Job Interview

From: James M. Atkinson <>
Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2009 21:30:02 -0500

  An applicant is seeking employment as a TSCM specialist with
Granite Island Group is being interviewed.

The person doing the interview says: "Your qualifications all look
good, but there is an attitude suitability test that you must take
before you can be accepted."

Then, sliding a service pistol across the desk, he says:

"Take this pistol and go out and shoot six illegal aliens, six meth
dealers, six terrorist extremists, and a rabbit."

"Why the rabbit?"

"Great attitude," says the interviewer. "When can you start?"

   World Class, Professional, Ethical, and Competent Bug Sweeps, and
Wiretap Detection using Sophisticated Laboratory Grade Test Equipment.
  James M. Atkinson Phone: (978) 546-3803
  Granite Island Group Fax: (978) 546-9467
  127 Eastern Avenue #291 Web:
  Gloucester, MA 01931-8008 E-mail:
  We perform bug sweeps like it's a full contact sport, we take no prisoners,
and we give no quarter. Our goal is to simply, and completely stop the spy.
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