), enter the lowest channel number in the range and specify a negative step size. Example: Base:858.0000 Step:-12.5 Offset:0 Channel 0 = 858.0000 Channel 1 = 857.9875 Channel 2 = 857.9750 ... - Input Bandplan Range #1 through #3 - The individual Base, Step and Offset parameters for input frequencies have been grouped into input bandplan range entries. - Hotkey Changes: - Shift-F9 now cycles through three modes: - monitor raw input audio - monitor low pass filtered input audio - no monitoring The volume of the monitored audio is controlled by the Control Channel Monitor Volume parameter. - New Hotkeys: - Ctrl-B - Reduce Display Bandwidth Usage This mode is designed to reduce the amount of bandwidth used when operating TRUNK88 over a communications link (like Windows Remote Desktop) - all flashing displays are suppressed - the datastream display is paused - all spinners are erased - the seconds value for the PC clock is not displayed - the pending commands meter is disabled - the volume level display update rate is reduced - Ctrl-I - Input Channels Display When Ctrl-I is pressed, the channel list for the current site is diplayed in the Background Activity Area (event log). Each channel entry displays PCN, input frequency and output frequency. 4.83 - New Features: - TRUNK88 can be configured to send all system events to the included DbgView program. This gives you a real-time scrollable event history log. It's not fancy (more like a cheap hack, actually), but it's there if you'd like to use it. - TRUNK88 now supports tracking of input frequencies on VHF/UHF systems. As you monitor VHF/UHF system sites, input channel numbers and frequencies will be added to your channel records. Note: older versions of TRUNK88 will not read these updated VHF/UHF channel records. - Parameter Changes: - With generous assistance from Mark McGee, additional Voice Receiver Model values are now supported. Consult the Voice Receiver Model help display (Ctrl-H) for more details. - New Parameters: - Voice Receiver Address - This parameter is used to define the target address of a voice receiver that uses the CI-V protocol. - Voice Receiver P25 Enabled - TRUNK88 will not tune to digital voice traffic unless this flag is set. Set Voice Receiver P25 Enabled to zero if your voice receiver is not capable of decoding digital traffic. - F10 Granularity - This parameter sets the step size of the F1O and Shift-F1O hotkeys, e.g. how much they raise and lower Cutoff Priority. Valid values for F1O Granularity are 1 to 255. - Debug Console Logging - If this flag is set, TRUNK88 will generate a Windows debug console message for every system event. You can view / scroll through the events with the DbgView program. - VHF/UHF Input Channel Bandplan Parameters - VHF/UHF input channel bandplans are defined in a manner similar to output channel bandplans. For example, the settings for Ontario's Fleetnet system look like this: Input Base Frequency = 138.0150 Input Step Size = 15.0 Input Offset = 0 Input Base Frequency 2 = 148.0150 Input Step Size 2 = 15.0 Input Offset 2 = 133 Input Base Frequency 3 = 150.0200 Input Step Size 3 = 15.0 Input Offset 3 = 266 - For multi-band systems like DC's 603D UHF/800 system, input frequency bandplans can be specified on a per-zone basis by manually editing the system control file as shown in this extract from 603D.CTL: ;;[Zone 2] Name = "UHF Zone" Connect Tone = 105.88 Bandplan1 = 453.4500 12.5 380 Bandplan2 = 460.0250 12.5 480 Input Bandplan1 = 458.4500 12.5 0 Input Bandplan2 = 465.0250 12.5 100 ; 11 channels 380, 0, 453.4500, 0, 458.4500, 0, 0, 0, 430 480, 0, 460.0250, 100, 465.0250, 0, 0, 1, 0 ; ACC 486, 0, 460.1000, 106, 465.1000, 0, 0, 2, 0 ; PCC 490, 0, 460.1500, 110, 465.1500, 0, 0, 1, 62 ; ACC 494, 0, 460.2000, 114, 465.2000, 0, 0, 1, 16 ; ACC 498, 0, 460.2500, 118, 465.2500, 0, 0, 0, 274 504, 0, 460.3250, 124, 465.3250, 0, 0, 0, 227 508, 0, 460.3750, 128, 465.3750, 0, 0, 0, 266 510, 0, 460.4000, 130, 465.4000, 0, 0, 0, 198 514, 0, 460.4500, 134, 465.4500, 0, 0, 0, 439 518, 0, 460.5000, 138, 465.5000, 0, 0, 0, 290 - Command Changes: - Logging Control - A 'D'ebug console logging toggle has been added to the Logging Control dialog. - Apply Current Bandplan - The Apply Current Bandplan dialog also affects VHF/UHF input channel frequencies. - Edit Channel - The Edit Channel dialog now displays input channel numbers and frequencies for VHF and UHF channels. 