PRO-2036 200-Channel  
(200-0412)             Manually Storing Frequencies    Faxback Doc. # 37576


1. If ENTER LOCK is ON, set it to OFF.
2. If SCAN is displayed or the scanner is scanning, press MANUAL.
3. If the LOCK indicator is on, press LOCK.  The scanner beeps softly and 
   LOCK turns off.
4. Press FREQ/CHAN until the CHAN indicator turns on.  The scanner beeps 
5. Turn the rotary tuner until the display shows the channel you want to 
6. Using the number keys, enter the frequency you want to store in that 
7. Press E to store the frequency.  The display shows the frequency and the 
    channel it is stored in.

* If you entered an invalid frequency in Step 6, the scanner dispalys the 
channel number and ERROR.  After a few seconds, ERROR disappears and the 
previously stored frequency is displayed.  Simple repeat Steps 6 and 7.

* If you try to enter a frequency you already entered in another channel, 
CH and the channel number where the frequency is already stored flash on 
the display.  Simple choose another frequency and repeat Steps 6 and 7.

* Your scanner automatically rounds the entered frequency to the nearest 
valid frequency.  For example, if you try to enter a frequency of 151.473, 
your scanner accepts it as 151.475.

8. Press MANUAL, then repeat Steps 5 through 7 to store more frequencies 
   into channels.

* If you are storing frequencies in sequential channel numbers, you do not 
have to turn the scanner's rotary tuner to select the next channel.

9. When you finish storing frequencies, set ENTER LOCK to ON to prevent 
   accidentally shanging them.

(SM 07/06/2000)

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