Re: [TSCM-L] {1724} Re: Have Hat, No Smog

From: tammy johnson <>
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 19:20:11 -0700 (PDT)
Didn't I just see an email about a patented system the military was using that could send messages through microwaves I believe it was? Was this a hoax? Or is it real? Anyone?

"James M. Atkinson" <> wrote:

I have had potential sweep customers (that I turned away) explain how
they have a full metal shielded suit where they took a white lab
bunny-suit, sewed balls of steel wool to every square inch of it, and
then wrapped all of it in sections of woven copper screen which they
dutifully stitched to the steel wool.

I don't know where they got the idea to attach steel wool to the
contraption, but some tome of wisdom claims that the corrosion in the
steel wool pads stops the incoming signals, and channel it to the
copper mesh, which you of course have to connect to a known good
ground via water pipe , etc, etc... Years ago the medical community
used wet steel wool pads as the conductors during electroshock
therapy, so someone pushing the use of the wool pads may be launching
off on something they had experience with 30 years ago in some
backwater asylum.

I can just see some poor soul encased in one of these steel wool
suits, standing in a pool of water, trying to plug his suit into a
phase line to get this to quiet down in his head.

It's amazing the extent that someone will go to when they don't want
to follow their doctors advice to get psychiatric help.

As a rule, if someone comes to you and claims that "mind
molestation", "electronic harassment", "electronic assault", or other
mechanism of mischief whereby they feel that someone is beaming
energy at them, bathing them in microwaves, reading their minds,
injecting thoughts into them, claiming special psychic abilities, or
otherwise exhibiting related phenomena you should listen carefully to
what they say, listen to what they tell you (as opposed to what they
say), and be respectful, but also be firm with them and explain that
what they are telling you is not possible, and that they are either
misinformed (on this technology) or that they are suffering from a
medical problem that they need to talk to a medical doctor in regards to.

Don't use the word psychologist or psychiatrist if at all possible
when dealing with these folk, but respectfully refer to a
psychiatrist as a "medical doctor" (which they are), and a
psychologist as a "specialist" (but take care not to use the word
"medical"). Although, if your customer or potential customer is
hearing voices, seeing visions, having foreign thoughts, or other
manifestations of mental illness they need to be dealing with a
psychiatrist only, and not wasting their time with their
significantly less skilled brethren (the psychologists).

Along these same lines if a customer or potential customer indicates
that they have experience real or imagined physical harm then you
need to direct them to the medical community ASAP and not to let them
try to manipulate you into endorsing their delusions. By "endorsing
their delusions" I mean that they may try to manipulate or trick you
into telling them they do not need to be in the care of a medical
person, or they may try to manipulate you into doing a sweep for them.

This does not mean that you should try to psychoanalyze your
customers, but rather let them tell you what they think is going on,
and if any of it sounds like mental problems then point them to their
nearest hospital, and back away from them. If you are uncertain about
the engagement then ask them to have their attorney handle the
engagement where you work for the attorney, and explain to the
attorney (your new employer) what your concerns are.

In some cases the customer is merely fearful, but otherwise perfectly
healthy, and all they need is for you to perform the sweep and give
them some piece of mind and some guidance in technical matter (like
not using cordless phones). Fear can distort reality, and fear can
feed on itself until it takes on a life of its own. Someone who has
seen one too many spy movie, or spent a little too much time of the
web forums can honestly belive that their is some magic black box
that can read their thoughts when in fact it is the wireless intercom
system that is responsible for their problems.

Listen to what you are told, listen to what they are saying, be
respectful, don't automatically assume that someone is mentally ill,
and show some compassion... but know your limits, and when in doubt
steer them to the medical community.


At 07:18 PM 6/18/2007, kondrak wrote:

>Which "X" category do we put her in?
>Since the body is a continual electric circuit, nerves, brain etc. why
>wouldn't she need other protection lower than her head. I read about
>this one some months ago, and believe she's more than delusional.
>James M. Atkinson wrote:
> >
> > Her hat needs to be a lot tighter
> >
> >
> >
> > It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
> >
> > -jma

World Class, Professional, Ethical, and Competent Bug Sweeps, and
Wiretap Detection using Sophisticated Laboratory Grade Test Equipment.
James M. Atkinson Phone: (978) 546-3803
Granite Island Group Fax: (978) 546-9467
127 Eastern Avenue #291 Web:
Gloucester, MA 01931-8008 E-mail:
We perform bug sweeps like it's a full contact sport, we take no prisoners,
and we give no quarter. Our goal is to simply, and completely stop the spy.

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