PRO-44 Programmable Scanner
(200-0304)                 Special Features           Faxback Doc. # 39623


Many agencies use a two-way radio system that might have a period of several
seconds between a query and a replay.  To program a delay to keep from miss-
ing a reply on a specific channel, select the channel and press ./DLY so DLY
appears on the display. The scanner pauses for two seconds on a channel pro-
grammed with a delay.

Manually Selecting A Channel

You can continuously monitor a specific channel without scanning.  This is
useful if you hear an emergency broadcast on a channel and do not want to
miss any details - even though there might be periods of silence - or if
you want to monitor a specific channel.

To manually select a channel, press MANUAL.  Enter the channel number and
press MANUAL again. Or, if the scanner is scanning and stops at the desired
channel, press MANUAL one time.  Pressing MANUAL additional times causes
your scanner to step through the channels.

Locking Out Channels

You can increase the scanning speed by locking out channels that you have
not yet programmed.  Manually select the empty channel and press L/OUT so
L/O appears on the display.  This is also handy for locking out channels
that have a continuous transmission, such as a weather channel.  You can
still manually select locked-out channels.

To remove the lock-out from a channel, manually select the channel and
press L/OUT so L/O disappears from the display.

Battery-Saving Feature

Your scanner has a special battery-saving feature.   When you have manually
selected a channel, if the scanner does not detect a signal within 5 seconds
and you do not press a key, the scanner enters the standby mode.

In this mode, the scanner rests for 1 second and then checks for a signal
for 1/4 second.  The scanner continues to do this until you press a button
or it receives a signal.  During standby, the scanner uses only 30 percent
of the normal power consumption.

(EB 5/20/97)

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