Re: [TSCM-L] {2368} Residence RFfield

From: James M. Atkinson <>
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 17:44:47 -0500


You need to obtain a digitally tuned shortwave radio that you can tune down to the frequency range you are concerned with, and preferably one that you can tune down to around 9-10 kHz.

You can also use a spectrum analyzer such as the older Tektronix 7L5, or somethng more modern such as the ESA, PSA, XSA, RTSA, or SDR (fairly expensive). If you are just getting started in TSCM the Tek 7603 mainframe with a 7L5, 7L12 or 7L13 and a 7L18 set of plug in will give you an inexpensive measurement solution.

Either way you want to start by measuring the signal that is half the frequency you are interested in (in this case 18.5 kHz), and then measure 3x and 4x this frequency (in this case 55.5 kHz and 74 kHz). What you are trying to do is see if the 37 kHz is a harmonic of a lower frequency signal, or is it the fundamental or originating). Once you determine what the original signal is you will want to measure each of ten or more harmonics up the spectrum from the fundamental (up to at least 370 kHz in this case).

At the frequencies you mention I would suspect that the signal is originating from a florescent lighting fixture or bulb, but it could also be part of the meter-reading system for his water or electric meters.

If is also possible that the frequency meter is malfunctioning, and also possible that what you are picking up is the sub-carrier signal of a local FM radio station (at 38 kHz) that is being pickup and rectified on the building wiring, or that you are very close to a military base and are picking up of VLF/ELF transmissions.

In any event your going to have to determine exactly what the frequency is of the originating signal, the harmonics involved, and the exact voltage levels involved, and what kind of modulation (if any) is present.

To provide an optimal pickup of the signal you will need to use a shielded magnetic lop antenna, tunable bandpass filter, and a pre-amplifier.


At 03:57 PM 1/30/2008, wrote:
Folks, I need some advise from the more experienced in the group. I am new to TSCM.
A client has an RF field throughout his house. The RF field radiates/reflects from every metal object in the house. The house wiring radiates through the electrical outlets, light switches, etc. Even towel racks, and door knobs are radiating the field to some degree.
I have been able to determine that there are more then one frequency involved. I get a 37khz  measurement, and higher.
He is concerned about a bug, and the health aspects of a RF field in the house.
Il have to re-check after I get some advise as to what to be looking for.
The electricity went out in the house and the general neighborhood. Measurers indicated that the RF field was still present. It is always strong enough to cause the RF receiver to show a field. Its only a matter of intensity.
I have thought I located the transmitter, only to find I found a pipe running up through the hosue up to the attic and venting out the roof. It was just radiating the RF.
What must I look for, what can this be. There is more then one frequency at work hear.  I need advise as to how to proceed on a major budget.
Jeff Warshal
FaxTrac Information Services

  World Class, Professional, Ethical, and Competent Bug Sweeps, and
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