APS104 Active Preselector $999

The Model APS104 is designed for use with Near Field instruments such as HandiCounters® and Communications Interceptors® to dramatically increase the frequency detection distance from a transmitter. The APS104 effectively limits the frequency pass band to 4MHz.

In order to count, a HandiCounter® must see a signal that is at least 10 to 15 dB stronger than the background RF level. When the bandwidth is reduced from 3GHz down to 4MHz, there is an apparent increase in sensitivity (detection or pickup range) because of the much smaller amount of background RF. Whether used with a HandiCounter® or an Interceptor®, the improvement in range is about ten times.

The pass band of the filter is tuned with the dial on top of the unit to the approximate region of interest. Alternatively, it can be swept from 10MHz to 1GHz by turning the knob ten complete revolutions. It is important that the counter has a signal level bargraph to help locate strong signals. Both the models M1 and 3000A have signal level bargraphs. The R10 Interceptor® has a signal strength bargraph as well as a lock light which can be used to locate signals.

Because the APS104 is internally powered from NiCad batteries, it is easily mounted to the back of a HandiCounter®, or Interceptor® for portable use.

The APS104 comes with a comprehensive owner's manual, a special 16VDC wall plug adapter, internal NiCad battery pack, and a high quality six inch BNC to BNC cable.

Typical APS104 Performance
Transmitter TypeCounter onlyCounter with APS104
Cordless Phone2 feet120 feet
CB Radio25 feet500 feet
VHF two way radio80 feet1/4 to 1/2 mile
Cellular phone20 feet250 feet


Frequency Range           10-1000MHz continuous
Bandwidth                 4MHz at -3dB, constant with frequency
Ultimate Rejection        60dB
Gain                      30dB typical
Power Requirements        16VDC Charger/Adapter (supplied)
                          internal 12V NiCad battery pack
Size                      7" High x 4" Wide x 1.5" Deep
All stated specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation

Last updated: May 30, 1996