Re: [TSCM-L] {2355} 1000 bugging operations a day

From: Carl H. Matthews <>
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 03:37:32 -0800 (PST)
Why do you Americans prefer to think of any other country as "police state" ? Look what happens to any foreigner who wants to enter your country - you get fingerprinted, photographed and sometimes nastily "interrogated", even if you are a greencard holder, as I am. Watch the so-called "security" at the airports (yes, the U.S started this after 9/11and forced all other nations to comply) which are heavily trained to see only suspects and nothing else. Even if one is handicapped, as I am, they are suspects. I cannot walk without a cane and without shoes, as I am half paralysed after a stroke - still they force me to take my shoes off - just because I am a suspect ! I am as dangerous as a Marshmallow - and still I am a suspect.
And we all know that these "security measures" are of no real use and still we have to obey and bend over and even pay for "the service".
The basic philosophy of a "police state" is that everybody is guilty until proven innocent. Look at the current situation in the U.S and dare to deny that it is exactly like that. 
So please stop your arrogance towards other people and countries and solve your own problems first. And no, I am not Swiss, I am Austrian but as I read your statements and comments I am pretty sure you have no idea about Europe anyway.
BTW - Mr. Atkinson, I find your web site very interesting and your thoughts very inspiring.

"James M. Atkinson" <> wrote:

1000 bugging operations a day

Security services and other public bodies carry out up to 1000
bugging operations every day in Britain.

The latest report from the Interception of Communications
Commissioner has shown that security services and other public bodies
carry out up to 1000 bugging operations in Britain every day.

Written by Sir Paul Kennedy, a former Lord Justice of Appeal who took
over as the spy watchdog in April 2006, the report covers bugging
operations over a period of 264 days in 2006, during which time an
average of 960 new applications for interception were made each day.

A total of 653 public bodies can lawfully request personal
communications data. They include every police force and prison and
474 local authorities as well as the security and intelligence
agencies. A total of 253,557 requests for such information were made
in the last nine months of 2006, the latest figures available reveal.

Bugging is usually carried out by MI5, MI6, GCHQ and the police and
most people are targeted on suspicion of terrorism or serious crime.

Senior council officers however are also given the power to authorise
surveillance in order to catch fly-tippers, benefit fraudsters and
rogue traders. In the nine months to the end of 2006, 122 councils
sought to obtain private communications in more than 1,600 cases.

Communications data has provided crucial evidence which has led to
the arrest and conviction of kidnappers, rapists and paedophiles,
helped prevent murders and gather intelligence on terrorism at home
and abroad, the report stated.

On allowing intercept evidence to be used in court, Sir Paul said:
"At present, I am firmly of the opinion that the benefits of any
change in the law are heavily outweighed by the disadvantages. With
one exception, everyone to whom I have spoken in the course of my
visits seems to be of the same opinion."

The director of public prosecutions, most MPs, some senior police
officers and human rights groups want the product of intercepts to be
admissible in criminal trials. They argue that such evidence would
avoid the need for lengthy detention without trial.

The Conservatives and other groups including civil rights group
Liberty have argued that permitting intercept evidence in court would
help convict more terrorists, as well as other serious criminals.

World Class, Professional, Ethical, and Competent Bug Sweeps, and
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James M. Atkinson Phone: (978) 546-3803
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We perform bug sweeps like it's a full contact sport, we take no prisoners,
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