DX-342 9-Band Portable Receiver
(200-0217)                 Listening Guide            Faxback Doc. # 39592

Listening Hints

Shortwave listening requires no special knowledge or skills, but your
enjoyment increases as you gain experience and develop special listening

The information in this section can help you make the most of your 
listening time.


Many books and magazines about shortwave listening are available at your
local library or news stand.  Consult sources such as the World Radio
Handbook, Radio Amateur's Handbook, Passport to World Band Radio, 
Monitoring Times, and Popular Communications.  These publications can help
you learn about the conditions that make long-distance reception possible
and provide up-to-date listings for shortwave broadcasts in English and
in foreign languages.


Certain portions of the radio spectrum are set aside for specific purposes.

Note:  Bands are often referred to by wavelength.  For example, the 19-meter
       band refers to the range of frequencies whose waves are about 19
       meters long.

International Frequencies

International commercial broadcasts are found in the following bands.  
Programming (often in English) usually contains news, commentaries, music,
and special features reflecting the culture of the broadcasting country.
You might find it easiest to hear these broadcasts between 6:00 p.m. and
midnight (your time).

Band                              Frequency Range

49 meters                         5.950 - 6.200 MHz
41 meters                         7.100 - 7.300 MHz
31 meters                         9.500 - 9.900 MHz
25 meters                       11.650 - 12.050 MHz
21 meters                       13.600 - 13.800 MHz
19 meters                       15.100 - 15.600 MHz
16 meters                       17.550 - 17.900 MHz

International stations share 7,100 - 7,300 kHz.  Interference is heavy in
this range.

Time Standard Frequencies

The following frequencies announce the exact time of day at specified

Station                            Frequency

WWV in Fort Collins                10,000 kHz
Colorado                           15,000 kHz
CHU in Canada                       7,335 kHz
VNG in Australia                   12,000 kHz


The tuning location of a station can be expressed in frequency (kHz or MHz)
or in wavelength (meters).  The following information can help you make
the necessary conversions.

To convert from MHz to kHz, multiply by 1,000.  For example:

9.62 MHz x 1000 = 9620 kHz

To convert from kHz to MHz, divide by 1,000.  For example:

5950 kHz / 1000 = 5.950 MHz

To convert from MHz to meters, divide 300 by the number of MHz.  For

300 / 7.1 MHz = 42.25 meters

The following list contains some of the more frequently heard stations. 
All stations operate in English unless otherwise specified.

You can hear these stations throughout North America.  However, reception
varies based on the season, time of day, and a number of other conditions.
This information can change at any time.  For sources of yearly, up-to-date
listings, see "Reference Sources."

kHz          Station               Location               Remarks

5,950        Guyana
             Broadcasting          Georgetown
             Service               Guyana

5,954        Radio Casino          Puerto Limon,
                                   Costa Rica

5,960        Radio Canada          Montreal, Canada

5,980        Radio RSA             Johannesburg,
                                   South Africa

6,005        CFCX                  Montreal, Canada

6,025        Radio Malaysia        Kuala Lumpur,         Programs in
                                   Malaysia              Chinese

6,045        Radio Australia       Lyndhurst,

6,055        Nihon Shortwave       Tokyo, Japan          Programs in
             Broadcasting                                Japanese

6,060        Radio Nacional        Buenos Aires,         Programs in
                                   Argentina             Spanish

6,075        Radio Sutatenza       Bogota, Colombia      Programs in

6,090        Radio Luxembourg      Ville Louvigny

6,095        Polskie Radio         Warsaw, Poland

6,105        Radio New Zealand     Wellington, New

7,140        Trans World Radio     Monte Carlo 

7,170        Radio Noumea          Noumea,                Programs in 
                                   New Caledonia          French

7,300        Radio Tirana          Tirana, Albania

9,515        Voice of Greece       Athens, Greece

9,525        Radio Korea           Seoul, South Korea

9,530        Spanish Foreign       Radio Madrid,
             Radio                 Spain

9,535        Swiss Radio           Berne,
             International         Switzerland

9,540        Radio Prague          Prague,

9,570        Radio Bucharest       Bucharest,

9,575        Italian Radio         Rome, Italy
             and Television

9,610        Radio-TV Algeria      Algiers, Algeria       Programs in

9,620        Radio Berlin          Berlin, East
             International         Germany

9,645        Radio Norway          Oslo, Norway

9,720        Radio Iran            Tehran, Iran           Programs in

9,745        HCJB                  Quito, Ecuador 

9,770        Austrian Radio        Vienna, Austria

9,800        Radio Kiev            Kiev, USSR

9,835        Radio Budapest        Budapest, Hungary

11,655       Israel Radio          Jerusalem, Israel

11,690       Radio Kuwait          Kuwait, Kuwait

11,705       Radio Sweden          Stockholm, Sweden

11,720       Radio Moscow          Moscow, USSR

11,735       Radio Sofia           Sofia, Bulgaria

11,745       Voice of Free         Taipei, China

11,815       Radio Japan           Tokyo, Japan

11,825       Radio Tahiti          Papeete, Tahiti        Programs in

11,835       4VEH                  Cap Haitien,

11,845       Radio Canada          Montreal,
             International         Canada

11,850       Deutsche Welle        Cologne,
                                   West Germany

11,890       Voice of Chile        Santiago, Chile

11,900       Radio RSA             Johannesburg,
                                   South Africa

11,910       BBC                   London, England

11,930       Radio Havana Cuba     Havana, Cuba

11,935       Radio Portugal        Lisbon, Portugal

11,945       Radio Peking          Peking, China

11,955       Voice of Turkey       Ankara, Turkey

11,980       Radio Moscow          Moscow, USSR

15,135       Radio Moscow          Moscow, USSR

15,165       HCJB                  Quito, Ecuador

15,190       ORU                   Brussels, Belgium

15,205       All India Radio       New Delhi, India

15,260       BBC                   London, England

15,265       Finnish Radio         Helsinki, Finland

15,275       Radio Sweden          Stockholm, Sweden

15,305       Swiss Radio           Berne, Switzerland

15,310       Radio Japan           Tokyo, Japan

15,320       Radio Australia       Melbourne, Australia

15,400       BBC                   London, England

15,430       Radio Mexico          Mexico City, Mexico    Programs in

15, 465      Radio Pakistan        Islamad, Pakistan      Programs in

17,720       Radio France          Paris, France

17,825       Vatican Radio         Vatican City

17,860       Austrian Radio        Vienna, Austria


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