4.82 - New Features: - A TRUNK88.Alerts file has been added to support per-talkgroup and per-radio custom audible alerts. Instructions can be found in the TRUNK88.Alerts file. - A 'W'ipe TG/Radio History command has been added; it can be used to delete comms data (for talkgroups, PTT counts - for radios, all talkgroups that radios have accessed) and/or to reset last-seen timestamps (timestamps are reset to 01-JAN-1980). Make sure you have good backups before you play with this command. - Control of the Uniden 396XT and 996XT scanner models is now supported. - New Parameters: - Affiliation Summary Primary Colors - Affiliation Summary Secondary Colors - These parameters define the colors that are used by the talkgroup and radio affiliation summary displays. The summaries are displayed when you press the Ctrl-A hotkey while editing a talkgroup or radio record. - New Radio Priority - This parameter determines the priority level that is assigned to new radio IDs. Priority levels determine which voice comms TRUNK88 will tune a voice receiver to. - Simple CSV Format - When this parameter is enabled, generated CSV files use a simple ", " line format. If a radio ID has not been associated with any talkgroups (e.g. only seen deaffiliating, or referenced by an affiliation request, or making private calls, pages, etc.), the CSV file will contain a ", 0" entry. If a radio ID has been associated with one or more talkgroups, a record for each talkgroup will be generated: ", " ", " ... ", " - Parameter Changes: - Color0 - Color15 - On Windows XP (and possibly earlier) systems, TRUNK88 will now use the Red/Green/Blue levels defined for the 16 foreground/background colors. You can customize any of the 16 colors by editing their RGB levels. Changes take effect when you press the Ctrl-R hotkey (redraw screen). - New Talkgroup Priority - Renamed. This parameter was formerly called New Priority. It determines the priority level that is assigned to new talkgroups. Priority levels determine which voice comms TRUNK88 will tune a voice receiver to. - New Talkgroup Bank - Renamed. This parameter was formerly called New Bank. It determines the scanning bank (A-Z,1-6) that is assigned to new talkgroups. Banks can be used to determine which voice comms TRUNK88 will tune a voice receiver to. - Command Changes: - Logging Control - Control of OSW logging as well as the logging of foreground and background events has been consolidated in the 'L'ogging Control dialog. - Set Hold TG - The Set Hold TG dialog now accepts talkgroup numbers in the format (hex/decimal/TrunkTracker) that your system .ctl file uses. [it had formerly only accepted hex input] - The Edit Talkgroup and Edit Radio dialogs now support automatic wraparound when you scroll up or down past the first/last talkgroup or radio records. - Hotkey Changes: - Ctrl-V - The WAV file testing functionality has been moved from the Ctrl-T hotkey to Ctrl-V (vocalize). You can use this hotkey to test any of the standard alerts (Keyboard Beep, New Channel Alert, etc.) You can also test any custom talkgroup or radio alerts that you have defined in the TRUNK88.Alerts file by editing the talkgroup or radio record (via the Edit Talkgroup or Edit Radio dialogs) and pressing Ctrl-V. 4.81 - New Parameters: - Voice Receiver Park Frequency - If TRUNK88 is controlling a voice receiver, this parameter determines what action is taken when TRUNK88 is not tuning the receiver to trunk system channels. If Voice Receiver Park Frequency is 000.0000, the voice receiver will scan its programmed channels and systems. If Voice Receiver Park Frequency is nonzero, the voice receiver will be tuned to the specified park frequency. Use the Voice Receiver Park Modulation parameter to select the appropriate modulation mode. - Voice Receiver Park Modulation - This parameter, in conjunction with the Voice Receiver Park Frequency parameter, determines how TRUNK88 tunes your voice receiver when it is not being tuned to system voice frequencies. Use the spacebar to select the appropriate modulation mode and then press Enter. - Auto-Adjust Layout - When this option is enabled, TRUNK88 will automatically adjust the location and size of various display elements, including FG Activity Display and BG Activity Display, when the number of channels in the channel activity display area changes. You should disable this option if you are using a non-standard screen layout. - File Timestamp Size - This parameter controls the format of talkgroup and radio last-seen timestamps in .CTL and .CSV system files. If