Re: [TSCM-L] {5328} Tuition (corrected and updated)

From: John Young <>
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2011 08:55:29 -0500

Reports are that CIA spends $500,000 to $1 Million to run an officer
through The Farm's basic spying, lying, stealing and crippling school,
then through advanced training of a few -- or many years for the all too
frequent dullards -- in fronting offices and impersonation and laying
low in universities, corporations, NGOs and other government agencies,
then several trial runs of testing by stationing in foreign positions under
the same cover, with refresher courses, as you say, along the way.

Counter-spying is extra, TSCM permitted for the very few truly gifted
non-verbal geeks willing to avoid sunlight of all kinds -- most recruits
are vainglorious unemployable-elsewhere liberal arts inepts best
qualified to write hyper-fictional, insane conspiracy theories as
analysts and regional experts to be deployed as briefers to Congress
and transient office squatters equally dullard and avid for pulp fiction
about world threats. A few years at the foreign service academy
of the State Department polishes these rought cuts into simulacra
of sophisticated idlers and party goers for mingling at the UN and
other abysmally useless embassy, consulates and sinkholes of

Most spies, limited to the dipshit conceit of word-and-text-play, hate
the TSCM techies and their gadgets, are extremely suspicious of
them for refusing to share goodies, and ceaselessly complain to
HQ about being cut out of the back channels behind the back

Your graduates will be offered almost irresistable offers to spill
TSCM beans to the all-too-literate crowd, led always by the supremo
literacy and lying thugs, lawyers, fully equipped with means and
methods of coercion: words, words and more words. TSCMers
have the capacity and the gadgetry to tune that crapola out as
incoherency of idiots.

I imagine your courses will be silent except for machinic bleebs and
human grunts, hoots, laughter and farts, with a fine levied for anyone
who speaks grammatically or writes legibly-- sure sign of a lying SOB
out to steal the fruit of priceless labor.

If you allowed a university to run your show they would triple the
price and pay you minimally. Think CIA University as an example.

At 01:11 AM 2/20/2011 -0500, you wrote:
>Tuition has been set at $59.52 per student, per hour through to the end of
>Training materials and equipment are proprietary trade secrets, and
student must
>sign a non-disclosure agreement on the first day of each class or they
will not
>be allowed into the course, or allowed access to the course materials. The
>course materials to be taught will be distributed to the students each
>at 7:30 AM, but only the materials that will be covered that day will be

>provided on a day by day basis.
>The only prerequisites for the two fundamentals course is merely the
ability of
>the student to read, write, speak, and understand English, but some level of
>technical or intelligence background. It is assumed that the students
lacks a
>technical background, and while the course will not focus on teaching basic
>electronics there will be sufficient coverage to permit the students to
>understand advanced topics. All other courses have the prerequisite of the
>course before it.
>Two week TSCM intensives (84 hours per session lectures, 30 hours classroom
>benchtop, 30 hours supervised labs, 24 hours supervised practicuum) .
>Certification only possible after completing all prior stages of training,
>then undergoing a rigorous board verbal and written examination and series
>real world practical exercises.
>Equipment will not be leased or loaned to students until they have been
>completed suitable training on that item, and demonstrated their
competency to
>the instructor.
>The basic course sequence is 2,384 hours, involving 27 weeks for the basic
>courses during the initial cycle.
>The annual re-certification is performed at the appropriate level (2
weeks), or
>the student seek to re-certify at all levels each year over 8 weeks
>September 2011 - Rockport Schedule
>{712 hour Telephone Program}
>TSCM Telephone Fundamentals - (168 hrs - 2 solid weeks)
>TSCM Telephone Intermediate - (168 hrs - 2 solid weeks)
>TSCM Telephone Advanced - (168 hrs - 2 solid weeks)
>TSCM Telephone Certification - (40 hrs - 1 week, good for 2 years)
>November 2011 - Rockport Schedule
>{712 hour RF Search and Analysis Program}
>TSCM RF Fundamentals - (168 hrs - 2 solid weeks)
>TSCM RF Intermediate - (168 hrs - 2 solid weeks)
>TSCM RF Advanced - (168 hrs - 2 solid weeks)
>TSCM RF Certification - (40 hrs - 1 week, good for 2 years)
>January 2012 - Rockport Schedule
>{376 hour Physical Search and Inspection Program}
>TSCM Physical Search - Basic - (168 hrs - 2 solid weeks)
>TSCM Physical Search - Advanced - (168 hrs - 2 solid weeks)
>TSCM Physical Search Certification - (40 hrs - 1 week, good for 2 years)
>February 2012 - Rockport Schedule
>{208 hour Advanced Protocols Program}
>TSCM Protocols, Procedures, and Practicuum - (168 hrs - 2 solid weeks)
>TSCM Protocols, Procedures, and Practicuum Certification - (40 hrs - 1 week,
>good for 2 years)
>March 2012 - Rockport Schedule
>{376 hour Vehicle Search and Inspection Program}
>TSCM Inspections of Sedans - (168 hrs - 2 solid weeks)

>TSCM Inspections of Light Trucks and Vans - (168 hrs - 2 solid weeks)
>TSCM Inspections of Motor Vehicles Certification - (40 hrs - 1 week, good
for 2
>April 2012 - Rockport Schedule
>{Normally taken each year at a level equal to experience, but all levels
may be
>take in a row, each year at the students choosing}
>TSCM Supervised Annual Practicuum/Refresher - Level One - (168 hrs - 2 solid
>weeks) - First two years
>TSCM Supervised Annual Practicuum/Refresher - Level Two - (168 hrs - 2 solid
>weeks) - After Years 3 and 4
>TSCM Supervised Annual Practicuum/Refresher - Level Three - (168 hrs - 2
>weeks) - After five years
>TSCM Supervised Annual Practicuum/Refresher - Level Four - (168 hrs - 2
>weeks) - After ten years
>August 2012 - Cambridge Schedule (track one - analysis)
>(Each class is 168 hrs long - 2 solid weeks)
>Intelligence Analysis - Level I - Fundamentals
>Intelligence Analysis - Level II - Organized Criminal Enterprises
>Intelligence Analysis - Level II - Financial Manipulation Systems
>Intelligence Analysis - Level II - Terrorism and Insurgency
>Intelligence Analysis - Level III - Computer and Access Incidents
>Intelligence Analysis - Level III - Counterintelligence Analysis
>Intelligence Analysis - Level IV - Political
>Intelligence Analysis - Level V - Micro Economics
>Intelligence Analysis - Level V - Macro Economics
>Intelligence Analysis - Level V - Intellectual Property, Patents, and
>Intelligence Analysis - Level VI - Insurgency, Riots, and Revolution
>Intelligence Analysis - Level VI - Diplomatic
>Intelligence Analysis - Level VII - Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals
>Intelligence Analysis - Level VII - Computers and Personal Electronics
>Intelligence Analysis - Level VIII - Open Source Business Analysis
>Intelligence Analysis - Level VIII - Corporate Human Intelligence Operations
>Intelligence Analysis - Level IX - Passive Signals Intelligence
>Intelligence Analysis - Level IX - Active Signals Intelligence
>James M. Atkinson
>President and Sr. Engineer
>"Leonardo da Vinci of Bug Sweeps and Spy Hunting"
>Granite Island Group
>(978) 546-3803
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