PRO-2048 200-Channel Programmable Home Scanner
(200-0417)                 Understanding Scanner      Faxback Doc. # 47903

Once you understand a few simple terms we use in this manual and
familiarize yourself with your scanner's features, you can put the scanner
to work for you.  You simply find the communications you want to receive,
then set the scanner to scan those frequencies.

A frequency is the tuning location of a station (expressed in kHz or MHz).
To find active frequencies, you can use the limit search function which
lets you search within a specific range of frequencies or the direct
search function which lets you search up or down from the currently
displayed frequency.

When you find a frequency, you can store it into a permanent memory
location called a channel, which is grouped with your other channels in a
channel-storage bank.  You can then scan the channel-storage banks to see
if there is activity on the frequencies stored there.  Each time the
scanner finds an active frequency, it stays on that channel until the
transmission ends.

Another option is to store the frequency into a temporary memory location
called a monitor memory until you decide to move it to a channel.

Just keep in mind - you search frequencies and scan channels.


This look at the scanner's front panel will help you understand each
control's function.

VOLUME                  Sets the scanner's volume

SQUELCH                 Adjusts the scanner's receiver sensitivity to help
                        you eliminate background noise.

SCAN                    Starts scanning through the stored channels.

MANUAL                  Stops scanning and lets you manually enter a
                        channel number.

L/O/SEARCH SKIP         Turns the selected channel's lockout function on
                        and off, or skips a specified frequency during a
                        limit or direct search.

DELAY                   Programs a 2-second delay for the selected

PRI/HYPER SEARCH        Sets and turns on and off the priority function
                        for a particular channel, or selects the
                        HyperSearch speed.

MON                     Stores frequencies into and accesses the 10
                        monitor memories.

LIMIT                   Used to set the lower or upper limit during
                        frequency searches.

SPEED                   Changes the scanning or search speed.

POWER                   Turns the scanner on and off.

(/\)  (\/)              Enters the up or down direction in the search

Number Keys             Each key has a single-digit label and a range of
                        numbers.  The single digits are used to enter a
                        channel or a frequency.  The range of numbers
                        (21-40, for example) above the key indicates the
                        channels that make up a channel-storage bank.

./CLEAR                 Enters the decimal point in a frequency or clears
                        an incorrect entry.  Also used when you initialize
                        the scanner.

ENTER                   Enters programmed frequencies into channels.

PGM                     Programs frequencies into channels.

WX                      Searches through the seven preprogrammed weather

DATA                    Turns the data skip feature on and off.


The display's indicators show the scanner's current operating mode.

MON                     Appears when you listen to a monitor memory.

BANK                    Appears with numbers (1-10) next to it to show
                        which channel-storage banks are turned on for

SCAN                    Appears when you scan channels.  Blinks when the
                        scanner is in the HyperScan mode.

MANUAL                  Appears when you manually select a channel.

PROGRAM                 Appears while you program frequencies into the
                        scanner's channels.

P                       Appears when you are hearing a priority channel.

CH                      Digits to the left of this indicator show which
                        channel the scanner is turned to.

MHz                     Digits to the left of this indicator show which
                        frequency the scanner is turned to.

PRIORITY                Appears when you turn on the priority channel

LOCKOUT                 Appears when you manually select a locked channel,
                        or during a search hold when the frequency is
                        stored in search skip memory.

DATA                    Appears while the data skip function is turned on.

DELAY                   Appears when you program a channel for a
                        two-second delay before scanning or when you
                        listen to a channel programmed with the delay

WX                      Appears when the scanner is in the weather band

(/\) and (\/)           Indicates the search direction.  Blinks in the
                        high speed search mode.

SEARCH                  Appears during a limit (-L-) or direct (-d-)
                        search or weather scan.  Blinks in the HyperSearch

Error                   Appears when you make an incorrect entry.

Lo                      Appears when you program the lower limit for a
                        frequency search.

Hi                      Appears when you program the upper limit for a
                        frequency search.

-h-                     Appears during a direct search hold.

-H-                     Appears during a limit or weather search hold.


You can store up to 210 frequencies into your scanner's memory.  This
scanner has 200 channel memories and 10 monitor memories.

Channel-Storage Banks

To make it easier to identify and select the channels you want to listen
to, channels are divided into 10 channel-storage banks of 20 channels
each.  Use each storage bank to group frequencies, such as the police
department, fire department, ambulance services, or aircraft (see "Guide
to the Action Bands" in Faxback Doc. # 17653).

For example, the police department might use four frequencies, one for
each side of town.  You could program the police frequencies starting with
Channel 1 (the first channel in Bank 1) and program the fire department
starting with channel 21 (the first channel in Bank 2).

Monitor Memories

The scanner has 10 monitor memories.  You can use these memories to
temporarily store frequencies while you decide whether or not to store
them into channels.  This is handy to quickly store an active frequency
when you search through an entire band.  You can manually select these
memories, but you cannot scan them.  See "Searching For and Temporarily
Storing Active Frequencies" below.

(BR/eb 5/27/98)

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