Ahhh... just maybe

From: Marty <marty..._at_prodigy.net>
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2012 10:16:50 -0800 (PST)

Kevin Wetzel
SLC Security Services LLC
 On Jan 9, 2012 1:17 PM, "Marty" <marty..._at_prodigy.net> wrote:

> Hi Gang
> The main purpose of this post is to see if there is still any interest
> in my products. I'm supposed to be retired but my hands haven't
> fallen off or brain fall out.. I know a lot of people think the brain
> thing happened years ago. When I closed my company a couple of years
> ago I still had lots of parts and pieces left over. It would be a
> shame to waste them. My plan is to putter along and make products
> that might be of interest. At the moment I have several 1059's,
> 2050CA's and SCD-5's sitting on the work bench. They will sell for
> from 1/2 to 2/3 their original price. You can view the data sheets on
> any of my products by going to www.martykaiser.com/prod~1.htm and
> scrolling to the product of interest. If you have any comments or
> questions about my products contact me direct at
> marty..._at_prodigy.net. I will not respond to any inquires through
> the list.
> Onward, Marty

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<p>I need a 1059 for sure. Can u email me offlist. I tried to email but it =
<p>Kevin Wetzel<br>
SLC Security Services LLC<br>
<div class=3D"gmail_quote">On Jan 9, 2012 1:17 PM, &quot;Marty&quot; &lt;<a=
 href=3D"mailto:marty..._at_prodigy.net">marty..._at_prodigy.net</a>&gt; wrote:<b=
r type=3D"attribution"><blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"margin:0 =
0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">
Hi Gang<br>
The main purpose of this post is to see if there is still any interest<br>
in my products. =A0I&#39;m supposed to be retired but my hands haven&#39;t<=
fallen off or brain fall out.. I know a lot of people think the brain<br>
thing happened years ago. =A0When I closed my company a couple of years<br>
ago I still had lots of parts and pieces left over. =A0It would be a<br>
shame to waste them. =A0My plan is to putter along and make products<br>
that might be of interest. =A0At the moment I have several 1059&#39;s,<br>
2050CA&#39;s and SCD-5&#39;s sitting on the work bench. =A0They will sell f=
from 1/2 to 2/3 their original price. =A0You can view the data sheets on<br=
any of my products by going to <a href=3D"http://www.martykaiser.com/prod~1=
.htm" target=3D"_blank">www.martykaiser.com/prod~1.htm</a> and<br>
scrolling to the product of interest. =A0If you have any comments or<br>
questions about my products contact me direct at<br>
<a href=3D"mailto:marty..._at_prodigy.net">marty..._at_prodigy.net</a>. =A0I will=
 not respond to any inquires through<br>
the list.<br>
Onward, Marty<br>

Received on Sat Mar 02 2024 - 00:57:28 CST

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