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The Mason's Magnetic Manipulation of the Mains
The link between Boss Tweed,
The Empire State Building,
and recent Water Mains Breakages in New York City.

What happened to this enormous sum of money?

Where did it go? What did Boss Tweed do with it? Well, here's where things get interesting. William Marcy Tweed, head of the Tweed Ring (AKA The Tammany Ring) was a very shrewd man. Upon his "election" as Mayor he realized two things. First he recognized that his vision of New York City as THE fatted calf waiting for the slaughter was all too accurate. Second he knew that if his and Tammany Hall's choke hold on the city was to endure for more than a few years they would require more than political and monetary influence to back them up. He knew they would require a physical manifestation of their power on a city-wide scale. But what form could this possibly take? What force could be strong enough to effect an entire city?

Thomas Alva Edison, well respected American businessman... Enter the Wizard of Menlo Park, Thomas Edison. In the 1870's Edison already had an impressive reputation. He was also based in New York City and was therefore a subject of Boss Tweed. To this particular subject and technological genius Tweed posed the question, "What can I do, what can I build that will make Tammany Hall the incontrovertible ruler of this enormous cash cow? What will give future men in office no choice but to agree to our demands?" Edison was a good man but when Boss Tweed asked you a question, even one about how to subjugate the largest city on the eastern seaboard, you answered. And, in fact, Edison's answer to this question so pleased Boss Tweed that Tweed rewarded him with a monopoly on the city's supply of electricity. Edison's answer would also take half a century and all of Boss Tweed's embezzled funds to complete.

Edison's scheme was as follows: under the guise of improving the city's Water and Power and Gas supplies (and they were much in need of improvement) lay out new water, power, and gas mains. BUT when you lay them, do not follow a simple, logical grid system. Instead lay them according to a convoluted and precisely designed pattern which I, Thomas Edison, will provide. This pattern, when subjected to specific High Energy Radio Frequency (HERF) pulses, will resonate in such a fashion that specific points on the pattern will be under such stress as to be destroyed. The points affected can be chosen depending on the frequency and direction of the HERF pulse. The only catch is that the HERF pulses have to originate from not only the most powerful radio source in the city but also from a point high above any interference caused by buildings.

Thus for the next 50 years under a succession of Tammany mayors Edison's plan was effected. Edison himself supervised all stages of implementation and died in 1931 as the plan reached completion (another "coincidence?") The city's water, gas, and power mains were re-laid (the mains that just burst were all roughly 100 years old) according to Edison's pattern. And in 1929, a Tammany Hall Grand Sachem by the name of Alfred E. Smith began the construction of the Empire State Building using the last of Tweed's funds supplemented by moneys embezzled from the city in the previous fifty years. And what do you suppose they placed on the top of the tallest building in the world inside it's radio tower? That's right, the HERF gun (incidentally, for those of you that are interested: a recent issue of Forbes states that HERF gun technology has been rediscovered and details its power and uses.)
...or maniacal kook at the hands of his first HERF gun??!!