SCT-540 Dual Cassette Dubbing Deck
(140-0678)                 Troubleshooting            Faxback Doc. # 56166

If the cassette deck is not working as it should, the following 
suggestions might help.  If you follow the suggestions in this chart and 
the cassette deck still does not work properly, contact your local Radio 
Shack store for assistance.

Problem                  Probable Cause              Suggestion
No sound while the tape  Volume of stereo receiver   Adjust the volume.
is operating.            /amplifier is set to "0".

                         Input function switch of    Set the input
                         amplifier is not set to     function switch to
                         TAPE.                       TAPE.

Strange tone quality or  Noise reduction switch is   Set the noise
ragged sound.            not in the correct          reduction switch to
                         position.                   match the appropriate
                                                     kind of recorded tape
                                                     you are using.

REC cannot be operated.  Erase-protection tabs are   Cover the erase
                         removed.                    prevention tab slots
                                                     with adhesive tape.

Low volume or weak       Tape heads are dirty.       Clean the tape heads.
sound with mute

Poor operation of skip   Mute recorded length be-    Increase the mute
function.                tween two successive music  length so that it is
                         selections is not longer    longer than 4 seconds
                         than 4 seconds.             or use a tape that
                                                     has a mute length
                                                     which is longer than 
                                                     4 seconds.

(EB 8/3/99)

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