File Timestamp Size is 5, times are saved as hh:mm. If File Timestamp Size is 8, times are saved as hh:mm:ss. - Include Timestamps In Radio CSV - Per user request; adds last-seen timestamps to CSV files - Include Current Affiliations In Radio CSV - Per user request; adds last affiliations to CSV files - Detailed Deaffiliation Messages - When Detailed Deaffiliation Messages is enabled, TRUNK88 includes last-used talkgroup data (if available) in deaffiliation messages. - Audio Output Device Number - This parameter determines which audio device TRUNK88 uses to generate audible alerts. A value of 0 selects the "PC Speaker" device; higher values select Windows wave audio devices. You would typically set Audio Output Device Number to 1 (first sound card/device). Note: when the PC Speaker device is selected, TRUNK88 can't control output volume levels, e.g. selecting any non-zero Volume level for an alert will result in that alert tone being played at full volume. The PC Speaker device does not support .wav file alerts. - Master Volume - This parameter is applied to all audible alerts generated by TRUNK88. The normal range for Master Volume is 1 to 100; it is combined with the individual Volume level that can be set for each audible alert that TRUNK88 can generate and the product of the two volume settings determines the actual volume level used for alert tones and .wav file playback. Note: setting Master Volume to zero will disable all audible alerts. - Emergency Clear Alert - When a console operator clears an emergency condition, TRUNK88 generates the tone defined by the Emergency Alert parameters, then the tone defined by the Emergency Clear Alert parameters. Typically, parameters are chosen to make TRUNK88 generate a low-high two-tone alert when an emergency is cleared. Frequency units are Hz; Period units are milliseconds; Typical range for Volume is 1 to 100. Set Volume to zero to disable this alert. If a PCM .wav file named "Emergency Clear Alert.wav" is present in the TRUNK88 folder, TRUNK88 will play that file whenever an emergency clear alert is triggered. You can press Ctrl-T while editing an alert's parameters to test the alert. - Enable Diagnostic Alert - When a device enable diagnostic message is seen, TRUNK88 generates the tone defined by the System Diagnostic Alert parameters and then the tone defined by the Enable Diagnostic Alert parameters. Typically, parameters are chosen to make TRUNK88 generate a low-high two-tone alert when a disabled or malfunctioning device is enabled; this is done to produce an audible differentiation between "bad" and "good" diagnostics (like RIB malfunction vs RIB enabled). Frequency units are Hz; Period units are milliseconds; Typical range for Volume is 1 to 100. Set Volume to zero to disable this alert. If a PCM .wav file named "Enable Diagnostic Alert.wav" is present in the TRUNK88 folder, TRUNK88 will play that file whenever a device enable alert is triggered. You can press Ctrl-T while editing an alert's parameters to test the alert. - Poor Control Channel Decoding Threshold - If the control channel decoding rate remains below this threshold for more than ten seconds, TRUNK88 will generate a Poor Control Channel Decoding Alert. The valid range for Poor Control Channel Decoding Threshold is 1 to 100. - Poor Control Channel Decoding Alert - These parameters control the alert tone that TRUNK88 generates if the control channel decoding rate remains below the Poor Control Channel Decoding Threshold for more than ten seconds. Frequency units are Hz; Period units are milliseconds; Typical range for Volume is 1 to 100. Set Volume to zero to disable this alert. If a PCM .wav file named "Poor Control Channel Decoding Alert.wav" is present in the TRUNK88 folder, TRUNK88 will play that file whenever a poor CC decoding alert is triggered. You can press Ctrl-T while editing an alert's parameters to test the alert. - Voice Receiver Low Battery Alert - These parameters control the alert tone that TRUNK88 generates when a low voltage condition is detected in the voice receiver's battery. Frequency units are Hz; Period units are milliseconds; Typical range for Volume is 1 to 100. Set Volume to zero to disable this alert. If a PCM .wav file named "Voice Receiver Low Battery Alert.wav" is present in the TRUNK88 folder, TRUNK88 will play that file whenever a low battery alert is triggered. You can press Ctrl-T while editing an alert's parameters to test the alert. - Default To Soft Hold - This parameter controls whether TRUNK88 defaults to soft holds (other active comms are tuned to when your held traffic is idle) or hard holds (no other traffic is tuned to) when you press F1 (Hold) or left-click on voice traffic. Pressing F1 while already holding toggles between hard and soft hold modes. Changes to this setting take effect immediately. - Parameter Changes: - Disable Alerts - This parameter has been removed. Its functionality is duplicated by the Master Volume setting. - No Control Channel Alert - This parameter has been removed. Its functionality is duplicated by the Poor Control Channel Decoding Threshold and Poor Control Channel Decoding Alert settings. - All audible alerts - Changed period units from 0.1s to milliseconds If you're upgrading from an earlier version of TRUNK88, your existing alerts will be automatically updated. - Added individual volume levels You can tone down some alerts and make others nice and loud. While the normal range for volume settings are 0 to 100, you can go higher. The higher you go, the more likely you are to distort the audio when playing a .wav file. - Added support for named .wav files Audio data must be 8 or 16 bit, mono or stereo, and uncompressed. Compressed audio formats are not supported. The usual sampling rates (11/22/44/48/96 kHz) are supported. - Added Ctrl-T alert test functionality While editing any alert's parameters, you can press Ctrl-T to trigger that alert; use it to set/test tones and volume levels. 4.80 - Added support for PSR scanners' extended CC dump mode - New Parameters: - Audio Buffer Size - This parameter determines how many seconds worth of audio data can be queued during periods when your PC is heavily loaded and TRUNK88 can't process control channel audio in a timely fashion. Buffers sizes from 5 to 3O seconds can be selected. Note: TRUNK88 will automatically increase Audio Buffer Size if it is too small for your usage patterns. - Confirm Quit - When this option is enabled, TRUNK88 will display a confirmation dialog when you use the Quit command. - Include Alias Text In Radio CSV - When this option is enabled, the user-defined radio names are included in any .CSV files that TRUNK88 creates. - Signal Reporting Interval - TRUNK88 can periodically write signal quality / decoding accuracy reports to your system logging files. Valid values for Signal Reporting Interval are: O (no reports are generated), and 1 (a report is generated every minute) through 144O (a report is generated once per day). Signal reports are generated at multiples of the interval period, e.g. if Signal Reporting Interval is 15, reports are generated at OO:OO:OO, OO:15:OO, OO:3O:OO ... 23:45:OO. - FG Activity Display - The FG Activity Display is designed to assist in the identification of new talkgroups and radios; if TRUNK88 is controlling a voice receiver, the FG Activity Display shows the talkgroups and radio IDs for each voice comm that the voice receiver tunes to. If TRUNK88 is not controlling a voice receiver, the FG Activity Display shows the talkgroups and radio IDs for every voice comm. Left-clicking on a talkgroup or radio entry in the FG Activity Display will automatically load its record into the Edit Talkgroup or Edit Radio dialogs. Pressing the Ctrl-X hotkey or left-clicking in an unused area near the right edge of the FG Activity Display will pause or resume the display of comms. The FG Activity Display flashes while paused. The Color field controls the foreground (text) color of the FG Activity Display and the Area 51 parameter normally controls the background color. The FGA Allocation parameter controls how many screen lines TRUNK88 assigns to this display when you use the Ctrl-L auto-layout hotkey. Other parameters that have an influence are FGA Timestamp Size, FGA Scroll Down and Detailed Comms Logging. - FGA Allocation - This parameter controls how much of the screen real estate between the channel activity area and the user input area is used by the FG Activity Display. Valid settings for FGA Allocation are O through 1OO (e.g. it's a percentage). Changes to this parameter take effect when you press Ctrl-L (auto screen layout). - FGA Timestamp Size - This parameter controls how timestamps are displayed in the FG Activity Display. Valid sizes are: O: no timestamps are displayed, 4: timestamps are shown as hhmm only, 6: timestamps are formatted as hhmmss, 8: timestamps are fully formatted as hh:mm:ss. - FGA Scroll Down - The default scroll direction for the FG Activity Display is up (e.g. new entries are added at the bottom); if FGA Scroll Down is enabled, new entries are added to the top of the display and the display scrolls down. 4.79 - added command line options display Entering TRUNK88 /? at a command prompt will generate: TRUNK88 command line options (parentheses indicate optional arguments) /? or /HELP display this command line options summary /AUDIOd(.c) use audio input device and channel /CCDUMPp use serial port

