Status Update

From: James M. Atkinson <>
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 15:08:23 -0400

Lesson learned: When you are sick as a dog, and running a 103 degree
fever and haven't been able to stop coughing for several weeks straight,
DO NOT go on a fscking bug sweep or there is a high risk that you will
get to visit the emergency room by ambulance and get to stay in the
hospital for an extended period while they try to undo the bug that
tried to get you.

By the way, if you have had pneumonia with fever for several weeks, do
not go into the basement of an old damp, chemical filled, moldy, dirt
floor, New England colonial era mansion basement for a three day sweep,
the results that emerges a week afterwards are just not nice.

Please repeat after me... "I must not go on a sweep when I have a fever,
I must not go on a sweep when I have a fever, I must not go on a sweep
when I have a fever, I must not go on a sweep when I have a fever, I
must not go on a sweep when I have a fever, I must not go on a sweep
when I have a fever, I must not go on a sweep when I have a fever, I
must not go on a sweep when I have a fever, I must not go on a sweep
when I have a fever"

I am back, pissed off, but doing well.

What a fucking year.


James M. Atkinson
President and Sr. Engineer
Granite Island Group
Received on Sat Mar 02 2024 - 00:57:19 CST

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