Is world's most powerful radio transmitter
weapon of doom or instrument of peace?

  A top-secret U.S. government experiment with ionosphere heating has the power to disrupt normal human thought processes, jam global communications systems, change weather patterns, affect human health and impact the earth's upper atmosphere, charges a new book by authors Jeane Manning and Dr. Nick Begich.

  The project is called HAARP, or High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, and is essentially the reversal of a radio telescope. Instead of receiving signals, it sends them out. It is an active test of a super-powerful radio-beam technology that can actually lift areas of the ionosphere by heating them with focused energy beams. Electromagnetic waves then bounce back to earth -- with many possible unknown effects.

  Based in remote Alaska, the HAARP research station consists of 36 antennas pointed skyward, the first phase of a modular, expandable system that will become the world's most powerful radio trasmitter. Government documents unearthed by the researchers for their book, "Angels Don't Play This HAARP," reveal the project will alter the ionosphere in fundamental ways. Unintended effects of tampering with this natural atmospheric shield could be cataclysmic, say some scientists. Nobody is really sure how this big experiment will turn out.

  "The military is going to give the ionosphere a big kick and see what happens," says Alaskan anti-HAARP activist Clare Zickuhr.

  So how come so few of us have heard anything about HAARP? According to the Rocky Mountain News, the project is one of the 10 best-kept secrets of the U.S. government -- a joint project of the Air Force, Navy and the University of Alaska. But much of the contracting for the project is handled by a company called Arco Power Technologies Inc., a subsidiary of Atlantic Richfield. APTI holds patents for "making nuclear-sized explosions without radiation" and weather modification by manipulating the ionosphere.

  HAARP was deliberately sited directly under the aurora borealis, the atmospheric glow known as the northern lights. Its designers claim it will someday be able to communicate with submarines, remotely sense underground structures such as tunnels and oil deposits, prolong the life of satellites, boost radar and serve as an anti-missile defense shield.

  The Russians have been working on similar projects for the purpose of mind and weather control. Recently a top Russian scientist boasted of his nation's advanced research into so-called "plasma" weapons. The ionosphere is an active electrical shield protecting the planet from the constant bombardment of high-energy particles from space. This conducting "plasma," along with earth's magnetic field, traps the electrical plasma of space and holds it back from going directly to the surface of the planet, explains Dr. Begich.

  Could HAARP actually be used for mind control? One potential military use of the HAARP system is the production of high-power electronic oscillations that could seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations in selected regions over an extended period, says Dr. Begich.

  One wonders if such a scheme might tie in with general Bible prophecies about the great deception in which the whole world accepts an Antichrist figure as God. But, more specifically, could such a weapon be the cause of the confusion cited by Zechariah on the battlefields of the last great war? (Zechariah 10:5)