as control channel input /VOICEp((.b).m) voice receiver port =

, baud = , model = .ctlfilename preload selected system control file Examples: select first input device, right channel; controlling 396T on COM1: TRUNK88 /AUDIO1.1 /CCDUMP0 /VOICE1.115200.396 load system file (to view/edit data): TRUNK88 3C08.CTL - Scrollable command options At the main Command prompt and at the System Menu / System Command prompt, you can now use the cursor up/down keys or the mouse scroll wheel to "scroll" through the valid commands. Press Enter to execute a selected command. - Grouped parameters The Edit Defaults command and the System Menu / Edit Settings command now give you the option of accessing TRUNK88 parameters by classification; this lets you get to a particular setting with far fewer keystrokes. Use the cursor up/down keys or the mouse scroll wheel to scroll though the parameter groups. - Decimal frequencies The base frequency and step size fields in bandplans now use decimal points (e.g. "851.0125" rather than "8510125", "15.0" rather than "150", etc.) for user input and control file data. This change means that control files updated by TRUNK88 4.79 can't be used by earlier TRUNK88 versions. - Uniden XT CC dump Support has been added for the new Uniden XT scanners' CC dump feature. - Parameter renamed The PSR Data Serial Port parameter has been renamed to CC Data Serial Port. Use this parameter if you are driving TRUNK88 via a Uniden or GRE scanner CC dump serial datastream. - Sampling rates Added support for 48 kHz and 96 kHz sampling rates. Higher sampling rates do not provide higher decoding accuracy. You should use a sampling rate that generates AutoBaud messages that are very close to 3600 bps; this lets TRUNK88 quickly synchronize to your sound hardware's actual sampling rate. - Audio performance displays Two new indicators have been added. If you haven't made significant changes to the standard TRUNK88 screen layout, TRUNK88 will automatically add these new indicators to line 3 below the "Avg Acc" fields and relocate the "BG FG OSW" logging indicators to the left of the User Input Area. The clipping index ("Clip") shows if an audio stage is being overdriven. Zero indicates no clipping detected. Values under 10 indicate minor clipping. Excessive clipping will impair TRUNK88's ability to clean up weak/noisy signals. Clipping is typically caused by directly connecting (without any attenuation) a discriminator output to a mic in jack. The low frequency response index ("LFR") shows how well your receiver's discriminator circuits and your tap are passing low frequencies to your PC. Values above 90 indicate excellent low frequency response. 80 to 90 = good, 71 to 80 = fair. Lower values suggest that an under-valued DC blocking capacitor is present in the audio chain. Attempting to drive a low impedance line in jack directly from a discriminator tap can also cause poor LFR. As LFR goes down, jitter in the timing data goes up, which can reduce decoding accuracy. If Enable DSP Filter is active, TRUNK88 can compensate for LFR values as low as 30 or 40. - Polarity autodetection Earlier versions of TRUNK88 would take several seconds to start decoding an inverted datastream; decoding is now immediate. - Improved poor signal decoding Various coding changes have been made to better handle weak signals and suboptimal discriminator interfaces. - Soft Hold Pressing F1 triggers a hold on the currently monitored comm; pressing F1 a second time (e.g. while a hold is already in effect) will now toggle between hard and soft hold modes. During a hard hold, the voice receiver will only be tuned to comms made on the held talkgroup or private call. While soft holding, lower priority comms will be tuned to when the traffic you're holding on isn't active. - .WAV file recording Pressing the Ctrl-W hotkey will generate a .wav file recording of the control channel audio. The file, named "TRUNK88.WAV", is created in the folder that you installed TRUNK88 in. Pressing