Noise-Cancelling Dynamic CB Microphone
(210-1177)                 Plug Wiring                Faxback Doc. # 47893


The following chart shows the function of the pins in the microphone
cord's DIN plug.  This information is provided in case you need to rewire
the plug to be compatible with CB brands other than RadioShack, or with
various business band, ham, and broadcast transceivers and PA equipment.

IMPORTANT:  Do not cut the microphone's wires.  If you cut any wire, you
            cannot obtain a refund or exchange on this product.
            RadioShack will provide warranty service if you cut a wire and
            find the product is defective.

           Button Out               Button in
Pin #      (Receiver)               (Transmit)

 1       Shield/Ground            Shield/Ground

 2       Connected to Pin 4       Floating Free

 3       Floating Free            Grounded to PIN 1

 4       Connected to Pin 2       Audio "Hot"

 5       Grounded to Pin 1        Floating Free

CAUTION:  If you are unsure about how to rewire the plug, do not risk
          damaging your equipment and possibly violating FCC regulations.
          Take your microphone, this owner's manual, and the transmitting
          device to your local RadioShack store for service.  Only an
          accurate circuit analysis can ensure proper compatibility
          between the microphone and the device to which you connect it.

(BR/eb 5/27/98)

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