Hotels Revisited

From: James M. Atkinson <>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 22:58:55 -0400

A list member asked me to expound on the following issue a little more.

Hotels have 6 times throughout the day that travelers need to know about.

The first time is the "checkout time", and if you ask the front desk
nicely you can often get them to extend the checkout time by a few
hours. This is helpful when you get stuck out at the client site till
3 AM, and need a few extra hours of sleep before you checkout and get
on the road. However, never wait until the last minute to request a
later checkout time because they may so no. My rule is that if I need
to sleep in late for some reason that I ask the night manager for the
later checkout time (and write down his name, data, and time). I
suggest that you also wake up several hours before the hotels
checkout time and confirm that they have you set up for a late check
out, and ask them to keep the maids away until after you depart.

The second time is the "make up time" which is when the maids service
the rooms. If your staying late in the hotel then you really don't
want hour keeping banging on the door when your trying to grab a
couple of hours of sleep. Find out what time housekeeping normally
hits your room, and have then leave you alone until you are out of the room.

The third time is the hours where you can score a free breakfast
hotel. All of your major hotel chains do this now, and some hotels
even have breakfast bags that you can grab-and-go (I prefer both the
sit down breakfast, and then a bag for the road).

The fourth time is usually in the mid afternoon, and if the earliest
check in time, but many hotels will let you check in way early so
long as you are staying with them for several days, or they know you
as a guest. As a rule you want to be checked in to your hotel as
early as possible, and if you are a business traveler and the hotel
has available rooms many will let you check in at 10 or 11 AM in the
morning which allows me to comfortably leave the house at 4 AM, drive
down to White Plains, NY and check in to my favorite hotel at 8:30
AM, and be at the client site at 9 AM to start the sweep.

The fifth time to keep an eye on is the "confirmed time" where is the
time the hotel expects you to arrive before and check in, or they
ding your credit card. Some hotels also calls this a guaranteed check
in time, that once you reach this time they go ahead and charge your
credit card for the light.

Then after this we have the "mid-evening ratio" time which is the
percentage of hotel rooms occupied by a certain time (such as 7 PM),
which is usually one hour after the "guarantied check in time" (such
as 6 PM). If your try to obtain a room after this time you are going
to get a lesser quality room (if at all), and will not be paying a
discounted rate for it.

The eighth time you need to concerned with is the "lot time" which
the parking lot is about half full, and the time that it is desirable
for you to be parked and back in your room. The front desk can give
you best idea as to when this time it.

Always stay at the best quality of room possible that you can find,
with preference to the major national hotel chains that cater to
business executives.

At times you may also find it desirable to stay a good 30 miles away
from the job site to further frustrate the eavesdropper.


   World Class, Professional, Ethical, and Competent Bug Sweeps, and
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