Ctrl-W a second time terminates the recording. The file can be used to diagnose poor decoding performance. Each recording overwrites the file. 4.78 - Control channel comment text added to channel records in system .ctl files. Example: non-SmartZone system: 270, 0, 938.3875, 0, 0, 0, 14 271, 0, 938.4000, 0, 0, 1, 14 ; CC 273, 0, 938.4250, 0, 0, 1, 16 ; CC 274, 0, 938.4375, 0, 0, 2, 0 ; CC (current) SmartZone system: 486, 0, 863.1625, 0, 0, 0, 421 609, 0, 866.2375, 0, 0, 0, 203 649, 1, 867.2375, 0, 0, 2, 0 ; PCC 629, 2, 866.7375, 0, 0, 1, 0 ; ACC *Important Note* Since earlier versions of TRUNK88 didn't record PCC vs ACC status in channel records, previously seen PCC's will be reported as ACC's (like this:) 679, 1, 867.9875, 0, 0, 1, 0 ; ACC <-- should be PCC 670, 2, 867.7625, 0, 0, 1, 0 ; ACC The next time you monitor a zone's control channel, the PCC flag will be set correctly. PCC flags in neighbour zones will also get set. For distant zones that you've monitored in the past, but can't RX now, you can (if you choose to do so) manually fix known PCC records: ;;[Zone 27] Name = "Ipperwash" 485, 0, 142.5900, 0, 0, 1, 0 ; ACC ^ change from 1 to 2 - Fixed a bug in the Ctrl-F display (incorrect statuses being displayed) 4.77 - Additional Features/Functionality - The Control Channel field in channel records now uses the following values: 0: never seen as CC, PCC or ACC 1: non-SmartZone: was CC at some point SmartZone: was ACC when last monitored 2: non-SmartZone: was CC when last monitored SmartZone: was PCC when last monitored - The Alt-F4 Radio IDing hotkey has been changed from an on/off toggle to a tristate toggle. - A Favourite Radios display mode has been added; radio records now have a Favourites Group field - in Edit Radio, use the spacebar to select one of the 36 group IDs (A-Z,0-9). The Ctrl-F hotkey generates a Favourite Radios report in the activity log. The report shows the current affiliation and last status message for each radio in the selected group. Shift-Ctrl-F selects the next populated group. 4.76 - New Parameters (use Edit Defaults / Ctrl-H to display descriptions of these new parameters) Flagged Radio Alert - Additional Features/Functionality - A per-radio alerting option has been added to Edit Radio; it can be used to alert you to activity made by selected radios. 4.75 - New Parameters (use Edit Defaults / Ctrl-H to display descriptions of these new parameters) Audio Input Device Number Voice Receiver Online Keypad Beep Voice Receiver Offline Keypad Beep Voice Receiver Low Battery Warning Background AutoSave Interval Analog Marker Detailed Comms Logging - Additional Features/Functionality - The Max Talkgroups and Max Radios parameters are no longer used. TRUNK88 now supports up to 4k talkgroups and 64k radios per system. - System Connect Tone added as a comment to non-SmartZone system .ctl files. - AutoSave operations now sort system .ctl file contents based on the user's Sort Radios By Talkgroup and Sort By Timestamp settings. - Reworked/reformatted Talkgroup Size display. - Added optional per-zone bandplans to Edit Zone dialog. - Added Apply Current Bandplan (recalculate all system frequencies) to System Menu. - Added error checks to all file I/O operations. - Added Shift-F8 hotkey (toggles voice receiver RF attenuator) 4.73 - added radio status and message tracking - added mouse support - added BCD996T voice following Radio status and message tracking - TRUNK88 tracks the status messages sent by subscriber radios; while viewing a radio record with the Edit Radio command, the Ctrl-A hotkey can be used to display the last message/status for that radio. While editing a talkgroup record, the Ctrl-M and Ctrl-T hotkeys can be used to display the last message or status for each radio affiliated to the talkgroup. Holding down a Shift key while pressing Ctrl-M or Ctrl-T generates a detailed report (includes elapsed time since each message/status was seen) Mouse Support - TRUNK88 will respond to mouse/trackball/etc. input if Use Pointing Device is set to 1 (enabled) via the Edit Defaults command and a password protected Autosave operation isn't in progress. The following mouse inputs are supported: - Vertical Scroll Wheel - The vertical scroll wheel emulates the cursor up/down keys and can be used to scroll through channel/talkgroup/radio records, as well as the default and system parameter lists. - Left click on frequency field - If TRUNK88 is controlling a second receiver, TRUNK88 will respond to