PRO-32 AM/FM Monitor Receiver Portable Scanner
(200-0133)                 Operation                  Faxback Doc. # 31352


Turn on your Pro-32 by rotating OFF/VOLUME clockwise.  When first turned
on, your Pro-32 might start scanning.

Rotate SQUELCH fully counterclockwise.  You'll hear rushing noise from the
speaker - if not, rotate VOLUME a little further clockwise.  Slowly rotate
SQUELCH clockwise until the noise stops.  Scanning resumes.

Understanding the Display and Keyboard

The liquid crystal display (LCD) on your Pro-32 displays the channel
number, the frequency being received, status of different functions, DELAY
or LOCK OUT, and current operation mode.  As these symbols move on and off
the display, you can see which mode of operation is engaged.

On the display, the line under the bank number shows you which bank you
are working with.  The blue numerals below the bank number on the keyboard
show you the channel numbers in each bank.  Bank 1 holds channels numbered
1 through 20, bank 2 holds 21 through 40, and so on through bank 10, which
holds the channels 181 through 200.

Display Light

Push [LIGHT] to illuminate the display in the dark.  Use this feature
sparingly, since to light the display consumes fairly much amount of the
battery power.

BATTery LOW Indicator

When the battery power becomes low, the BATT LOW appears on the display
and the Pro-32 gives off an alarm sound. Replace or recharge the batteries.

ERROR Indicator

Sometimes when you try to enter a frequency for a channel or as a search
range limit, you will find an ERROR on the display and hear three beeps.
This means the frequency is in error and you won't be able to enter it
into your Pro-32.

Such frequency errors usually mean you've entered a frequency outside the
ranges your Pro-32 operates on (such as 225.00 MHz) or you've put the
decimal point in the wrong place (14.682 MHz instead of 146.82MHz).  Check
carefully to find your mistake and then press [CLEAR].  You can now enter
the correct frequency.

The ERROR indicator also appears when you try to enter the channel number
outside those the Pro-32 operates on (such as Channel 250).

Note:  All the settings of delay/lockout/speed/priority/skipping banks are
       retained when you turn the power off.  The next time you turn the
       Pro-32 on, the same settings as when you turned the unit off are
       still in effect.

About those Banks . . .

The PRO-32 has ten banks for storage, plus an eleventh bank for temporary
storage.  Think of it this way, like storing gold in a bank.  You have so
much gold one safety deposit box cannot hold it all.  So you rent
additional safety deposit boxes. When you have filled all the boxes in one
bank, you put the spill over into another bank.

Suppose you are still searching for additional gold.  If you are undecided
about the disposition of a gold strike, whether to store it or spend it,
you can place it in a special services bank for temporary storage.

Permanent-Memory Storage Banks

Your PRO-32 has a comparable storage system for radio frequencies.  It has
10 banks and each bank has 20 storage compartments (like safety deposit
boxes) which are called channels. Into each bank you can safely deposit as
many as 20 frequencies.  Because there are 10 banks with 20 channels each,
you can ultimately store a total of 200 frequencies.  The blue numbers on
the keyboard indicate which channels are allocated to each bank.  When the
frequencies have been stored, you can scan the banks to find a specific

Temporary-Memory Storage Banks

In the search mode, when you discover a new frequency, you can place it in
the temporary storage bank.  Think of this eleventh bank, special services
bank, as the MONITOR Bank. It not only helps you, in a rapid search, store
new frequencies, it also performs rapid transfer to the any of the other
ten banks.  On the display, MONITOR indicates that you have moved to this
bank.  When in the monitor mode, the ten numbers at the top of the display
represent ten channels in which newly-discovered frequencies may be stored

Note:  Monitoring can only be accomplished in conjunction with "search."
       See "Storing Frequencies in Monitor Channels."

The underline symbol indicates the channel in which the frequency will be

Operating Modes

There are four separate operating modes on the PRO-32 . . . programming .
manual . scanning . searching.

Programming Frequencies

The programming of the PRO-32 is as simple as 1-2-3.  Be sure the KEY LOCK
switch is in the KEY (unlock) position.

1.  Select the desired channel.

2.  Press [PGM] to enter programming mode.

3.  Enter the desired frequency and press [ENTER].

Note:  If you are uncertain about specific frequencies in your local,
       RadioShack's "Police Call Directory Including Fire & Emergency
       Services" is an excellent reference.

Example for Programming a Frequency (frequency 162.55 MHz into channel 20)

Step 1.  Select the channel in one of three ways:

         a.  Press [MANUAL].  Continue pressing until the display shows
             channel 20.

             Press [PGM].

         b.  Press [2] [0] [MANUAL].

             Press [PGM].

              - or -

         c.  Press [PGM].
             Press [2] [0].
             Press [PGM].

Step 2.  Press the keys 1 6 2 . 5 5.

Step 3.  Press [ENTER].

