PRO-90 300-Channel Trunk Tracker Scanner
(200-0520A)                Operation                  Faxback Doc. # 60722

Turning On The Scanner and Setting Squelch

Note:  Make sure the scanner's antenna is connected before you turn it on.

1.  Turn SQUELCH fully clockwise.

2.  Turn VOLUME/OFF clockwise until it clicks and you hear a hissing sound

3.  Press MANUAL and turn SQUELCH counterclockwise, then leave it set to a
    point just after the hissing sound stops.

Notes:  If you have not stored frequencies into any channels, the scanner
        does not scan.

        If the scanner picks up unwanted, partial, or vary weak 
        transmissions, turn SQUELCH counterclockwise to decrease the
        scanner's sensitivity to these signals.  If you want to listen
        to a weak or distant station, turn SQUELCH clockwise.

        If SQUELCH is adjusted so you always hear a hissing sound, the
        scanner does not scan properly.

Storing Known Frequencies Into Channels

Good references for active frequencies are the Radio Shack "Police Call
Guide including Fire and Emergency Services," "Official Aeronautical
Frequency Directory," and "Maritime Frequency Directory."  We update these 
directories every year, so be sure to get a current copy.

Note:  To store trunking system frequencies, see "Programming Trunked
       Frequencies" on Faxback Doc. # 60724.

Follow these steps to store frequencies into channels.

1.  Press MANUAL, enter the channel number where you want to store a
    frequency, then press MANUAL again.  The channel number appears.

2.  Use the number keys and (.) to enter the frequency (including the
    decimal point) you want to store.

3.  Press E to store the frequency into the channel.

    Notes: If you made a mistake in Step 2, Error appears and the scanner
           beeps when you press E.  Simply start again from Step 2.

           Your scanner automatically rounds the entered frequency to the
           nearest valid frequency.  For example, if you enter a frequency
           of 151.473, your scanner accepts it as 151.475.

           Press DELAY if you want the scanner to pause 2 seconds on this
           channel after a transmission ends before it proceeds to the
           next channel (see "Delay" in Faxback Doc. # 60723). The scanner
           also stores this setting in the channel.

4.  If you want to program the next channel in sequence, press MANUAL and
    repeat Steps 2 and 3.

Limit Search

If you do not know a frequency to store, you can search for transmissions 
within a range of frequencies you select, called the limit search range. 
Then you can store any interesting frequencies you find into channels.

1.  Press MANUAL, enter the channel number where you want to store a
    frequency, then press MANUAL again.  The channel number appears.

2.  Use the number keys and (.) to enter the frequency that is the lower
    limit of the range you want to search.

3.  Press LIMIT.

4.  Use the number keys and (.) to enter the frequency that is the upper
    limit of the range you want to search.

5.  Press LIMIT, then press SRCH.  The scanner begins to search from the
    lower limit to the upper limit.

6.  When the scanner stops on a transmission, quickly press either:

       E to store the displayed frequency into the channel.  The scanner
       stores the frequency and continues searching.

       /\ or \/ to stop searching so you can listen to the transmission.
       HOLD appears.

       To release hold and continue searching, press SRCH.

Notes: To step through the frequencies while HOLD appears, press /\ or \/.

       If you tune to a search skip frequency, L/O appears.  See "Locking
       Out Channels and Frequencies" in Faxback Doc. # 60723.

       To skip data signals (such as modem signals), press DATA.  See
       "Skipping Data Signals" in Faxback Doc. # 60723.

Scanning Service Banks

You can scan for police, fire/emergency, aircraft, marine and weather
transmissions even if you do not know the specific frequencies that are
used in your area.  And, you can store any of the frequencies you find
into channels.

Your scanner has the following preprogrammed service banks.

  POLICE - contains 1,079 police frequencies.

  FIRE/EMG - contains 280 fire and emergency service frequencies.

  AIR - contains 2,319 aircraft and air service frequencies.

  MRN - contains 65 marine frequencies.

  WX - contains 7 weather frequencies.

To select a service bank, press SVC.  A service bank's name (POLICE, FIRE/ 
EMG, AIR, MRN or WX) and one of the preset police frequencies appear. 
After a 2-second delay, scanning begins.  To select another service bank, 
repeatedly press SVC until the scanner displays the name of the bank you 
want to use.

Notes: In the marine band, the active frequency and its marine channel
       number alternately appear.

       To skip data signals (such as modem signals), press DATA.  See
       "Skipping Data Signals" in Faxback Doc. # 60723.

       Because frequencies are not always assigned to the same services
       everywhere, you might hear transmissions from one service in
       another service group.

If necessary, press SCAN to start scanning immediately or to continue
scanning if you want to skip a frequency.

During service-scan, you can press HOLD to pause the scanning.  HOLD 
appears.  Press /\ or \/ to move up or down one step or press SCAN to 
resume scanning.

Follow these steps to store frequencies into channels.

1.  Press MANUAL.  HOLD appears.

2.  Use the number keys to enter the channel number (1-300) where you want
    to store the frequency, then press MANUAL.

3.  Press SVC to select a service bank and begin scanning.

4.  When the scanner stops on a transmission, press HOLD.  The frequency

5.  Press E to store the frequency into the channel.

Scanning The Stored Channels

To begin scanning channels, press SCAN. The scanner scans through all non 
locked channels in the activated banks.  When the scanner finds a 
transmission, it stops on it.  When the transmission ends, the scanner 
resumes scanning.

Note:  To scan in the trunk tracking mode, see "Scanning a Trunked Bank"
       in Faxback Doc. # 60724.

Manually Selecting A Channel

You can continuously monitor a single channel without scanning.  This is
useful if you hear an emergency broadcast on a channel and do not want to 
miss any details - even though there might be periods of silence - or if 
you want to monitor a specific channel.

Follow these steps to manually select a channel.

1.  Press MANUAL.

2.  Enter the channel number.

3.  Press MANUAL again.

Or, if your scanner is scanning and stops at the desired channel, press
MANUAL one time.  (Pressing MANUAL additional times causes your scanner
to step through the channels.)

To resume scanning, press SCAN.

Deleting A Stored Frequency

1.  Press MANUAL.

2.  Use the number keys to enter the channel number containing the
    frequency you want to delete.  Then press MANUAL again.

3.  Press 0, then press E.  The frequency is deleted.

Note:  Channels with no frequencies are automatically locked out during

(GLW EB 8/4/00)

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