a left button click on a displayed frequency in the channel activity area by tuning the voice receiver to that system RF channel. This can be used to listen to BSI broadcasts, etc. Right clicking anywhere or pressing F2 cancels this manual tuning. - Left click on talkgroup or radio field - If TRUNK88 is controlling a second receiver, TRUNK88 will respond to a left button click on a displayed talkgroup name, talkgroup number, radio name or radio number in the channel activity area by tuning the voice receiver so that it follows the group call, private call or interconnect that you clicked on. Right clicking anywhere or pressing F2 cancels the hold. - Ctrl-left click on frequency field - TRUNK88 will respond to a Ctrl left click (left mouse button pressed while either Ctrl key is held down) on a displayed frequency in the channel activity area by bringing up the System Menu / Edit Channels dialogue and selecting the voice channel that you clicked on. - Ctrl-left click on radio field - TRUNK88 will respond to a Ctrl left click on a displayed radio name or radio number in the channel activity area by bringing up the Edit Radio dialogue and selecting the radio that you clicked on. - Ctrl-left click on talkgroup field - TRUNK88 will respond to a Ctrl left click on a displayed talkgroup name or talkgroup number in the channel activity area by bringing up the Edit Talkgroup dialogue and selecting the talkgroup you clicked on. If you clicked on an active patch or multiselect, the supergroup record will be selected. - Shift-left click on talkgroup field - TRUNK88 will respond to a Shift left click (left mouse button pressed while either Shift key is held down) on a displayed talkgroup name or talkgroup number in the channel activity area by bringing up the Edit Talkgroup dialogue and selecting the talkgroup you clicked on. If you clicked on an active patch or multiselect, the patch or multiselect record will be selected. - Left click on event log - TRUNK88 will respond to a left click on any reference to a talkgroup, patch, multiselect or radio in the Background Activity Area by bringing up the editing dialogue for the selected item. 4.65 - New Parameters: - Audio Input Sampling Rate - Selects 22 kHz or 44 kHz audio sampling. Use the Ctrl-H help key for more details. - Audio Input Bits Per Sample - Selects 8 or 16 bit audio sample sizes. Use the Ctrl-H help key for more details. - Audio Input Channel - Selects which audio channel is decoded. Use the Ctrl-H help key for more details. - PSR Data Serial Port - If non-zero, directs TRUNK88 to use serial data from a GRE scanner, rather than the sound card, as a control channel data source. The scanner must be sending data at 115200 bps, 8 bit, no parity. Valid values for this parameter are 0 to 255. - High Visibility Cursor - As the amount of data a console application writes to the screen goes up, Windows' ability to properly display a flashing block cursor goes down. If High Visibility Cursor is enabled, TRUNK88 takes over the job of displaying the cursor, resulting in a clean, easy to see flashing block cursor. - Screen Lines - This is not a new parameter, but it no longer has the limitations that it does in the DOS version of TRUNK88; instead of being limited to values like 25, 28, 43, 50 or 60, it can be any value from about 25 to whatever your screen can handle. - Screen Columns - Unlike its DOS cousin, TRUNK88 is not forced to use an 80 column display; Screen Columns can be set to any value from 80 to whatever your display can handle. Values below 80 cannot be used because the User Input area always requires 80 columns, which puts a lower bound on the number of columns. - Audio Level Meter - This is a vertical bar display which looks much like the S-Meter and Pending Commands Meter displays; it gives an indication of how much audio modulation (from zero to 100%) TRUNK88 is getting from the sound card. 25% to 75% should result in good decoding; you don't want to go too high, as noise bursts could lead to clipping. - Talkgroup Size - TRUNK88 tracks how many radios are currently affiliated to and/or PTTing on each talkgroup or patch; this new parameter controls the display of this information in the channel activity area. Use the Ctrl-H help key for more details. - No Control Channel Alert - If TRUNK88 is unable to decode any OSWs, this alert will sound every 15 seconds to warn you that something is wrong (site died, scanner batteries died, audio cable fell out, etc.) ---