To program the next frequency, move to another channel in this way:

  Press [PGM] to advance to the next channel.

Repeat the same steps to add more frequencies.

Hints and Tips for Programming

When you make a mistake while entering a number, press [CLEAR] and reenter
the correct frequency.

If you enter a frequency that is outside a Pro-32 band range, ERROR
indicator lights with a beeping sound.  Press [CLEAR] and select another

Any frequency within a Pro-32 band range will be accepted.  However, the
frequency that can be stored into Pro-32 memory is in 5kHz steps in the
VHF band, 25 kHz steps in the AIR bands and 12.5kHz steps in the UHF
bands.  The scanner will automatically round off the entered frequency to
the closest valid frequency.  For example, if you enter 125.2345 MHz, the
Pro-32 will accept this entry as 125.2250 MHz.  Or the entry 398.2630 MHz
will be treated as 398.2625 MHz.

The tuning range of your Pro-32 is permanently stored in the micro
processor chip.  There's no way it can be altered or extended - even by a
skilled electronics technician.  So if you try to enter a frequency not in
the Pro-32's tuning range, you'll get an error message every time.

If you want to change the frequency entered for a specific channel, enter
the new frequency over the old one, following the steps under Programming

After entering all the desired frequencies, you may wish to set the KEY
LOCK switch to LOCK to prevent accidental changes to your program.  At the
lock position, the Pro-32 will ignore all the keys pressed, except the
remote keys.

Manual Mode

When you want to stay on a frequency, either in scan mode or search mode,
press [MANUAL].  In the manual mode, you can manually advance through the
memory channels by pressing [MANUAL] repeatedly.  Or enter the channel
number and press [MANUAL] to reach the desired channel directly.  Also
note that in manual mode you can access locked out channel(s) or skipped

Remote Keys

When the KEY LOCK switch is in the LOCK position,  you can still operate
the scanner by using the Remote Keys on the top of the scanner.  These
include SPEED, SCAN, and MANUAL keys.

Scanning Frequencies

Your Pro-32 will automatically scan all the channels you have programmed
and stop whenever it finds a signal.

IMPORTANT: Your Pro-32 won't scan unless SQUELCH is set to the point where
           no sound is heard between transmissions, that is, no "hiss"

To stop scanning, press [MANUAL].  Then you can select a specific channel
you want to listen to.  Enter the channel number, then press [MANUAL].  Or
press [MANUAL] and continue pressing until you reach the frequency you


In the scanning mode, your Pro-32 will stop when it finds a channel with a
signal.  As soon as the signal ends, it immediately begins scanning other
channels.  Most transmissions are part of a two-way communication.

Press [DELAY] when you wish to hold a channel you are listening to.  Your
Pro-32 will then hold the channel at least two seconds after each
transmission, giving you time to listen.

DELAY appears on the LCD to show that the delay function is engaged for
the selected channel.

To release the delay function, press [DELAY] again.  It disappears from
the display.

Speed Selection

When the power switch is turned on, the scan speed is set to 8 channels
per second.  Pressing [SPEED] alternates the scan speed between 4 channels
per second and 8 channels per second.

Locking Out Frequencies (Skipping Frequencies)

You might want your Pro-32 to skip certain frequencies while it's
scanning, such as continuously transmitted weather broadcasts.  To lock
out such channels, follow these steps:

1.  Press [MANUAL] to stop scanning.

2.  Continue pressing [MANUAL] until you reach the channel you want to
    lock out.  If you know the channel number, this can be done more
    quickly.  Enter the channel number and then press [MANUAL].

3.  Press [L/OUT].  LOCK-OUT appears in the display, indicating this
    channel will be skipped during scanning.

NOTE:  In manual scanning, you can access the locked out channel(s).

To release the lockout function:

1.  Press [MANUAL] to stop scanning.

2.  Advance to the channel that is locked out.

3.  Press [L/OUT] again.  LOCK-OUT disappears from the display.

You can lock out as many channels as you like.  But there must be at least
one channel that is not locked out in each bank.  The last channel in a
bank cannot be locked out.

Skipping Banks

At initial "power on", all the banks are available to be scanned.  You can
skip one entire bank while scanning.  This is convenient when there are no
frequencies entered in the bank.

There is no need to scan through it.  You do not use the LockOUT key to
skip Banks.  Instead, you follow this procedure:

Turn power on.

Press the number key corresponding to the bank to be skipped.

The corresponding bank number indicator disappears from the display and
the entire bank is skipped.

Press the number key again to restore the bank.

Each number on the keyboard has figures in blue.  These figures show the
channel numbers that are allocated to that particular bank.

As with the lockout function, you cannot skip all banks.  The "last" bank
cannot be skipped.


You can scan other channels and still not miss a transmission of special
interest to you (police, fire, ambulance, etc.).  If a call is received on
the priority channel while you are scanning other channels, your Pro-32
will automatically switch to the priority channel.

