TRC-401 Portable Emergency CB Radio
(210-1588)                 Troubleshooting            Faxback Doc. # 47607

With proper care and handling, your CB should give you years of trouble
free service.  However, if your CB is not working properly, follow these
suggestions to see if you can eliminate the problem.  If you still have a
problem, take the CB to your local RadioShack store for assistance.

Problem:                      Suggestion:

Not transmitting well.        Fully press PUSH TO TALK.

                              Secure the antenna connection.

                              Fully extend the antenna.

Not receiving well.           Secure the antenna connection.

                              Fully extend the antenna.

Distorted or unclear sound.   This may be caused by SSB (single side band)
                              transmission on your channel.  Try another
                              channel.  (Common SSB channels are Channels
                              16 and 36-40.)

CB does not operate at all.   Turn VOLUME clockwise to turn on the CB.

                              Check the power connection.

                              Replace the blown fuse in the power cord.
                              See "Replacing the Power Cord's Fuse" in
                              Faxback Doc. # 47608.

Because your CB is exceptionally quiet, any noise you hear is probably
from an external source in your vehicle -- the ignition, another radio,
spark plugs, and so forth.

You can determine the source of the noise by turning off the engine and
operating the CB with the ignition set to ACC.  If most or all of the
noise goes away, the problem is in your vehicle's ignition or electrical
system.  Here are a few hints to help you reduce or eliminate such noise:

  Do not route the power cord next to the antenna wire.

  Be sure the antenna's magnetic base is securely attached to a metallic
  surface.  If you use an antenna other than the magnet-mount type, be
  sure that the vehicle battery's ground connection is secure.

  Try replacing old ignition wires with new, high-voltage, noise
  suppression ignition wires.

  Install noise suppressors on your spark plugs or install spark plugs
  that have built-in suppressors.

  If problems persist, check your alternator/generator and regulator
  gauges.  Noise from these sources can be reduced or eliminated using
  bypass capacitors at the various voltage points.

(LB/eb 5/12/98)

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