Re: [TSCM-L] Hello Group, I need help to find TSCM Telphone portection

From: Edith Dinn <>
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2006 22:16:41 -0700 (PDT)
Hello Jammer:
Most likely you could find this at the ASIS conference this weekend.

Jammer <> wrote:

I need help to find a Phone Wiretap Defeat System similar to the
WTT-3000 of CCS.

Theory of operation:
Most wire taps are activated when the voltage of your phone line drops
as you pick up the receiver. So we installed a voltage regulation
system to stabilize the voltage electronically. When you pick up the
phone receiver, the voltage on your line remains unchanged, and the tap
will not activate itself.
The WTT-3000's LCD display shows you the amount of voltage operating
through your line at all times.
The Wire Tap Trap also defeats tape recording devices that may be
trying to record your conversations. By creating sine wave interference
known as "Pink Noise", the WTT-3000 makes it impossible to record your
voice when you use the phone.

I need this:
1-Voltage regulation system
2-Sine wave interference known as Pink Noise

I don`t have good relation with them, so I don`t want to buy to this
company. I search in ISA, REI and Auditel, but I can`t find this

Thank`s for all


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