Programming Priority

At initial 'power on', Channel 1 is set as the priority channel. So if you
enter the frequency of particular interest on Channel 1, you need not set
the priority channel.

If you want to use another channel as the priority channel, press [PGM],
enter the channel number, and press [PRI].  Only one channel is set as the
priority channel.  If you enter a new priority channel, the previous 
priority channel is automatically cleared.

Press [PGM].

Press the channel number [2][0].

You can verify the priority channel by pressing [PGM] then [PRI].  The Ch
on the display blinks when you scan the priority channel.

Press [PRI].

Using Priority

The priority function is available only in scan or manual mode.  Press
[PRI] to activate this function.  PRIORITY appears on the display.  The
Receiver will check the priority channel and switch to it if a signal is
received on it.

Press [PRI].

To cancel priority, press [PRI] again.  PRIORITY disappears from the

Press [PRI].

NOTE:  All the settings of delay/lockout/speed/priority/skipping banks are
       retained even when you turn the power off.  The next time you turn
       the power on, the same settings, as when you turned the Pro-32 off,
       are in effect.

Searching with your Pro-32

To search for transmissions, press [PGM], enter limits of frequency range,
and press [/\] or [\/] to activate "search".

Press [PGM].

Press [LIMIT].

Enter the lower limit of the frequency range to be searched.

Press [ENTER].

Press [LIMIT].

Enter the upper limit of the frequency range to be searched.

Press [ENTER].

Activate "search" by pressing [/\] or [\/].  [\/] starts from the highest
frequency and goes down.

[/\] moves in the opposite direction.

Press [SPEED] to accelerate or to slow down the search.


Search stops when a signal is picked up on a frequency.  As soon as the
signal ends, searching resumes.  Most transmissions are part of a two-way
communication.  Delay allows for pauses between transmissions.

Press [DELAY] when you wish to stay with a frequency.  Your Pro-32 will
hold the frequency at least two seconds after each transmission, giving
you time to listen.

Press [DELAY].

To release the delay function, press [DELAY] again.

If you wish to restart the search function before the transmission ends,
you can do so by first pressing [LIMIT] then either [/\] or [\/].

To re-program the frequency range press [PGM]; press [LIMIT].  Each
depression of [LIMIT] moves the - - - up or down on the display.

When - - - is at the top of the display, enter the upper frequency.

When - - - is at the bottom of the display, enter the lower frequency.
Press [ENTER] to lock it in memory.

Storing Frequencies in Monitor Channels

Your Pro-32's Temporary Memory Storage Bank has 10 monitor channels.
During search, you can store one frequency to each channel.

1.  To search for transmissions, press [PGM].  The 10 numbers at the top
    of the display now function as channels in which new frequencies may
    be placed for temporary storage.

    Enter limits of frequency range, and press [/\] or [\/] to activate

2.  When the search stops on a frequency you want, to store it, press

    This freezes search, and records the frequency in one of the monitor

3.  LCD displays:

       MONITOR 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
                     4 5 2 . 6 6 2 5 MHz

    The frequency found is stored in the channel number with the underline.

4.  Press [/\] or [\/] to resume searching.  If you find another frequency
    of interest, press [MON] again to store it in the next monitor channel.

Repeat the steps to store the desired frequencies in the monitor channels,
1 through 10. If you repeat the step beyond the tenth channel, the channel
reverts to 1, and you will write the new frequency over the old one, and
the old frequency will be erased.

Moving Frequencies from Monitor Channels to Permanent Memory

You can move a frequency from a monitor channel to permanent storage
simply by pressing [ENTER].  You do not have to write down the frequency
and then enter it number by number.

First, enter the program mode.  Then select the channel in which you wish
to store the newly found frequency. Second, recall the monitored frequency
to the display.  Third, press [ENTER] to store the frequency in permanent

To do this, follow these steps in the proper sequence:

1.  Press [PGM].

    Press the channel number you want to use.  Then press [PGM] again.

2.  Press [MON].

3.  Press [MON] as many times as required to arrive at the monitor channel
    that contains the frequency you want moved to permanent storage.  Or,
    because you are now in the monitor mode, you may use the keyboard to
    select the number of the monitor channel.  You will see the frequency
    that you want moved on the display.

4.  Press [ENTER].  This entry programs the frequency into the permanent
    memory channel.

5.  If you want to store more frequencies, select another memory channel
    by keying in the number and [PRG].  Then follow steps 2 through 4

The frequencies in the monitor channels will remain unchanged until you
wish to search for, and enter, new frequencies.

When you wish to verify the transfers, return to the permanent memory
display by pressing [MANUAL].  The display shows you have returned to the
normal mode.  The word, BANK, appears at the top of the display.  Press
channel number and [MANUAL] to check the memory content of a specific

(EB 12/02/98)

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