Re: [TSCM-L] Tracking Devices

From: Edith Dinn <>
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2007 14:30:03 -0800 (PST)
Hello Simon Foster: Private Equity

Consider alternatives. Minimize the risk by trading on systems where you do not leave clients information. Download selected trading platforms every time your people need to trade clients accounts. Foil works if location is known.

Like in Forex, you could use leased laptops for entries and exits on all positions, trading the largest accounts.

Your desktops could be used only for research and analysis, assisting the decision making process, however not for trading or accounts information storage.

Your countermeasures idea is fine. They are plenty of tracking devices in this business, new ones appear from time to time. However, preventive measures, avoiding tragedy by Always Protecting your Clients First is a Better Strategy.

San Francisco wrote:

Dear TSCM group,

We are appealing for information and assistance after yet another break in over Christmas we are now looking at setting a trap for the burglar by placing a tracking device into a computer cabinet, we are hoping that if the system might work like those used to track cars might be able to give us the location to find out who is stealing our equipment, we fear it may be one of our 200 staff but we do not know they are very very cunning we have CCTV and alarms, we are going to try to play smarter if you know any good equipment that could be used bearing in mind we are UK based please could you let us know.

The system must have an excellent range.


Simon Foster

SER Private Equity
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